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Imagine that you're in charge of customer service at a technology firm.

Fortunately, your company enjoys a high customer satisfaction rating. Until

one day, it plummets.

It turns out you've had a surge of complaints about a new software update.
This is the first you've heard of any such update. So, you investigate and
discover that different departments just aren't talking to each other.

The IT department failed to notify you and the marketing department about it,
so customers weren't informed or warned. Worse, they failed to ask for
feedback about what the update should include, and now customers can't
access some of the features that they most enjoyed.

Your initial instinct might be to put the blame on your IT department. But, the
problem isn't really the update. The problem is a lack of collaboration.

When you collaborate, you work together with people from different teams
who have different skills and perspectives, in order to accomplish goals that
benefit the wider organization. So, in this article and video, we'll discuss how
collaboration can benefit you and explore a five-step approach that can help
you to use it successfully.

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