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Learning Guide 1: Introduction to Arnis:

Arnis is the indigenous Filipino Martial Art with or without using weapons. By virtue of Republic
Act 9850, it is hereby declared as the National Martial Art and Sport of the Philippines and all
Educational Institutions are mandated to teach Arnis as a course or subject. This course will tackle
basic to intermediate martial art skills in Arnis using the single and double weapon systems.
Students will learn offensive techniques like striking, slashing and thrusting using the fundamental
angles of attack. Students will also learn defensive techniques like the fundamental blocking
techniques and evasion tactics using footwork. Students will also be familiar with the sports rules
of Arnis.


For a brief introduction on the history of Arnis, please watch the following videos:


After watching the videos, please answer the following guide questions to enhance a better
understanding on the subject matter. You do not need to submit your answers but be prepared for
Class Participation and Oral Recitation:
1. When did Arnis had its recorded debut in battle against foreign invaders?
2. Does Arnis utilize sticks only?
3. Is there just a single style of Arnis?
4. Lapu-lapu and his men is said to have used the indigenous martial art against Magellan and
the Spaniards, what do you think about this?
5. What types of weapons can be used in the Filipino Martial Arts?

Dig Deeper:

Arnis is not just a fighting system used by the early natives of this land. Arnis, as a vernacular
martial art, also develops the character of the practitioners. Certain traits and values are developed
or enhanced like nationalism, perseverance, and discipline among many other positive character

For further understanding and knowledge, please watch:


By: Grandmaster Richardson C. Gialogo, Kali Arnis Martial Arts Organization (KAMAO)
By: Grandmaster Richardson C. Gialogo, Kali Arnis Martial Arts Organization (KAMAO)

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