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Space A Genesys RPG


Star Wars Meets Star Trek Meets Shadowrun

Contents The Watch 14

Shiny New Setting 5 Other Orders of Business 14

New Symbols 5 Confusing Jurisdictions 14

New Actions 5 Governmental Zoning 15

About The Setting 6 Payouts 15

Layers! 6 Slavery 15

Time and Money are Against You. 6 The Telekritter Trade 15

Pro-Government or Anti-Government 6 Time, Money and Experience 16

Actuality vs. Analytics 6 Wars 16

Into the Chaos 7 Animals, Civilized Creatures, SENTIENT Creatures

and Xenos 17
The Alliance: Good, Bad and Ugly 7
Animals 17
The Alliance Certified Tracking System 7
Civilized Creatures 17
AIN – Alliance Identification Number 7
Sentient Creatures 17
Data Unity 8
Xenos 17
The Alliance Legal Code 8
Making a Character 17
The Galactic Police Corp 8
Whats your Race? 18
Corruption 8
Where you from? 18
The Conflict with the Big 7 8
What is it that you say you do here? 18
Alliance Space Ventures 9
How Did You Get Here? 18
The Big 7: Resist and Conspire 9
Get Equipped! 18
Apothei Colonial Collective 9
Make a Company 18
The Domain of Peace 10
Name it! 18
Nyjetian Economic Consortium 10
Careers 19
The Syndairian Authority 11
Career Kits 20
The Taal’sa Empire 11
Skills 22
The United Federation of Orbits 12
Astronomy (Knowledge) 22
The Union of Gabbochan 12
Business Administration (Knowledge) 22
Citizenship 13
Conspiracies (Knowledge) 22
Gaining Ranks in Citizenship 14
Dark Energy (Magic) 23
Hacking Citizenship 14
Drones (Magic) 23
Other Shakers and Movers 14
Golden Age (Knowledge) 23
Golden Age Research Council 14
Psionic (Magic) 23
Liberty Legion 14
Skill List 25
The Restless Eye 14
Races 26
Voidwalkers 14
Akora 26

Gromkin 27 From The Internets 40
Kilatani 28 While Jacked 40
Humans 29 Exiting a Jack 40
Orcos 30 Aftermath 40
Syndairi 31 Firewall Repairs 40
Taalic 32 A.C.M.D. Trails 40
The Others 33 Encrypt 40
Canaanites 33 Decrypt 41
Helenski (Telekritters) 33 Rebranding AINs 41
Omagain 33 Querying AINs 41
Yyalta 33 What about Vessels? 42
Technology 34 New Actions and Manuevers 42
Faster than Light (FTL) Space 34 Catalog of new Hacking Actions 46
Dark Energy 34 Dection, Sensors and Cloaking 47
Cloaking 34 Avoidance 47
Data Relays and Communication 34 Perception / Vigiliance VS Cloak 47
Internets 35 Hacking Sensor Systems 47
Computers 35 Tripping Systems 47
GRIMs 35 No Hacker? No Infiltrator? Shoot it! 48
DAPRs 35 Drones 48
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 35 Using Drones 48
Hacking THE TECHNOLOGY 36 Controlling a Drone 48
The Internets 36 Drone Combat Power Supply 48
The Neverending Data Registry 36 Busted Drones 48
Operating Systems's Automated Defense (OSAD) 37 Using a Drone to Hack Remotely 48
Systems 37 Drone Rules 48
Common Components 37 Drone Attachments 49
Common Systems 38 Upgrading Your Pal 49
FireWalls 38 Drone Descriptions 49
System Classification 38 Cybertechnology 51
Gaining Unauthorized Access 38 Rules 51
Control 39 Installation 51
Finding Data 39 Limits 51
A.C.D.M Data 39 Attachments 51

Copy Data 39 Cybernetic Systems 51

During the Hack 40 Non-Vital Organ 51

Skulljacks 51 Spells and Sacrifices 83
Risks 52 Mentors 83
Recovery 52 Casting Limitations 83
Cybernetics Catalog 57 The Daily Rite 84
New Weapon Attributes 58 Psionics 85
Energy Sources 58 The Lifestyle 85
Craftsmanship 58 Solitude 85
New Qualities 59 The Benefit 85
Weapons Systems 59 Borrowed Time 85
Ammo 60 Why a Space Venturer? 85
Ammo Swapping 60 Spells 85
Ammo Catalog 61 Telekritter Dust 86
Weapons 61 Casting Limitations 86
Brawl 61 New Spells 87
Melee Weapons 61 Vehicles 90
Ranged (Light) Weapons 62 Jonah System 90
Ranged (Heavy) Weapons 63 Launch Bays 90
Gunnery Weapons 65 New Components 90
Weapon Catalog 65 Auxiliary Systems 90
Armor, Gear and Services 70 Communications Array 90
Armor Descriptions 70 Data Warehouse 90
Armor Catalog 71 Engines 90
Gear Description 71 FTL Engines 90
Gear Catalog 74 Jonah 91
Service Description 75 Navigation 91
Attachments 76 Power Converter 91
Attachment description 76 Sensors 91
Attachment Catalog 80 Weapons 91
Biological Chemical Stimulants (BCS) 81 Stations 91
Using BCS 81 Bo’Sun 91
BCS Politics 81 Co-Pilot 91
BCS Products 81 Gunner 91
Mysticisms and the Weird 83 Helmsman 91
Dark Energy 83 Navigator 91
The Voidwalkers 83 Pilot 91

Vessel Actions & Maneuvers Catalog 91
Vessel Critical Table 101
Skills Impacted By Componets 102
Start Up Vessels 102
Loans 102
Fire Arcs 102
Installed and Required Stations 102
Passengers and Crew 103
Vechile Catalog 103
Vehicle Modifications 104
Installation 104
Vehicle Mod Descriptions 104
Vehicle Mod Catalog 106
Vehicle Weapon Catalog 107
Talents 108
Tier 1 Talents 108
Tier 2 Talents 110
Tier 3 Talents 112
Tier 4 Talents 112
Tier 5 Talents 113


So why this book? Why should you care about some This setting uses new symbols to determine successes,
person’s setting? Good questions, let us answer you! failures and everything in between and beyond those
● A New Take on Magic
o Dark Energy Conversion Table
o Drones SUCCESS S
o Psionics
● Ammo System TRIUMPH T
o With 14 different ammo! FAILURE F
● Biological Chemical Stimulants
o New ways to alter your stats. DESPAIR D
● Exciting Items! NEW ACTIONS
o 50+ Weapons Sometimes, you don’t have a gun or a knife in a fire fight.
o 10+ Armor That’s okay though, because you’re still an asset to your
o 35+ Gear team.
o 70+ Item Attachments
o 40+ Cybernetics Here’s how

● Careers and Kits DISTRACTION

o 15 Careers with 3 kits a piece
You may throw yourself out in the open, maybe make a
● Drone Mechanics glair or somehow distract your enemy. Make a
o Works like magic summoning. Skulduggery (2 2), Knowledge (2 2) or Mechanics (2 2).
Upon success, give 1 1 to the target. You must Prepare
● Hacking Rules Expansion this action as a maneuver.
o 20+ new Hacking actions
o Expanded on difficulties and SysOps GRIMMED ASSISTANCE

Using a GRIM or DAPr, a Computer expert can lead

● More Piloting Options
assistance by doing on-the-fly computer calculations.
o Reclassification of components
o New Critical Hit table After making an Operating (-) check on one S grants 1.
o Over 50 new actions and maneuvers Per S S grants an additional 1. You must Prepare this
o 24 new craft to pilot and drive action as a maneuver.
o 25 new components and attachments!

