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Ignacio, Maria Cristina B.

ABPS 1-3
Fundamentals of Political Science

Assignment No. 2 – State

Explain the following : The Four Elements of State, Duty of the State, and The
Force Theory.


The state is a multifaceted entity that governs a certain territory and its
inhabitants. To comprehend the nature of the state, one must evaluate its four
elements: population, territory, government, and sovereignty.
To begin, population refers to the number of people who live in a given
geographical area. The size and diversity of the population have an impact on
the social dynamics and political structure of the state. Second, territory
includes a state's physical borders. It specifies the jurisdiction of laws and
regulations and creates an exclusive space for government. Third, government is
the institutional framework in charge of making decisions and enforcing policies.
It upholds the rule of law while providing public services to its residents.
Lastly, sovereignty refers to a state's supreme control over its territory and
people. It enables states to regulate their internal affairs without intervention
from outside influences.
In conclusion, understanding these four elements is crucial in comprehending
how states function. They are interdependent components that shape the nature
of governance within a given society.


The duty of the state is a fundamental concept in political philosophy that has
been debated and discussed for centuries. It refers to the responsibilities and
obligations that a government has towards its citizens and society as a whole.
The duty of the state can be understood from various perspectives, such as
protecting individual rights, providing public goods and services, maintaining
law and order, promoting social justice, and ensuring economic stability.
Individual rights protection is one of the state's fundamental responsibilities.
This involves the protection of civil liberties such as free speech, religion, and
assembly. In addition, the state must ensure that all citizens have equal access
to justice and are not subjected to discrimination or abuse.
However, the state has a responsibility to provide public goods and services
that benefit society as a whole. This includes infrastructure development,
education, healthcare, transportation systems, and environmental protection.
These services are essential for societal progress and well-being.

Another important function of the state is to maintain peace and order. To

maintain public safety, laws must be enforced fairly and impartially.
Furthermore, supporting social justice is an important component of the state's
responsibility. This entails resolving societal imbalances through policies that
encourage equal opportunity for all people, regardless of their background or
circumstances. Lastly, ensuring economic stability is vital for the well-being of
citizens. The state must create an environment conducive to economic growth
by implementing sound fiscal policies, regulating markets effectively, promoting
entrepreneurship, and providing support for those who are economically
Furthermore, the state's duty includes a variety of tasks aimed at protecting
individual rights while encouraging society progress.


The Force Theory is an explanation for the origins of political power. Political
authority is derived from the use of force, according to this theory. It implies
that those with better power or weaponry can create domination over others
and force their will on them.
From ancient empires to modern dictatorships, this hypothesis has been
witnessed throughout history. The importance of coercion and violence in
developing political systems is highlighted by the Force Theory. It does not,
however, take into consideration other aspects like as consent, legitimacy, and
social contract theory, which are important in comprehending the complex
dynamics of power and governance in society.

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