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Modular education serves my educational needs in a way that it can address my questions or
doubts in any subject, especially that we encounter pandemic which we are not allowed to
have face-to-face classes. All the needs to pass the subjects are being catered by modular
learning. IDI 001
Modular education really helped me since we are given a longer time and it is not necessary to
answer in a certain hour or have a limit. You can answer even at the middle of the night and
have a lot of time finding sources as reference for answers. IDI 002
As a student modular learning is new to me since I am used to face-to-face classes, therefore
at first it gave me a hard time figuring out how I can deal with it. It gave a new challenge to
my life since it requires strong internet connection which is hard to find in our area. IDI 003

This pandemic brought a lot of changes, even me I was not prepared to this new
implementation in education. For example, we have courses that include laboratories, yet we
did not perform and do some actions since we are not allowed to conduct laboratory
experiments. It is somehow painful for us because we paid for it, yet we did not gain the
knowledge that we should learn from the supposed experiences. IDI 004
Based on my experience, it is okay for those slow learners, because the teachers helped a lot
when it comes to explaining with the. But during modular, the students are the ones who
needs to work hard to be able to understand. If the student understood in a wrong way, then
he/she will learn something that is incorrect. It gave me something, but it is not enough. IDI
So, the modular education program helped me in my educational needs. Because, before,
when it was still face-to-face classes, the work keeps on piling, including the quizzes and
assignments. But during modular education, it lightens up the burden for students like me,
since we are in-charge of our time. Unlike before, we get so rattled, but now, we have plenty
of time. IDI 006
Well, since modular program is being introduced by St. Mary, it is hard for me to find ways for
this program to support my learnings because, in modular program you cannot ask questions
through module since the modular is just a word or attachment that can be read by every
student. So, in that way, it does not help me gain knowledge or learning. Hence, the lesson
cannot be well-elaborated. It helped me a little bit, even though I don’t love reading the
content of the modules. IDI 007
I never commended the paradigm shift especially the modular learning because for me, it was
somewhat not effective at all. There are times that I couldn’t understand the topics and it
restricts from my right of asking questions. Before, I couldn’t fathom if I am really learning or
I’m just answering my modules for the sake of complying. Also, the contents of the module
were too much for just a week or maybe two, and it irks me. FGD 006
The advantage of modular education is first, health safety of education students since classes
is being done at home. Also, we can manage our time, since we can choose when to answer,
and if ever we need to go somewhere we can bring the learning materials with us, so it is very
convenient. IDI 001
The advantage of modular education includes less in expenses since we don’t pay for fair
every day. Also, we don’t have to pay for foods since we can eat and have snacks at home.
IDI 002
First advantage is that now I can relax more because there is no one forcing or dictating me
what time I will answer my modules. Next advantage is you can just search on the internet
the things that you don’t understand in the module. IDI 003
It helped, since we can continue our education and did not waste our year waiting for the
face-to-face classes to return. IDI 004
The advantage of modular education, it allows me to study while working to support my
educational expenses. IDI 005
The advantage in modular education is that the students can research or find any meanings of
word that will connect to their modules. Because of this, the students will be able to learn
more since there are a lot of information on the internet. Because, if we were in face-to-face
classes, we can’t open our cellphones or use the internet, so, modular is more effective. IDI
The advantage of modular education includes: more opportunity of doing the things that you
like to do; since, you can answer anytime that you are comfortable. Another thing, it gives us
leisure. IDI 007

