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Eli Elza

Media Writing
Radio Ad
March 29, 2023


LITTLE BOY, Mom, I really have to pee.
MOTHER I’m sorry, honey, you’ll have to hold it for a little longer.
LITTLE BOY But there’s a bathroom right there.
MOTHER I know, but you’re a boy so you’re not allowed in the girl's bathroom
with me, and I’m a girl so I can’t go to the boy’s bathroom with you.
LITTLE BOY That doesn’t make any sense. Why’s it matter where I go potty?
MOTHER That’s just the law. It’s not up to me.
LITTLE BOY Well, that law’s stupid.
MOTHER, I know honey, I know.
ANNOUNCER Bathroom bans affect all of us. When you take away someone else’s
rights, you take away your own.
Creative/Copy Platform
Situation analysis: Provide a brief profile of the company.

I’m writing for the National Center for Transgender Equality which is an organization that advocates
for increased understanding and acceptance of transgender people in the US. The NCTE wants to create a
society in which transgender people have full control over their identities and bodies and are free from
disrespect, discrimination, and violence.

Objectives: What are your goals for the ad campaign?

My goals for this ad campaign are to show people why laws that restrict anyone’s rights, in this case,
trans people, are bad for everyone. I want people to oppose bathroom bans, whether that is because they
support trans people or because they don’t support the government infringing on their human rights.

Target Market Profile: Who are you targeting with this specific ad (be specific)?

I’m targeting people who are not currently in support of trans people but are against the idea of the
government infringing on human rights. People who don’t want the government policing private matters.

Positioning Statement: One sentence describing the perception of the product after the ad is seen.

I want people to see that, while they might not be trans rights activists themselves, the government
making these types of laws has the potential to negatively affect everyone.

Creative Strategy: Come up with an idea for the ad (one sentence overview of your ad).

Bathroom bans have can cause issues for people who aren’t transgender themselves, like a mother not
being able to take her child to the bathroom.

Media Plan: Where will the ad be displayed (be specific)?

The ad will be aired on radio stations in Arkansas. Arkansas is chosen because there is currently a bill
being discussed that would charge trans adults with sex crimes if they enter bathrooms while minors are in
them. The ad could also be aired in any of the other states where bathroom bans for trans people are being

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