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CLASS VI (2021-22)

Q1 Change the following sentences to present perfect tense.

1. The salesman rings the bell.
2. The postman delivered the letter.
3. I shall buy a cricket bat.
4. They went to swim in the river.
5. Rina is going to Lucknow.
6. My parents are leaving for Shimla.
7. India beat Australia in the finals.
8. You will lose your pencil box again!
9. He injured his elbow.
10. I saw his report card.
11. The child broke the cookie jar.
12. They have been fighting a long battle for their rights.

Q2. Join these pairs of sentences using Past Perfect tense. Make necessary changes wherever
required. An example has been given.
Example: Seema finished baking. The guests then arrived.
Seema had finished baking when the guests arrived.
i) I waited for two hours. Then I left.
ii) The mechanic repaired the car. Its owner arrived.
iii) My Ray lost his job. No one knew about this.
iv) I planned to visit you. I got delayed by the rain.
v) I finished the painting. I received your message then.
vi) The Chairman took his seat. Then the police arrived.
vii) The farmer sowed the seeds. The rains began after that.
viii) I reached the hall. The play started before my arrival.
ix) Sushmita visited all her aunts. She then returned home.
x) We reached the museum. The children arrived soon after.

Q3. Fill in the blanks according to the instructions in the brackets.

a) The plumber ________ repairing the damaged pipe when it started to rain. (Past Perfect of
b) Ravi _________ for Mumbai. (Present Perfect of depart)
c) Sarah ________ a brilliant article for the science magazine, but it wasn’t published. (Past
Perfect of write)
d) He ______ never ______ such a wonderful sight. (Past Perfect of see)
e) Hina said, ‘I ________ my homework.’ (Present Perfect of do)
f) The yacht __________ before the rescue team arrived. (Past Perfect of sink)
g) The politician _______ just ________ for the meeting. (Present Perfect of arrive)
h) We _________ the family for many years. (Present Perfect of know)

Q4. Choose the correct option from the brackets to fill in the blanks.
1. ______ you ever ______ the Taj Mahal? (Have seen/ had seen)
2. The sun _________ when I got up. (rose/ had risen)
3. We reached the station at 4.45. But the train ______ already ______. (have left/ had left)
4. Gopi _________ all the biscuits. (has eaten/ eats)
5. Somebody _____________ the window. (has broken/ is breaking)
6. Jerry ___________ asleep while he was reading the magazine. (fell/ has fallen)
7. I __________ him since we left school last year. (haven’t seen/ didn’t see)
8. I __________ a phone call from him yesterday. (had received/ received)

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