he advantages of modular learning, it enables me to give more time to my family, also I have
more time in answering my modules. It is very convenient for me. FGD 005
The disadvantage of modular education includes questions that student can hardly
understand, together with some unfamiliar words that make it more complex for them.
Another thing, there are modules that have a lot of questions, and since it is numerous
students will not focus on their priority which is to learn. Rather, they will strive to hit the
target, which is to finish answering all the questions and able to submit it on-time. IDI 001
The disadvantage of modular education includes complying of needs. If I have questions or
lack of understanding in the module, I cannot easily approach the teacher because I need to
chat them, and they are not on-line at the time, so I am not entertained right away. IDI 002
The disadvantage of modular education is that your doubts a won’t be immediately clarified
since you’re on your own in answering the module and there is no teacher present, unlike
during face-to-face classes. That’s why laziness will take over you sometimes, and you’ll just
wait for others to finish first so that you can ask them instead. IDI 003
The disadvantages of this for me, the lessons of the modules are too hard to also learn it kind
of makes me look retarded. I’m not that quite intelligent, and the questions somehow
worsens it, that’s why I must go to google so that it will be easy for me to answer the
questions. IDI 004
One of the disadvantages is that we were not able to apply what we learned in our laboratory,
in which we paid for it. Another thing is it did not really embed in my brain, all I did was read
and that’s it. IDI 005
So, the disadvantage of modular education is that sometimes, the students are not aware of
what they are going to do. Some are lazy and that is the result of cramming and sometimes
when we do research, we are the ones who don’t understand what we researched about. IDI
The disadvantage is first you ask questions that you don’t understand that are in your
modules. You can’t ask the modules itself since the modules cannot answer our questions.
Secondly, if it’s only possible, you can ask the teachers, though they are sometimes busy; they
are not available in any time or occasions whenever you want to ask a question. But, if they
reply, they only use the ‘thumbs up’ emoji. Another thing, if ever I am doing my modules,
there are a lot of distractions. Sometime, the surroundings are noisy, and you are ordered
around by your parents. Basically, you get distracted by the surroundings and the people
around you. IDI 007
The disadvantage of modular education is the validity of comprehension since there is no
proper discussion from the teachers and some questions are not related with the content. FGD
Not completely, especially that I am a graduating student, and I can’t get all my needs
because, for example, links are given in the modules for the students to have additional
information regarding with the topic. Yet, some of these links are not available, so it cannot
address my wants to learn in the subject. Due to these reasons, I cannot 100% achieve the
learning outcomes. IDI 001
I think learning outcomes are not achieved. Because modular education paved way to
independent learning, so you are not sure if your perception is correct since you do not know
if your understanding is right. I am not comfortable with this new normal in education. IDI
For me as a student, it depends on how you handle your situation. This is because not all
students can easily understand since we have different understanding capability. We are
diverse, and there are slow learners. IDI 003
No, I can’t achieve anything by learning through modular education only. IDI 004
Maybe, yes for others, and maybes yes for me as well but, it did not achieve a 100%. IDI 005
So, there is learning outcome that will be achieved in modular, there are also learning
outcomes that are achieved in face-to-face. But there are activities that are necessary to
achieve through personal interaction between students. I know as of now; the teachers are
trying that the students’ learning outcomes that they gave are achieved. So, the rate of
modular learning is 7 out of 10. IDI 006
The modular learning program cannot be totally achieved since there are a lot of
disadvantages. You can’t focus because of the distractions, and we are not monitored by the
teachers. Hence, the knowledge we should have gained will not be obtained. Because
sometimes, the answer for the modules can be found easily in social media, internet, or web.
Instead of using what you learned, you can just search the answers to the questions. I will
only answer without the use of the internet if the question is more about essay, since it
cannot be found in the web. IDI 007

Yes, but not the same in face to face. Modular education gives opportunity to everyone in how
to handle and overcome learning challenges with their own. FGD 003

No, though modular education really helped us, yet there are a lot of disadvantages that I
have observed. So, it cannot guarantee a quality education because we cannot comprehend
everything. Specially we have laboratory subjects like Electricity and Magnetism, I really did
not understand the subject due to lack of discussions. Then there are a lot of problem solving,
it’s hard for me to understand, I can’t solve problems involving chemicals in Organic
Chemistry because just mere modules cannot cater my needs, even if I search it on Google or
Youtube for further explanation. IDI 001
For me, modular education does not provide quality education, since all of us need someone
to support, correct and make us understand the content of our topic. IDI 002
For me as a graduating student, no because it lacks experiments that I need to know about
science, and it lacks the attention of teachers because when you need to ask something it is
not answered immediately. IDI 003
No, it isn’t enough for me as a student if it is only through modular, I need the exact attention
so that it will be easier to understand the lessons via face to face. IDI 004
As what I have said, it depends. For me, they said the answer should be “yes”; yes, that they
can provide. The school is trying at least to be able to provide the quality of education. IDI
So, as I said earlier, if the student is lazy, then they won’t learn anything. As for the question
if the modular education was able to provide quality, it depends on the student if they are
working hard in their education. But if it is on a normal student, it can be useless to them
since they need to read and understand the module. So, not every student is like that. There
are others who favor listening more than reading. So, for me, it is not good for the students.
Yes, it gives quality because you can learn something through modular learning. IDI 006
It does not since I don’t really read the questions and just answer because it is tiring.
Sometimes I will read the content, yet it is long, and I get distracted by the surroundings. IDI

