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Now with Edge Cities. As what was stated earlier, there are three common types of suburban offices, the first one is the campus
style, the second one is the freestanding independent structures, and lastly the new suburban core. Now, Edge Cities, which is also
known as the Urban Villages is an example of the new suburban core and this is a more recent phenomenon. From the word itself,
edge cities, meaning to say this are large urban areas on the outskirts of a city commonly near freeway intersection. This area has
their own suburban core or suburban business district to make it self-sufficient, independent and decentralized from a single core
or the central business district of a city itself. In that way, people from this communities need not to travel far distances miles away
from where they live just to go where they work.


Now, with the increasing land and development costs in the urban villages, it resulted for suburban office parks to follow the typical
campus-style development going vertical. This event caused the clustering of relatively tall office and apartment, or condominium
structures. Here is an example of a typical office park and as you can see, these buildings are clustered within the area and are
knitted or consolidated by the road access here, the parking garages and the expansive surface parking lots.


In large part, suburban office parks are more or less evolved as opposed to being formally planned. And originally, most were
located within minor crossroads on the outskirts of town. Now, as residential development expanded and engulfs these areas, time
spent commuting to the urban core became untenable and land prices rose. As a solution, orienting buildings vertically such as
offices, commercial, and residential development became cost-effective. Of course, since the residential areas expanded and taking
up more space, vertical design approach for the other buildings would be the best option. Now, the problem with this is that most
were developed using the campus style design approach. One of the key features of a campus style development discussed earlier
was that it has large-footprint structures spaciously separated from other office buildings by generous landscaping and equally
generous parking lots. This makes little or no attempt to respect the street much other buildings adjacent to it. Kase this approach
only addresses the concern regarding the expansion of the residential development rather than addressing the basic site design
problems such as increased commuter distances, and the elimination of any hope of mass transit access.


Now during those times for the past 40 years, interstate freeways were either nonexistent or inadequate for a volume of traffic
generated in a daily basis thus, resulted on trend for suburban office parks to be built on the fringe of urbanized areas closer to the
new residential neighborhoods. In this way, it is like the business comes right after the people within the urban fringe since they
do not have an efficient access to the central business district.


Now here, subsequently, even after interstate highways were already developed in the edge cities, still, suburban-to-suburban
commutes dominated suburban-to-central business district trips. The reason behind this is first, Suburban fringe opened for
increased office park activity. Of course, as an individual, it would be more practical, time, and economically efficient to work near
where you live. Hindi yung nangaling ka pa sa suburban area tapos need mo pang magcommute papuntang central business district
just to work. That takes so much effort and magasto since magrerely ka on automobiles. So, kahit andiyan yung presence ng
interstate highways still people will mostly likely choose to work on this suburban office parks. Another one, the most visible parcels
offered location, access, and proximity to all modes of transportation. This three are vital for marketability that is why it attracts
more people. And lastly its visibility and proximity is not only appealing to corporate clients and the architects of the buildings but
also allows employees to live closer to where they work and spend less time on the road.


Now with-it seeming benefits, still edge cities has their own disadvantages. freeway orientation has led to the development of
suburban office parks as separate enclave to its surrounding neighborhood, and they are rarely tied directly to residential areas,
forcing a reliance on the automobile,. Here kumabga it still defeats the purpose of creating a suburban core as people still needs to
rely on automobile since sub urban office parks are not directly linked to the neighborhood itself and becomes a separate enclave.
Kumbaga you created a suburban business district for the purpose of minimizing the need of the people to travel form the urban
fringe to the central core of the city just to work yet still in this situation the establish suburban core within the community is not
able to support the idea of creating a place for the community at large to work near where they live and live near where they work.
Lastly their low-density development design prohibits any real effort to serve the sites with mass transit. Since less people are
concentrated within this area due to individual buildings being built on expansive lots it undermines the need for mass transit. Not
unless a significantly size mall will be located nearby which will drive more people within the area and force these low-density
areas to employ mass transit.

At the present time, there is an increased dependence on automobiles as sites are removed farther from developed areas. And this
resulted for longer commute time for employees. These hard transition lines that are so prevalent today can and should be
eliminated in order for us to proactively address more traffic congestion and as well as longer commutes.

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