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Forgotten Realms

Lady of the Dance

Johnny Tek
Written by Johnny Tek
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Come hither wearied souls of troubled hearts
And make your way from darkness to the light.
Unchain the passions of your shackled parts
And dance into the deepest blue of night.
The songs of nature and the moonlit way
Will guide believers through the joyful trance.
Let all the tethered hearts be freed to sway,
Unfurling step by step in Maiden’s Dance.

Eilistraee _ As a fledgeling goddess, Eilistraee was barely at the level of a
demipower but nonetheless became much loved not only by
her fellow deities but also the faithful of the Seldarine. She
grew into the form of a fair elven maiden and spent her days
of youth in delight dancing and singing throughout Arvandor
CHAOTIC GOOD while her brother sneaked about causing mischief. Their sister
Other Names or Titles: Lady of the Dance, Lady Vandria, born later (it is currently unknown to most living
Silverhair, The Dancing Goddess, The Dark Dancer, The scholars whether Vandria was truly sired by Corellon and
Dark Maiden, The Masked Lady (formerly) Araushnee), followed the twins around until finding her own
path as a deity, but even after the siblings all reached
Symbol: A drow female with flowing long hair and a silver adulthood, Eilistraee enjoyed pestering her brother and
longsword, with the full moon in background coddling her younger sister. It was a happy, innocent time for
the Dancing Goddess.
Divine Portfolio: Dance, song, beauty, swordwork, hunting,
moonlight Around -30,000 DR (beginning of the Dawn Ages), the War
of the Seldarine began. Araushnee manipulated hostile deities
Divine Realm: Teuivae Thil, Arvandor (Arborea) such as Gruumsh and Malar into battles with the Seldarine, all
in her desire for Corellon’s seat of authority within their
Divine Residence: Arael Tel’Quor
pantheon. Araushnee’s plot was however foiled at a critical
Divine Allies: Aerdrie Faenya, Agni, Bala, Corellon moment, revealing her treachery and turning the tide of the
Larethian, Finder Wyvernspur, Fionnghuala, Fu Hsing, Hanali final battle during the war. The Weaver of Destiny was
Celanil, Hathor, Iallanis, Kishijoten, Lliira, Melira Taralen, subdued by her fellow Seldarine and stripped of her divinity
Mielikki, Milil, Mystra, Oghma, Sehanine Moonbow, Selan, by the will of Corellon. The Coronal of Arvandor sentenced
Selune, Sharess, Tuiviel Glithien, Vandria Gilmadrith, his former consort to exile from Arvandor along with
Vhaeraun Vhaeraun, who had assisted his mother in her plans. The
faithful devoted to Araushnee, along with their children, would
Divine Enemies: Bahgtru, Baphomet, Blibdoolpoolp, also be punished for their part in this betrayal; their bodies
Ghaunadaur, Gruumsh, Hoar, Kiaransalee, Lolth, Malar, were changed to shun the light in a form that is currently
Selvetarm, Set, Shar, Sheverash (currently in truce), Talona, known as drow. This was the first of the Descents to transform
The Queen of Air and Darkness elves into drow, marked as traitors to elvenkind.
Exarchs: Cavatina Xarann Although Eilistraee was to be spared exile after a
misunderstanding about her arrow striking Corellon was
Eilistraee is the goddess of dance, song, beauty, swordwork, cleared up, the Lady of the Dance was concerned for the souls
hunting, and moonlight in the Dark Seldarine patheon. She of the newly turned drow. Eilistraee pleaded to be granted the
has traditionally been worshipped by good drow and non-drow same punishment so that she might serve as a beacon of light
elves, however there has been a recent surge in popularity and hope for those who had been turned, and show them a
among other races’ thespians and patrons of the arts. Her path of redemption. Corellon’s daughter adopted a new form
millennia-spanning crusade to free the drow from the clutches to match that of the drow, and with the Coronal’s reluctant
of evil deities has made her a respected figure among the elven sentencing, matched her circumstances with the very mortals
deities as well as other good deities. that she wished to save; the drow might accept Eilistraee’s
Eilistraee is a melancholy yet affectionate deity that cares teachings, through her sacrifice to become one who could truly
deeply about her worshippers, enough to even risk her own understand the drow’s circumstances and frustrations.
safety for the sake of saving them from tragedy. Eilistraee The Dark Maiden wandered for a time throughout the mortal
however respects the free will of mortals and will directly realms and outer planes, establishing temporary residences
intervene only in a truly dire emergency. In most cases the until she built a sizable following, at which point she located
Dark Maiden will communicate with her faithful through the place in which her mother lived as Lolth, Demon Queen
dreams and visions, which on some rare occasions, are of Spiders. Lolth had regained her divinity, established herself
accompanied with a temporary magical empowerment. Her as a Demon Lord, and reigned over the Demonweb Pits, the
teachings revolve around a message of redemption and 66th layer of the Abyss. To assist those wretched souls who
freedom, encouraging those who live in the darkness of despair wished to flee the malevolent tyranny of Lolth, the daughter
to resist and make their way towards the light of hope. of Lolth built a divine realm in the Demonweb Pits, a
Some scholars surmise that Eilistraee was born to Corellon sanctuary waiting for those who could escape Lolth’s afterlife
Larethian and his consort Araushnee (currently known as domain. Amused by the Dark Dancer’s audacity to set up shop
Lolth) sometime during the the Days of Thunder (-35,000 DR so nearby, Lolth welcomed the presence of her daughter and
to -30,000 DR), after the end of the ages-spanning Dawn War, forbade her servants from invading Eilistraee’s divine realm.
and during the transition of primal elves into the current Vhaeraun, having originally set up a realm called Ellaniath in
forms of elves. The Lady of the Dance came into existence Colothys, fourth layer of Carceri, also moved to the
together with Vhaeraun as fraternal twins conceived in the Demonweb Pits when he saw how Eilistraee was being so
whims of deities curious about the profound experience of “tenderly treated” by their mother. Lolth found it even more
parenthood enjoyed by the mortals who worshipped them. amusing to have both her twin children so close to her home

(and so close to her throat), and so also forbade her servants was still in her Chosen’s body. Although the divine weapon was
from attacking the Masked Lord’s domain. The Lady of the meant to slay gods through decapitation, its magic had been
Dance was troubled by the stand off between her realm, corrupted through the presence of an ancient balor (a
Vhaeraun’s, and Lolth’s, but nevertheless Eilistraee endured. powerful demon and ally of Lolth) named Wendonai, who had
possessed the sword while in spirit form. The Dark Dancer
After centuries of maintaining her divine realm in the survived the seemingly fatal strike but was weakened into a
Demonweb Pits, Eilistraee was invited back to Arvandor by comatose state.
Corellon, in recognition of her efforts to redeem the drow and
out of concern for the dangers of being so brazen with her With Eilistraee’s “death”, and the subsequent loss of her
choice of residential location. Too few souls had abandoned magical connection with the clerics of her faith, all seemed lost
Vhaeraun and Lolth in the Demonweb Pits for the goddess to but to Lolth’s surprise, Corellon Larethian stepped in and
justify staying and endangering her thousands of petitioner seemingly prevented Eilistraee’s divine realm from fading in
faithful. Lolth wasn’t the only threat in the Abyss. After a the wake of her death. In truth, the goddess Mystra, as part of
number of unavoidable conflicts with demons and demon preparation for a great calamity that both she and Labelas
lords intruding upon the Demonweb Pits, the Dark Maiden Enoreth of the Seldarine could sense coming (but were unsure
agreed to return to the grace of Arvandor. A small remnant of the details), took both Vhaeraun and Eilistraee into a
sanctuary in the Demonweb Pits was left behind for those hidden conceptual space within the Weave, protected and
seeking liberation from evil; the sanctuary contained a gateway sustained by the primordial stuff of dreams, the eternal
to Eilistraee’s new realm in Arvandor that would only accept building blocks of thoughts and ideas. There the twins would
those with sincere redemption as their intent. slumber safe from the harmful effects of what would later be
known as the Spellplague, in which the Weave would collapse
In 1372 DR (Year of Wild Magic), Lolth retreated into the (but not disappear, fortunately for the twins) and unleash a
heart of her domain and cut herself off from all of her faithful torrent of wild magical energies upon the worlds of
in a state of dormancy, beginning a period of upheaval among Realmspace and the divine realms connected to it.
the drow known as the Silence of Lolth. Eilistraee hoped to
take advantage of her mother’s vulnerability by guiding one of Corellon, as part of a cooperative plan to prevent a number of
her clerics, Halisstra Melarn, to an artifact known as the possible worst case scenarios, and caring about his children
Crescent Blade, a weapon crafted to slay gods. As the (even Vhaeraun), hid the truth of Eilistraee’s survival by
Demonweb Pits became closed off to entry by deities but pretending to maintain her divine realm of Teuivae Thil, and
remained open to mortals, servants of Lolth, and petitioner taking in all of his twin progeny’s faithful under the protection
souls, a mortal like Halisstra could find the sleeping Lolth and of Corellon’s church.
deal a deathblow with the Crescent Blade. The quest went
awry however, and Halisstra turned against Eilistraee to serve When Mystra was slain by Cyric six years later in 1385 DR
Lolth. The return of Lolth ended the Silence in 1373 DR (Year of Blue Fire), a resulting wave of wild magical energies
(Year of Rogue Dragons), and heralded a new stage in the cut a swath of destruction across both the mortal and divine
conflict between mother and daughter, for Lolth’s dormancy realms. The next century was filled with all sorts of tumult and
was part of a magical ritual performed to become far more conflict among the gods while the Dark Maiden and her
powerful as a deity. brother continued to sleep through it all, sharing a dream-
constructed realm and coming to terms with the roots of their
Disadvantaged by the surprisingly enhanced strength of Lolth, conflicts through the sharing of their memories.
the Dancing Goddess took a gamble and successfully
convinced her mother to play a cosmic game of sava (a In 1487 DR (Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant), Eilistraee
tabletop game of miniatures similar to chess) with high stakes; and Vhaeraun were freed by a restored Mystra in the wake of
the two deities would choose limited numbers of specific pieces the Second Sundering; the twins emerged from their “tomb”
(representing their faithful, divine servants, and mortal pawns) with a far greater understanding of each other’s perspective,
to be moved with the guidance of their divine powers, and the and a new sense of respectful camaraderie as siblings. Corellon
game’s loser would perish. The game between Eilistraee and welcomed back both twins with open arms and sensed great
Lolth would last from 1373 DR to 1379 DR. changes in them; Eilistraee attained a greater sense of
pragmatism and Vhaeraun was no longer resentful of matters
In 1375 DR (Year of Risen Elfkin), Vhaeraun attempted to that had kept him submerged in darkness.
slay Eilistraee out of the very same desperation experienced by
the Dark Maiden but lost the battle; the Masked Lord’s divine The Lady of the Dance and the Masked Lord, after taking
portfolio, church, and resources were absorbed by Eilistraee, account of their faithful in Arvandor, then set out across the
transforming her into the Masked Lady, and strengthening her mortal realms to revive their churches. There were reports of
to stand on slightly more even footing against Lolth. the goddess appearing to travelers on the roads leading to
cities, indicating that Eilistraee’s campaign of rebuilding her
In 1379 DR (Year of the Lost Keep), Eilistraee made a faith is far more ambitious than her previous, comparably
desperate gambit to try and save a lost piece (Halisstra Melarn) narrower focus on elves and drow.
by directly possessing the body of her Chosen Qilué Veladorn,
who was face-to-face with Halisstra. The Dark Maiden tried to Eilistraee currently seeks new connections and new allies for
console Halisstra, who had been deformed and tortured by the great battles soon to rage between good and evil. The song
Lolth as “the Lady Penitent”, but Halisstra responded by of Lady Silverhair can now be heard in many new places
decapitating Qilué with the Crescent Blade while Eilistraee touched by the light of the moon.

