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UNIT III: Analysis of Assessment Data and Reporting of Assessment


Lesson 7: Communicating and Reporting of Assessment Data from

Alternative Methods

Give feedback on the use of Modular Instruction in teaching. Discuss your
feedback in not more than five paragraphs.
Modular instruction in teaching is where an instructor or teacher posts a
syllabi, lessons, activities, and assignments through the help of internet and
technology. Students have different learning ability that is why this is not beneficial
to all. We have our own way on how to learn and process information. Since it is a
modular instruction, the learners must learn by themselves. Sadly, not all students
can learn quickly by themselves. Some needs a guide but some are also fast
learners and they prefer to teach themselves.
Due to the high number of students, the teachers are having a hard time to
give each one equal and not individual attention. Due to the economic and social
factors that stand in their way, the teachers are struggling to reach out to all of
their students. The level of learning varies due to the lack of standard books used.
Some may understand their lessons, some may not be lucky. Another problem is
that a lot of students are being lest because they don’t have access to gadgets and
internet. The students can’t see their classmates physically and some may not even
know who their classmates are. It will be hard to form a social bond for them.
Additionally, once the modules have been answered and passed to the teacher, the
students will only worry about the next module and there will be no feedback.
Despite the challenges in modular instruction in teaching, there are also
benefits that we can get. First, the students became open-minded and accepted the
changes that lead them to become flexible to handle their lessons. Second, the
students learn time management and scheduling. Third, modular instruction and
learning teach the student’s values of making on effort, discipline, and time
management. Fourth, modular instruction increases the adaptability of instructional
material. And lastly, the student control their time and they will learn to because
independent in learning.
Students at still be adjusting to this new set up but thankfully, the parents
and teachers are doing their best to support and guide them. Modular instruction
helps students to become independent in studying. This will challenge them and let
them control their learning and time. In my own opinion, this modular instruction
both helps the teacher and students. Despite the disadvantages, we still learned a
lot from this, the only we could do is to adopt this new set up and accept this
challenge until we will come back to our original set up which s face-to-face

Based on the activity, construct a matrix showing the advantages (good
points) and the disadvantages (negative points) of Modular Instruction.
Advantages of Modular Instruction Disadvantages of Modular Instruction
1. The students became open 1. The level of learning varies due to
minded and became flexible to the lack of standard books used
handle their lessons 2. Some students doesn’t have
2. The students learn time access to gadgets and internet
management and scheduling 3. There will be a lack of feedback
3. It teaches students to value 4. Students have different learning
making an effort, discipline, and ability
time management 5. It is hard to form a social bond for
4. It increases the adaptability of the students and teachers
instructional material
5. Students learn to become

In a grade 7 class, recitation was conducted. One student was asked to
give the different parts of speech. The student just stood up and could not
give any answer. He remained quiet for more than three minutes. As a
teacher, what feedback will you provide?
As a teacher, I want my student to learn and help them when they are
struggling. I will give him a clue or idea so that he can get the answer. Instead of
getting angry at him for not giving an answer, I will thank him for participating in
class and I will find someone who is knowledgeable enough to answer the question.
I can also provide the correct answer. By providing them the correct answer and
explanation, thy might learn something. And of course, in giving a feedback on that
student, I want to become sensitive in order to avoid hurting his feelings and lose
his confidence.

1. Why do we need feedback?10 pts.
We need feedback because it will help in enhancing our learning or
knowledge and improve our assessment performance. It enables us to reflect
on our learning strategies whether we made some changes to improve. This
will also help us to become confident and learn to accept our mistakes and
think that it will help us to grow and improve in the future.

2. Why should feedback be specific? 10 pts.

Feedback should be specific because it will help them to understand it
better if the feedback was given in a specific and clear way. This will avoid
misunderstanding and through the help of the detailed feedback, it will give
them an idea of what was wrong and what part they need to improve. In
giving a specific feedback, we should provide constructive criticism such as
giving the weaknesses. This kind of feedback encourages critical thinking and
it can help in developing better ideas and answers.

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