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Group 4 Questionnaire

1. “Compound sentences can be

joined by..”
A. Subordinating conjunctions
B. Relative pronouns
C. Coordinating conjunctions
D. None of the above

2. Define the conjunctions used in the


"As soon as the teachers saw the

memorandum from the system, they
have decided that they either will go
asynchronous or postpone their

A. As soon as, either will

B. either will, or
C. As soon as, or
D. Either, will

3. Which of the following is not a

dependent clause marker?

A. As
B. Therefore
C. Until
D. Because
4. Which interjection would you use if
you felt a sudden pain?

A. Ouch!
B. Umm...
C. Oops!
D. Yikes

5. Which sentence contains a

prepositional phrase?

A. The two boys wrestled, and their

father mowed the lawn.
B. The two boys wrestled, and their
father watched them.
C. The two boys wrestled on the
floor, and their father watched them.
D. A and C

6. Determine which is the incorrect

definition for independent clause.

A. It has a complete thought

B. It is a group of words that contains
a subject and a verb
C. It can stand alone
D. It relies on being used with
another clause

7. Determine which is not an

adverbial phrase.
a. He walks with a limp.
b. She lives around the corner.
c. Mark is talking now.
d. None of the above

8. Which of the following sentences

best describes the noun phrase?

a. Paul started to work as soon as he

woke up.
b. Tom Cruise, my favorite actor, is
the hero of the movie.
c. Jeff along with Rock came to meet
d. The class is so calm and quiet
9. Which of the following best define
the conjunctional phrase?

A. Separating two independent

B. Connecting two independent
C. Mixing two independent clauses
D. Obstructing one another

10. Adverbial phrase is a group of

words that functions as a/an ___.

A. Adverb
B. Conjunction
C. Verb
D. Auxiliary VERB

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