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As people get older, they start to appreciate a good night’s sleep more and more. This
topic is often a favorite for all. Some example questions are:

 How much sleep do you usually get?

 Why do some people sleep well while other people do not sleep well?
 What do you do when you have trouble sleeping?
 What time do you usually go to sleep? What time do you usually get up?
 Have you ever slept in a strange place that was not a bed?


Sleep offers the body and brain time to restore and recover, affecting nearly every
tissue in the body. According to the National Sleep Foundation, most adults need at
least 7 to 9 hours of sleep Trusted SourceNational Library of Medicine, Biotech
InformationThe National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing

access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference, yet almost one third of
Americans are getting less than 6 hours per night Trusted SourceNational Library of
Medicine, Biotech InformationThe National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science

and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference. Sleep
deprivation increases the risk of health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and
stroke. Prolonged sleep deprivation can also affect concentration and other
cognitive functions.

Without enough sleep, people tend to overeat and choose unhealthy foods. Sleep
deprivation affects the body’s release of ghrelin and leptin, two neurotransmitters
that tell our brain when to consume calories Trusted SourceAnnals of Internal
MedicineAnnals of Internal Medicine’s mission is to promote excellence in medicine, enable physicians and
other health care professionals to be well informed members of the medical community and society, advance
standards in the conduct and reporting of medical research, and contribute to improving the health of people

worldwide.See Full Reference. People who are sleep deprived are more drawn
towards high-calorie foods Trusted SourceNational Library of Medicine, Biotech
InformationThe National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing

access to biomedical and genomic information.See Full Reference. Chronic sleep loss has been
linked to having a larger waist circumference Trusted SourceNational Library of
Medicine, Biotech InformationThe National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science

and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference, and
an increased risk of obesity Trusted SourceNational Library of Medicine, Biotech
InformationThe National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing

access to biomedical and genomic information.See Full Reference.

Sleep allows muscle tissue time to recover between workouts. Sufficient sleep is
also important in having the energy to exercise. Not getting enough sleep can lead
to being less physically active during the day and reduced muscle strength Trusted
SourceEliserverEliserver is a publishing company that aims to help researchers and health care professionals

advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. See Full Referenceduring
workouts. Sleep deprivation can also affect the safety of exercise Trusted
SourceNational Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for
Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic

information.See Full Reference, with increased sports injuries reported in those who
are underslept.

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