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A er watching the video describe the bosses.

How do they look like, and how do you think their

personali es are?

Video 1 Physical descrip on Personality

Mr. Rajuela He is an irritable person, yells
He is the boss of pedro a lot, and likes money.
picapiedra, owner of the
quarry where he works.
He is a person of short
stature, who wears glasses
and a e.

Video 2 Physical descrip on Personality

J. Jonah Jameson. He's greedy, he's s ngy,He
He is the editor of a yells a lot, in a bad mood, likes
newspaper. He is recognizable to talk bad about Spider-Man.
by his toothbrush mustache,
flat haircut, blue eyes, smokes

Video 3 Physical descrip on Personality

Charles Montgomery Burns, greedy, bi er and eccentric

be er known as Mr. Burns or billionaire, owner of the
Monty Burns. Springfield Nuclear Power
He is an old, bald man. He has Plant. Their most common
a stooped posture and is traits are greed, s nginess,
weak. He wears a black suit. and selfishness.
He is also known for his
famous phrase "Excellent!"

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