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These days, Réhahn is very busy with composing, although, he always brings a notebook,

outlines the museum that he will build for Co Tu compatriot in VN, and it is expected to
start construction in April 2018. “It will be a solid, modern house but also close to the Co
Tu people”, he looked at me and said as to explain about the image on the paper: “Many
times going through the villages, I know the Guoi is very important to the highlanders”
Réhahn is a traveller who considers Hội An (Quảng Nam) like his second country when
he decide to build Heritage Museum that display products about ethnic minority all over
VN. In 2017, he had organised sucessfully many culture evensts of Co Tu people in the
old town Hội An. Réhahn said he had recognized the culture was the priority and art
business that helped him contribute to the preserve culture. Therefore, he has long carried
out the “Give back” project on his own by supporting people who he used to contact
with. And the Co Tu cultural meseum is a memory that he wants to “give back” for
Quang Nam.
Mrs. Bh’riu Liec, Secretary of the Tay Giang District Party Committee, said that in
March 2017, when hearing that there was a museum about ethnic minorities in Hoi An,
he brought small gifts to the museum. “It was a traditional costume made from crist. At
that time, I did not intend to tell Réhahn about constructing the museum, but gradually
we were close to each other”
The secretary of the district Party Committee said Co Tu people who living in the
highlands still keep their cutural identity. But unfortunateky, there is no museum to keep
that causing many artifacts as well as intangible cultural at risk of loss.. “I always
remember this. About the leadership, I wanted they allow building a museum a long time
ago. There is a foreigner who is passionate about Co Tu culture then helping to build the
museum is the great thing”, Mrs. Liec was excited.

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