ABOUT THE SETTING Your adventures can lead to exploring the reason why
the Alliance exists. Perhaps a Big 7 planet is acting rogue-
The intention of Star Ventures is to explore themes of like and enslaving its own population. You pick up a
political corruption, travelling through the unknown, contract to end it from the Alliance. Maybe perhaps the
discovering conspiracies, and becoming wealthy and Alliance is brought in to investigate a political murder
influential. between three members of the Big 7 in a conspiracy to
further agitate the fragile peace among the Star Sector.
It is perfectly reasonable that a GM could run stories as
some murder hobos who bust into star bases and loot Yet on the other side, your adventures could be creating
and plunder items – but it can be more than that. agitation against the Alliance. You could free a group of
people by a corrupt Alliance official’s cruel bureaucracy
Here is a look at the themes of this setting.
by espionage, intrigue, or guile.

LAYERS! Know one thing, which is that everyone is out for himself
or herself but have false pretenses of unity, peace and
The idea of this setting is to be flexible for your table.
prosperity among the stars.
Want to play an espionage like game? That’s more than
reasonable. Want to be space murder hobos? Sounds The galaxy is a chaotic place. Get in it and make it yours.
good. Want to explore the edge of science and reality?
Yup, that’s here. Want to uncover political conspiracies? ACTUALITY VS. ANALYTICS
Do not trust data. Even though the data may not be
It is all here. Within the Alliance, outside of the Alliance corrupt, it may just be outright wrong. Data is not a
or within the Big 7. There is always a viewpoint to legitimate form of evidence. Not only is data tampered,
explore. but the applications that govern and spit out data have
agendas to mislead, distract and disorient those that
Time is a threat in this game. It is not about age, or Be careful of what you find.
illness, but the threat comes in the form of bills. You and
your crew has bills to pay. Want access to the internet? An adventure could be a large misunderstanding that
That’s a bill. Want someone to install cyberware on you? triggers a galactic political event that leads to several civil
That’s a bill. riots and unfortunate tragedies all based on data that
was stale and not accurate. An example of this, is a
Everyone wants a cut in a deal, and sometimes you are misreading of a data log from an Alliance governor where
the sucker in the deal. You got loans to pay off in the it contained a typo. This typo made it seem like he was
middle of the month and at the end of the month. going to raise taxes in the sector, which caused mass
panic and civil riots ending in the total ruin of a star
Your character does not want to skip out on payments.
That will end them toe to toe with bill collectors. These
collectors often get away with murder.

It is in your character and crew’s best interest to find

high paying jobs and climb out of this economic position.


Apart of the layers is the perspective of “is the Alliance

really a good thing?” There are a few ways to play out
this question.

INTO THE CHAOS slow and complex processes. Bloated departments are
constantly overstepping each other, complicating and
The Raelaris Galaxy is in a period that future historians slowing down any work or task aimed to serve the public
will describe as the Galactic Renaissance Period. The Big good.
7 empires have reluctantly banded together to reignite
civilization across the stars to recover the prosperity,
knowledge and power of the Golden Age through a body
of government called “The Alliance”. An upside to this design is that everything produced or
anything that has had an association to an asset (such as
At least that is what the Big 7 say they are doing. In a bank account, piece of land or piece of manufacturing
actuality, agencies and bureaucrats use this as a reason equipment) is recorded, tracked and monitored.
for their nefarious schemes to control all sentient life.
Legislative laws, media and industries all have woven People can clearly query where a product is from, who
conspiracies that are both outlandish and terrifying. owned it prior and what the exact worth of the product
These lead to a crippling and collapsing layers of is if they have the right tools.
bureaucracy throughout the galaxy.
While it may not be apparent as to why this is an upside,
Here is why the Venture companies exist. They exist as it does bring significant order to the chaos. First, it allows
loopholes to laws. They exist as agents of government. accountants to better forecast and evaluate trade among
They exist because the politicians need them to exist. the stars. Prior to this system, it was common to see
empires go completely bankrupt sending their
The Alliance and Big 7 contract out specific jobs that civilizations to barbaric times. Since this system, the only
might be too risky, time sensitive, shady or devious to data that is golden and legitimate is the Alliance
venture companies. The rewards for the contracts are economic data. It is a data nerd’s paradise to be among
great. Ranging from real estate, debt forgiveness, crime in it.
forgiveness or tons of credit.
Secondly, this forces a universal acceptance of not only
THE ALLIANCE: GOOD, BAD AND UGLY currency. It forces harmony of language and measures of
time, distance and space. This has created peace in the
The Alliance is a body of government that oversees and galaxy’s time and among previously warring factions.
standardizes trade unions, trade exchanges, diplomatic
deals, data warehousing, data transmissions, sciences, Thirdly, this lets the Alliance dictate laws. If people want
banking, galactic legislation, health care, emergency access to the data and services it provides, they must not
services and lastly peace enforcement. Members from only practice but also uphold Alliance virtues and law.
the Big 7 staff the Alliance, but citizens of the Alliance are
usually first responder families or back-office types for Lastly this is an upside to the Alliance is that it brings
the Alliance. knowledge to them. Knowledge they farm, analyze and
store. Knowledge they broker among the Big 7. They
Some see the Alliance as a start in the right direction. The know who is where and who owns what. They use this to
Alliance provides shelter, laws, reason and light to even their advantage all the time for nefarious purposes.
the darkest of places in the Galaxy. The Alliance has
police stations to battle piracy, hospitals to give care to AIN – ALLIANCE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER
those who need it, and a stable economy to trade with.
However, there are costs to this. One such cost is sanity.
To these people, the Alliance gives law and order in a
Everything has a 76 character length identification string
galaxy full of corruption, greed and disunion.
of letters and numbers. All Alliance staff use this number
Yet, others do not see it this way. This is because the to describe and refer to the item. They have orders to
Alliance is a bureaucratic nightmare of poorly programed refuse to call it or refer to it by any other name. This
artificial intelligence desk clerks, poorly trained and makes a confusing and frustrating journey to file taxes or
motivated administrators at the head of frustratingly resell a car.