disaster, Corellon took responsibility in Eilistraee’s absence and
Divine Allies protected the Dark Maiden’s faithful from being swallowed up
by Lolth’s malice. When the events of the Sundering brought
Eilistraee back to the worlds of her influence, Corellon was
Aerdrie Fenya (Chaotic Good) overjoyed; he is currently helping his daughter recover her
strength after being gone for over a hundred years. As
Symbol: A bird silhouette superimposed on a cloud. Corellon is ruler of the Seldarine, it suffices to say that the rest
Aerdrie Faenya, divergent aspect of Akadi, and the Seldarine of the pantheon knows the truth behind the Dancing Goddess’
(elven) pantheon’s goddess of air, fertility, and weather, is a exile and return; although they may have seemed distant
kindred spirit among the Seldarine. Aerdrie shares a love of during the exile, the Seldarine deities have never truly
song and dance that is often expressed in the rituals and considered Eilistraee separate from their numbers.
festivals of her faithful. As such, the worshippers of Eilistraee
and Aerdrie get along very well, and will often invite each
other to join in their respective festivities.
Finder Wyvernspur (Chaotic Neutral)
Symbol: A white harp in a gray filled-in circle.

Agni (Chaotic Good) Finder Wyvernspur is the Faerûnian pantheon’s god of life
cycles, transformation of art, and saurials (as well as exarch of
Symbol: An upright blooming rose on a sunburst wreath of Tymora). The Nameless Bard happened to be strumming on
golden grain. his lute when Eilistraee passed by on a visit to Gates of the
Agni is the god of fire, redemption, hope, and messages in the Moon. The Dark Maiden was inspired by the music and gave
Vedic pantheon. Eilistraee finds the Purifying Flame Lord to her body over to the melody in the air, inspiring the musician
be a kindred spirit because of his teachings of rebirth through in turn to improvise, complementing the passionate dance in
the flame of hope and determination, burning away one’s sins front of him. After the piece reached its climax, the deities
to move forward into a brighter future. Agni is passionate in became fast friends in their shared love for the performing arts.
fighting against evil, and will not hesitate to assist a good deity Eilistraee granted Finder an open invitation to visit her divine
such as Eilistraee should he be in a position to do so. realm and tour the festive theaters there as his choice of either
audience or talent. The Patron of Saurials may still be a
youngling in the Dancing Goddess’ eyes, but he holds great
Bala (Chaotic Good)
Symbol: A zither (musical stringed instrument with 30-40
strings). Fionnghuala (Neutral Good)
Bala is the Zakharan pantheon’s goddess of music, song, and Symbol: A white feather superimposed over a lake.
rebellion. Though the Player of Ill Tidings is one of the minor
deities of Zakhara, she is also one of the longest lived. Scholars Fionnghuala is the Seelie Court pantheon’s goddess of
have traced Bala’s origins as far back as the Days of Thunder swanmays, communications, and sorority. The Swan Ranger
(-35,000 to -30,000 DR), as one of the deities worshipped by was introduced to Eilistraee over a thousand years ago by their
an avian winged creator race, the aeree. According to some mutual friend Iallanis (of the giant pantheon). Fionnghuala
researchers of the Seldarine, Bala may have known Eilistraee shares much in common with the Dark Maiden, being a deity
during her childhood, perhaps as a fellow student of music or who protects mortals against a great force of evil (the Queen
even a tutor since the Free Singer’s divine realm is in of Air and Darkness) that threatens to conquer the realms.
Arvandor. However they met, the goddesses are dear friends, What fascinated Eilstraee most about Fionnghuala was that
and as a supporter of freedom and acts of kindness, Bala is the Patron of Swanmays was originally a mortal human ranger
always willing to aid Eilistraee’s fomenting of rebellion among who was sponsored by the goddess Titania for protecting a
the drow against Lolth. wounded Oberon in battle. The Dancing Goddess appreciated
the value in learning the perspective of Fionnghuala, who
possessed the experience of a mortal; such perspectives are
invaluable towards understanding the mortal faithful,
Corellon Larethian (Chaotic Good) especially the drow whom Eilistraee wishes to save. Although
she usually has her hands full in the politics of the Seelie
Symbol: A crescent moon. Court, Fionnghuala will gladly draw her bow to assist
Eilistraee, should the Dark Dancer ever need it.
Corellon Larethian, the Seldarine (elven) pantheon’s god of
magic, music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race, poetry, bards,
and warriors (as well as the pantheon’s leader), is a doting
father and wishes for his daughter’s happiness. He will go to
great lengths to assist Eilistraee in times of need. Not long
before the Spellplague, when Eilistraee was secretly sent to a
hidden sanctuary by Mystra in preparation of the coming

Fu Hsing (Chaotic Good) Iallanis (Neutral Good)
Symbol: A star above a horizontal, closed scroll. Symbol: A garland of flowers.

Fu Hsing is the Celestial Bureaucracy pantheon’s god of Iallanis is the giant pantheon’s goddess of love, forgiveness,
happiness and hope. One of the tales of Eilistraee’s time of beauty, and mercy. It is said that the Flower Princess and
wandering involves the Dark Maiden stumbling onto the Land Eilistraee met during the Dark Maiden’s time of wandering,
of the Immortals in the Ethereal Plane; here she met Fu during the earliest conflicts between giants and dragons;
Hsing, who lent an ear as a listener to Eilistraee’s concerns for Iallanis’ optimistic perspective partially inspired Eilistraee to
the future of the drow. The Scholar of Joys shared his wisdom endure her difficult journey; the goddesses bonded through
and helped to alleviate the fears carried by Eilistraee. Fu Hsing their shared beliefs and mutual desires to bring light to
is a peaceful deity who will not participate in violent conflicts darkness. The Favored Daughter of Annam still holds on to a
but will offer warm advice or at least a cup of tea to good strong hope for the future of giant civilization becoming a
deities such as Eilistraee should they find themselves attacked bastion of good, and remains both a loyal friend and an
by despair. inspiration to Eilistraee.

Hanali Celanil (Chaotic Good) Kishijoten (Neutral Good)

Symbol: A golden heart. Symbol: A white diamond in front of an upright folding hand
Hanali Celanil, divergent aspect of Sune, and the Seldarine
(elven) pantheon’s goddess of love and beauty, supports the Kishijoten is the goddess of beauty, song, dance, and luck in
Dark Dancer’s role as a deity of performing arts. Such things the Eight Million Gods pantheon. The Geisha Queen is a
add to the beauty of life, so Hanali is always willing to lend a fellow patron of the performing arts and also offers kindness to
hand, if at least to ensure that the beauty of the fallen elfkin those who suffer. Eilistraee admires the elegance and dignity
can be salvaged. The followers of Sune herself, as well as her with which Kishijoten carries herself, and Kishijoten admires
exarchs Liira and Sharess will help Eilistraee worshippers due the dedication with which Eilistraee pursues the salvation of
to their shared love of the arts and beautiful things, as well as mortals. The Patron of Geishas is a reliable ally whose cunning
their shared senses of compassion. and wit are a powerful resource against the forces of evil that
threaten the world.

Hathor (Neutral Good)

Symbol: A horned cow’s head with a lunar disk hovering
Lliira (Chaotic Good)
above it. Symbol: A triangle of three six-pointed stars (orange, yellow,
red), with the orange star centered above the red star (left) and
Hathor is the Mulhorandi pantheon’s goddess of motherhood, yellow star (right).
folk music, dance, the Moon, and fate. The Nurturing Mother
has long been a friend of Eilistraee, even from before the Lliira is the Faerûnian pantheon’s goddess of joy, happiness,
Mulhorandi deities arrived in Realmspace; some scholars even dance, festivals, freedom, and liberty (as well as exarch of
theorized that Hathor was Sehanine Moonbow, but the theory Sune). The Lady of Joy is a kindred spirit to Eilistraee when it
was debunked by ranking priests and planeswalkers. It is rare comes to love for expressing oneself through dance. Lliira is a
for either of them to face a problem requiring their mutual welcome visitor to Lady Silverhair’s divine realm, and those
attention since drow are uncommon to encounter in the lucky enough to witness their greetings to each other will often
Mulhorandi region, but should the need arise, the goddesses’ see a wondrous sight of the goddesses dancing in unison to the
faithful will cooperate in the spirit of their friendship. harmony of a rapturous song. Although the peace-loving Lliira
will not proactively partake in violent battles against other
deities, she will eagerly join any conflict involving Loviatar,
whose servants slew the Joybringer’s lover during the Time of
Troubles. As Loviatar is a force of evil in the realms, Eilistraee
will definitely alert her friend should she discover activity
involving Loviatar’s cult.