I conclude that modular education cannot provide a good quality education to all students.
Even if blended learning is being implemented, yet here in the Philippines the internet is very
slow and not all students can participate in online classes. Somehow if I will rate it, majority
of those who cannot attend are left behind. FGD 001
If I am going to rate from 1-10, I probably give 7, because the topic is defined, but not all
information is in the modules. Other reason includes some students who have poor
comprehension in English Language, especially in analysis. FGD 002
No, because there are slow-learner students who need further explanation and discussion
from the teachers. FGD 004

One of the qualities of module that I have observed is the one printed with drawings,
especially in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. Some numbers that should be put over the
elements are sometimes wrong. Another thing, maybe some teachers are very busy like in
Panitikan there is a word there “Mailing Kwento” that is supposed to be Maikling Kwento, it is
okay for me, but what about my other classmates? Also, the modules have these qualities in
which some words are missing, and some are blurry.
The quality of modular education produced is okay, and relevant. You just need understanding
and more sources as reference. IDI 002
For me, modular produces learning but not totally 100% because it can be forgotten since it is
only a short-term knowledge, and for others, answering is only for the sake of getting grades
and pass the subject. IDI 003
The modules itself is easily understood but there are disadvantages to it for example, those
deep English words that are not familiar to us. Modular lesson is not suitable for us since we
are used to having a physical face to face, that’s why I don’t usually read the contents of
modules because I can easily access the solutions on the internet. IDI 004
Well yes, it is clear to some of the printed modules. But, in terms of the expectation, there are
words that are too deep to the point where students can hardly understand. IDI 005
So, about the assessment, the quality of assessment for the modular is quite mediocre
especially since there are no interactions between the teachers and the students and that is
very important in assessing the knowledge of the students. So, I can’t really say anything
about the assessment of the modular. IDI 006
The modules contain numerous learning activities, instead of learning the content I get
confused because of the activities. And then, the other pictures of the modules are either
blurry, not colored, or it is not clear on what it meant. The other words are blurry. IDI 007

For me the module produced and used for learning does not really provide a quality education,
it is because not all students are critical thinker, and have the capabilities to analyze and
solve problems. FGD 002
The quality of modules I not excellent. Sometimes the explanation is very limited, and some
problem solving include only one example, yet we need more for further explanation for us to
fully understand. FGD 007
The quality of Assessment done by the teachers in modular class is okay, since it is more on
essay. Most of the questions is only about your own opinion, so it is positive. IDI 001
The assessment in the module is okay, you just need focus and time. If ever you want to
answer, just give your attention to what you do for better understanding and productivity.
IDI 002
There are times when I can understand immediately, and there are also times where I don’t
because I am not a fast thinker. I am not that good in critical thinking, but for me it still
depends on the students who experienced modular. IDI 003
For me, I can easily answer it because I can access the internet for the necessary information
than reading the whole module. IDI 004
They are okay, but really, we just keep on relying on google. IDI 005
Moderate. Since it cannot guarantee quality learning compared to the traditional program. IDI
It is good, some of the assessments are good for the students. Since I don’t read the whole
part of the modules, just through the questions. These questions provide learning that I need
to gain since it serves as a summary of the topic. In addition, I consider searching on google
as a source of learning since I can retain information, even if it is short term. IDI 007
Last school year was tremendously a heavy year for me because I solely rely on my modules,
excluding the chance of having a conversation with the teacher about the topic. I couldn’t
really express the quality of teaching they gave, but it was still commendable because some
of the teachers are keen on the number of contents that were included in a module. FGD 006