Secondly, the overhead for this system is massive. Data The Galactic Police is a militant organization battling
transmissions cannot travel faster than light. In order to criminal activities on all levels. This ambitious task has
send and receive data a massive network of data yielded a reputation for being strict and fascist at times.
warehouses needs to exist. These warehouses accept
shipments of data that travel through FTL Space. Even through their pride and ambition, the Galactic
Police Corp cannot escape the bureaucratic nightmare of
However, there is still a risk for data interception. the Alliance. It is common to be arrested, proven
Hackers can decrypt, read and corrupt data prior to its innocent and then arrested again for the same crime - as
intended destination. This has given a rise to hacker the initial verdict failed to clear the data about the
gangs and pirates. They roam space trying to press their warrant in the first place!
luck to find transmissions for blackmail.
Lawyers not only litigate in court rooms, but they offer
services to run scripts to delete or modify records on
behalf of their clients to ensure warrants and loose ends
A concept for the Alliance is something they call DU, or are tied.
Data Unity. Prior to the Alliance, several industries and
companies handled data differently. Different encryption
protocols, along with various computer operating
systems caused havoc among any technologist trying to All of this is by design. Politicians and the elite further
integrate two systems. All Alliance manufacturing, construct systems, laws and policies to get away with
banking and legal systems uses the Alliance Data Unity anything they see fit.
They largely do this out of survival. A system that relies
Other organizations and governments might not use the on government means that the agency that oversees the
DU just yet. Star system to star system are migrating system needs to exist as well. Those with power seek to
towards the DU. Those that hack, should be prepared for stay in power.
system integrations go sideways on their ambitions.
Another benefit of this system is that the corrupt will
grow in power. They are one of the few in a bureaucratic
THE ALLIANCE LEGAL C ODE storm of paperwork and data that can truly accomplish
One big problem the Alliance has is its own legal code. anything in the storm.
While most people try to follow the Alliance legal code,
To the more sinister, the politics are more necessary.
they have a hard time actually accomplishing full
Those that are clever with ambition use this bureaucratic
compliance. The legal codes are so vague to
mess to hide illicit assets, activities and data within the
interpretation, leaving just enough ambiguity for those
storm. It is easy to go unnoticed in a poorly managed
evil in their hearts to exploit it.
administrative process.
The code used to be “Innocent until proven guilty”. Over
In short, those that are in power love the Alliance
time, it has morphed into “You’re guilty, but if you got
because it is a tool to get more power and maintain
the credits you’re totally not guilty if you get my drift.”
influence. This is unlikely to change.
Once in the justice system, “criminals” will most likely be
stuck in it, for quite some time. Some purchase permits THE CONFLICT WITH THE BIG 7
that allows them to partake in everyday life while in the
The Alliance does not see the Big 7 as equals. The
legal system. Others who are unable to pay wind up in
Alliance politics and systems views them as roadblocks to
slavery through correction officers.
a harmonized galaxy. If a politician is not lining his own
pockets, he is making designs to strip agency away from
THE GALACTIC POLICE CORP any of the Big 7 one at time. The more power the
Alliance has over the Big 7, the more power that
particular politician has.

The Big 7 still have their own states, territories and aware of this and conspire heavily to get an edge to
governance. Depending on the star sector or region of reclaim their self-governance, citizens and power. In
the galaxy, the Alliance could have either a large order for them to do this, they hire Star Ventures. This
presence or small presence over the Big 7. The Alliance gives them deniability while giving a venture financial
operates similar to a government with a weak federal incentive to the crew.
presence over group of semi-sovereign and independent
states of governments. APOTHEI COLONIAL COLLECTIVE

While it is true that the Big 7 created the Alliance, they The Collective is a blooming monarchical empire created
deeply regret it. It was necessary for the Big 7 to craft the by the Alliance. The people of the Collective are
Alliance to hold onto any power or law they had. Their technologists, sportsmen and adventurers at their core
citizenships were rioting, civil wars were numerous, and being. The have the goal to push reality and quickly
the galaxy was on the edge of all out warfare. Previous embrace any new or future-like technology, as to
empires fell and the remaining ones saw that they had no challenge the idea of mortality. The Empire actively
other choice to survive. encourages the citizenry to explore, create and discover.

The culture of Apothei intertwines with the concept of

the marriage between machine and the soul. They use
The Alliance also uses Star Ventures to help accomplish machines and tools to demonstrate their superiority over
their end goal. Below are some secretive operations that everyone else. Apotheians display their cybernetics with
Alliance undertakes for this end goal. Not many know the pride, brag about their accomplishments and seek out to
information below. Conspiracy nuts, Space Venture overcome struggles. To an Apotheian, reputation and
types, and the elite are semi-aware of the following: appearance is everything. This culture has propelled the
Colonial Collective into dominant players in the
● The Alliance produces and plants media in the broadcasting, civilian vessel manufacturing, cybernetic
Domain of Peace to weaken the public image of technologies, fashion industry, and hunting industry.
the Emperor and its theistic views.
Each member of the collective is pushed to discover,
● The Nyjetian Economic Consortium’s successful dance on the edge of madness and practicality. Mad
government was an accident. The creation of scientists walk the street beside posh designers, typical
the government was meant to further divide the 9-5 paper pushers and ambitious Xeno hunters. These
peoples and elites in those star sectors. citizens all seek out in their own paths the way for higher
living. They do this through meritocracy, work ethic or
● The Alliance has tried to create civil wars in the service in the military or scientific agencies. The people
Apothei Colonial Collective by assassinations of of Apothei are dignified and dutiful towards the goal of
being the best at what they do.
key family members and framing other family
members – but has been unsuccessful so far.
The Collective is a state-driven empire; three royal
human houses own everything and everyone. Although
● The Alliance has plants in the United Federation
the collective seems peaceful and aloof, it is a militaristic
of Orbits that makes their government very pro-
empire at its core. Regiments, rules and policies dictate
Alliance and will enact laws which are bad for
social norms and behavior. To many subjects, the service
the Federation by great for the Alliance.
within the prestigious Mecha Navy, Royal Special Forces
or Xeno Defense Force are desirable careers. The Mecha
Navy focuses on Armored Suits that can hold up to two
The Alliance is a threat to the seven large empires in the pilots deployed from lightweight carriers backed by
galaxy. It actively moves to strip sovereignty away powerful railgun artillery. The Royal Special Forces are
from them. As more time passes the Big 7 systems of assassins and saboteurs that focus on infiltration. The
governance become more brittle. These empires are Xeno Defense Force focuses on hunting and controlling

