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CLASS 6th Class

STRAND National Environment

STRAND UNIT Rocks and Soils.

TOPIC Volcanoes.


 Students will be able to differentiate the difference between active, dormant

and extinct volcanoes and give examples.
 Students will be able to describe how a volcano erupts and give a brief outline
using a labelled diagram.
 Students will be able to describe the advantages and disadvantages of an
earthquake on the environment based on an example.

Curriculum Develop simple understanding of the structure of the Earth, using

Objective(s) terms such as core, mantle, crust, plates of the crust, lava flow,
volcano, earthquake.

ASSESSMENT Teacher observation- I will move around the room listening to the
children discussing the case study.

Assessment- Worksheet corrected in class.

Resources Worksheet with case study.



Time 11 to 12 am.

Introduction Video of volcano erupting to stimulate interest. Ring of fire shown on

PowerPoint and explained as well as the three different types of

Development 1. Process of volcano erupting as well as diagram is

explained in a step-by-step manner, with children filling
in the steps into the copybook as well as the diagram.

2. Case study based on is put on whiteboard and students are

required to identify the pros and cons of a volcano
eruption and complete the worksheet.

Conclusion: Worksheet is corrected and children are questioned orally on what they
have learned about volcanos.


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