If ever I can’t understand, it cannot be addressed if there’s no internet connection, and some
questions are not consistent. There are subjects in which the questions are not aligned with
what’s written in the abstraction. Yet you can find the answers on the internet, so if you don’t
have connection, you cannot answer well. IDI 001
I don’t like noises; I also don’t want to answer if my mother always asked me to do a lot of
errands. That is why time management is a challenge for me, especially at home where there
are a lot of distractions. IDI 002
The challenges that I faced is that when there’s a slow internet connection while I am doing
my modules. I was called-out by my teacher because of this problem because I cannot attend
her class. IDI 003
. I need excess time for myself to understand the lessons, especially if I can’t get the answers
in Google. IDI 004
Yes? Teachers do their out most effort to give the needs of their students though it’s not the
best, but it’s alright. IDI 005
So, the challenges that I faced in answering modules is that, firstly, the unknown words that
you don’t understand for the first time, especially when you don’t have any data, you won’t be
able to search. You won’t be able to understand it since you can’t search and one of the
challenges is the motivation of the student or for me is that sometimes, I only answer when
the deadline is near or when the deadline is still far and I didn’t answer anything, it gets
difficult. IDI 006

One of the challenges are distractions, like gossips, rowdy people, etc. It is also difficult to
answer when you can’t ask the teachers a question. And then when I ask my classmates,
other know the answers, while some don’t. So, we just share ideas and thoughts to be able for
us to understand. IDI 007
The challenges that occur in answering modules include contents that are not discussed.
Sometimes I cannot attend online class because I do not have access on the internet, so I
cannot ask my teacher regarding with my concerns. FDG 001
Teacher must have face to face classes. FGD 002
Since there are questions in the modules that is not explained well, due to the reason that it is
summarized, and it would long if they will write everything on it. I cope-up with these
difficulties through, sometimes I go to Kialeg if our connection was lost. I charged my phone
first then I go to the town and open the site that my classmates gave me. Good thing they
told me that the answers can be found on the internet, so I will go to available site in which I
can search for the answers. IDI 001
I make sure that I am finished with my responsibilities at home, and there is someone to look
and guard in the store before proceeding with my modules. IDI 002
My coping mechanisms include taking a break if ever answering modules stresses me.
Sometimes I listen to music, like Hillsong to ease my mind. Scrolling on Facebook and do
some exercise also helped me. I tried to find strong Wi-Fi in my neighborhood so that I can
answer. IDI 003
I sleep early, then think about positivity so that I won’t be dumbfounded. IDI 004

Well, when it comes to our majors, especially those solving problems that you are not good at,
and I am not really that bright when it comes to thermodynamics. Those majors of ours that
are more on math, I did not learn anything about it. All of it were just copied. IDI 005

So, to cope up with these difficulties, what I do is I try to answer the modules even if it is just
one activity per day. So even for just one week, within 6 days, I will be able to answer a little
bit, so that at the last minute, I only have a few to answer. IDI 006
At our place, our house is open to distractions since it is near the highway. What I do is to
look for a quiet place and just don’t mind the distractions. IDI 007
I can manage my time to improve my comprehension and expand my acquired knowledge.
FGD 002
My best coping mechanism, I prefer to answer from 4 am to 6 am, since my kids are still
sleeping, the surrounding is calm, and my brain is very active. Every time I do this, I was
shocked of my productivity compared to my performance if I answer in the afternoon or any
time of the day. IDI 001
My best coping mechanisms are drinking coffee while listening to instrumental music, or
sometimes I scroll on Tiktok. That’s all, it makes me relieve my stress. IDI 002
Of course, tiktok, movies, sometimes swimming in rivers to cool my head down. IDI 003
Think about positivity then go through social apps, and sometimes talk to my mom about
various things, that’s about it. IDI 004
That is why, I tried my best to answer with a few copying. I tried my best to understand a lot
but mostly I don’t. IDI 005
So, the coping mechanisms that I can apply in regards stress from modules are surfing the
internet, watch videos and play some games. IDI 006
It is written in our modules to start and end with a prayer, right? So, that is what I do to not
be stressed in the prayer. And then, because of how many my activities are, I answer my
modules once a day. Then, I watch a television and play mobile legends. IDI 007
I exercise every morning to activate my brain, then sometimes I open my facebook for
entertainment. FGD 004

