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Heijunka is a Japanese term that means "leveling" or "balancing.

" It is a production
leveling technique used in lean manufacturing to balance production to match
customer demand. The goal is to eliminate fluctuations in production and create a
more predictable workflow. This approach reduces the need for excess inventory and
improves production efficiency.

The Heijunka system involves grouping similar products together and scheduling
production in small batches. This allows manufacturers to respond quickly to
changes in demand and avoid overproduction. By leveling production, Heijunka
helps to reduce lead times and improve quality by providing a more stable work
environment for employees.

Heijunka is an important part of the Toyota Production System (TPS), which is a lean
manufacturing system developed by Toyota. TPS is based on the principles of Just-
in-Time (JIT) production, which focuses on reducing waste and improving efficiency
by producing only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the right amount.

To implement Heijunka, manufacturers must follow several steps. First, they need to
understand their customer demand patterns and group products according to their
similarities. Next, they need to develop a production plan that balances the
production of different products to match customer demand. Finally, they need to
continuously monitor and adjust their production plan to ensure that they are
meeting customer demand and avoiding excess inventory.

By following these steps, TPS aims to create a lean manufacturing process that
eliminates waste, improves efficiency, and produces high-quality products. Heijunka
is just one of

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