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(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task: Assignment - Work and study


Escudero Torres, Shirley Najarro Paredes, Frank Gallo Cabrera Mauro

Cód. U 21231938 Cód. U18300054 Cód. U20237316

At present, studying and working at the same time has become a very common way due to

the great competitiveness that exists today, many young people do not have financial support

to be able to study, so they take to the streets in search of job opportunities to to be able to

pay for their studies, in addition, to have financial support to be able to live. But there are

certain advantages and disadvantages to studying and working at the same time, we will

mention it below:

• They have less energy to study since working demands a lot of effort and this will be

expressed in fatigue or the possibility that your academic performance will decrease.

However, the student must be a very organized person and be focused on their goals.

• The acquisition of work experience is very useful since they can develop different

skills for other types of work, as well as implement it in their personal life.

• Your social and family life will be greatly affected because you will have less time to

develop the activities you were used to doing, some people mention that this can cause

great stress if you do not know how to handle it.

Studying and working has its advantages and disadvantages, but in our opinion we believe

that a good organization will be the basis to be able to perform adequately in both areas, it will

be complicated but not impossible since it is our reality.

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