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Eigenvalues, Laplacian Eigenvalues, and Some Hamiltonian Properties of


Article · March 2023


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1 author:

Rao Li
University of South Carolina Aiken


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Eigenvalues, Laplacian Eigenvalues, and Some
Hamiltonian Properties of Graphs
Rao Li
Dept. of mathematical sciences
University of South Carolina Aiken
Aiken, SC 29801

Using the eigenvalues or Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, we present
several sufficient conditions for some Hamiltonian properties of graphs.

Keywords : Eigenvalue, Laplacian Eigenvalue, Hamiltonian P roperty.

1. Introduction

We consider only finite undirected graphs without loops or multiple edges.

Notation and terminology not defined here follow that in [2]. For a graph
G = (V, E), n := |V |, e := |E|, and Gc := (V, E c ), where E c := { xy :
x ∈ V, y ∈ V, x = y, xy ∈ E }. For a bipartite graph GBP T = (X, Y ; E),
GcBP T = (X, Y ; E c ), where E c = { xy : x ∈ X, y ∈ Y, xy ∈ E }. The degree
of vertex vi is denoted by di . The concept of closure of a general graph G was
introduced by Bondy and Chvátal [1]. The k - closure of a graph G, denoted
clk (G), is a graph obtained from G by recursively joining two nonadjacent
vertices such that their degree sum is at least k. The idea for the closure
of a balanced bipartite graph can be found in [1] and [7]. The k - closure
of a balanced bipartite graph GBP T = (X, Y ; E), where |X| = |Y |, denoted

clk (GBP T ), is a graph obtained from G by recursively joining two nonadja-
cent vertices x ∈ X and y ∈ Y such that their degree sum is at least k. For
each k, where k = 1, 2, or 3, Qk is defined as a graph obtained by joining
k vertices of the complete graph Kn−k to each of k - independent vertices.
We also use Kn−1 + e to denote Q1 . For n ≥ 3, K2,n is defined as a graph
obtained by joining the two vertices which are in the same color class in K2,n .
For n ≥ 4, K3,n is defined as a graph obtained by joining every pair of the
three vertices which are in the same color class in K3,n . Kn−1 + v is defined
as a graph that consists of a complete graph of order n − 1 together with an
isolated vertex v. We use C(n, r) to denote the number of r - combinations
of a set with n distinct elements.

Let A(G) be the adjacency matrix of a graph G of order n and let

μ1 (A(G)) ≤ μ2 (A(G)) ≤ ... ≤ μn (A(G)) be its eigenvalues. Set μi (G) :=
μi (A(G)), i = 1, 2, ..., n. Then μ1 (G) ≤ μ2 (G) ≤ ... ≤ μn (G) are called
the eigenvalues of the graph G. The Laplacian of a graph G is defined as
L(G) = D(G) − A(G), where D(G) is the diagonal matrix of the degree
sequence of G and A(G) is the adjacency matrix of G. The eigenvalues
0 = λ1 (G) ≤ λ2 (G) ≤ ... ≤ λn (G) of L(G) are called the Laplacian eigenval-

ues of the graph G. Define Σ2 (G) := ni=1 λ2i (G). Since 0 = λ21 (G) ≤ λ22 (G) ≤
... ≤ λ2n (G) are the eigenvalues of L2 (G), we have that Σ2 (G) = sum of the
diagonal entries in L2 (G) = ni=1 (d2i (G) + di (G)) = ni=1 d2i (G) + 2e(G). By
Lemma 13.1.3 in [4], we have that λi (Gc ) = n − λn−i+2 (G) for each i with
2 ≤ i ≤ n. Then Σ2 (Gc ), which will be used in our theorems below, is equal

to ni=2 (n − λi (G))2 .

The following results were recently obtained by Fiedler and Nikiforov.

Theorem 1 ([6]) Let G be a graph of order n.

[1] If μn (Gc ) ≤ n − 1, then G contains a Hamiltonian path unless G =
Kn−1 + v.

[2] If μn (Gc ) ≤ n − 2, then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle unless G =
Kn−1 + e.

In this note, we will prove the following theorems via using the ideas and

techniques developed by Fiedler and Nikiforov in [6].

Theorem 2 Let G be a graph of order n.