the various populations within the Collection that are they provide significant revenue to the crumbling empire
“non-sentient”. as well as increase their public reputation and control
their population.
Apothei Contracts are in the vein of industrial sabotage,
hacking heists, marketing, and hazardous material The Alliance actively sets out to subvert and create
extractions. tensions between the Clergy and peasants. As months go
by more and more citizens of the Domain of Peaceful
THE DOMAIN OF PEACE start to realize that the Emperor is in their way of their
own wealth. A Civil War stalks in the close horizon.
A crumbling theocratic empire that sustains itself on
legalistic noise, administrative chaos, and fear. The The Emperor will put out contracts for kidnapping,
ruthless and chaotic Akorian Emperor, Nexika Kaori, destruction of property, assassinations, extraction of
oversees a complicated hierarchy of cults and secret livestock, and hacking. The Emperor is desperate to get
police. This clergy goes out to the streets to praise Nexika an edge on any of the Big 7 or the Alliance.
and to enforce what-ever law Nexika comes up with that
morning. If the colony or state is far from Nexika’s
communication, the local loyalist governor’s
interpretation of Nexika’s creed is the official law of the A newborn empire forged by the Alliance itself. It is a
star sector. feudalistic empire with five ultra-corporations ruling
through the Council of Executives. It is an empire where
One would think this would create an environment there is no private life. There is only corporate life. From
riddled with tension, as law changes faster than thought. the cradle to the grave, the employees citizens of the
This has created a unique feature to the Domain’s Consortium attempt to climb the corporate ladder. Some
economy. Bribery is not shameful nor is it taboo in the families devote entire generations and legacies to
Domain. It is a staple of the Domain’s economy. protect reputations and expand their influence.

Another unexpected quality of the Domain is the This culture has bred the Consortium to be a dominant
citizenry. They have endured wars, their Emperor’s player in the electronics, legal services, professional
crazed ambitions and the Alliance’s attempts of media services, luxury resort and software engineering
influence yet they carry on. They are merchants at heart. industries. Each citizen of the Consortium is free to work
Domain citizens believe in profit first. Then maybe within another sector. The five corporations see each
whatever nonsense Nexika spouts out second. They are other as siblings and view citizens as shared resources.
stubborn to sell for less profit, careful to please, There is great peace among the corps, despite of Alliance
respectful to those in power, and always looking for a attempts. Make no mistake though; these five
deal. Selling, service and trading excites the common corporations are not peace-loving corporations. They
Domain citizen. They appease the elite in charge through seek to expand and exert their newfound power when
bribes and lip service, but seek independence from possible.
The average citizen of the Consortium obsession to be
Nexika has used this culture to his advantage, inspiring efficient and find the economic value behind their
his underlings to encourage subjects to use their skills actions consumes their daily dreams and thoughts. They
effectively. He has branded his Empire as a relaxing and are pragmatic, cunning and go-getters. In the long term,
peaceful place to visit and live in, and those that do visit they dream big and work hard to achieve these dreams.
from other Big 7 areas can hardly argue. Facilities are In the short term, they are conservative. They are not risk
clean and the populace is friendly and peaceful. takers. They would rather be defensive than aggressive.
They have to have a plan and direction. Anxiety will wrap
His empire has significant holdings in the medical, its coils around a Nyjetian soul if there is no clear boss or
empathetic hospice (see: concubines), entertainment, vision of a team.
pharmaceutical, entertainment resorts and gambling
industries. These industries keep the Domain together, as

The Consortium is not a military strong force. It The Crown’s imperial services regularly patrol the streets
influences the galaxy through its luxury resorts and and stars, ensuring to persecute any those who object to
professional services. The Council of Executives seem to the Syndairian way of life. This “way of life” boils down to
have their fingers into everything in the galaxy. This your race. Those are Syndairian have it easy. The
worries many players of the Big 7 and Alliance but cannot Authority regards Humans and Taalic semi-fairly. The rest
seem to stop the Consortium’s expansion. is look down upon as disgusting, deviant, barbaric or all
of the above. Extreme prejudice and racism is alive and
The Consortium is often concerned in getting an edge well within the Authority.
into influencing consumers to buy their services or
products. Subjects are loyal to this system. They toil away in mines
or hauling energy to far destinations for a fair pay. Even
The consortium hires teams that are industrial sabotage the victims of the system seem to be loyal to the system.
teams, extraction relocation (theft) teams, or teams that The perks are worth it.
can assassinate key individuals that may influence a vote
or community unfavorably to their rivals. The Consortium The Crown provides food, shelter, entertainment, and
will also hire out goon squads to attack other members health care. The cities are clean, the military powerful
of the Big 7. and the economy is good. Why resist such an orderly
The usual contracts from the Authority revolve around
A royal family and house of lords rule the oldest empire terrifying other merchants into agreeing to contractual
in the galaxy, the Syndairian Authority. A powerful and agreements that are disadvantageous for the merchant
wealthy empire has a deep ambition for the Syndairian but great for the Authority. It is common to see
race to be the de-facto rulers of the galaxy. It is neat, Syndairian contracts sponsor Terrorism as well.
clean, and scientific culture, which upholds the core
values of the Syndairian race.
The Syndairians are concerned with their place among A noble, yet highly aggressively, warlike empire that is at
the stars. They are always striving to become better, the brink of collapse. The Taal’sa Empire struggles to stay
leaner and powerful. In their endeavors, they were the afloat from regulation, immigration issues and trade
rulers of the Apotheian Colonial Collective and embargos. The Empire is stubborn to give up their ways,
Gabbochan prior to the Alliance’s creation. regardless of their perception in the galaxy.

Through their brilliance, dedication to the sciences and The Empire is one of conquest and honor. They have
natural charm the Authority has become the undisputed perfected a deadly war machine that is their culture.
leaders within the data processing, data warehousing, They are a culture of craftsmen, workers, warriors and
energy extraction, energy distribution, and merchants. They have established extremely efficient
entertainment industries. Their minds have engineered methods of war-ship manufacturing and armoring along
specific processes and ways to better mine and handle with strategies that overwhelm an opposing force. The
the transport of energy. Their beauty entertains the invading force then occupy their new lands teaching the
galaxy. Their ability to quickly analyze patterns give them way of Taal’sa. A way of honor, pride and history.
the edge for data processing and data warehousing.
Merchants go off world to sell exotic foods and animals,
Subjects of the crown admire the family and lordships. while spreading the glory of the Empire. Laborers happily
The Crown is the usual cast of beautiful princesses, sweat in warehouses, constructing rifles or vessels that
charming princes, noble knights and ambitious lords. The will ultimately defend them. Slaves are just happy not to
Crown in turn respects its subjects. It is a very peaceful be Gabbochan slaves, as they can earn their freedom
balance between the two, as there is a significant benefit through warfare. Farmers are happy to be a part of the
to their system. “The Crown protects while the subjects war machine as the fruit of their labors support victory in
project” is the saying. the stars. Taxes are high and property ownership is low.