Melira Taralen (Chaotic Good) Mystra (Neutral Good)
Symbol: A golden lute against a blue background. Symbol: A circle of seven stars or nine stars encircling a
flowing red mist, or a single eight-pointed star.
Melira Taralen is the Seldarine (elven) pantheon’s goddess of
half-elven bards, elven minstrels, and songwriting. The Mystra, the Faerûnian pantheon’s goddess of magic, spells, the
Songstress is also the daughter of Hanali Celanil and a Weave, and time, has been a staunch friend and ally to
childhood friend of Eilistraee. When Eilistraee returned to Eilistraee. It was Mystra that saved Eilistraee from destruction
Arvandor and again when she “returned to life”, Melira was at the climax of Lolth’s plot to plunder Eilistraee’s following. It
among the first to welcome back the Dark Maiden. The soulful is known that after Eilistraee returned to power, Mystra trusted
duets of the goddesses are filled with warmth and affection, the Dark Maiden with a share of responsibility in maintaining
and they could occasionally be seen viewing the starry skies in the integrity of the Weave of magic, the foundation of all
Arvandor together, sharing stories of woe and joy like sisters of magic in the worlds under their charge; whether this has solely
the soul. to do with the Lady of Mysteries recruiting deities into a
Council of Arcana or something more is currently unknown.

Mielikki (Neutral Good)

Symbol: A gold-horned, blue-eyed unicorn’s head facing left.
Oghma (Neutral)
Symbol: A partially unrolled blank scroll.
Mielikki, the Faerûnian pantheon’s goddess of Autumn,
dryads, forest creatures, forests, and rangers, has long been a Oghma is the Faerûnian pantheon’s god of bards, inspiration,
friend of Eilistraee. Some scholars believe that the Lady of the invention, and knowledge. Although the Lord of Knowledge
Forest and the Lady of the Dance have known each other since will not participate in violent conflicts, he is dedicated to the
before the War of the Seldarine, hunting together in the forests spread of ideas and lore. To that end, the beauty of song and
of Arvandor. Mielikki’s identity of Khalreshaar in the dance spread by the Dark Dancer’s followers is in great
Seldarine pantheon places her as an ally of all elves, including agreement with Oghma’s tenets. The Patron of Bards may
those who worship Eilistraee. As Mielikki is known to be the intervene to peacefully rescue a faithful of Eilistraee if they are
Patron of Half-Elves in her role as Khalreshaar, the faithful of particularly accomplished in the performing arts, or has served
Eilistraee will never discriminate against half-elves based on well in teaching others the value and techniques of such skills.
lineage and are usually very open to becoming friends with
non-evil half-elves.

Sehanine Moonbow (Chaotic Good)

Symbol: A misty crescent above a full moon.
Milil (Neutral Good)
Symbol: A five-stringed harp made of silver leaves. Sehanine Moonbow, divergent aspect of Selune and the
Seldarine (elven) pantheon’s goddess of death, dreams, and the
Milil, the Faerûnian pantheon’s god of poetry, song, and moon, has cared for Eilistraee as if they were mother and
eloquence (as well as exarch of Oghma), is quite fond of daughter. Sehanine’s love for Eilistraee is demonstrated by her
Eilistraee as a fellow patron of the arts. The Lord of Song gift for the construction of Eilistraee’s realm, Teuivae Thil;
comes to Eilistraee’s divine realm during certain festivals as a Sehanine created a moon for this realm of perpetual night, to
performer, and the Lady of the Dance in turn performs for the provide light and comfort for the daughter of her heart and
annual Festival of Masters at Milil’s Celestial Conservatory the resident souls living there.
(Library of All Knowledge, House of Knowledge). Some bards
sing of Milil wooing the Dark Maiden whenever he has the
opportunity, but that is just a playful rumor (possibly spread by
the Lord of All Songs himself). Selan (Neutral Good)
Symbol: A moon within a ring and a tiny star orbiting the

Selan, the Zakharan pantheon’s goddess of beauty and the

moon, is said to be the beloved daughter of Selune. As
Sehanine Moonbow, aspect of Selune, is like a mother to
Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden considers Selan as something akin
to a sister or cousin; the Garden Maiden in turn seems to
return the same affection. Selan adores the beauty of song,
dance, and redemption that Eilistraee’s faith brings to the
realms, and will do what she can to assist any faithful of
Eilistraee that runs into trouble in the Lands of Fate.

Selune (Chaotic Good) Tuiviel Glithien (Chaotic Good)
Symbol: A pair of eyes encircled by seven stars. Symbol: The front side of a bird in flight, superimposed on a
full moon.
Selune, the Faerûnian pantheon’s goddess of good and neutral
lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers Tuilviel Glithien is the Raptoran pantheon’s goddess of
came to know Eilistraee through her aspect Sehanine raptorans, night birds, stars, and the Moon (as well as the
Moonbow. Just as Sehanine cares for Eilistraee, Selune will pantheon’s leader). The Queen of Air and Night (not to be
assist Eilistraee as a reliable ally. With Shar’s darkness confused with the Unseelie goddess of a similar title) has been
threatening to snuff the light of hope that Eilistraee is a close friend of the Seldarine since before the Days of
currently bringing with her return, the Dark Dancer may need Thunder, when mortal races were still young. Eilistraee is said
the benefit of Selune’s vast experience sooner than later. to have marveled as a child at the beautiful feathered wings
with which Tuiviel presented herself with when visiting the
realm of the Seldarine from her neighboring realm in
Arvandor (Arborea). The Lady of the Silent Wings has always
Sharess (Chaotic Good) been fond of Eilistraee, and though their work as deities rarely
Symbol: A single pair of feminine lips. intersects, Tuilviel will always welcome Lady Silverhair in the
domain of the Raptoran pantheon.
Sharess is the Faerûnian pantheon’s goddess of hedonism and
sensuality, also known as Bast in the Mulhorandi pantheon for
the same roles (as well as exarch of Sune). The Mother of Cats
has long been revered as a patron of dance as a form of Vhaeraun (Chaotic Neutral)
sensual fulfillment and expression; she identifies well with Symbol: A gray mask fitted with a pair of black glass lenses
Eilistraee as both artist and patron. Sharess encourages her over the eyes.
faithful to ease the pain of others through joy, so while her
church is generally pacifistic, they will at least support Vhaeraun, the Dark Seldarine (drow) pantheon’s god of
champions of good (such as Eilistraee’s clerics and paladins) thievery, drow males, and arrogance, is Eilistraee’s elder twin
with shelter, information, and healing. Sharess is a particularly brother. He originally held murderous resentment for
zealous ally against Shar, who had attempted to subsume Eilistraee, and they fought each other often over the fate of the
Sharess’ power during the Time of Troubles. As Sharess is drow. When both siblings returned in the wake of the
technically also the mother of Selvetarm (since Sharess is a Sundering, they held a new bond of understanding from their
merging of Bast with the goddess Zandilar, who gave birth to mutual experiences. Although a few of Vhaeraun’s
Selvetarm), Eilistraee considers Sharess as family of a sort. worshippers remain antagonistic towards the faithful of
Eilistraee, Vhaeraun himself now supports Eilistraee in
resistance against Lolth and Eilistraee supports Vhaeraun on
the same matter. Their faithful will still come to blows over
Vandria Gilmadrith (Lawful Neutral) disagreements about their methods, but they avoid killing each
Symbol: An elf ’s eye on a red shield, with a crescent moon other and even work together when possible. Familial and
lined up with the right half of the eye’s iris. romantic relationships created while the churches were merged
for over a century have further reinforced cooperation between
Vandria Gilmadrith, the Seldarine (elven) pantheon’s goddess the twins’ faithful.
of war, guardianship, justice, grief, vigilance, and decision, is
the younger sister of Eilistraee. The Stern Daughter of
Corellon is dedicated to the protection of all elves, which of
course includes the very drow Eilistraee seeks to redeem. As
such, the Stern Daughter of Corellon will aid Eilistraee to the
best of her ability, especially since redeeming the drow would
be a way of saving elves from themselves. Those drow who
refuse to seek redemption however are considered enemies by
Vandria, and she will do whatever is necessary to protect
elvenkind, sometimes to Eilistraee’s chagrin.

Divine Enemies Ghaunadaur (Chaotic Evil)
Symbol: A purplish eye centered on superimposed circles of
purple, then violet, then black.

Bahgtru (Chaotic Evil) Of all the foes that Eilistraee must face, Ghaunadaur, the Dark
Seldarine (drow) pantheon’s god of oozes, outcasts, and
Symbol: A broken humanoid thighbone.
abominations, is the most enigmatic. This ancient deity,
Bahgtru is the orc pantheon’s god of loyalty, stupidity, and perhaps the oldest of the deities worshipped in the Realms, is
brute strength. As the son of Gruumsh, Bahgtru has a strong driven by a primordial hunger that borders on the limits of
sense of rivalry with the children of Gruumsh’s mortal enemy sanity, if not already breaking them (and many believe that he
Corellon; this of course includes Eilistraee. The Leg Breaker is has indeed gone mad). Ghaunadaur’s behavior is strange even
determined to defeat the Dancing Goddess in battle, and bring for a chaotic deity, and his alien mindset is a cause of concern
his father the enemy’s broken form. Fortunately for Eilistraee, for all of his rivals. Ghaundaur has preyed on the drow in the
Bahgtru is so very feeble-minded and brutish in his ways that it past, and holds a grudge against Eilistraee for her obstinate
has never been difficult to evade Bahgtru’s attacks. For the refusal to back down from her defense of mortals against
daughter of Corellon, the game of outwitting the son of Ghaunadaur’s depredations.
Gruumsh, though rather unchallenging, has become a
welcome distraction to change the pace of things once in a
Gruumsh (Chaotic Evil)
Symbol: An unwinking eye.