[1] If Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ (n − 1)(n + 2), then G contains a Hamiltonian path unless

G = Kn−1 + v.

[2] If Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ (n − 2)(n + 1), then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle unless

G = Kn−1 + e.

Theorem 3 Let GBP T = (X, Y ; E), where |X| = |Y | = r ≥ 2, be a balanced

bipartite graph.

[1] If μn (GcBP T ) ≤ 2
, then GBP T contains a Hamiltonian cycle.

[2] If Σ2 (GcBP T ) ≤ (r − 2)(r + 2), then GBP T contains a Hamiltonian cycle.

Theorem 4 Let G be a 2 - connected graph of order n ≥ 12.

[1] If μn (Gc ) ≤ n
, then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle or G = Q2 .

[2] If Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ (2n − 7)(n + 1), then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle or

G = Q2 .

Theorem 5 Let G be a 3 - connected graph of order n ≥ 18.

[1] If μn (Gc ) ≤ n
, then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle or G = Q3 .

[2] If Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ 3(n − 5)(n + 1), then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle or

G = Q3 .

Theorem 6 Let G be a k - connected graph of order n.

c (kn−k 2 +n−2k−3)(n−1)
[1] If μn (G ) ≤ 2n
, then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle.
(kn−k 2 +n−2k−3)(n+1)
[2] If Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ 2
, then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle.

2. Lemmas

We need the following results as lemmas to prove our theorems.

Lemma 1 ([1]) A graph G of order n has a Hamiltonian path if and only if

cln−1 (G) has one.

Lemma 2 ([1]) A graph G of order n has a Hamiltonian cycle if and only if

cln (G) has one.

Lemma 3 ([6]) Let G be a graph with n vertices and e edges.

[1] If e ≥ C(n − 1, 2), then G contains a Hamiltonian path unless G =

Kn−1 + v.

[2] If e ≥ C(n − 1, 2) + 1, then G contains a Hamiltonian cycle unless

G = Kn−1 + e.

Lemma 4 (Theorem 13.6.2, [4]) Let X be a graph with n vertices and let
Y be obtained from X by adding an edge joining two distinct vertices of X.
Then λi (X) ≤ λi (Y ), for all i, and λi (Y ) ≤ λi+1 (X) if i < n.

Lemma 5 ([7]) A balanced bipartite graph GBP T = (X, Y ; E), where |X| =
|Y | = r ≥ 2, has a Hamiltonian cycle if and only if clr+1 (GBP T ) has one.

Lemma 6 Let GBP T = (X, Y ; E), where |X| = |Y | = r ≥ 2, be a balanced

bipartite graph. If e(GBP T ) ≥ r 2 −r +2, then GBP T has a Hamiltonian cycle.

Proof of Lemma 6. Suppose GBP T does not have a Hamiltonian cycle.

From Lemma 5, we have that clr+1 (GBP T ) is not Kr,r . Thus there ex-
ist a vertex x ∈ X and a vertex y ∈ Y such that xy ∈ E(GBP T ) and
dGBP T (x) + dGBP T (y) ≤ r. Hence e(GBP T ) ≤ (r − 1)2 + r = r 2 − r + 1, a

Lemma 7 ([3]) let G be a 2 - connected graph of order n ≥ 12. If e(G) ≥

C(n − 2, 2) + 4, then G is Hamiltonian or G = Q2 .

Lemma 8 ([3]) let G be a 3 - connected graph of order n ≥ 18. If e(G) ≥
C(n − 3, 2) + 9, then G is Hamiltonian or G = Q3 .

Lemma 9 ([3]) let G be a k - connected graph of order n. If e(G) ≥

C(n, 2) − (k + 1)(n − k − 1)/2 + 1, then G is Hamiltonian.