Life is earnest, but hard in the Taal’sa Empire. The A citizen from the Federation is naturally comfortable
people, slave and non-slave alike, are very proud to serve with the ideals of the Alliance and will often support the
the Empire. They resent the Alliance for their unfair taxes Alliance. A Federation member is very proud of their
and embargos against their goods. place of birth, as if it were a very important piece of
information critical to who they are and position in the
The Taal’sa manages to survive through citizenry buying galaxy (it is not). Typically, a member of the Federation is
Emperor Bonds. The citizens also strive to work hard and typical to a modern man today, with a high degree in
well. This so far has paid off as the Taal’sa empire are nationalism and patriotism.
absolute champions in the firearms, military vessel
manufacturing, nursing, and plastics industries. Planets and colonies in the Federation have their own life
cycle. First, it is a breeding planet. It is cleaned and
The Taal’sa Empire is recovering from the birth of the prepared for crops and farming. This usually ends up in
Alliance. They are in no position to strike out or wage securing the entire planet under Federation control,
war. The Alliance makes certain of this by placing Orco or either by befriending the natives or eliminating them.
Gromkin immigrants illegally within remote colonies – “Whatever it takes” is the common motto of a
disrupting trade and manufacturing processes. The Federation member, so it would appear that ethics are
Alliance also looks the other way when space pirates just somewhat foreign to the Federation cycle. Once it
so happen destroy their war factories. These efforts keep matures, it turns into a harvest world. Whatever crops,
peace in the galaxy, as the Taal’sa Empire aims to wipe minerals, energy, or protein that can be planted on the
out the entire Union of Gabbochan. To them, that evil location, are. Farmers tend to their crops, selling them to
empire should not exist. The Empire often posts jobs that local merchants, who then distribute it through TCNs to
require more cunning, or discretion, than their military other empires. Once the resources become exhausted, it
can provide. The jobs posted are often in veins counter- is turned into a factory planet. Ships, parts, and machines
intelligence, intelligence, smuggling, or assassinations. crank out from mega factories that lumber over the
skylines. Some planets do not fit in this cycle and are
THE UNITED FEDERATION OF ORBITS perpetual stuck as harvest, breeding or factory planet.
The Federation is a bloated government carved into
Contracts that originate from the Federation have to deal
many factions of districts and branches that resembles a
with one of these aspects. From diplomatically handling
diverse representative democracy. These factions have
natives to extracting dangerous materials to demolishing
the sole purpose to keep agriculture production high,
abandoned factories, the Federation will hire you for a
manufacturing output high and consumer spending high.
fair price.
It is as such that the Federation has a culture of mass
media propaganda, severe wage gaps, mass
consumerism, and nationalism. The Federation also has a
goal of exploring as to create factory worlds or harvest The Union is hardly an empire, but it is an impactful loose
worlds, with funding a massive defensive force to protect organization nonetheless. The Union is made up of
the transport of goods and services. ruthless slavers, warlords, unethical businessmen and
raiders. There is no one leader in the Union, but a
All of these things have made the Federation a prideful collation of a swarm of aggressive warlords and
culture of farmers, factory workers, sales opportunistic businessmen held up in an uneasy truce
representatives, capitalists and servicemen bonded with the idea that the warlords will continue to pillage,
together in a culture that inspires purchases of products plunder and conquer the stars with the businessmen
that aid in their pursuit of peace, prosperity and trade in slaves and profit off of a pillaged economy. It
freedom. This has made the Federation of Orbits should come to no surprise that the Orcos, Gromkin and
undisputed lords of agriculture, consumer Kilatani compose much of this “empire”.
manufacturing, construction, and heavy manufacturing
industries. The Warlords have free reign of laws and military. They
will go where they please and do as they please. The

businessmen, known as Vultures, stay behind the tide of Think of each rank of being somewhat influential in a
warlords to prop up slave markets, fostering a culture of community. The higher rank one is, the more political will
blood sport, conducting mass black market selling that individual has and influence. Community leaders
operations, extracting natural resources at an alarming usually end up at level 8s. Each level of citizenship gives
rate or all of the above. This works well for the two access to items, licenses, banking options, apartments,
branches of the Union. The Alliance has tried to motivate products, slaves and voting sessions.
the Union away from this behavior but has largely failed.
Any economic motivations to invest into other industries Below are examples or the reputation a citizen might
has gone directly to conquests or wars. have with a higher rank or lower rank.

One aspect of Vultures is data entry. Warriors who 1. Alliance Officer: High-ranking politician or
perform cowardly or poorly in battle are forced to set up military officer that works only for the Alliance.
networks, troubleshoot data problems and enter data.
This has caused a nightmare for any non-Union member 2. Interstellar Government Officer: See above, but
to go into their technology. It is very inefficient, but at for a Big 7 member.
the same time, it is very hard to trace and hack the
infrastructure. The Alliance tries to reject most AIN 3. Interstellar Government Member: A semi-
coding a Vulture does, but there are instances where a important politician or military officer for the
standardization in the Data Uniformity is broken. That is Big 7.
because an Orco just did not want to type, and preferred
to smash the “1” button or combination of keystrokes to 4. Alliance Member: Prestigious staff member for
get the system to accept the data. any of the above members, or an up and coming
The Union’s Navy is a disgraceful sight to behold. No one
ship looks alike. Warlords bark at each other, committing 5. Corporate Citizen III: CEO or another C level
coup d’etat by the second until the biggest, meanest and position from a major industry. Also could be a
powerful Warlord can rule over a navy. Not only is the key officer for the Alliance.
Navy unorganized, but the hierarchies and social norms
differ from clan to clan in the Union. 6. Corporate Citizen II: Executive Vice President or
President of a major business firm. Upper
The only uniformity in the Union is the need for war, manager for Alliance.
power and resources.
7. Corporate Citizen I: Senior level management
Contracts from the Union are plenty and diverse. A
employee from an important corporation or
Warlord might want to put out a hit on another Warlord.
prestigious civilians.
Maybe he wants some delicious fruit. Whatever it is, you
accept the contract knowing that failure means war and
8. Interstellar Government Aid: Low ranking
success means booty.
politician or aid for the Big 7 or the Alliance.
9. Default Citizen: typical person.
The Alliance has a data for each one of its citizens. A
numerical ranking is assigned based on occupation, 10. Slave: Property for any of the above. Slaves can
community importance or as a social influencer. This also participate in society without many penalties
works as a pecking order throughout the galaxy. but will always seek out employment or perish.
They cannot own property, vote or have fair
You character, even as a businessperson, starts as a level
11. Non-Participant: Sentient creatures who are not
registered in the system. As such, they do not
receive benefits (such as laws and rights) from

