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Supriya Panda
Faculty, imperial college
What is honesty?
Telling the truth regardless of the
circumstances or consequences.
Nature of honesty…
 There is no contradictions or discrepancies in
thoughts, words or actions.
 Is a basic requirement for human for human being to
live harmoniously.
 Is telling the truth.
 Is a fair and straightforward conduct.
 Is being sincere, trustful.
 Is holds the positive attributes like
trustworthy,honorable,genuine and loyalty.
Composites of honesty…
 Trustful
 Loyal
 Sincere
 Fair
 Trustworthiness
8 reasons to tell the truth…
 Telling the truth lets everyone know what really
happened, there is less misunderstanding ,confusion
or conflict.
 It protects innocent people from being blamed or
 It allows everyone to learn from what happened.
 You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth
than for lying.
 Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
 You don’t have to tell more lies to keep your story straight.
 You gain your reputation for being truthful- a trait that
most people value.
 It helps to feel secure and peaceful inside.
Result of dishonesty…
 Corruption
 Smuggling
 Cheating
 Fraud
 Crime
 Violence
BE INVENTED…. George Braque
Benefits of Honesty…
 promotes authenticity
 Fosters courage
 Shows your care
 Creates a circle of love
 Shows maturity and self acceptance
 Fosters a connection
 Eliminate garbage
 Honesty attracts honesty
 Keep you out of trouble
Thanks a lot….

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