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Ardy Taloim. The role of servants in the service of children and adolescents during the covid
pandemic in Rayon XIII of the Ebenhaezer Oeba Congregation, Kupang City, Year of Service
2021. The research problem is how the role of servants in the service of children and adolescents
during the covid pandemic in Rayon XIII of the Ebenhaezer Oeba Congregation, Kupang City,
Year of Service 2021? This research aims to know the role of servants in the service of children
and adolescents during the covid pandemic in Rayon XIII of the Ebenhaezer Oeba Congregation,
Kupang City
The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects in this study
were 15 children and adolescents and 5 PAR ministers at Rayon XIII of the Ebenhaezer Oeba
Congregation. The Technique of data collection that was used was observation and interview.
The collected data is processed and analyzed descriptively. Based on the data analysis was found
that First: PAR implementation in Rayon XIII during the covid 19 pandemic was less effective
due to lack of supervision from the assembly, congregation, and also PAR ministers; Second:
some parents do not guide and have less control for the children and adolescents when
participating in PAR activities during the covid 19 pandemic; Third: The lack of several PAR
ministers to teach the children and adolescents because of the Bible studies are held in several
places in Rayon XIII of the Ebenhaezer Oeba Congregation. So, it is suggested to the church
board to be involved as a PAR Minister to cover this deficiency.

Keywords: Role, PAR Ministers, Covid-19

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