the Alliance or Big 7 nor can they legally own opportune moments at a Big 7 or Alliance to inflict
property. serious harm to their infrastructure. The Liberty Legion is
obscure, not well known throughout the galaxy. Most
12. Opposing Participant: Rebel, terrorist, criminal members, if not all, are registered as terrorists.
or an enemy of the Alliance.
A well-known secretive cult with roots in the Domain of
This is done mostly in a narrative way. There are kits and Peace. Their aim is to over watch and influence the
talents that allow a person to rank up their citizenships, galaxy in the name of goodness and light. They are
but again, the fun in this is earning it or having it lost. It is Unitarian extremists in this goal, meaning that the means
entirely plausible to have been hired by a Governor and justify the ends. The Restless Eye has symbols in every
been rewarded rank. It is also entirely plausible that a form of media, as if to remind the population that they
Governor hired you to frame you and you are now a are watching.
terrorist on the run.
HACKING CITIZENSHIP A secretive organization that is widely unknown in the
Nope. Do not do it. Even if you found the “Gibson” of the galaxy. They keep it that way. The Voidwalkers efforts
Alliance to hack it in, it is not worth it. The data is focus around keeping information about Dark Energy and
watched over by elite system operators and admins. FTL Space limited. They go about this to sabotage,
They create honeypots for hackers to attack, and those destroy and dismantle any scientific endeavors to
hackers get erased from the meat world. It is more than explore this “forbidden” technology. They keep a strict
a formidable task to hack the citizenship. code of conduct that make them extremists and
It is much easier (faster and cheaper) to fake data than to
actually illegally change it.
OTHER SHAKERS AND MO VERS A pro-Syndairian organization that seeks out a Syndairian
led galaxy. They are not officially apart of the Syndairian
Beyond the Big 7 and the Alliance, there are other
Authority, but act as lone agents. The Watch will often
conspirators, champions and villains that seek to control
deploy teams to manipulate public opinion, subvert
the galaxy.
political power and sabotage any non Syndairian
Authority industry. While they claim not to be associated
GOLDEN AGE RESEARCH COUNCIL with the Syndairian Authority, they share very similar
A council that is a-political and truly neutral in its goals with the Authority benefits from their actions.
missions. They aim to recover lost Golden Age artifacts as Oddly enough, their leader, Writ Bogs, is a Gromkin!
well as chronicle the history of the Golden Age. Serious
scientific individuals and business tycoons alike have OTHER ORDERS OF BUSINESS
funded and aided this cause. The members of council There are a few key elements to settle and get this
seek out worlds to discover, science to exploit and cleared up before we continue.
technology to rebuild.

There are many layers of bureaucracies, law
An anarchist group that seeks to dismantle the Big 7 and enforcements, and laws for each star system or region on
the Alliance. They feel that all big government is bad and a planet. This often emerges a question of "Who is in
tyrannical. They horde weapons, ammo, vessels and charge here, anyways?". The answer is complicated, as it
knowledge for one sole purpose. They plot to strike at is different for each region in the galaxy. Usually, the

Citizen Hierarchy is a good guideline to see who Within these Star Sectors are Star Systems, where
overrides who in areas of law and agency. Largely, the celestial objects orbit around suns. The Alliance does not
pecking order is like the following should the Citizen operate, govern or protect these Star Systems. Usually an
Hierarchy fail to answer legitimacy: empire from the Big 7 take charge of entire star systems,
but it is not uncommon to see the Big 7 "co-own" star
1. Alliance Officer systems or even the celestial objects in the Star System.
2. Big 7 Officer
3. Alliance Administer The last layer is the local layer. This is either an orbiting
4. Local Officer man-made star base, asteroid belt, nebula, planet or
5. Big 7 Administer moon. The Big 7 influences the local layer deeply. The
6. Local Administer locals might have their own currency, laws, languages or
7. Citizen military but answer to the Big 7 first rather than any
8. Slave Alliance official.
On paper work, your Space Venturing crew is registered
as Big 7 Administers, with alignment with a member of PAYOUTS
the Big 7. Officers in this context are high-ranking
Your company will make money. Depending on how
politicians or officials from a government. Administers
much your character owns of it, at the end of each
are those that carry out the will of the government, so
month that character will get his “fair share” of the
this could be militia men, lowly elected officials, law
credits in holding for a disbursement.
enforcement, spies or paper pushers.

Keep in mind, that while technically you can bully the

locals around. Your citizenship rating will not soak
bullets, knives or fire while you sleep. Tread lightly. SLAVERY
Slaves are a natural occurrence in this setting. Slaves
GOVERNMENTAL ZONING earn their freedom through cunning, favors, guile,
combat or money. Slaves are property by other sentient
The structure of governance that the Alliance has is
beings. Their well-being is dependent on their master’s
unusual. It is a weak federal government at times, but
ability to earn credits along with the master’s general
has overarching control over its citizens through data,
services and legal code. The Big 7 are technically
sovereign states, yet the Alliance holds influence over Becoming a slave is easy. Largely, slaves are born into it.
them for various reasons. Be it convenience, public If not born, they get captured by raiders, terrorists,
demand, external diplomatic pressures, or from the Big pirates, repo men and correction officers.
7's own sheer incompetence themselves. Depending on
the Star System, the Alliance could be very dominant or Not all slaves rebel to their position in the galaxy. They
not often heard about. cannot participate in elite circles, but the title "slave"
does not steal from them a sense of enjoyment and
The Galaxy is organized into Star Regions. There are six happiness in life. Some, however, know better and try to
Star Regions in the Galaxy, try to imagine these regions fight hopelessly against the system.
like continents on Earth. The Alliance owns these regions.

Within the Star Regions are Star Sectors. Compare these THE TELEKRITTER TRADE
as geographic areas within a continent. The happenings, You know the outlandish conspiracy that the government
cultures, customs and power brokers differ from Star puts chemicals in the water? Well, in Star Ventures the
Sector to Star Sector. The Alliance coordinates Alliance does in fact does this.
communication, police, taxes and trades within the Star
Sector. The Alliance does not own planets or celestial Instead of chemicals, its parasites. Parasites known as
bodies, but space stations and spaceports. Telekritters. Instead of chemicals in the water? The
parasites are everywhere: cyberware, support systems,