3. Proofs

Proof of [1] in Theorem 2. Let G be a graph satisfying the conditions of [1]

in Theorem 2 and G does not have a Hamiltonian path. Then H := cln−1 (G)
does not have a Hamiltonian path and therefore H is not Kn . Thus there
exist two vertices x and y in V (H) such that xy ∈ E(H) and for any pair of
nonadjacent vertices u and v in V (H) we have dH (u) + dH (v) ≤ n − 2.
Hence for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v in V (H c ) we have that
dH c (u) + dH c (v) = n − 1 − dH (u) + n − 1 − dH (v) ≥ n. So

dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ ne(H c ).
uv∈E(H c )

Moreover, we have that

d2H c (v) = dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ ne(H c ).
v∈V (H c ) uv∈E(H c )

From Lemma 4, we have that Σ2 (Gc ) ≥ Σ2 (H c ) = i=1 d2i (H c ) + 2e(H c ).
Σ2 (Gc )
e(H c ) ≤ .
Σ2 (Gc )
e(H) = C(n, 2) − e(H c ) ≥ C(n, 2) − ≥ C(n − 1, 2).
Since H does not have a Hamiltonian path, we have by Lemma 3 that H =
Kn−1 + v. If G = H, then G must be a proper subgraph of Kn−1 + v. Then
Gc consists of K1,n−1 with some extra edges. From Lemma 4, we have that

Σ2 (Gc ) ≥ Σ2 (K1,n−1 ) = n2 + n − 2 = (n − 1)(n + 2).

Since Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ (n − 1)(n + 2), we have that λ1 (Gc ) = λ1 (K1,n−1 ) = 0,
λ2 (Gc ) = λ2 (K1,n−1) = 1, ..., λn−1 (Gc ) = λn−1 (K1,n−1) = 1, and λn (Gc )
= λn (K1,n−1 ) = n. Hence

n − 1 = e(K1,n−1 ) < e(Gc ) = dGc (v)/2 = λi (Gc )/2 = n − 1,
v∈Gc i=1

a contradiction. So G = H = Kn−1 + v. 

Proof of [2] in Theorem 2. Let G be a graph satisfying the conditions of

[2] in Theorem 2 and G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. Let H := cln (G).
Using similar arguments as in Proof of [1] in Theorem 2, we can show that
Σ2 (Gc )
e(H c ) ≤ .
Σ2 (Gc )
e(H) = C(n, 2) − e(H c ) ≥ C(n, 2) − ≥ C(n − 1, 2) + 1.
Since H does not have a Hamiltonian cycle, we have by Lemma 3 that H =
Kn−1 + e. If G = H, then G must be a proper subgraph of Kn−1 + e. Then
Gc must be a proper super graph of a graph G1 consisting of K1,n−2 with an
isolated vertex. From Lemma 4, we have that

Σ2 (Gc ) ≥ Σ2 (G1 ) = n2 − n − 2 = (n − 2)(n + 1).

Since Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ (n − 2)(n + 1), we have that λ1 (Gc ) = λ1 (G1 ) = 0, λ2 (Gc ) =

λ2 (G1 ) = 0, λ3 (Gc ) = λ3 (G1 ) = 1 ,..., λn−1 (Gc ) = λn−1 (G1 ) = 1, and
λn (Gc ) = λn (G1 ) = n − 1. Hence

n − 2 = e(G1 ) < e(G ) = d (v)/2 =
Gc λi (Gc )/2 = n − 2,
v∈Gc i=1

a contradiction. So G = H = Kn−1 + e. 

Proof of [1] in Theorem 3. Let GBP T = (X, Y ; E), where |X| = |Y | = r ≥

2, be a balanced bipartite graph satisfying the conditions of [1] in Theorem 3
and G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. Then HBP T := clr+1 (GBP T ) does

not have a Hamiltonian cycle and therefore HBP T is not Kr,r . Thus there exist
a vertex x ∈ X and a vertex y ∈ Y such that xy ∈ E(HBP T ) and for any pair
of nonadjacent vertices u ∈ X and v ∈ Y we have dHBP T (u) + dHBP T (v) ≤ r.
Hence for any pair of adjacent vertices u ∈ X and v ∈ Y we have that
(u) + dHBP
(v) = r − dHBP T (u) + r − dHBP T (v) ≥ r. So

(u) + dHBP
(v) ≥ re(HBP T ).
uv∈E(HBP T)

Moreover, we have that

(v) = dHBP
(u) + dHBP
(v) ≥ re(HBP T ).
v∈V (HBP ) c
uv∈E(HBP )

From the inequality of Hofmeister [5], we have that

2rμ2n (HBP
T) ≥ d2HBP
(v) ≥ re(HBP T ).
v∈V (HBP T)

c c
Since HBP T is a subgraph of GBP T ,

c 2 c 2 c
e(HBP T ) ≤ 2μn (HBP T ) ≤ 2μn (GBP T ).


e(HBP T ) = r 2 − e(HBP
c 2 2 c 2
T ) ≥ r − 2μn (GBP T ) ≥ r − r + 2.

