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English IV

Week 04 – Task: Assignment –

Work and study (PA)


Olivia Tatiana Aviles Soncco Alvaro Rosalio Zavala Solano Wilbert Jhair Soncco Chañi
Code: U2221514 Code: U2221514 Code: U2221514
Working and studying is the most difficult because university courses require a lot of

time, dedication and patience, and the courses are very demanding. You should also

organize your schedules so that they do not intersect with your academic and work


Group work is the most difficult, which must meet to present the work before the

delivery date. On the other hand, by working we can be independent, having our

money is the most interesting thing. However, working and studying could cause stress

and damage our nervous system and physical health.

In conclusion, working and studying is a complicated and even stressful task, but the

benefits that the experience of working and studying will bring you in the future will be

many, requiring a lot and commitment to achieve it.

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