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Aji Love C.




A. Make a simple concept map showing the potential and realized impacts of
nanotechnology on society.
B. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Would you subject yourself to gene therapy without its 100% assurance of effectiveness or
future negative effects? Why or why not?

I would not subject myself to gene therapy without its 100% assurance of effectiveness or
future negative effects because I have weak immune system that is very prone to diseases which
can possibly happen if I use gene therapy. Apart from that, gene therapy is very expensive that I
couldn’t afford. I am contented with the recent medicines for diseases which has more assurance,
proven and affordable.

2. Should gene therapy be limited to medical concerns only or could it be used for aesthetic

In my own opinion, it is fine to also use gene therapy for aesthetic purposes because
based on the researchers, “In the near future it can be used in for both medical and cosmetic
purposes. Gene therapy also finds its applications for aesthetic purposes. The area includes the
beautification of humans”. I believe there’s nothing wrong if you would use gene therapy for
aesthetic purposes as long as you can afford it, you work hard for the money, you know its side
effects to your skin and most importantly, it will boost your confidence. I also believe, being
aesthetic is not only for you to just look “good”, it is deeper from what others think, it’s about
the confidence, self-love, happiness and lesser insecurities that you might get in gene therapy.

3. Among the various forms of gene therapy, which do you think has the fewest ethical
concerns? Why?

For me, the somatic gene therapy has the fewest ethical concerns because it is focused on
targeting body (somatic) cells such as bone marrow or blood cells. This type of genetic alteration
cannot be passed to a person’s children. In short, it is not genetic and cannot further affect your
future kids or family. Unlike germline gene therapy that targets egg and sperm cells which would
allow the genetic changes to be passed to future generation. It might affect the development of a
fetus in unexpected ways or have long-term side effects that are not yet known. Because people
who would be affected by germline gene therapy are not yet born, they can’t choose whether to
have the treatment. Because of these ethical concerns, the U.S. Government does not allow
federal funds to be used for research on germline gene therapy in people.

4. Do you think the government should fund researches on human germline gene therapy? Why
or why not?

In my own opinion, government should fund researches on human germline gene therapy
because it is a very delicate gene therapy as it can be passed in the person’s kids or future
generation. Therefore, they need to know every side effects of germline gene therapy because a
person’s whole life may depend on it. They can only do further and extensive research if the
government would fund them. It is also better to have extensive research about germline gene
therapy if ever it will become common in the future.

C. Complete the following metacognitive phrases.

1. For me, nanotechnology and gene therapy are beneficial to global health because it
creates faster cure for diseases. Nanotechnology is also seen as a boon since these can help with
creating what is called smart drugs. These helps cure people faster and without the side effects
that other traditional drugs have. You will also find that the research of nanotechnology in
medicine is now focusing on areas like tissue regeneration, bone repair, immunity and even cures
for such ailments like cancer, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases. It also has the
potential to bring major advances in medicine. Nanobots could be sent into a patient's arteries to
clear away blockages. Surgeries could become much faster and more accurate. Injuries could be
repaired cell-by-cell. It may even become possible to heal genetic conditions by fixing the
damaged genes. Nanotechnology could also be used to refine drug production, tailoring drugs at
a molecular level to make them more effective and reduce side effects. While the gene therapy
can be beneficial to global health because it can treat the “untreatable” diseases. Gene therapy is
potential miracle worker when we start to look at its full potential for humanity. It offers us the
opportunity to eliminate, and then prevent hereditary diseases like hemophilia and cystic fibrosis.
The technologies behind this treatment option could provide us with a possible cure for heart
disease. Potential medical options include cancer and AIDS cures. Even if there is a fair amount
of risk involved when treating these health issues, there are a lot of patients who don’t have
much to lose. Gene therapy opens a door that we once thought was permanently locked.

2. Even though the nanoworld has provided many great advances, there are also some
alarming concerns about potential health risks because it doesn’t have 100% assurance with
the side effects. Nanotechnology may cause their own unique diseases.
There are already reported incidents of disease development in individuals who have inhaled
nanoparticles. There is no guarantee that the problems nanotech could solve wouldn’t just create
new problems that don’t have a solution in the future that are even more problematic.

3. After seeing the potential benefits and detriments of nanoworld and gene therapy, I
realized that the world is getting more advanced as the year goes by just like the
nanotechnology and gene therapy which has very advanced features. That these advanced
technologies have a lot of conveniency or advantages that can offer to the world. However, I
also realized that despite of having various benefits there are also DETRIMENTS which can
affect humans negatively. Therefore, it is really the matter of “try on your own risk”. If you
wanted to try nanotechnology or gene therapy, you must also be ready for the possible negative
effects of it.

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