Then Lemma 6 implies that HBP T has a Hamiltonian cycle, a contradiction. 

Proof of [2] in Theorem 3. Let GBP T = (X, Y ; E), where |X| = |Y | = r ≥

2, be a balanced bipartite graph satisfying the conditions of [2] in Theorem 3
and G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. Then HBP T := clr+1 (GBP T ) does
not have a Hamiltonian cycle and therefore HBP T is not Kr,r . Thus there exist
a vertex x ∈ X and a vertex y ∈ Y such that xy ∈ E(HBP T ) and for any pair
of nonadjacent vertices u ∈ X and v ∈ Y we have dHBP T (u) + dHBP T (v) ≤ r.
Hence for any pair of adjacent vertices u ∈ X and v ∈ Y we have that
(u) + dHBP
(v) = r − dHBP T (u) + r − dHBP T (v) ≥ r. So

(u) + dHBP
(v) ≥ re(HBP T ).
uv∈E(HBP )

Moreover, we have that
(v) = dHBP
(u) + dHBP
(v) ≥ re(HBP T ).
v∈V c
(HBP c
T) uv∈E(HBP T)

From Lemma 4, we have that Σ2 (GcBP T ) ≥ Σ2 (HBP c
T) = i=1 d2i (HBP
T) +
2e(HBP T ). Therefore
c Σ2 (GcBP T )
e(HBP T ) ≤ .

2 c Σ2 (GcBP T )
e(HBP T ) = r − e(HBP T) ≥r − ≥ r 2 − r + 2.
Then Lemma 6 implies that HBP T has a Hamiltonian cycle, a contradiction. 

Proof of [1] in Theorem 4. Let G be a graph satisfying the conditions of [1]

in Theorem 4 and G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. Then H := cln (G)
does not have a Hamiltonian cycle and therefore H is not Kn . Thus there
exist two vertices x and y in V (H) such that xy ∈ E(H) and for any pair of
nonadjacent vertices u and v in V (H) we have dH (u) + dH (v) ≤ n − 1.
Hence for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v in V (H c ) we have that
dH c (u) + dH c (v) = n − 1 − dH (u) + n − 1 − dH (v) ≥ n − 1. So

dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
uv∈E(H c )

Moreover, we have that

d2H c (v) = dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
v∈V (H c ) uv∈E(H c )

From the inequality of Hofmeister [5], we have that

nμ2n (H c ) ≥ d2H c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
v∈V (H c )

Since H c is a subgraph of Gc ,
nμ2n (H c ) nμ2n (Gc )
e(H c ) ≤ ≤ .
n−1 n−1

nμ2n (Gc )
e(H) = C(n, 2) − e(H c ) ≥ C(n, 2) − ≥ C(n − 2, 2) + 4.
Since H does not have a Hamiltonian cycle, we have by Lemma 7 that H =
Q2 . If G = H, then G must be a proper subgraph of Q2 . Then Gc has an
induced subgraph K2,n−4 . Therefore

+ (2n − 7)(n − 1)
n − 3 = μn (K2,n−4 ) ≤ μn (Gc ) ≤ ,
a contradiction. 

Proof of [2] in Theorem 4. Let G be a graph satisfying the conditions of [2]

in Theorem 4 and G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. Then H := cln (G)
does not have a Hamiltonian cycle and therefore H is not Kn . Thus there
exist two vertices x and y in V (H) such that xy ∈ E(H) and for any pair of
nonadjacent vertices u and v in V (H) we have dH (u) + dH (v) ≤ n − 1.
Hence for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v in V (H c ) we have that
dH c (u) + dH c (v) = n − 1 − dH (u) + n − 1 − dH (v) ≥ n − 1. So

dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
uv∈E(H c )

Moreover, we have that

d2H c (v) = dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
v∈V (H c ) uv∈E(H c )