The relevance of these coping mechanisms includes the ability to choose any time or situation
where I can cope up my problems regarding with the modular activities. Unlike face-to-face
classes, even if you still don’t understand the topic, you really must pass the teachers
requirements. So, in modular, you are the one to manage your time, and you have ample of
chance to improve your performance. IDI 001
If I do this coping mechanism I am motivated to answer, because I am not productive if ever,
I am answering while facing stress. So, what I did is to answer properly and give focus. IDI
It depends on how you handle stress, and how you enjoy your modular learning. IDI 003
I learned some values after my talk with my mom about her past. Learning those values make
the modules easy to understand and answer when that certain topic arises. IDI 004
About tiktok, I just do tiktok. IDI 005
So, this coping mechanism that I do to lessen the stress from module is if ever I finish
watching a video or there are videos that I see, is after that I feel like my mind gets refreshed
or that since its refreshed, I can answer again. IDI 006
I can perform well, and it gives me relief so that I can answer without any difficulties. It can
also help avoid depression that may lead to suicide. IDI 007
These coping mechanisms help me boost my confidence to believe my capabilities in
answering our module honestly. FGD 003
My coping mechanism is just simply being scared about the possibilities that may disappoint
myself and those people who believed in me. I’m also motivated to answer my modules every
week, I plan on what module should I answer first. It’s simply grace under pressure. FGD 006
Coping mechanisms help us to lessen the stress we have in answering and comprehending the
content in the modules. Also, it gave us opportunity to adapt the changes in this new normal
education. IDI 001
The relevance of coping mechanisms that I have include relaxation of my mind since I am
able to pause from stress and everything that I have in mind. IDI 002
It relieves stress and feels relax in my brain. IDI 003

I learned some values after my talk with my mom about her past. Learning those values make
the modules easy to understand and answer when that certain topic arises. IDI 004
It helps to lessen some things. For example, when I get so stressed when I cannot handle it
anymore, I calm myself down. I won’t continue getting myself stressed. IDI 005
So, the coping mechanisms is very important in answering the modular learning because that
is what drives a person to finish their module, without it, they will become the same as the
other students that has unanswered activities and unfinished modules. IDI 006
Coping mechanism helped me in modular learning since it kept me away from stress. Also, it
lessens my burdens. IDI 007
After I graduated senior high school, I was enrolled in modular class due to this pandemic,
and it was all new to me. Coping mechanisms serve as my savior from anxiety, cramming and
depression. FGD 007

Moderate. Even though I can see disadvantages in the modules, but at the end of the day, if
we are going to sum up everything, I know I learned something, even if it is not 100%. IDI
Good. Because it offers independent learning, I will not rate it as very good because it is far
from the quality that face-to-face offers. IDI 002
Good. Because I can see that there’ a lack from both students and teachers’ perspectives.
Some teachers have conflict in regard with the students situated in far-flung areas, and some
learners did not attend google-meet, but if they do, they only turn off their cameras and we
don’t know if they are listening or if they understand. IDI 003
I learned some values after my talk with my mom about her past. Learning those values make
the modules easy to understand and answer when that certain topic arises. IDI 004
Well, it is important. Because for example, if tiktok does not exist, I don’t know, I guess I
don’t have any form of entertainment. In the past, I will just keep on crying. I will keep on
crying when I cannot take it anymore. IDI 005
Good, because it can’t be said that it is the same. It can’t be said that it is very good that
there are a lot of things you can learn, but good in a way because I gained ideas and
knowledge through modular learning but, I have others that are not from my mind. IDI 006
Moderate since the knowledge I gain is not full and it is just a little bit of what I should learn.
IDI 007
Moderate. The problem is not in the school but the government who allowed blended learning
even though the internet is very slow. Especially to us students who are in the mountain area
and don’t have access on the internet, if we have, sometimes it is very slow. FDG 001
SMCBI effectively show quality education during modular learning, because if we are going to
base last school year and this year, the school implemented blended learning just to make it
easy for both students and teachers’ interaction. In this case, teachers became more
approachable and easier to reach for further instruction. IDI 001
Yes, SMCBI effectively show quality education in modular learning because teachers are
approachable and easily respond to my questions. IDI 002
For me, yes. Even amid this pandemic, I know I learned. I do not believe that we don’t learn
anything, we all learn something. But it is limited, because just like I said that the attention of
the students is very limited. IDI 003
Yes? Teachers do their out most effort to give the needs of their students though it’s not the
best, but it’s alright. IDI 004
Well, this modular learning is still okay, but they should at least give time, even if it is limited,
face to face to help the students understand more, especially when it comes to laboratories.
IDI 005
Yes, because as a science student, it is necessary to enhance on education. Through the
instructors in science, they try their best that we will be able to learn, so that, it makes the
SMCBI, to become more effective and become a steppingstone that will help us achieve our
goal. IDI 006
SMCBI is in the middle; it is still moderate. In a sense, if I compare it to face-to-face, we
won’t be able to experience the laboratories and they didn’t offer any online learning last
school year. Hence, our make-shift laboratories are in our houses which are lacking in
supplies. IDI 007
The school is doing its best to deliver quality education amid pandemics. The school has
organized effective time frame of retrieval of modules. Also, the planning of online classes is
also well thought. FGD 006

