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Jose Torres

Judith McCann

English 1302

25 January 2023

Analyzing Journals

When analyzing the journal you can notice a lot of characteristics that is present in many

other journals.

One of the first things you can see is the name of the authors. For this one, it was a long

list of authors and that can be seen below the title. They all published this under the journal

“Health Education & Journal”. We can tell this article is also peer-reviewed because it has an

abstract and keywords. This means that an editor found it hard to understand certain words while

reading and that the editor also included some sort of summary. The author's thesis is located in

the abstract. They state that colleges should help with students who have been affected by

COVID-19. He backs this up using multiple peer-reviewed articles and journals which can be

seen in the end of the journal. This is all done to persuade the audience of students, professors,

and college board members that they need to help students who have been affected by COVID.

They use multiple social studies regarding students and recommend ideas to college boards and


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