food, drink and vaccines. All for the sole intent to control LOANS AND REPO
and influence the population easier.
Maybe you do not have enough credits for that shiny
Less than one percent of the galaxy is aware of this plasma cannon. That is ok, get a loan! At a rate of weekly
scheme. The Alliance has created a secret industry that payments of 12%, (higher if you botch up negotiations or
remains a secret through confusing bureaucracy, have a bad rep) of the total cost of the item with
deception and distraction. payments every 10 days via a Torpedo Communication
network or better.
Breeders, suppliers and consumers do not know they are
unwilling participants of this trade. Even the NEC CEOS Repo-men are serious business. They relish collecting
are woefully ignorant of this face. what is not theirs and not yours. They are tasked to
retrieve the property through brute force. This usually
For example, a farmer out in the Federation of Orbits ends up in lethal force or slavery.
have a step in their harvesting process to wash their
produce prior to FTL Transport with a water-like EXPERIENCE
substance. They are told that this will decrease FTL Space
flight time, and thus decrease the cost to ship out their Gaining skills is an investment not only in experience
food to be purchased. They do this, because they’re not points but in time as well. A quick table below illustrates
idiots. While they do somehow save in costs (it’s an this play style.
illusion of complicated finical models), they have sprayed
The GM and player should discuss how the character
Telekritters all on their food – ready to be ingested by
learned a new ability or talent, or how a new rank
hosts. Manufacturing, cyberware, it doesn’t matter. It all
surfaced from a previous adventure.
acts the same way.
Rank Increase Days
Telekritters are extremely microscopic creatures that are
Skill’s rank from 0 to 1. 7
semi-aware. They broadcast signals to nearby
Skill’s rank 1 to 2 or rank 2 to rank 3. 3
Telekritters in other hosts. This signal is how Psionics can
Skill’s rank 3 to 5. 2
control, damage and manipulate minds.
New Talent 17
Telekritters cannot be detected by regular equipment.
The hosts are blissfully unware that they have WARS
Telekritters in them. It is extremely likely that your
The Alliance defines War as 'a state of armed conflict
character has them.
between different nations or different groups within a
Psionics who become aware of this industry either nation'. Once a member of the Big 7 engages in war with
exploit it to their benefit, try tear it down, or try not to another member the Alliance stops funding, protecting
take any part of it. However, they soon enter a game of and providing services to that Big 7 aggressors. This has
assassinations, corruption, conspiracies and greed by created a quasi-cease fire between all the Big 7.
force. As Psionics seek out others to ensure they do not
Two members of the Big 7 seem to ignore this ruling. The
“leak” the greatest secret in all of the galaxy.
Alliance has almost given up all hope to control the
warlords of the Union of Gabbochan. Pro-Gabbochan
TIME, MONEY AND EXPE RIENCE politicians have successfully persuaded the powers that
Most data, media, documents and content is synced by be that the warlord raiding parties does not constitute a
the Alliance calendar. This is different than Earth’s "state of armed conflict between nations". The raiding
calendar. There are 110 seconds in a minute, 110 parties continue on without penalty.
minutes in an hour, 110 hours in a day, and 10 days in a
The Taal'sa diplomats seek to control the penalties for
week and 4 weeks in a month.
increasing their military might. In fact, the Taal'sa claim
This does not particular work well for some star systems that their warships are nothing but exploring ships
or planets, but the universe spins onwards regardless. outfitted for the dangers of the space between planets.

The Taal'sa Empire has also claimed that it is necessary to SENTIENT CREATURES
be armed, for the Union of Gabbochan raiders will target
Sentient creatures are recognized by the Alliance as
their ships if not. Depending on the sector, the Taal'sa
being star worthy specimens. They have the brains to
Empire is allowed to build their massive warships in the
process complex social systems, create technology to
name of defense.
overcome the struggles among the stars and brings
For the others though, their wars are crafty and subtle. advantages to the Alliance as a whole.
They outsource them to Space Ventures. It is common
for Space Venture companies to violently attack others, XENOS
attempting to acquire resources, control logistics, Xenos are semi-intelligent creatures. They can
remove influence or colonize planets in a proxy war. understand complex tasks and perhaps even
Seeing how a Space Venture company is not technically communicate to other creatures. They are mostly space-
representative of a government, it avoids the Alliance's living creatures. They do not have any technology but are
definition of war. highly evolved organisms that are animal-like.

Due to their explosive and violent nature, the Alliance They are monsters, mythical creatures and dangers that
does not send the Galactic Police force to regulate or lurk in space or planets. Xenos are a threat to any
keep the peace. These proxy wars are seen by the adventurer.
Alliance as armed disturbances, which seem to settle
themselves out quickly anyhow. The politicians of the MAKING A CHARACTER
Alliance, which will remind you are made up of the Big 7,
deem it too costly to keep the peace in these scenarios. Who Are You? A Company Man.

You are a small business owner. This business is your

ANIMALS, CIVILIZED CREATURES, SENTIENT Space Venture business. You and others have chipped in
CREATURES AND XENOS money in the hopes to become wealthy, famous or both.
The Galaxy is a big place. Several different types of Maybe you are not any of those. Maybe you are trying to
creatures inhabit all the celestial bodies and the places out-run fate, or the distant arm of the law. Maybe you
between. like to see the galaxy burn. Maybe you have an incredible
debt to settle. Whatever the circumstance, the company
The Alliance classifies creatures into four separate (or a portion of it) is yours. You work for it and depend
categories. on it. Without it, you would likely die of starvation or
become a slave. Sure, you work for "the man", but it
ANIMALS rewards great!
Animals are creatures that have no culture, no tools, or
You and a close collection of business associates, or
ambition to evolve past their current conditions. Animals
friends, have chartered a Space Venture company in the
cannot communicate complex thoughts; nor can they
name of the Big 7 or Alliance. You, along with your stuff,
envision the future.
have AINs in several databases designating your status.
In exchange of information the Alliance grants you the
rights to you can carry dangerous weapons, travel in
Civilized creature is a term to denote that a species is restricted space, the right to question Galactic Police,
capable of organization, complex hierarchies, and social and the authority over local citizens over your Space
dynamics similar to modern-day man. They however are Venture's registered domain.
not labeled as Sentient because the Alliance does not see
their culture as a benefit to the Alliance.

These creatures have cultures, empires and businesses

that are not inter-planetary nor do they have the ability
to travel the stars.


Pick a race! Details are further on in the book. There are starting kits included with careers. The
following are careers and their kits. Each kit is
● Akora: Brash bird people. representative of who your character was prior to joining
● Gromkin: Green skinned Sneaky short persons. up with a Space Venture crew.
● Kilatani: Cunning squid guys and gals.
● Humans: … You may choose to not have a kit included here. You will
● Orcos: Violently aggressive guys and gals. receive $1,475 credits to buy what you may.
● Syndairi: Aloof, smart and ‘better than you’.
● Taalic: Stubborn mystical-like reptilian people. MAKE A COMPANY

It is time for you and your associates to make a Star

Venture company. Here are the rules.
Take a look at the Big 7. There’s many ideas or concepts
to draw from. Pirates, career military turn dishonorable You get to start off with a vessel, but has to have a
discharges, farmers, laborer, or just scum are all possible. monthly payment to be made at the end of every month.
Give your GM some flavor, chew on the concept your Select a vessel from the “Starting Vessel” class.
You may have an angel investor who barters a better
WHAT IS IT THAT YOU SAY YOU DO HERE? loan or fetches a cheaper vessel but at a cost of a
Pick a career then pick one out of three kit options for
that career. You have 3,500 Credits + 100 per crew member to invest
into a vessel.
● Big Game Hunter: Does the tracking.
● Biomedical Engineer: Does the saving.
● Brawler: Does the lifting.
● Business Professional: Gets the contract. Register it with a Big 7 empire, who will tax you 10% a
● Droner: You got the drones. month of your earnings
● Face: Does the talking.
Unless you have a secret contact later achieved by
● Gunslinger: Does the shooting.
talents or story progression.
● Hacker: Does the …hacking.
● Infiltrator: Does the sneaking. Who owns what? Do you have other investors? What is
● Mercenary: Does the killing. the share that everyone has?
● Overseer: You take care of the details.
● Pilot: Does the flying and driving.
● Psionc: Does the mind-melding.
● Scientist: Does the math.
● Sentry: Does the homework.
● Striker: Does the thing.
● Voidwalker: Does the casting.


