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Knights of the order and their loyal squires can be found throughout the North, gathering information on the giants, searching for their lairs, and aiding in the defense of settlements. ‘Tye ZHENTARIM ‘The Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network, is an unscrupulous shadow network that seeks to expand its influence and power base throughout the North. Its members crave wealth and personal power, though the public face of the organization appears much more benign, offering the best mercenaries money can buy. Adventurers allied with the Zhentarim are free to profit as they see fit, either by helping or hindering the giants. The Black Network has spies and operatives in every ‘major northern settlement, and it doesn't wish to see its footholds destroyed by rampaging giants. As it strives to protect its holdings, the Zhentarim also wants to under- ‘stand the giants’ motivations. The leaders of the Black Network are open to the possibility of establishing trade relations with the giants or bribing them, ifnecessary, to ensure their own continued wealth and prosperity. Atthe same time, the Zhentarim profits by selling the services of mercenaries to those who can't defend themselves. Tue Kraken Society Far from being a benevolent faction, the Kraken Society is a group of spies, smugglers, slavers, and assassins. Only the society's leaders know that the founder of their organization is Slarkrethel, a magic-using kraken that lives in the depths of the Trackless Sea. Krakens are forsaken creations of the gods, left be hind after a cosmic war that ushered in the dawn of the civilized world. Ancient beyond reckoning, Slarkrethe! Jongs to rejoin its creators in the heavens. For tens of thousands of years, the kraken has been searching tirelessly for a long-lost path to divine ascendancy. In the meantime, its stretches its tentacles across Faerdn, laying low powers that might one day threaten i Worship of Slarkrethe! began hundreds of years ago on the Purple Rocks. The humans who inhabit these islands cast their young into the sea as part of a ritual to appease Slarkrethel. These sacrificed offspring re- surface and return to their villages years later as adults, albeit with piscine deformities. When they reach the end, of their natural life span, they return to the sea and their fearsome master. The inhabitants of the Purple Rocks otherwise eke out quiet lives, unaware of the kraken's vast spy network on the mainland. ‘The Kraken Society's widespread organization wasn't born at the Purple Rocks, but in the cities of the North. ‘The psychic abilities of the kraken are so great that it can reach out to creatures on land up and down the ‘Sword Coast. Over the years, it has telepathically lured exiles, outcasts, and lost souls to its organization with the promise of a better life. Its agents are evil and grasp- ing. When they are not gathering information for the keaken, they lurk in the shadows and indulge in activi ties befitting their evil nature. Slarkrethel was old when the giants and dragons ‘waged war against each other forty thousand years ago, TENDAYS ANO THE ROLL OF YEARS Inthe Forgotten Realms setting, a weekis ten days long andi referred to as a tenday. There ae three tendays per ‘month, and twelve months ina year. For more informa- tion on the calendar of the Forgotten Realms, see “The Calendar of Harptos" sidebar in chapter 1 of the ungeon Mosters Guide, This adventure isnt set ata specific time but is assumed to take place sometime after 1485 DR, the Year ofthe ron Dwarfs Vengeance, during which a horde of ores waged war on the North before being driven back into the moun- tains. This conflict is referred to in this adventure as the War ofthe Silver Marches. The years that follow the Year of the Iron Dwarfs Vengeance have similarly colorful names: 1486 DR, the Year ofthe Nether Mountain Scrolls 11487 DR, the Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant 1488 OR, the Year of Owarvenkind Reborn 1489 DR, the Year ofthe Warrior Princess 1490 DR, the Year ofthe Star Walker's Return 1491 DR, the Year ofthe Scarlet Witch 14928, the Year of Three Ships 1493 DR, the Year ofthe Purple Dra ‘and the kraken aims to rekindle that war and destroy the cities of the Sword Coast in the process, When lym. rith reached out to its agents for assistance, Slarkrethel instructed its devotees to humor the dragon by cap: turing Hekaton, the storm giant king, after slaying his queen. Iymrith wants Hekaton kept alive so that he can't be resurrected and so that he can be held for ransom if her plans are thwarted. A seafaring Kraken Society wizard named Tholtz Daggerdark has turned his ship, the Morkoth, into a floating prison. King Hekaton lies bound and chained. within, unable to escape without aid. The ship circles the islands of the Trackless Sea, far from prying eye RUNNING THE ADVENTURE Torun this adventure, you need the fifth edition Player's Handbook. Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Man tal, Take afew minutes to reread the section on giants in the Monster Manual, since it contains important information about giants. The Sword Coast Adventur. r's Guide, while not required reading, has extensive information on the Sword Coast and the North that can help you flesh out the adventure’s default setting. I also presents new character backgrounds that work well for this adventure ‘ Text that appears in a box lke this i meant to be read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their charac- ters frst arrive at a location of under a specific ctcum- stance, as described in the text. ‘The Monster Manual contains stat blocks for most of the monsters and NPCs found ie this adventure. When a monster's name appears in bold type, that's a visual cue pointing you tothe creature’ stat block in the Monster Manual. Descriptions and stat blocks for new monsters appeariin appendix C. Ifa stat block is in appendix C,

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