As the favored child of Corellon, Eilistraee is an obvious target

Baphomet (Chaotic Evil) for Corellon’s arch-nemesis, Gruumsh, the orc pantheon’s god
Symbol: A stylized maze, configured at the artist’s preference. of orcs, conquest, strength, and survival (as well as the
pantheon’s leader). The faithful of Eilistraee will always be
Baphomet is a Demon Lord of the Abyss who has achieved a weary of the bloodthirsty fanatics worshipping Gruumsh, as
level of divinity as a fiendish god of minotaurs, battle, and Gruumsh would love nothing more than to see the horrified
vengeance. The Patron of Minotaurs has been plotting to expression on his most hated enemy’s face as Gruumsh holds
destroy the unity of the giant tribes and corrupt the giant races the decapitated head of the Seldarine ruler’s beloved daughter.
for a long time, making him possibly the most direct enemy of
Eilistraee’s friend Iallanis (of the giant pantheon), who seeks to
unify the giants into a civilization of benevolence. According
to a story from Eilistraee’s time of wandering, the Dark Hoar (Lawful Neutral)
Maiden rescued her friend Iallanis from the clutches of
Symbol: A black-gloved hand holding a coin, revealing a
Baphomet, interrupting his attempt to sacrifice the giant
goddess in a foul ritual of divinity absorption. The Demon single side on which there is an image of two conjoined,
Lord maintains a grudge against Eilistraee to this day, and the oppositely facing humanoid heads.
ogres, giants, and minotaurs that worship Baphomet have Hoar is the Faerûnian pantheon’s god of revenge, retribution,
clashed with the Dancing Goddess’ champions both in the and poetic justice (as well as exarch of Bane). The
Underdark and on the surface. Doombringer’s teachings of trading pain for pain is in stark
opposition to Eilistraee’s mission of redemption, for the
followers of Hoar are a danger to all drow trying to repent for
actions taken while under the rule of Lolth’s church. As Hoar
Blibdoolpoolp (Neutral Evil) will make no exceptions for those that the Dark Maiden wishes
Symbol: A lobster head superimposed on a black pearl. to save, they are likely to remain at odds with each other for
the foreseeable future.
Blibdoolpoolp is a goddess of kuo-toa, evil undersea creatures,
darkness of the seas and Underdark, insanity, and revenge; she
has long been an enemy of the drow and illithid deities. Lolth
and her exarchs are the primary antagonists who have
provoked the wrath of Blibdoolpoolp, but the insane goddess
regards the children of Lolth as enemies merely by association;
as such, Eilistraee’s faithful are immediate targets of violence
whenever they encounter the Sea Mother’s cultists. The
followers of Blibdoolpoolp are infamous for kidnapping people
and using the victims in strange sacrificial ceremonies; many
of the servants of Eilistraee have seen horrors suffered in the
hands of Blibdoolpoolp’s cult, and for that reason the church
of Eilistraee will readily take action to eradicate any trace of
the Lobster-Headed Queen’s presence found in the realms.

Kiaransalee (Chaotic Evil) Malar (Chaotic Evil)
Symbol: An open female drow hand wearing silver rings on Symbol: A bestial five-digit claw with brown fur and curved
each digit except for the thumb. talons.

Kiaransalee, the Dark Seldarine (drow) pantheon’s goddess of Malar, the Faerûnian pantheon’s god of bloodlust, evil
the undead and vengeance, is a mere shadow of her former lycanthropes, hunters, marauding beasts and monsters, and
power prior to the “death” of Eilistraee (which was a ruse to stalking, is one of the Deities of Fury, along with Auril,
hide Mystra’s action to protect the Dark Maiden from the Umberlee, and Talos. The Black-Blooded Pard has had many
upcoming Spellplague). It was one of Eilistraee’s followers, a dealings with Lolth as the Spider Queen’s ally, and caused
wizard named Qarlynd Melarn, who devised the casting of a great trouble for Eilistraee’s work. Malar’s champions enjoy
high magic ritual that erased Kiaransalee’s name from the hunting the faithful of the Dark Maiden in the wilderness, and
minds of mortals and gods alike. Kiaransalee was thought to Eilistraee’s champions in turn hunt the faithful of Malar, as
have faded to nothingness at the time due to a lack of well as any evil lycanthrope they detect. A violent skirmish
worshippers that could remember her. Kiaransalee somehow between the faithful of these two deities is often one in which
returned after the Sundering, though greatly diminished from they challenge each other in the realm of ambush tactics and
her original strength. It is speculated that before vanishing survival skills.
completely, the evil goddess had transferred her consciousness
to the phylactery that she once used as a lich before ascending
to true godhood. Vengeful as her portfolio would assume,
Kiaransalee is now zealously devoted to destroying Eilistraee Selvetarm (Chaotic Evil)
and her faithful. Symbol: A spider superimposed on a crossed sword and

Of all the tragedies to sadden Eilistraee, the corruption of her

Lolth (Chaotic Evil) nephew Selvetarm may be the greatest. Selvetarm, the Dark
Symbol: A female drow-headed black spider hanging from a Seldarine (drow) pantheon’s god of bloodlust and battle
spider web. prowess, was born the son of Vhaeraun and Zandilar (a
demigoddess who merged with Bast to become Sharess). He
Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, the Dark Seldarine was taken in by Eilistraee for a time, learning the ways of
(drow) pantheon’s goddess of assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, good, until he was tricked by Lolth to kill a demon lord and
evil, and spiders, is Eilistraee’s mother yet seems to hold little absorb the demon lord’s power. The absorbed demonic
love (if any) for the Dark Maiden. Lolth loves herself above all essence transformed Selvetarm into a twisted abomination of
others, and won’t hesitate to destroy anyone and anything that his former self, both mentally and physically. Lolth took
gets in the way of her personal desires, even her own children. advantage of Selvetarm’s pliability following his
Lolth is the most dangerous enemy that Eilistraee must transformation, and convinced him to serve his grandmother
contend with, because Lolth is a skilled mistress of deceptive as her bodyguard and exarch. During the conflicts that led to
strategies with long-reaching objectives. As long as Lolth Eilistraee’s vanishing, Selvetarm was slain by Cavatina Xarran,
maintains dominance over the majority of the drow, a Darksong Knight serving Eilistraee. As such, all hope for
Eilistraee’s faithful will have no shortage of enemies seeking to redeeming him someday seemed to have been lost. When
subjugate or destroy them, and Eilistraee will keep fighting to Selvetarm was raised from death during the Sundering, he
save dark elves from damnation. Eilistraee’s recently bestowed reassumed his duties as the exarch of Lolth, but Eilistraee still
responsibilities related to the Weave as a Council of Arcana hopes that Selvetarm could be cleansed from the evil that
member has caught the attention of Lolth, who covets having poisoned his very soul.
control over magic and the rules of magic, so the Lady of the
Dance has become increasingly weary of her mother
attempting to slip influence into the workings of the Council.
Set (Lawful Evil)
Symbol: A coiled cobra.

Set is the Mulhorandi pantheon’s god of the desert,

destruction, drought, night, rot, snakes, hate, betrayal, evil
magic, ambition, poison, and murder. The Father of Jackals
promotes corruption, hatred, and cruelty in the realms of
Mulhorand and Unther, which are in great opposition to the
tenets promoted by Lady Silverhair. It fills Eilistraee with a
deep sense of disgust whenever she must interact directly with
Set in meetings of Mystra’s Council of Arcana, but the
Dancing Goddess finds comfort in the fact that good gods such
as Isis and Hathor have managed to keep Set from spreading
his cult too far beyond his pantheon’s designated region.

Shar (Neutral Evil) Exarchs
Symbol: A full black disk with a deep purple border. Exarchs are deities and demigods that serve other (usually
more powerful) deities that protect, rule over and/or provide
Shar, the Faerûnian pantheon’s goddess of caverns, dark, them with support against their enemies.
dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, and the
Underdark, is a cunning foe equipped with eons’ worth of
insight and knowledge. The Mistress of the Night vehemently
despises her sister Selune, and seeks the destruction of Cavatina Xarran (Chaotic Good)
Eilistraee simply because Selune has affection for the Dancing
Goddess. The presence of Shar’s faithful in the Underdark is Symbol: A downward sword superimposed on a full moon.
counted among the many dangers to those of Eilistraee’s that Cavatina, the Seldarine pantheon’s goddess of song elves,
venture beneath the surface realms to bring refugees among loyalty, and pride, as her mother before her, served as a
the Drow to the light above. Darksong Knight of Eilistraee until her death in 1379 DR
(Year of the Lost Keep). Touted as one of the greatest warriors
to ever serve the Lady of the Dance, Cavatina became a
legend when she took up Eilistraee’s most powerful sacred
Shevarash (Chaotic Neutral) artifact, the Crescent Blade, and slew the evil god Selvetarm
Symbol: A broken arrow bent (broken ends upward) over a with it. Although Cavatina herself was slain not long after her
teardrop. greatest victory, she somehow retained a tiny portion of divine
essence absorbed from the body of the slain Selvetarm. This
Shevarash is the Seldarine (elven) pantheon’s god of hatred of divinity may have saved her soul from being horrifically
the drow, vengeance, crusades, and loss. The relationship rendered by the Crescent Blade’s power when it was used by
between the Night Hunter and the Dancing Goddess is a an enemy against Cavatina.
complicated one. Although Shevarash is devoted to eradicating
the drow from the multiverse, he makes an exception for the After Eilistraee returned from supposed death, Cavatina
faithful of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun as a matter of truce rejoined her former mistress, and was given life anew. Much to
agreement. The church of Shevarash is therefore technically everyone’s surprise, Cavatina ascended upon resurrection as an
the enemy of Eilistraee’s church by the teachings of vindictive immortal demigoddess thanks to the residue of divine essence
discrimination that they spread, but Shevarash’s faithful are acquired from Selvetarm. Cavatina swore to use her newfound
instructed to avoid intentionally harming the faithful of power in furtherance of the great cause of Eilistraee.
Cavatina is an aggressive combatant in battle, yet maintains
her composure in all situations. In the past, she had a short
temper and allowed herself to become arrogant as she grew
Talona (Chaotic Evil) strong and accomplished; such behavior led to carelessness at a
critical moment, and Cavatina will never allow herself to
Symbol: Three golden amber teardrops on a purple triangle, forget the failure caused by her hubris.
with the teardrops arranged in triangle formation, and both
the teardrop formation and purple triangle pointed
Talona, the Faerûnian pantheon’s goddess of disease and
poison, is determined to spread misery and ugliness to all the In 1379 DR (Year of the Lost Keep), a drow wizard
Realms. Eilistraee’s faith promotes compassion and beauty,
named Q’arlynd Melarn led a group of fellow drow
making its existence completely incompatible with Talona’s
reason for being. The followers of Eilistraee will actively mages to cooperatively perform the ritual for a spell of
oppose Talona’s cultists at every turn, and vice versa. Elven High Magic. This ritual channeled magical energies
of epic proportions to dispel the effects of the Descent
upon all descendants of the ancient Miyeritari elves,
including Q’arlynd himself and his companions. A small
The Queen of Air and Darkness (Chaotic fraction of all drow in Realmspace reverted to their
Evil) ancestors’ original dark brown skin, black hair, and black
Symbol: A black diamond within a circle of ten stars eyes.
To differentiate themselves from the drow, these
The Queen of Air and Darkness is the goddess of illusions,
“original form” dark elves have popularly adopted the
darkness, secrets, murder, and Winter in the Unseelie Court
pantheon (as well as the pantheon’s leader). Eilistraee made an name “song elves”, for it has been said that the subtle
enemy of this malevolent deity when she saved her friend song of Eilistraee led to their casting off the chains of
Fionnghuala (of the Seelie Court pantheon) from being fatally Descent. After Cavatina Xarran ascended to divinity,
wounded by the Wretched Queen’s magic. The Queen of Air since she herself was a song elf, the servant of Eilistraee
and Darkness holds grudges well, and will not likely forget the took up the role of being the song elves’ protector.
Dark Maiden’s meddling for thousands of years to come.