Tell us about what you did before going “all-in” on this

venture. Was your character a janitor? Maybe your
character just got out of prison, spending all their
remaining money on this start-up business.

Tell your table about it!


Career Role Skills

Big Game Astronomy, Melee, Perception, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Light), Resilience,
Does the tracking.
Hunter Stealth, Survival
Biomedical Business Administration, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge, Mechanics, Medicine,
Works miracles.
Engineer Ranged (Light), Survival
Athletics, Brawl, Coordination, Discipline, Golden Age, Melee, Perception,
Brawler Storms the line.
Business Business Administration, Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, Negotiation,
Gets the contract.
Professional Operating, Ranged (Light)
Business Administration, Computers, Drones, Medicine, Mechanics, Piloting,
Droner Works the drones.
Perception, Ranged (Light)
Charm, Cool, Conspiracies, Deception, Operating, Ranged (Light), Streetwise,
Face Does the talking.
Coercion, Conspiracies, Cool, Discipline, Gunnery, Melee, Ranged (Heavy),
Gunslinger Does the shooting.
Ranged (Light)
Astrocartography, Computers, Conspiracies, Deception, Mechanics, Operating,
Hacker Hacks the system.
Piloting, Ranged (Light)
Deception, Melee, Operating, Perception, Ranged (Light), Skulduggery, Stealth,
Infiltrator Works covertly.
Athletics, Gunnery, Melee, Piloting, Resilience, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Light),
Mercenary Kills the thing.
Takes care of the Business Administration, Drones, Gunnery, Knowledge, Operating, Ranged
details. (Light), Skulduggery, Perception
Makes the Astrocartography, Cool, Computers, Leadership, Mechanics, Operating, Piloting,
getaway. Ranged (Light)
Does the mind- Business Administration, Coercion, Conspiracies, Deception, Medicine,
melting. Negotiation, Psionic, Resilience
Astrocartography, Astronomy, Computers, Golden Age, Knowledge, Mechanics,
Scientist Does the math.
Medicine, Ranged (Light)
Does his Athletics, Conspiracies, Cool, Gunnery, Operating, Perception, Ranged (Heavy),
homework. Vigilance
Astrocartography, Astronomy, Dark Energy, Deception, Discipline, Golden Age,
Voidwalker Does the wizardry.
Melee, Stealth


ANY NONE $1,500


Victory 1400, Alliance Explorer Jacket, Enhanced Visual Perception Aid, Optimal
Adventurer (2d6*30)+100
Sorting Backpack
Outdoorsman point700 with Telescopic Sight, Portable Motion Sensor, Trigger (BCS) (2d6*30)
Xeno Hunter ARB X120, Optical Suit, Sneakers (2d6*10)+100


D20-D6, Plasteel Carapace (Stellar Kevlar), UB Aidkit + (2d6*25)
Cyberdoc Skulljack Network (Cybernetic), UTA (Cybernetic), Symbiotic Armor (2d6*25)+75
Symbiotic Armor with Size Adjustor, Commtab with GRIMable (2d6*25)


Prosthetic Weapon: Laser Blade Limb (Cybernetic), Blood Reservoirs
Cyborg (2d6*30)
(Cybernetic), Rocket-pads (Cybernetic)
Peace Officer Gremlin's Touch, Barrier Shielding Unit, Galactic Police Combat Armor (2d6*30) + 75
Laser Knuckles, Riot Shield, Galactic Police Combat Armor with Small Shielded
Stormtrooper (2d6*25)


Victory 1400, Alliance Explorer Jacket with Intimidating Aesthetics, Portable
Danger-Suit (2d8*35)+260
Cover Machine
Skulljack Network (Cybernetic), Knowledge Implant (Cybernetic), Legal Data
Lawyer (2d8*25)+120
(Forged), Portable Motion Sensor
Apothei Pheromones (Cybernetic), PWS Gland (Cybernetic), Alliance Explorer
Salesman (2d6*30)+100
Jacket with Fashionable Clothing Mod


Combatant Leonidas (Drone), GRIM, Alliance Explorer Jacket (2d6*45)+100
Rigger Prometheus (Drone), GRIM, Skulljack Network (2d6*45)+100
Triggered Paladin (Drone) D20-D6 with GRIMable, Plasteel Webbed Vest (2d6*30) + 75


Optical Suit with Fashionable Clothing Mod & Hologram Projection, Vox
Actor (2d6*30)+100
Emulator (Cybernetic)
Apothei Pheromones (Cybernetics), Alliance Explorer Jacket, with Fashionable
Charmer (2d6*30)+100
Clothing Mod, Arcweave
Crime Lord Fashionable Clothing, Aiolos SMG Deluxe with Syndairian Tuning (2d6*25)

Cybershot HR-1717 Perseus with Synclink Network & Size Adjustor, Skulljack Network (2d10*12)+100
Duelie D20-D6 with Feather Grip (x2) (3d6*25)+175
Sniper SR-9001 with Antipersonnel Scope, Heavy Gelcap (Ammo) (2d6*25)+75


Skulljack Network (Cybernetics), Digital Shaman Implant (Cybernetics), GRIM,
Cyberslinger (2d6*30)+100
Portable Cover Machine
Alliance Explorer Jacket with Arcweave Plating, GRIM, Blood Reservoirs
Field Hacker (2d6*30)+100
Symbiotic Armor with GRIMable, Helmsman-jack (Cybernetics), Dark Energy
Whiz (2d6*30) + 75


Aiolos SMG Deluxe, Alliance Explorer Jacket with Thermal Dampeners, Dark
Operator (2d6*25)
Energy Dome
Smuggler D20-2D8, Alliance Explorer Jacket, Smuggling Compartment (Cybernetics) (2d6*30)+100
Spy Grapple Gun, Anti-Sensor Suit, Sneakers, Burgalar's Toolkit (3d6*25)+100


Victory 1400, Plasteel Webbed Vest with Intimidating Aesthetics, Laser
Enforcer (2d6*25)
Athenian X with Federation Stabilizers, Plasteel Carapace with Commtab
Heavy Infantry (2d6*30) + 75
Special Forces HK-1506 Assailant, Plasteel Webbed Vest (2d6*30)+100


Infantry D20-2D8, Riot Control Rod, Plasteel Webbed Vest, Communication Scrambler (2d6*25)
Prepper Heay Taal'sarian Lasgun with Minor Platform Gears, Plasteel Webbed Vest (2d6*30)+100
Technician Sidekick (Drone), GRIM, Dark Energy Dome, D20-D6 (2d8*25)+120


Hotshot Pilot's Jacket with Apothein Compression Engine, Pilotpop (x2) (BCS) (2d6*30)+100
Alliance Explorer Jacket with Apothein Compression Engine, