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Literature is such a feature of everyday life. Every person likes any kind of genre and that is
actually perfect because it provides a debating environment of which kind of books are better for
ourselves. Besides, the habit of reading helps us to comprehend any text we are reading.

First of all, history is really important because you can find out about any fact that has happened
in the planet. However, it is increasingly common to find people that may find it boring because
you have to remember many dates and many periods of the world´s story, and actually it is such a
mess for your brain. Nevertheless, history is important for the developing of our society. For
example, many professionals have studied the economy and thanks to empirical evidence they do
not make the same mistake again.

Another important type of book is science. As history, this is an important field. Through science
mankind has achieved a whole load of things such as the cure for many diseases, the inquiry of the
space and the planets. On the plus side, science enables people to gain a lot of knowledge about
anything, and this is constant since there is always something new.

To sum up, I believe that the most important type of book is science because it allows us to
understand many things that happened in our society and how to live. Nonetheless, I do not take
importance to history.


I am a great fan of music festivals and recently I have been to one here in Buenos Aires. It was
really exciting and the band is iconic. Yes, I am talking about Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

The concert in River´s Plate stadium which is really big and there was a lot of people. There was a
lot of fireworks and colorful lights. The environment was about their new album and it was all
summer and tropical. Besides, it was hot day so it was perfect for the situation. At the beginning
they started playing the songs of the album but, as it was expected, they ended up playing the
most popular songs and it was really amazing, especially when the guitarist played the riffs. It
really gave the willies.

Nowadays, I believe that this kind of event are relevant because not only people enjoy it but it also
helps us to delight the music in live. It has a different kind of feeling when you are listening to the
song being performed in your face with special effects brought to the screen in front of you. The
environment of the concerts has always been really pleasant. You get to know new people and to
interact with them and also you really enjoy the music.

For all the reasons given, if you have the chance to go I would definitely recommend you to go to a
music festival.

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