The Seldarine (elven) pantheon gather in a clustered region of
Afterlife divine realms known as Arvandor in Arvandor/Olympus,
which is ruled over by their coronal Corellon Larethian. The
gods here live in harmony with the wilderness, building
Arborea structures around trees rather than through them, or in open
glades where they can more easily construct buildings without
Also known as the Olympian Glades of Arborea, this domain disturbing the land’s natural beauty.
of the gods is a place of intense sensations, powerful emotions,
and mystically beautiful nature, with dangers to match its
wonders. Arborea consists of three infinitely expanding planar
layers, each hosting a distinct set of climates and
environments. Naturally occurring portals between the layers Among Arborea’s most famous intelligent residents are
resemble clusters of shimmering air; the portals lead from one celestial eladrin and lillendi. Celestial eladrin are native
layer to the next or previous in an ordered sequence, with the to Arborea while many lillendi immigrate to Arborea to
spatial coordinates of the destinations remaining relatively experience the intense emotions present in the plane’s
consistent for most of the portals. When entering Arborea,
petitioner souls appear as they did in life, at least until they
enter a particular god’s realm within the plane, whose ambient
magic may alter their appearance according to the god’s
In the first two layers of Arborea, the wildlife and flora are
abundant, and the land is teeming with primal spirits of the
land. The abundance of fruits and vegetables as well as the Petitioner souls that live in Arborea sometimes
strong fertility of the soil makes it easy for inhabitants and evolve into elf-like fey creatures known as celestial
visitors alike to forage for food or to cultivate crops. eladrin, not to be confused with high elves who also
refer to themselves as eladrin. Some scholars surmise
Each layer of Arborea experiences a regular 24-hour day and
that celestial eladrin might be the forerunners of the
night cycle, with bright, sunny days and warm nights; a golden
sun travels over each layer during the day, and at night a white high elves, while others propose that they are
moon is accompanied by a dark sky filled with stars of white completely unrelated races of fey. There are many
mixed with different colors. Clouds in the sky appear at the varieties of subrace among the celestial eladrin as well,
whims of the layer’s weather patterns. often producing great differences in their respective
cultures. All celestial eladrin possess magical powers
The first layer of Arborea is known as Arvandor or Olympus,
named after one of two well-known territories of the same that vary by their subraces, such as the ability to control
names within the layer, separated by hundreds of miles of flames, or the ability to communicate with telepathy.
unclaimed wilderness. This layer features mountains, deep
forests, pristine lakes, bountiful rivers, and vast open fields of
flowers and grass. Portals to the planes of the Beastlands and THE LILLENDI
Ysgard can be found in Arvandor/Olympus. Most of the
deities in Arborea inhabit the first layer.
A race of magical creatures native to the plane of
The planes-crossing river Oceanus enters Arvandor/Olympus Ysgard but known for being astral travelers. The lillendi
from a plane known as the Beastlands, streaming along the are able to fly, breathe underwater, understand any
ground in a consistent route before disappearing into a misty intelligent language, innately cast spells, move freely
portal that leads to the second layer of Arborea. through water, move freely across water without
There are seven sprawling hills topped with golden flowers sinking, and are immune to poisons, nonmagical fire,
scattered across Arvandor/Olympus. Each of these hills is a noxious gases, positive energy, negative energy,
planeshifting hub that leads to a corresponding hill in the musically produced magic, and the charmed condition.
gnome pantheon’s plane of Golden Hills; a visitor standing on
one of the hills can activate the magic of the hub with a A lillend’s body has its head and torso resembling
mental command (requires an action), focusing on their desire
that of a comely human or elf, connected to a lower half
to visit Golden Hills (of course some may be prevented from
activating the effect by the gnome deities or the gatekeepers that consists of a stout, multicolored serpent’s tail. The
appointed on the hills). As such, the gnome deities and their torso of a lillend has a pair of feathery wings extending
faithful can be seen coming and going on these hills, from the back, with a combined maximum span roughly
disappearing into thin air as they will themselves to their equal to a third of the length of the lillend’s body (which
destination; this planeshifting appears as though the travelers can measure as long as 20 feet).
are gradually turning invisible over a course of a second as the
air shimmers around them.

There is a massive rocky mountain surrounded by towns, Water sparsely spread out in the middle and deeper levels of
villages, vast farmed fields, tended pastures, rolling hills, and the ocean. If traveling above the water, sailors are warned of
blue seas. This is Olympus, the home of the Olympian great storms that migrate at varying speeds over the ocean’s
pantheon, the place from which the goddess Tyche originated surface.
(before she was split into Tymora and Beshaba). Kiltzi of the
Maztican pantheon also lives in this region, near the base of The planes-crossing river Oceanus makes its final destination
the mountain in a realm known as Rainbow Valley, famous for in Aquallor’s waters, coming in from the first layer of Arborea;
its wide variety of different colored fruits and vegetables. the river is a popular means of travel into Arborea, with
numerous floating towns located near where Oceanus meets
Bala of the Zakharan pantheon makes his home in Arvandor/ the surface of Aquallor’s ocean. There are also maelstroms in
Olympus, in a titanic brown-gray barked tree known as the the ocean that bring those who enter them to the head of
Tree of Melody, where the deity lives with his faithful. The Oceanus at Thalasia, fourth layer of the plane Elysium.
Tree of Melody hosts several town-sized districts on its
branches, along with a network of stairs, bridges, and The third layer of Arborea is known as Mithardir. This layer’s
platforms along its trunk. Bala lives at the top of the tree, in a name means “white dust” in the elven language, and aptly so,
large wooden palace carved into the great tree itself. for Mithardir consists of an endless desert of white, chalky
dust. According to scholars, Mithardir used to be a great forest
The Raptoran pantheon resides at a shared territory in inhabited by deities and titans of old, but now it is an
Arvandor/Olympus, called the Valley of Four Seasons; this abandoned realm dominated by dust mounds and ruins of
realm is a forested land with five city-sized trees on top of ancient cities. Lightning storms whose winds can drive huge
which the deities of the pantheon have built homes for dust storms are common in this layer, sending unprepared
themselves and their faithful. Four of the Trees represent the visitors to their dooms under the dust.
four seasons of nature’s cycle and as such appear as though
they are experiencing the seasons that they represent. The There is a sanctuary temple in Mithardir maintained by
Skyward Tree, residence of the pantheon’s leader Tuiviel Iallanis of the giant pantheon, which serves as a refuge from
Glithien, changes its appearance every day in order of the the storms, and hosts a portal that leads to Iallanis’ realm of
seasons, and towers above the rest. Florallium in Jotunheim (Ysgard).

