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‘route between Icewind Dale and the lands to the south, travelers are still at risk of attacks from crag cats, yetis, ‘ores, brigands, and even the occasional white dragon, The trail extends as far south as Fireshear. Characters traveling the Ten Trail in wintertime are subject to ex- treme cold temperatures (see the “Wilderness Survival” ‘section in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). THORNHOLD Thornhold is a coastal fortress, a castle of gray stone with a thick, curved wall and a two-towered central keep ‘on the southern tip of the Mere of Dead Men. The cliff facing the sea is so sheer and smooth that no wall need be built on the side of the hill where Thornhold sits. The castle is without adornment; only crenellations and arrow slits break its solid face of stone. Inside the walls, ‘surrounding the bailey, are small buildings of wood and plaster that house animals and are used for smithwork, ‘candlemaking, gemcutting, repairing wooden items (in- cluding wagons and the like), and brewing beer. Thornhold was once the property of the Margaster family of Waterdeep and has been held by the Knights of Samular (paladins of Tyr) and the Zhentarim in the past. Its current occupants are the shield dwarves of the ‘Stoneshaft clan. They refer to the castle as Stoneshaft Hold. The Stoneshaft dwarves are reclusive and secre- tive, yet they are interested to hear what's afoot in Wa- terdeep, for they suspect the Margaster family is plotting to attack the fortress and reclaim its ancestral holding. Travelers are free to visit Thornhold, up to a point. The ‘Stoneshaft dwarves allow adventurers and caravans to make camp within their walls, but they forbid access to the keep and the extensive caves below. Thornhold is, rumored to contain a passage to the Underdark—a claim that the dwarves neither confirm nor deny. For more information on Thornhold, see the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. TRADE Way The Trade Way begins at Waterdeep and heads south. ward, though only the stretch between Waterdeep and ‘Daggerford is well traveled. Merchants who can't afford to transport their goods by ship use the Trade Way, hir- ing guards to fend off the brigands and monsters that live in the surrounding wilderness, TRIBOAR Triboar, a frontier town in the fertile Dessarin Valley, sits at the crossroads of two major trade routes: the Long Road and Evermoor Way. It's a popular way sta- tion for caravans and rangers. See chapter 2 for more information on this location. Ifthe adventure didn't begin in Triboar, you can run the “Attack on Triboar” encounter (see chapter 2) when the characters visit the town, TriBoar TRAIL This path meanders south of Neverwinter Wood, con- ‘necting the High Road to the Long Road. It's the safest ‘overland route between the Dessarin Valley and Never- winter. Orcs and goblinoids prey on travelers from time Map 3.3: Tuean ano Punpce Roews to time, but copper dragons in the northern foothills of the Sword Mountains help thin out the monsters’ ranks. TUERN ‘The merciless Northfolk of Tuern (see map 3.13) pay tribute to three adult red dragons that live inside and beneath the island's active volcanoes—a chain of black, grumbling, lava-filled cauldrons that belch smoke and ash into the sky. Five Northfolk tribes live on the is land, each with its own settlement, king, and fleet of

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