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Kennedy 1

Jacob Kennedy

Mrs. Spurlock

Comp 1 9:00

September 29, 2022

In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of being paid as a college athlete. Being in

college as a student is already a hassle none the less being a college athlete. Being a successful

student-athlete is the hardest thing for teenagers or young adults. College athletes have no time to

make their own money to spend on things any regular student working a job would be able to.

Almost all average college students should have time to work a job multiple days out of the

week, which is impossible for an athlete. The time spent on a sport in college is more than an

average college student’s weekly job. It all boils down to the amount of free time between the

students and the athletes.

I believe that all college athletes, no matter the sport, should be paid as if they were

working a regular job. Payment would relieve stress during times of need for money. College

athletes do not have time to work five hours a day once classes are over. If this were the case,

athletes would not be able to maintain peak athletic potential. Every college athlete goes to their

sport or activity twice, even three times a day. This ultimately does not allow time to work a job.

I believe these athletes deserve to be paid based on what they bring to the school.
Kennedy 1
College athletics is one of the biggest and main attractions at universities across the country. In

my opinion, the amount of money brought in by every sport is well enough to pay certain wages

to these athletes. It frustrates me to see these athletes not being able to have an everyday life

outside of athletics due to the lack of money. Without money, these college athletes are not

available to spend what little of their free time they have, doing things regular students do daily.

Student-athletes deserve to be paid based on their classroom time and sport. College sports

venues across the country generate an insane amount of revenue yearly. This should allow these

athletes to be paid.

College athletes are most likely to suffer from student debt throughout their college

athletic careers. I believe that the NCAA should allow these athletes to be paid while in college

to decrease the student debt each athlete finishes school with. Student debt is the biggest reason

that I believe these players should be allowed pay; if these kids come out of college without

doing a professional sport, they will be overloaded in debt. With that being said, I greatly believe

these athletes are not available to make a profit off of the time spent working hard for months on

end, trying to be the best possible for their school and team. This proves that collegiate student-

athletes should be paid throughout their time at universities.

The amount of free time these athletes have is almost little to none. There are so many

reasons why these athletes should be paid just as if they worked a job. I greatly believe that the

players across the country should speak out for a change on this topic. Most athletes in college

hardly ever get to see their families due to the amount of time spent working with their team,

coaches, and teachers. They bring in insane amounts of money to all universities across the

country. I believe that it should be allowed to all collegiate athletes across the country. With that

being said, I am happy to conclude that I believe all college athletes should be paid.
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