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KIM PEEK Ava Stanley


Kim had a rare condition called

savant syndrome, which gave him
amazing talents including a
phenomenal memory. In 1951, Kim
was born in with macrocephaly – a
condition that caused his head to be
abnormally large. When doctors
looked into it a little more, they also
found he had damage to his
cerebellum, and the bundle of nerves
that usually connects the two
hemispheres of the brain was
missing. Growing up, Kim did have
Kim’s talents stretched much further than
memorizing books. If someone gave him
trouble with his motor skills and
their address, he’d be able to tell them the found it hard to do things like
names of the people who lived next door buttoning up his shirt.
(through memorizing the phonebook By
memorizing maps, he could also provide
directions for someone to drive between
any two cities in the world! He also
memorized musical compositions note-for-
note, could do calendar calculations (like
work out what day of the week it was on
June 24, 1632), and later in his life could
play those musical compositions he
memorized on the piano. LATER ON...
After the release of Rain Man, which was
loosely based on his life, Kim became a
celebrity of sorts, appearing on TV
shows, in documentaries, and at events,
mostly talking about making the world
more receptive toward disable people.
Kim died of a heart attack in 2009, but
his life continues to inspire people to this

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