There is a small landlocked sea surrounded by woods and

grassland in Arvandor/Olympus, where a perpetual mist
hangs over the water. Once in a while, an island appears in the Arvandor
middle of the lake; the island is known as Avalon, and it shifts Vast forests that span across the horizon, majestic mountains
between the planes of the Beastlands, Ysgard, and Arborea. A capped with pure white snow, pristinely clear lakes and
land of eternal twilight, Avalon features a woodland streams, and a deep green sea. The realm of Arvandor (The
environment with many glades and a single lake near the High Forest in elven) is the home of the Seldarine, the
center. The island also hosts a realm known as the Seelie pantheon of gods primarily worshipped by the elves. In this
Court, where the gods of the Seelie Court pantheon live. This paradise of natural wonders, Corellon Larethian rules over a
is one of the most sacred places in the multiverse to many fey multitude of elven deities and archfey, and each deity has a
who worship the Seelie Court, and those who are allowed to personal realm that he/she maintains within the greater
step onto the island itself are considered blessed. Unwanted realm’s borders, which span for more than a thousand miles in
invaders will find themselves teleported to a random location each direction from the center.
in Arborea should they enter the mists with ill intent. The
island is home to many fey creatures, and aside from the When crossing from one deity’s realm to another, there may be
exquisitely crafted buildings at the island’s center where the a gradual shifting of the sky’s appearance, as well as the
Seelie Court deities congregate, there are a few shrines as well amount of light in the environment; the landscape otherwise
as a single settlement on the shores of the island; only natives remains unchanged, seamlessly connecting every realm as a
of the island and invited guests are able to perceive (whether consistently shaped world.
physically or magically) the locations of Avalon’s shrines and
settlement. There are buildings, and even cities amongst the wild
splendors of Arvandor, and they are all constructed in
The second layer of Arborea is known as Aquallor (also known aesthetic harmony with the natural surroundings of the plane.
as Ossa to the Olympian gods, the Endless River to the selkies, In many cases, structures have been directly integrated into the
and the Green or Abiding Sea to the Mulhorandi gods). This environment, such as stairways carved from branches spiraling
entire layer consists of an endlessly spanning ocean over an up around the trunks of titanic trees, or palaces craved out of
uneven rocky terrain; the ocean has few islands on its surface the rocky sides of the mountains, or underwater shrines made
and is about three feet deep everywhere except for sprawling completely out of coral.
chasms that can reach down dozens to thousands of feet; the
underwater valleys at the bottom of the chasms are where All souls that pass on from the mortal world to Arvandor take
most of the inhabitants of this layer can be found. The ocean on the forms of elf-like fey, even non-elves. The angels that
is abundant with sea life, including intelligent aquatic races; protect the plane all either resemble elves, or wear helmets and
one may encounter largest beasts and aberrant creatures in the masks made to resemble the heads and faces of elves. Many
deeper regions and trenches of Aquallor. If searching carefully different types of fey, as well as faerie dragons, agathinon,
enough, travellers can find portals to the Elemental Plane of treants, and asuras also live in Arvandor.

At scattered locations between the deities’ realms as well as on portals connecting to the Elemental Plane of Air in the Aerie.
the outer realms of Arvandor are ancient ruins that were Below the Aerie is a misty valley known as Mythralan, where
inhabited by giants and titans before the Seldarine took hold the Archmage of the Seldarine, Mythrien Sarath, and his
of the region. The current inhabitants of Arvandor have exarch Alobal Lorfiril reside. It is said that the Mythrien’s city
largely left the ruins alone, letting nature gradually reclaim the can only be reached by activating portals hidden within the
abandoned dwellings, but a few such places are being heavily mists of Mythralan, and that there is a powerful mythal
guarded; it is rumored that the guarded ruins hold ancient warding the entire valley from unwanted guests.
artifacts of such dangerous power that even attempting to
move them would pose an unacceptable risk of theft. Further southeast in the Elven Court is a massive, ancient ash
tree known as Yggdrasil. The tree is several miles in diameter,
Most of the deities’ realms are clustered around the center of and extends from its roots deep beneath the ground to the
Arvandor, with various kingdoms ruled by elven royalty and clouds in the sky, where it seems to fade into the heavens. The
archfey scattered around the other parts of the region; this heavily ridged, diamond-patterned bark of the tree is an
cluster of divine realms is known as the Elven Court. earthy gray, covered in moss of green or red at different parts.
The thickest branches of the tree support wood-shaped
Corellon Larethian’s towered palace of ivory-white stone walls platforms on which hundreds of magically shaped wooden
and orange roofing, Tiru’Tel’Coronal (Tower of the Coronal), structures house powerful eladrin soldiers who have been
also known as The Overlook, is at the center of the Court, tasked with sending out regular security patrols throughout
rising high above all over structures in the region; the Coronal Arvandor.
of the Seldarine conducts much of his work as sovereign in the
tower but otherwise comes down to rest and relax in the
Crescent Grove that surrounds the tower. Corellon’s exarchs
Felarathael and Lashrael also reside in the palace, ever ready THE MOTHER TREE
to carry out their liege’s commands.

Sehanine Moonbow presides over the Crescent Grove that The great tree of Yggdrasil in the Elven Court is
surrounds Tiru’Tel’Coronal, receiving and examining visitors not actually a whole tree, but a mere branch of an
who wish to enter the central palace. This forested realm is a unfathomably huge tree that extends its branches and
place of calm and healing, like the eye of the storm in roots across the multiverse. This multiversal tree, also
Arvandor, where passions can easily run high in any other part known as the World Ash, is the true Yggdrasil, and its
of the region. The deities Kethryllia Amarallis, Lafarallinn, seeds have been cultivated in hundreds, perhaps
Naralis Abalor, and Vandria Gilmadrith also make the
thousands of planes and crystal spheres to form entire
Crescent Grove their home.
worlds. To planeswalkers navigating the multiverse, the
Hanali Celanil’s Crystal Palace is located northeast of World Ash is one of the more convenient ways to get
Arvandor’s center, floating on top of a lake known as the around. The branch of Yggdrasil that extends into the
Evergold Pool. Somewhere inside the crystalline walls of the Elven Court is connected to the plane by a shimmering
palace is the Fountain of Evergold, a pool of shimmering,
pool of many bright colors much like those found in the
golden-lustered water surrounded by a crystal basin that exists
in multiple locations in the multiverse simultaneously. Aside Astral Plane. This color pool is a two-way portal that
from the miraculous healing and rejuvenating powers of the leads to another plane touched by Yggdrasil.
Fountain, one can use it to travel between different planes
where the various incarnations of this divine artifact exist. A
portal to Sune’s realm of Brightwater in the Gates of the
Moon can be found in the Crystal Palace. Hanali’s daughter
and exarch Melira Taralen runs a school for performing arts Solonor Thelandira resides in a large tree-palace grown and
known as the Evergold Conservatory on the shores of the shaped from the trunk and branches of a gigantic white tree
Evergold Pool. with silver leaves. The palace, known as Pale Tree, is located
near the base of Yggdrasil, and is mainly used as a resting
Further northeast is the Sparkling Sea, where the Grottos of stop, supply depot, and headquarters for the hunters who
the Sea Elves and Deep Sashelas’ aquatic city of Elavandor revere Solonor. From Pale Tree many of Solonor’s faithful
are home to millions of water-breathing inhabitants, most have embarked on journeys to hunt wild game throughout the
notably aquatic elves. There are portals here that connect to planes, and many trophies from these hunts are displayed
the Elemental Plane of Water and the Coral Sanctuary, the along the walls of the palace.
divine realm of Deep Sashelas’ consort Trishina in the Blue
Sea of the Deep Wilds (a plane administered by the Faerûnian At the center of a large glade northwest of Arvandor’s center
pantheon’s Silvanus and inhabited by many deities of nature). is the Vanishing Tower, home of Labelas Enoreth. The
hundred-foot high mithral tower gets its name from the fact
Aerdrie Fenya’s residence, the Aerie, is a floating, glittering that it disappears without a trace from time to time. It is
city-sized palace of clouds to the southeast of Arvandor’s rumored that the Lord of the Continuum uses the tower as a
center. Here the Winged Mother lives with her friend Syranita vehicle to travel across time itself. There is a portal in the tower
and Syranita’s father Kocraa, the patron deities of the that leads to the Spiral Castle, the residence of Labelas’ exarch
aarakocra. Many elves, avariels, aarakocra, celestial eagles, and Alathrien Druanna in the Outlands.
rocs can be found living within the Aerie’s walls. There are

Further northwest in the Elven Court is the Oak Grove, realm been used as a place of somber meditation and spiritual
of Rillifane Rallathil and his exarch Sarula Ilien, whose training for those who can receive permission to enter, a stark
faithful oversee travel along Ingmar Brook, known as a “fey contrast to the corruption that was once fostered in it.
road” connecting the Oak Grove to the realm of Alfheim in
the plane of Ysgard (the magic of the “fey road” Even further west beyond Araushnee’s Grove are the
dimensionally shifts travelers who walk along the shores of the neighboring realms of Eilistraee’s Teuivae Thil, and
brook to a particular location in Alfheim). This is a particularly Vhaeraun’s Haer’Ahnvaemor (“Center of Night’s Darkness”
popular route for elven pilgrims traveling to and from the lands in elven). Eilistraee favors a lightly wooded plain for her
of the Seldarine. Since Ingmar Brook leads into Lake realm’s environment while Vhaeraun enjoys a more heavily
Brithanion at the northernmost part of Oak Grove, Sarula’s wooded landscape with widespread canopies to provide plenty
palace on the shores of the lake, open to all non-hostile of shadows for his faithful to train their stealthy skills in. The
visitors, serves well as a station and rest stop for travelers. followers of Vhaeraun have constructed an underground city
Rillifane himself lives in relative seclusion inside a palace at (Myth Vhaelar, “City of Shadows” in elven) beneath the forest
the top of an enormous oak tree, leaving most matters of the of Haer’Ahnvaemor; it is a place where one can find all sorts
realm to his exarch while he contemplates the harmony of of contraband and black market goods from across the
nature or instructs others in the art of “listening to nature”. multiverse, gathered for sale by Vhaeraun’s most
entrepreneurial worshippers.
Erevan Ilesere, along with his exarch Avachel (also known as
Aasterinian of the draconic pantheon), reside in the Changing
Palace (though they rarely stay for long, preferring to wander
looking for fun). This wondrous castle of stone, wood, crystal, Teuivae Thil
and other natural materials is located on a sandy hill in the Eilistraee’s realm in Arvandor is located in a lightly wooded
southern area of the Elven Court, not far from Yggdrasil. The plain with shallow streams, tall grass, and an abundant spread
Changing Palace transforms its architecture once every day at of blooming flowers. It is perpetually night in Teuivae Thil
dawn to a random configuration. Color-coordinated portals (Moonlight Evening in elven), with a deep blue sky and a single
and magically adapting maps spread throughout the Changing moon shining overhead; the moon cycles all of its phases over
Palace help inhabitants and visitors navigate their way through the course of twenty-two hours, helping the inhabitants keep a
the structure after each change. Scavenger games held just sense of time. The moonlight is bright enough to provide
after dawn have traditionally been one of the most popular comfortable dim light for the entire realm.
activities at Erevan’s residence; prizes await mortals who
manage to complete their finders’ lists before the next cycle There are many intricately decorated cottages and shrines of
begins. According to the celestial elves living nearby in a ivory and silver in various locations throughout Teuivae Thil.
village called Gnarl, only a fool would attempt to brave “the The realm is also known for its theaters and open-air stages for
Game” unprepared, due to the many tricks and traps set up in practitioners of the performing arts. A number of traveling
throughout the Changing Palace at any given time. souls and even deities may be found visiting to watch a show
being performed.
Elebrin Loithiel resides in the Red Grove east of the Elven
Court’s center. Here the Harvest Lord and his faithful cultivate
many different sources of fruits and vegetables, most notably
red-leaved trees that bear golden apples; it is said that these Arael Tel’Quor
trees are a variant of fruit tree originally seen in another
pantheon’s realm, and the fruits can grant immortality to living Arael Tel’Quor (Communion of the Heart in elven), is a
mortals that consume them. special arena stadium in Teuivae Thil, perched at the summit
of massive trees woven together at the base. Here those who
Further east in the Elven Court is Fennimar, realm of practice the dance of blades can spar and duel against each
Fenmarel Mistarine and Shevarash. Fennimar consists of a other, often with interested onlookers sitting on the side.
mix of quiet, tranquil glades, and some of the thickest forest
and jungle habitats that can be found in the Elven Court. The Eilistraee’s divine magic heals all wounds inflicted within the
outcasts and wild elves that venerate Fenmarel are gifted daily arena, and prevents serious wounds to the spirit bodies of the
in Fennimar with wild game to hunt and plants to harvest. It is arena’s participants. Martial tournaments and religious
said that there are many hidden wonders within the realm’s celebrations are periodically held at Arael Tel’Quor, with the
labyrinth of trees, vines, and bushes, including secluded under- goddess herself usually attending the most prestigious events.
glades where glowing plant-bulbs light up at night in dazzling
This is one of the most sacred places in the realm, where
arrays of nature’s beauty.
warriors can connect with each other’s hearts through the
The western part of the Elven Court hosts the abandoned exchange of blows and the singing of their swords. Most
woods of Araushnee’s Grove, the former realm of Corellon’s notable of what sets the arena apart is that it is the place where
exiled former consort who is now known as Lolth. Perhaps for Eilistraee herself performs the Dance of the Moonlight Blade
the sake of nostalgia for a past era or to remind himself of once every thousand cycles, to bless all of her faithful with a
deep regrets and mistakes that should never be repeated, the vision of the Dark Maiden’s divine artistry.
grove has been preserved by the Coronal but blocked off by a
ring of mountains except for a narrow, guarded passage
aligned with a river known as “Lolth’s Tears”. The realm has

