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Creative Mini Project Evidence Sheet

Write your claim below to remember what your evidence should support as you begin sorting
through the evidence you found.

Claim: Mass shootings in the US are far too common, and it needs to come to an end.

Think about your claim. What evidence supports it? Think, “Does this show that my claim is
correct?” or “Is this piece of evidence important to show why my claim is important?” Copy and
paste three different links as well as three different pieces of evidence that support your claim.
After you’ve pasted the link on the left side, paste a piece of your article, a graph or chart, or
describe a statistic you will use as your evidence.
Evidence is NOT a photo of the thing you’re talking about, but facts about your topic.
Then, write your reason based on the evidence you found.

Link to Evidence: Piece of Evidence (Copy+Paste or description): “These events can not be normalized. We need more

ed-more-gun-control-in-the-us/ gun control nationwide.”
“...and it is more common than you may think”

Reason 1:
Mass shootings are more common than they used to be. We need to fix it. It’s too normalized
at this point.

Link to Evidence: Piece of Evidence (Copy+Paste or description):

“Roughly half of these guns (48 percent) are in the United States.”
Reason 2:

Majority of these percentages are in the US. This state is the worst about gun control.

Link to Evidence: Piece of Evidence (Copy+Paste or description): “more than 5 percent of America’s children have

effects-of-gun-violence witnessed a shooting.”

Reason 3:

These events are putting bad images in childrens’ brains. It’s not okay to be exposing these
things to little kids. 5% is far too much.

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