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Honesty is the best Policy

Every human being must learn to be honest. Honesty means truth. If a

person wants to be honest, he must learn to speak the truth in life.
Moreover, by being honest, a person will develop a strong moral character,
learn good behavior, maintain discipline, follow the rules and regulations
intelligently, and will always be punctual.

Every child must have learned the phrase ‘honesty is the best policy.’
Children learn honesty from their parents, elders, and teachers. Still, people
prefer to tell lies for their benefit Since the incidence of deceitful behavior is
on a high, the revival of the teachings of honesty is necessary.

Benefits of Honesty
There are several benefits of honesty. Honesty helps in the development of
morally strong characters. If you are honest, you will not be afraid of
anything. You do not have to think about making false stories and then the
fear of repeating the same in exact words. If you are honest, you do not have
to remember any false stories. People will trust you more. An honest person
will also develop discipline. An honest person will be extremely content,
know what to do from time to time, and will not take any pressure or tension
about anything. The health will improve, and the mind will be at peace. The
person will be very punctual and will complete all tasks on time. Since more
people will trust an honest person, he or she will find more friends and will
be supported all around. An honest person will not be involved in cheating,
lying, lack of trust, greed, stealing, and any other immoral acts.

Honesty promotes authenticity. It is a reflection of the thoughts and

feelings of a person. It is a form of self-expression, and if a person is honest,
people will know what he or she truly is. It also makes the person confident.
To speak the truth, it needs a lot of courage and confidence. Only a coward
will tell lies because he or she is afraid of the truth. Speaking the truth is an
act of bravery. Telling lies also shows that the person is low on self-

Honesty brings maturity. An honest person speaks the truth in a mature,

non-hurtful manner. Therefore, the person does not hurt others, and
therefore, his or her relationship with others remains good. Such a good
relationship develops a connection between people. Such good relationships
also give you peace of mind. Therefore, honesty brings high-quality and
trustworthy friendships to a person.

Honesty makes a person feel free. They do not have to keep any secrets.
They know what is right, and will speak it naturally. They do not have to take
the tension of making a false story and say it, in the same manner, every
time. Honesty keeps troubles away from a person.

Finally, the person who wants to be a good person by telling good things
about them always feel bad about themselves as that is not the true
character of someone. My personal opinion is we should consider to “feel
good rather than being good” no matter what other people think of us. The
true honesty is to feel good by telling the reality and do the things that
everyone feel the same despite what we need to get from others as return.

“Do every thing in good heart and you will never be disappointed”.

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