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The term foreign aid refers to any type of assistance that

one country voluntarily transfers to another, which can

take the form of a gift, grant, or loan. Most people tend
to think of foreign aid as capital, but it can also be
food, supplies, and services such as humanitarian aid and
military assistance.
One way giving other countries aid can affect a country
itself is by inflation, when a country gives another
country money or aid it allows that country to be able to
have more access to the countries products which causes
the prices to go up and inflation to begin.
Another reason countries shouldn’t give each other aid is
because aid can encourage conflict, what i mean by that is
that countries who receive aid are in suspicion of
creating conflict purposely to get aid, these countries
need these resources and don’t have other ways of getting
them other than create a conflict for people to get hurt
so that they can get aid.
Foreign aid can be harmful if it was used in the wrong way
and taking the risk of using foreign aid can harm your own

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