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Activity: Documentary Film Viewing & Reflection

Watch the documentary film, That Sugar Film (2014), directed by Damon Gameau.
After watching the film, reflect on how the overproduction and overconsumption of sugar-based
products potentially prevent humans from achieving eudaimonia.

Then write a 100-150 word essay on the topic

“Is there indeed a need for industries to regulate the production of sugar-based products and for
consumers to reduce their consumption if they are to journey toward the good life together?”

Yes, there is a need, but corporations have to make a profit and be successful.Sugar is
supported by the government as a result of business pressure, therefore the government is
unlikely to take a firm stance against sugar. Big companies known for producing sugar-based
foods are high taxpayers, which greatly contributes to economic growth. The government will
say things like "decrease intake of sugary beverages," just like how they warned people about
using cigarettes, but not completely banning them. Sugar is added to products to make them
more appealing to customers, which promotes consumption and profitability. Because industry
and government will do nothing to reduce sugar consumption, it is up to the customer to be
more aware and purchase goods with less or no sugar. Only by doing so will companies change
the sugar level of their products.
After watching that sugar film I will try to lessen eating foods that contain sugar so that in that
way I can take care of my health because what i’ve discovered in the documentary shows the
effects and dangers of sugar was really helpful to those people who do not have an idea how
sugar affects our health.

I’m not really into eating sweets like soft drinks and chocolates. I do think that there’s “healthy
sugar” and it is found on “healthy” products not until I watched this movie. The film moved me. It
is an eye-opener for me; indeed informative but does not make you feel the “information
overload”. It bluntly showed us things – facts – that we have to know. I thank the star/director for
that. This documentary makes me conscious of what I eat, especially my sugar consumption. I
think this is one of the movies that I can recall for the rest of my life. I found this movie very
much needed today wherein sugar addiction is rampant.

Too much of something is bad for you, according to the film people on this planet are growing
sicker everyday and fructose has a big role to play in it. Obesity, diabetes and addiction are
some of the causes of overconsumption of sugar. Sugar is not entirely bad if consumed in
moderation but the thing is we find pleasure in overly consuming it because of the adrenaline
we get from it. Sugar is not bad but life will get better if we get rid of it, we will be able to attain a
real healthy body with any saturated fats that can cause heart and liver problems and with that
we will be able to live a longer and better life.

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