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Question Bank

Level -1

1. Outline the class and object.

2. Define a Constructor. List its types.
3. What is a constructor? Explain with an example.
4. Write one example of method overloading.
5. Write types of constructors.
6. What is the interface?
7. What is meant by Type Casting. List out types of Type Casting.
8. List the conditional statements present in Java.
9. Distinguish between Break and Continue.
10. Specify the looping statements present in Java.
11. List the different types of variables with an example
12. Outline Serialization and Deserialization.
13. What is meant by output stream and input stream?
14. Outline Serialization ad Deserialization.
15. Describe the I/O classes in java.
16. Write a lambda expression to calculate the area of a circle
17. Write a lambda expression to calculate the area of a triangle
18. Write a lambda expression to calculate the area of a rectangle
19. Write a lambda expression to calculate the average of three numbers
20. Write a lambda expression to find the maximum of two numbers
Level -2
1. Explain static keyword with an example
2. Explain this keyword with an example
3. Explain super keyword with an example.
4. Explain inheritance with an example
5. Explain various types of inheritance with an example
6. Explain method overloading with an example
7. Explain method overriding with an example
8. Explain polymorphism with an example
9. Explain the abstract class with an example
10. Explain interfaces with an example
11. Write a short note on the access modifier
12. Explain any 5 methods of collection interace
13. Explain the methods of the iterator interface
14. Explain the array list with an example
15. Explain the Java Linked List class
16. Explain all types of JDBC drivers.
17. Explain Map Interface with an example.
18. Explain Built-in Java Annotations using examples.
19. Create a class called Book containing data members name, author, publisher and
quantity, and perform the following operations.
a. Create 2 objects of class book and store appropriate values in the data
b. Display the elements using show() methods.
20. Explain Iterator interface with example.
21. Write down and explain each steps for database connectivity.
22. What is generics? Explain the importance of Generics.
23. Write difference between ArrayList and LinkedList (minimum 5 points)
24. What is servlet ? explain life cycle of servlet.
25. Differentiate primitive datatypes and reference data type
26. Distinguish between constructor and methods
27. Differentiate Method overloading and Method overriding
28. Differentiate abstract classes and interface
29. Differentiate Array list and Liked list

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