Teachers can improve the implementation of modular learning by using white bond paper
instead of brown and make the texts clear. Because I like to answer if the modules are neat.
IDI 001
Teachers can improve modular learning by having modular learning while having time for
google meet, for the students to understand the topic. IDI 002
First, by giving classes on google meet since it gives learning, also by giving update on GC to
make the students aware. Sometimes we can say that teachers give us numerous activities,
but we can’t do anything against it since it is part of our enrolled course. I do believe we can
surpass all the activities given by our teacher, if we don’t understand we can search on
internet. Though sometimes we can’t find everything on google, so we need to find other
sources as alternative. IDI 003
Yes? Teachers do their out most effort to give the needs of their students though it’s not the
best, but it’s alright. IDI 004
Good. It is good depending on the student. I tried it but still no use. IDI 005
To improve our modular in practice for SMCBI, I think they need to cope those, not in the
activities, but in the learning of the students, because some other instructors give a lot of
activities to answer but the students just copy. So, I think that it is necessary for them to
focus on their instructions in their modules on the learning of the students. IDI 006
Even teachers have online classes. Though today, we are using blended learning, because not
all students have internet connection. IDI 007
SMCBI teachers improved the implementation of offline modular learning by having an online
class once a week so that the students can understand the lesson well. FGD 004
All I can say for those students is to continue hard-work, patience, and don’t hesitate to ask
questions to their subject teachers. IDI 001
They must focus on what they do, and always think about their goals and dream. Refrain from
thinking stress, if they don’t feel like answering, then they should not force themselves. IDI
You should not give up because if you want to graduate, you will graduate. Do what you want
and achieve your goal. It’s all up to you if you will continue. Covid virus and this Pandemic is
not a hindrance because we are still provided with modules. Even if we are not used to
modular education, if you know and comply your responsibility as a student, education will
still be present. There is always learning in our everyday lives. If you know how to read and
differentiate information, you can read or grasp in social media or google. IDI 003
Good. It is good depending on the student. I tried it but still no use. IDI 004
Motivate themselves because it is really tiring. They really need to listen, they need to really
read, understand and answer themselves. Motivations is really needed. IDI 006
They should not be stressed with the workload of their modules, for them to avoid cramming.
IDI 007

They should think positive and avoid negative thoughts because it may lead to depression and
cramming. Also have faith in God. FGD 003

Yes, I do believe that it can contribute. Because I’m also a student and as what I have
observed, if you don’t let your fear stop you from asking questions then you will get the
answers that you need. IDI 001
Well, I think so. If it is effective for me, then it is effective for others too. IDI OO2
Yes, there is. Because suggestions give us ideas, and these ideas depend on if you are going
to accept it or not. That is why there is a trial and error, we make suggestions to aware
others, to help them improve and feel motivated. IDI 003
Yes? Teachers do their out most effort to give the needs of their students though it’s not the
best, but it’s alright. IDI 004
Good. It is good depending on the student. I tried it but still no use. IDI 005
Maybe, yes, if it is implemented properly. IDI 006
Maybe, since I am a student, I know and have experienced the challenges in facing in
answering modules. IDI 007
Yes, through these suggestions, student can acquire knowledge and increase the ability to
handle and develop themselves in how to become independent when it comes acquiring
knowledge. FGD 003
Yes, because it helped both teachers and students to produce a good quality education. FGD
Yes, I do believe. I have the same experiences with other students when it comes to modular
journey. Though we have different ways in coping up with this new normal, but I do believe
that they also need to learn from others. Even if modular class started last school year, and
now blended learning is being implemented, still, we are not completely conformed with this
new normal in education. FGD 007

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