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" Effects of gender Discrimina3on in Pakistan "

Gender discrimina,on is a rampant issue in Pakistan that has been prevalent for many years.
It is a phenomenon where people are treated differently based on their gender, and this
leads to an unequal distribu,on of opportuni,es, rights, and resources. Gender
discrimina,on has significant effects on both men and women in Pakistan, but the
consequences are more severe for women. This essay will discuss the effects of gender
discrimina,on on Pakistan's society and how it affects women.

One of the most significant effects of gender discrimina,on in Pakistan is the marginaliza,on
of women from poli,cal, social, and economic opportuni,es. Women are oFen excluded
from decision-making processes, and their voices are not heard in important discussions.
This exclusion means that women do not have the same access to opportuni,es as men,
which significantly affects their ability to improve their economic status. This, in turn,
reinforces tradi,onal gender roles and makes it difficult for women to break out of the cycle
of poverty and discrimina,on.

Gender discrimina,on also affects women's access to educa,on in Pakistan. Many families
priori,ze educa,ng their male children over their female children, which creates a gender
gap in educa,on. Women who do manage to get an educa,on are oFen discriminated
against when they try to enter the workforce. They are paid less than men for the same
work and are oFen relegated to lower-paying jobs that are considered "women's work."

Gender discrimina,on also affects women's physical and mental health in Pakistan. Women
are oFen subjected to violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of abuse. The fear of
violence and harassment keeps women from par,cipa,ng in society and hinders their ability
to get an educa,on and find work. This fear also takes a toll on their mental health and can
lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Furthermore, gender discrimina,on affects women's reproduc,ve health in Pakistan.

Women are oFen denied access to family planning services, which leads to unwanted
pregnancies and unsafe abor,ons. This lack of access to reproduc,ve health care also
increases maternal mortality rates and puts women's lives at risk.

In conclusion, gender discrimina,on has significant effects on Pakistan's society and affects
women more severely than men. The marginaliza,on of women from poli,cal, social, and
economic opportuni,es reinforces tradi,onal gender roles and makes it difficult for women
to improve their economic status. Gender discrimina,on also affects women's access to
educa,on and healthcare, and increases their vulnerability to violence and abuse. Therefore,
it is essen,al to address gender discrimina,on in Pakistan and work towards crea,ng a
society where men and women have equal opportuni,es and rights.

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