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Methods of Educational Research
Name: Adrian P. Sigua Date: June 27,2022
Direction: Answer the following questions:

1. What makes a problem researchable?

 One of the most important principles of teaching says “Always begin with
the end in mind”. You have to create or find your objectives before making
lesson plans and teaching it to the students. Just like in research, you need
also to find first the research problem which should be clear and specific
enough. It can be researchable if you have the means to answer that well-
crafted research problem. There should be availability of respondents or
sample populations where you can gather the possible data. Aside from that,
a problem should be anchored in the literature, theories, recent researches
and also the accessible books and internet connection for more data

2. What are the sources and characteristics of a good research problem?

 There are FIVE possible sources of a good research problems
A. Interviews- Interactions who can provide useful insights into research
and make findings more relevant to future research. Having
discussions with some experts in the field you wish to investigate will
help you a lot to draw and find out specific problems that gives you
the interest to do your future research.
B. Personal Experience- Our everyday experiences are a good source of
research problem. We may find out problems basically when we are at
school or other offices that is related to the field of education.
C. Deductions from theory- refers to inferences a researcher makes
from generalizations of life in a society that a researcher knows very
well. This possible source includes the findings of empirical results of
some researches. From the theories used in those researches, you can
find problems in order to affirm or rejects the given hypothesis.
D. Interdisciplinary perspective- you have to look at scholarship and
academic movements from outside the main area of investigation.
Reviewing pertinent literatures can help you discover a good research
problem but make sure that those literature is outside of your area of
interest. A broad exploration should be done in this case.
E. Relevant Literature- This is different from interdisciplinary
perspective for this source talks about the reviewing of research
related to your area of interest. You have to read and read recent
researches that are align to your own interest.

 The characteristics of a good research problem are as follows;

A. The problem can be stated clearly and concisely
B. The problem generates research questions
C. It is grounded in theory
D. It relates to one or more academic field of study
E. It has a base in the research literature
F. It has potential significance
G. It is do-able within the time frame, budget
H. Sufficient data are available or can be obtained
I. The researcher’s methodological strengths can be applied to the
J. The problem is new, it is not already answered sufficiently.

3. What are the characteristics of a good research objectives?

 Research objective should be SMART( Specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic and time-bound)
 Research objective should be Relevant, Feasible, Logical, Observale,
Unequivocal and Measurable
 Objective is a purpose that can be reasonably achieve with the expected
timeframe and available resources.
 The objective summarizes what is to be achieved by the study.
 Objectives are specific accomplishment the researchers hope to achieve
 The objectives include obtaining answers to research questions or testing the
research hypothesis.

4. Differentiate theoretical framework from conceptual framework?

 Theoretical framework in a study is based on an existing theory or theories.
Basically, it’s a theory of motivation where the researchers anchored their
related studies and literature and serve as the foundation of having the
research while conceptual framework is something you can develop yourself
based on this theory. In this part, a researcher will make an illustration or an
organizer showing the possible input, process and output of the research.

5. What is the difference between null and alternative hypothesis? Give examples.
 Null and alternative hypothesis are used in statistical hypothesis testing. We
commonly used this terms in our Advanced Educ. Statistics wherein SPSS is
the main tool in proving these types of hypothesis. The null hypothesis of a
test always predicts no effect or no relationship between variables, while the
alternative states your research prediction of an effect or relationship. In
short, null predicts the negative outcome of variables’ relationship while
alternative predicts the positive one.


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