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the questions.

1. Most specifically, apraxia is:

A movement problem caused by death of muscle cells and tissues

A movement problem caused by defective fibrillin formation

The inability to perform purposeful movement

A movement problem caused by abnormal muscle tremor

2. In hepatic encephalopathy, failure of the liver most specifically causes the:

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2. Lithotripsy most specifically refers to:

Protein-wasting secondary to diffuse glomerular damage

Passing of small stones with the urine

le&ough sound waves

ifically refers to:

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Abrupt, reversible cessation oFrenaf function

3. Urolithiasis most specifically refers to:

A syndrome characterized by edema and large amounts of protein in the urine

An inflammatory disease involving the renal glomeruli of both kidneys

Inflammation of thdxbinary bladder

Stones in the urinary system

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irections: Answer the questions.

1. Loop diuretics are:

Magnesium depleting drugs

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rections: Answer the questions.

2. Most specifically, hiatal hernia refers to:

The herniated portion through the linea alba above the umbilicus

Hernia involving only one sidewall of the bowel, which can result in bowel

Hernia located directly above the peritoneum

The herniated portion of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus of the

3. All of the following are stated manifestations of hiatal hernia, except:

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irections: Answer the questions.

On the right side

3. Liver biopsy is best described as:

The insertion of a tube into the liver to rule out liver disease

The removal of liver enzymes to rule out liver disease

The removal of liver tissue to rule out liver disease

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irections: Answer the questions.

2. During a liver biopsy, the client should be positioned:

Sitting up

Lying flat on the bed

On the left side

On the right side

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3. Liver biopsy is best described as:
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K Answer the questions.

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3. Asterixis most specifically refers to.

A movement problem caused by abnormal muscle tremor

A movement problem caused by defective fibrillin formation

A movement problem caused by death of muscle cells and tissue

The inability to perform involuntary and voluntary movements

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irections: Answer the questions.

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Filter action, especially drugs

3. Cirrhosis occurs when:

Metabolism of hormones is insufficient

Scar tissue is replaced by c Jl regrowth

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Magnesium sparing drugs

2. This may be given as an anti-inflammatory agent to a client with nephrotic syndrome:



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3. All of the following are appropriate nursing interventions for a client with pancreatitis,

Administer pancreatic enzymes

Avoid stimulants

Avoid meperidine

Administer anticholinergics and antacids

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the questions.

1. Liver biopsy is usually done under:




Gamma cameras

2. During a liver biopsy, the client should be positions

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2. In hepatic encephalopathy, failure of the liver most specifically causes t e:

Degeneration of the kidney and circulatory system

Degeneration of peripheral tissues and cardiovascular system

Degeneration of the intestines and neurovascular system

Degeneration of the brain and central nervous system

3. Asterixis most specifically refers to:



of the following are appropriate nursing interventions for liver ci rrhosis, except
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1. This type of hepatitis can be transmitted by food, fingers, feces, and floods:

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

| Hepatitis Non-A. Non B

I 2. Jaundice is best characterized by:

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30-45 minutes after a meal

2-3 hours after a meal ^7

5-6 hours after a meal

25-30 minutes after a meal

3. In regard to gastric resection, “dumping syndrome" occurs when:

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3. The basic differences between colostomy and ileostomy are:

The position on the abdominal wall and the type of exudate

The frequency and type of exudate

The position on the abdominal wall and the amount of exudate

The position on the abdominal wall and the frequency of exudate

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3. ln regard to gastric resection, “dumping syndrome" occurs when:

ingested food slowly enters the jejunum, without proper m.xmg and the normal

digestive process of the duodenum

digestive process of the duodenum

^ ingested food slowly^nters the ileum, without proper mixing and the normal

digestive process of the jejunum

without proper mixing and the normal

Ingested food rapidly enters the ileum,
digestive process of the jejunum

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2. Antiemetic PRN is used in clients with gallbladder disease to prevent:


Fat intolerance

Nausea and vomiting

3. All of the following are stated manifestations of gallbladder disease, except:

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Fatty stools

2. All of the following are possible manifestations of pancreatitis, except:

Persistent vomiting

Pleural effusion

Abdominal distention

Murphy's sign

3. All of the following are appropriate nursing interventions for a client with pancreati!

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2. According to the video, the most common cause of cystitis is:

:oli infection
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3. Ascites refers to:

Fluid and electrolyte deficiencies in the abdomen

Electrolyte deficiency in the abdomen

ater in the abdomen

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Nausea and vomiting

3. All of the following are stated manifestations of gallbladder disease, except:

Fat intolerance

Nausea and vomiting


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Spirochetes infection

3. Cystitis refers to:

Regulation of the acid-base balance

Protein-wasting secondary to diffuse glomerular damage

Stones in the urinary system

Inflammation of the urinary bladder

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3. All of the following are stated manifestations of hiatal hernia, except:


Chest pain

Heart burn


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