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Miss Carolina Moraga



Objetivo: Get general and specific information from a text. Skills: Reading skills.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text bellow and answer some questions about it. Then Translate the text into

What Is a Forestry Technician?

Forestry technicians work under the supervision of foresters gathering information on woodland conditions and wildlife,
carrying out conservation projects and monitoring the use of forest resources. They spend most of their work-time
outside. Their goal is to sustain and preserve the wildlife and natural resources of our forests, which in turn helps keep
the ecosystem flourishing and healthy.

What Job Duties Would I Have as a Forestry Technician?

As a forestry technician, you journey into rangelands and forests in order to examine trees for evidence of disease or
bug-created damage. Your other duties include spraying brush and trees with herbicides, surveying access roads and
property lines, analyzing soil characteristics, measuring logs, locating wildlife habitat areas and helping to contain forest
fires. You might select spots for tree thinning and control the growth of weeds both manually and through the use of
chemicals. Additionally, you distribute timber and fire permits, oversee operations in logging companies and enforce
environmental protection regulations.

What Are the Work Conditions?

Many forestry technicians work outdoors, in rural or isolated locations or in national and state forests. However, some
now study specific trees in cities and urban areas. You may perform your work duties alone or you may work as part of a
team of forestry workers.

Because much of your work is performed outdoors, you can expect to experience extreme weather conditions, bug
stings and bites. You may also work with potentially hazardous equipment and chemicals. You wear special uniforms--
including gloves and hardhats--to combat environmental issues.

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