Aelou Drannor Dogma
Eilistraee maintains a sprawling garden estate where she keeps These are the tenets that worshippers of Eilistraee are given to
many works of art and beautiful plants from different worlds, live by.
as well as a personal table in the open where she can
occasionally be found sitting and divining possibilities for the ● Show kindness unto others, that you may bring them
future of her faithful. There is a large open-air court, known as happiness and hope, and battle against evil, that you may save
Aelou Drannor (Meeting Song in elven) at the center where others from sadness and despair.
Eilistraee will receive petitioners for her attention.
● Share your dance, song, and blade with those who are
There are portals here connected to the Celestial willing to learn, to preserve the beauty of the arts.
Conservatory, Milil’s divine realm in the House of Knowledge
(a plane administered by the Faerûnian pantheon’s Oghma), as ● Promote friendship and charity, especially between the races,
well as Finder Wyvernspur’s Castle Wyvernspur at Tymora’s for it is only through mutual acceptance and trust that peaceful
divine realm, the Great Wheel in the Gates of the Moon (a harmony can be achieved.
plane administered by the Faerûnian pantheon’s Selune).
● Do not give in to anger, for it is a path to darkness, but also
There is also a heavily guarded portal at Aelou Drannor that do not be hesitant to repay violence with violence, for trouble
serves as a 1-way entry point from a sanctuary in the 66th will fester when defenders are slow to act.
layer of the Abyss, where Eilistraee once maintained a divine
realm. ● To drow in distress, give aid and share this message. “A
rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of
the Great Light. Come in peace and live beneath the sun again
where trees and flowers grow.”

Traditional ceremonial dress is a loose bare-sleeved, single-
Clergy piece tunic that stops just below the waist. The symbol of a
The clerics of Eilistraee, known as sword dancers, protect silver sword may be embroidered onto the tunic. The hair is
places of beauty in the wilderness, keeping watch against dire kept untied and unbraided. The legs and arms are also kept
threats to the sanctity of such locations. These may include bare, though jewelry may be worn. During a ceremony of
naturally occurring nodes of magical power, or fountains of blessing, mourning, or thanksgiving, a comfortably loose,
blessed water, or gardens containing rare flowers of inspiring silvery, diaphanous gown may be worn by practitioners of the
loveliness. They also organize traveling troupes to earn funds faith. Ceremonial dances will often have the faithful casting
and trade for supplies. The sword dancers are known for aside all clothes to enable full freedom of their bodily motions
bringing exotic furs, meats, fruits, and vegetables that they during the dancing.
carefully gather from the regions surrounding their temples.
Even more renowned are the song and dance performances Clerics and paladins of Eilistraee are mandated to assist any
staged by the clerics, often attracting large crowds in the towns cause that battles against evil, protects the innocent, or
that they visit. advances the development of peace. The clerics and paladins
will resort to violence as a last resort, preferring to resolve
The paladins of Eilistraee are known as darksong knights. situations with diplomacy, but maintain their combative skills
They regularly patrol the regions in which the Eilistraeean in case diplomacy fails.
faithful have set up temples, and are often sent in groups to
deal with wandering monsters or to hunt animals. The The lifestyle of a cleric and paladin of Eilistraee will usually
darksong knights will usually be accompanied by sword consist of hunting, gathering, gardening, trading, and
dancers when approaching powerful enemies. Darksong practicing arts of performance when one is not busy dealing
knights are also trained in song and dance just as the sword with more serious matters, such as defending against invading
dancers are. forces of Lolth. Every cleric and paladin is encouraged to go
on a journey at least once in a while to learn more about the
Before the Spellplague, there existed only a dwindling, small world and the races in it, so that the faithful becomes more
number of temples dedicated to Eilistraee. In recent years capable of serving as an intermediary of peace. Adventuring is
following the Sundering and the return of Eilistraee, the faith also a great source of material for the songs and stories shared
has had a generous growth of interest, and many new around the campfire.
congregations have formed, particularly in cities with healthy
performing arts communities. The main temples continue to Tyranny and oppression are strongly opposed by the church of
be built around or on top of natural places of beauty, but now Eilistraee. Ownership of slaves is forbidden among the
one can occasionally see minor Eilistraeean shrines in the worshippers; there are also many former slaves among
urban settlements. Although the number of faithful is yet Eilistraee’s faithful that were freed by her clerics and paladins.
minor compared to greater deities such as Mystra or
Lathander, the faithful of Eilistraee are building a healthy
population among their own.
Customs of the Faith
Clerics and paladins of Eilistraee usually pray for their spells at The priesthood of Eilistraee were often addressed as Dark
moonrise; this symbolizes the hope of the faithful when Ladies, but with the greater inclusion of non-female priests in
embracing the light that shines in the midst of darkness. They the past century (especially after Eilistraee’s temporary
also spend a few minutes to sharpen the blades of their swords absorption of Vhaeraun’s church), a more neutral term of
with whetstones, symbolizing their aesthetic dedication to an “Moon Singer” is gaining popularity among the faithful.
implement of their performing and combative arts.
The faithful of Eilistraee are encouraged to feed the non-
The standard daily ritual for the cleric or paladin of Eilistraee threatening hungry people whom they meet, sharing food as
is to gather together with comrades around a campfire in the well as the compassion of the Dark Maiden. Surplus food
evening. There they’ll share songs and stories, or dance around during plentiful times is stored in case of such encounters, or
the fire to live music. This symbolizes a passion for life and given to priests of Eilistraee who will then distribute the food
appreciation of companions as one seeks beauty and light even to the hungry. The hunted carcasses of evil creatures however
in the darkest hours. must always be burned after subjugation.
Once every season, the priests of Eilistraee will observe the A ritual that is practiced by faithful of Eilistraee is the
ritual of the High Hunt, in which they organize a mass night- Evensong, in which the faithful sings a wordless song to release
time hunt of dangerous beasts or monsters in the wilderness. the gathered emotions of the day; this symbolizes purification
Guests may join, but all are required to use only bladed of the soul by letting go of fears and doubts. This is usually
weapons. A priest of Eilistraee will usually wear nothing, done in private, but occasionally a musician may be
carrying only a sword for the hunt. commissioned to accompany this intimate performance.
When a priest of Eilistraee reaches their final years of old age, A regular tradition among faithful is a hunt followed by a feast
they perform a “Last Dance”, in which they go off naked into and dancing, as well as a “Circle of Song”; the “Circle of
the wilderness following a song of Eilistraee. It is said that such Song” is performed by sitting and dancing in turns in a circle
a priest continues dancing throughout the night until they with other worshippers, with each member leading a song in
vanish into thin air. Scholars surmise that the Last Dance succession.
brings a faithful directly across the planes to the afterlife.

Feats Exclusive Spells
Clerics and paladins can take special feats as servants of Clerics and paladins of Eilistraee are able to prepare the
Eilistraee. following spells, unique to worshippers of Eilistraee.