From Lemma 4, we have that Σ2 (Gc ) ≥ Σ2 (H c ) = i=1 d2i (H c ) + 2e(H c ).
Σ2 (Gc )
e(H c ) ≤ .
c Σ2 (Gc )
e(H) = C(n, 2) − e(H ) ≥ C(n, 2) − ≥ C(n − 2, 2) + 4.
Since H does not have a Hamiltonian cycle, we have by Lemma 7 that H =
Q2 . If G = H, then G must be a proper subgraph of Q2 . Then Gc has

a proper subgraph G1 consisting K2,n−4 and two isolated vertices. From
Lemma 4, we have that

2n2 − 4n − 12 = 2(n − 3)2 + 4(n − 4) + 2(n − 3) + 2(n − 4) =

Σ2 (G1 ) ≤ Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ (2n − 7)(n + 1),

a contradiction. 

Proof of [1] in Theorem 5. Let G be a graph satisfying the conditions of [1]

in Theorem 5 and G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. Then H := cln (G)
does not have a Hamiltonian cycle and therefore H is not Kn . Thus there
exist two vertices x and y in V (H) such that xy ∈ E(H) and for any pair of
nonadjacent vertices u and v in V (H) we have dH (u) + dH (v) ≤ n − 1.
Hence for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v in V (H c ) we have that
dH c (u) + dH c (v) = n − 1 − dH (u) + n − 1 − dH (v) ≥ n − 1. So

dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
uv∈E(H c )

Moreover, we have that

d2H c (v) = dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
v∈V (H c ) uv∈E(H c )

From the inequality of Hofmeister [5], we have that

nμ2n (H c ) ≥ d2H c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
v∈V (H c )

Since H c is a subgraph of Gc ,

nμ2n (H c ) nμ2n (Gc )

e(H c ) ≤ ≤ .
n−1 n−1
nμ2n (Gc )
e(H) = C(n, 2) − e(H c ) ≥ C(n, 2) − ≥ C(n − 3, 2) + 9.

Since H does not have a Hamiltonian cycle, we have by Lemma 8 that H =
Q3 . If G = H, then G must be a proper subgraph of Q3 . Then Gc has an
induced subgraph K3,n−6 . Therefore

+ 3(n − 5)(n − 1)
n − 4 = μn (K3,n−6 ) ≤ μn (Gc ) ≤ ,
a contradiction. 

Proof of [2] in Theorem 5. Let G be a graph satisfying the conditions of [2]

in Theorem 4 and G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. Then H := cln (G)
does not have a Hamiltonian cycle and therefore H is not Kn . Thus there
exist two vertices x and y in V (H) such that xy ∈ E(H) and for any pair of
nonadjacent vertices u and v in V (H) we have dH (u) + dH (v) ≤ n − 1.
Hence for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v in V (H c ) we have that
dH c (u) + dH c (v) = n − 1 − dH (u) + n − 1 − dH (v) ≥ n − 1. So

dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
uv∈E(H c )

Moreover, we have that

d2H c (v) = dH c (u) + dH c (v) ≥ (n − 1)e(H c ).
v∈V (H c ) uv∈E(H c )

From Lemma 4, we have that Σ2 (Gc ) ≥ Σ2 (H c ) = i=1 d2i (H c ) + 2e(H c ).
Σ2 (Gc )
e(H c ) ≤ .
Σ2 (Gc )
e(H) = C(n, 2) − e(H c ) ≥ C(n, 2) − ≥ C(n − 3, 2) + 9.
Since H does not have a Hamiltonian cycle, we have by Lemma 8 that H =
Q3 . If G = H, then G must be a proper subgraph of Q3 . Then Gc has
a proper subgraph G1 consisting K3,n−6 and three isolated vertices. From
Lemma 4, we have that

3n2 − 9n − 36 = 3(n − 4)2 + 9(n − 6) + 3(n − 4) + 3(n − 6) =

Σ2 (G1 ) ≤ Σ2 (Gc ) ≤ 3(n − 5)(n + 1),
a contradiction. 

Proof of [1] in Theorem 6. Using Lemma 9 and similar arguments as in

Proof of [1] in Theorem 4, we can show that [1] in Theorem 6 is true. 

Proof of [2] in Theorem 6. Using Lemma 9 and similar arguments as in

Proof of [2] in Theorem 4, we can show that [2] in Theorem 6 is true. 

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[2] J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty, Graph Theory with Applications,

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