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1. Introduction
2. Definitions of state
3. Constituent elements of state
3.1 population
3.2 territory
3.3 government
3.4 sovereignty
4. State and associations
5. Important functions performed by the state
6. Theories of origin of state
7. Theories of nature of state
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography
state, political organization of society, or the body politic, or, more
narrowly, the institutions of government. The state is a form of human
association distinguished from other social groups by its purpose,
the establishment of order and security; its methods, the laws and their
enforcement; its territory, the area of jurisdiction or geographic
boundaries; and finally by its sovereignty. The state consists, most
broadly, of the agreement of the individuals on the means whereby
disputes are settled in the form of laws. In such countries as the United
States, Australia, Nigeria, Mexico, and Brazil, the term state (or a
cognate) also refers to political units that are not sovereign themselves
but subject to the authority of the larger state, or federal union.
Necessity of State:

The points, discussed above, show us very well the urgency of the state. The state
is badly needed for the public good, maintenance of law and order, social welfare,
establishment of justice, economic and political welfare of the people. In the
absence of the state anarchy will prevail and there will be chaos and confusion in
Besides this, the progress of the individual is not possible in the absence of the
state. Development of human personality is possible only in the well-ordered life.
The individual cannot even think of his progress in the condition of threatening
danger to his life.

In such conditions, the advancement of culture and civilization is not possible.

And, therefore, the state is badly needed for the smooth-running of human life. The
state not only aims at the maintenance of law and order but also provides the
individuals with the opportunity of making progress.

The state aims at imparting justice and protects the weak against the strong. Thus,
it is quite clear that the state is badly needed for the overall advancement of the
individual. In the absence of the state, human life will be unbearable and people
will degenerate into that terrible state of nature which has been described by

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