Sword Dancer of Eilistraee Eilistraee’s Moonfire

Requirement: Cleric, worships Eilistraee 1st-level evocation
As a sword dancer of Eilistraee, you promote peace and SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Eilistraee, as well as
support pursuit of the performing arts. a cleric or paladin to cast this spell.
● You have proficiency in Performance. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
● You treat healing word as one of your prepared spells without
counting it towards your maximum limit. If you already do so, Components: V, S
then choose any other 1st-level cleric spell for this instead. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.
● When you cast Eilistraee’s moonfire, you may choose the color Your hand glows with a soft light, producing bright light out to
of the light instead of rolling for a random result. 10 feet, and another 10 feet of dim light outwards. You can
adjust the amount of light produced from half to double the
● When you prepare your cleric spells of 3rd level or lower, radius.
you can choose spells from the bard spell list.
When you cast this spell, roll 1d4. Based on the result that you
rolled, the light is one of the following colors, with an
associated benefit.
Darksong Knight of Eilistraee (1) Blue-White. As an action, you can make a melee spell
Requirement: Paladin, worships Eilistraee attack against a creature; on a hit, the creature takes 2d8 plus
your spellcasting ability modifier cold damage and the spell
As a darksong knight of Eilistraee, you fight to destroy evil and ends.
protect all beautiful things from destruction.
(2) Soft Green. As an action, you can cause the light of your
● You have proficiency in Performance. glowing hand to leave it and form a tiny, floating sphere of
light that flies to any point within 30 feet of you when you use
● You treat thunderous smite as one of your prepared spells a bonus action to command it to move. The light sphere
without counting it towards your maximum limit. If you produces bright light out to 20 feet, and another 20 feet of dim
already do so, then choose any other 1st-level paladin spell for light outwards. If the light sphere is more than 30 feet away
this instead. from you, the spell ends.
● When you cast Eilistraee’s moonfire, you may choose the color (3) White. As an action, you can make a make a melee spell
of the light instead of rolling for a random result. attack against a creature; on a hit, the creature takes 2d8 plus
your spellcasting ability modifier radiant damage and the spell
● When you prepare your paladin spells of 3rd level or lower, ends.
you can choose spells from the bard spell list.
(4) Silver. You can touch one willing creature with the
glowing hand as an action; the creature regains 1d8 plus your
spellcasting ability modifier hit points and the spell ends. This
has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. If you expend a spell slot with a higher

level than 1st for this spell, then you increase the damage or
healing by 1d8 for each level above 1st. The maximum radius
of light also increases by 5 feet of bright light and 5 feet of
dim light for each level above 1st.

Blessing of the Sword Dance Misc. Lore
3rd-level transmutation Other stories and information that might be shared among the
faithful of Eilistraee.
SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Eilistraee, as well as
a cleric or paladin to cast this spell.
The Descent of the Drow
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Long ago, the evil goddess Lolth was once the consort of
Range: Touch Corellon Larethian, and held a position as a minor deity
Components: V, S within the Seldarine. She was known as Araushnee the Weaver
Duration: 72 hours at the time, and hatched a plot in conspiracy with the enemies
You invoke the blessing of Eilistraee to bestow special of the Seldarine that she might seize power for herself
properties to a bladed weapon, such as a long sword or (replacing Corellon as Coronal, ruler of Arvandor).
greatsword. You plant the sword’s blade point-down into the Araushnee’s treachery was revealed in time, however, and the
ground, and then perform a special dance known as the Sword Seldarine were able to defeat the invasion of their realm.
Dance, briefly brushing each of your limbs against the sharp Araushnee was banished from Arvandor for her crimes; she
edge of the blade to let your blood onto it. At the completion then made a new realm for herself in the Abyss where she
of the spell’s casting, the weapon gains the following properties continued her plotting, by her newly adopted name of Lolth,
until the spell ends. and surrounded by the very evil that matched her corrupted
● The weapon itself is immune to acid, radiant, and thunder
damage, as well as rusting effects. Eilistraee’s brother Vhaeraun was also banished for his support
of Lolth’s planned invasion, but Corellon hesitated to punish
● The weapon can be treated as a holy symbol by worshippers Eilistraee. The Dark Maiden had been framed as a betrayer
of Eilistraee. when her arrow in flight was intercepted by magic of evil
intent, striking Corellon during the defense of Arvandor.
● The wielder of the weapon has resistance to thunder
Corellon could see through the deception and knew that his
damage and advantage on saving throws that would apply the
daughter was no traitor, but Eilistraee insisted on receiving
deafened condition.
● The weapon glows with a silvery radiance when drawn,
Eilistraee believed that she could become a true symbol of
producing bright light out to 10 feet, and dim light another 10
redemption among the dark elves by devoting her future
feet outward. Invisibility is suppressed in this light.
actions to redeeming herself in the eyes of the Seldarine, many
● The weapon is treated as a magical weapon for the purpose of whom were distrusting of Eilistraee after she was framed of
of overcoming damage resistance and immunity against non- betraying them. The Lady of the Dance was thereby banished
magical bludgeoning. piercing, and slashing damage. and worked tirelessly to redeem herself as well as save the
future of the dark elves.
At Higher Levels. If you expend a spell slot with a higher
level than 3rd for this spell, then you double the duration of The manipulation of her arrow during battle also happened to
the spell’s effect for each level above 3rd. be the reason for Eilistraee’s relinquishment of her bow, and
devotion to the sword, so that control of her power could
never again be stolen for evil ends.

The Dark Maiden’s Leap

There is a small clearing in the northern part of the High
Forest southeast of Everlund on the continent of Faerûn. In
the clearing is a large, flat-topped gray stone with a left
footprint on it in the size and shape of a drow woman’s foot; to
faithful of Eilistraee, the stone is known as the Dark Maiden’s
Leap (the locals know it as Hastrin’s Grayrock). In 1358 DR
(Year of Shadows), during the Time of Troubles, a group of
drow fleeing the tumult of the chaos affecting the world
happened upon the clearing. The drow refugees witnessed an
old drow woman dancing at the stone, to music that seemed to
come from nowhere. The old woman transformed into a
young maiden as she danced, and faded away towards the end,
showing the drow such beauty in the dance that they realized
that the woman was a goddess; moved, the witnesses pursued
faith in the goddess to experience the warmth and freedom
shown to them, such that the faith of Lolth could never grant.

Update Log

Changes in v1.1: Fixed a couple of typos - one on the paladin feat saying cleric spell instead of paladin spell, and a
minor misspelling of Vhaeraun's name in the misc. lore.

Changes in v1.2: It was pointed out that "beauty" was missing from the Divine Portfolio in the deity's descriptive
stats. Fixed.

Changes in v1.3: Minor typo on Eilistraee's moonfire spell text fixed - "make a" was repeated.

Changes in v1.4:

Added entries to Divine Allies for Selune.

Added entries to Divine Enemies for Shar.

Added paragraphs of text for the relationships with Selune and Shar.

Fixed (?) a formatting snafu.

Added Update Log to pamphlet.

Changes in v1.5:

Added logo to title cover.

Added Divine Realm entry to initial description stats.

Moved Teuivae Thil, Arvandor (Arborea) in Eilistraee’s Divine Residence entry to Divine Realm entry.

Revised and expanded Eilistraee’s history.

Reformatted Divine Allies and Divine Enemies sections, with added Alignment and Symbol lines.

Added text to Sharess’ entry in Divine Allies section: “As Sharess is technically also the mother of Selvetarm (since
Sharess is a merging of Bast with the goddess Zandilar, who gave birth to Selvetarm), Eilistraee considers Sharess as
family of a sort.”

Added Agni to Divine Allies section.

Added Bala to Divine Allies section.

Added Finder Wyvernspur to Divine Allies section.

Added Fionnghuala to Divine Allies section.

Added Fu Hsing to Divine Allies section.

Added Hathor to Divine Allies section.

Added Iallanis to Divine Allies section.

Added Kishijoten to Divine Allies section.

Added Lliira to Divine Allies section.

Added Melira Taralen to Divine Allies section.

Added Mielikki to Divine Allies section.

Added Milil to Divine Allies section.

Added Oghma to Divine Allies section.

Added Selan to Divine Allies section.

Added Sharess to Divine Allies section.

Added Tuiviel Glithien to Divine Allies section.

Added Vandria Gilmadrith to Divine Allies section.

Added pantheon affiliations to deities that lacked them in their descriptions in the Divine Allies and Divine Enemies

Revised Vhaeraun’s description in Divine Allies section, including but not limited to changing Vhaeraun’s portfolio
from “thievery and drow rebellion” to “thievery, drow males, and arrogance”.

Shortened Vhaeraun’s description in Divine Allies section, since part of it became redundant with the revised history
text in this update.

Revised Lolth’s interest in Eilistraee’s connection to the Weave with updated lore regarding Mystra’s Council of
Arcana (invented for her pamphlet in this series as a logical course of action in the wake of the Second Sundering).

Added Baphomet to Divine Enemies section.

Added Blibdoolpoolp to Divine Enemies section.

Added Hoar to Divine Enemies section.

Added Malar to Divine Enemies section.

Added Set to Divine Enemies section.

Added Shevarash to Divine Enemies section.

Added The Queen of Air and Darkness to Divine Enemies section.

Added more information to Cavatina’s lore in Exarchs section, including her portfolios in the Seldarine and her year of

Added Symbol line to Exarchs section.

Added a side box explaining song elves.

Replaced Afterlife art.

Added side box explaining (celestial) eladrin and lillendi.

Expanded Afterlife section with lore on Arborea, and more information on Arvandor, including the divine realms of
other deities.

Revised lore on Arvandor as part of Arborea rather than a plane unto itself in Afterlife section.

Added in first paragraph of Arvandor entry for Afterlife section that the region spans for more than a thousand miles
in each direction from the center, for a sense of scale.

Added sentence to fourth paragraph of Arvandor entry for Afterlife section. “Many different types of fey, as well as
faerie dragons, agathinon, treants, and asuras also live in Arvandor.”

Added lore about the Seldarine realms in Arvandor entry for Afterlife section.

Corrected Teuivae Thil’s description of “grove” to “plain” in first paragraph of Teuivae Thil entry in Afterlife section.

Added information about portals in Eilistraee’s personal court.

Added Customs of the Faith section.

Moved paragraph about the Evensong from Clergy section to Customs of the Faith section.

Added lore about Last Dance ritual to Clergy section.

Rebalanced the Feats.

Increased the base damage die for Eilistraee’s Moonfire from 1d8 to 2d8.

Added “The Dark Maiden’s Leap” to Misc. Lore.

Renamed the Darkening to Descent, to avoid confusion since the name was given to a spell that is featured in a FR
novel involving the drow.


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