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(ACV-S02) Week 02 - Task: Assignment - Work and study (PA)

Teacher: Victor Manuel Apaestegui Villegas

Jose Francisco Takia Valdivia U21211098

Work and study

Working and studying at the same time is the hardest thing ever because you have
to organize your schedule very well to accomplish every task, duty, or responsibility
you have.

For example, during your shift at work, you will have tasks and goals you have to
achieve, and, in some cases, you will have to take extra hours to complete them;
however, achieving those goals or doing extra hours means that you would earn
extra money.

On the other hand, if you complete your duties during your shift, you can spend
time with your family and friends.

Some say that doing both could burn you out, but if you live healthily, you will
handle it. They also say that it is difficult, and that is right, but if you give the extra
mile, you will achieve all your goals in a short time.

In my opinion, you can do both well if you organize yourself to attend to your
family, job, and studies and if you are persistent until you achieve your goals.

Finally, if you get your degree, you will get better jobs with better salaries so you
will get a better life for yourself and your family.

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