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ECS 595 Topic 4 DQ 1

[Student name]

[Instructor name]

[Course title]

ECS 595 Topic 4 DQ 1 2

Assessment Description Share your learning goal for the unit you started in Topic 3 and

one of the objectives you have written. Explain how the objective aligns to the learning goal, and

how you plan to measure the learning objective. How will you differentiate instructions to meet

student needs in your classroom?

Learning Goal:

Students will be able to explain how plate tectonics is related to geological phenomena

like earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as identify tectonic plates and their borders at the

conclusion of this unit.


Students will be able to distinguish between three types of tectonic plate boundaries:

convergent, divergent, and transform. Students are expected to be able to explain the connection

between plate borders, volcanic activity, and seismic activity.

This objective is in alignment with the learning goals as it targets the analytical skills of

the students and interpretation of complex concepts while enabling the students to draw

conclusions and inferences. By measuring students' ability to identify key details, make

predictions, and draw conclusions, this objective assesses their progress towards achieving the

broader learning goal.

I will give additional challenges and supports to meet the needs of students and teachers

to differentiate the appropriateness of the instructions (Rapanta et al., 2020). For instance, for

struggling students teachers could use more scaffolding and used to provide simple text to

practice on before going to complex concepts. However, the students with excelling capacities

are offered more challenging tasks by the teachers and they get opportunities to utilize their skills

even in complicated situations. Furthermore, the teachers could offer modalities for students to
ECS 595 Topic 4 DQ 1 3

practice like use of graphics and organizers can provide opportunities to students for discussion

to provide students an opportunity of struggling with writing expression. Hence, students in the

class will confidently explain their understanding about the concepts of plate tectonics and

geological phenomena. In this way a teacher could achieve his goal of enabling students to make

connection between plate borders, volcanic activities and seismic activities with confidence.
ECS 595 Topic 4 DQ 1 4


Rapanta, C., Botturi, L., Goodyear, P., Guàrdia, L., & Koole, M. (2020). Online university

teaching during and after the Covid-19 crisis: Refocusing teacher presence and learning

activity. Postdigital science and education, 2, 923-945.

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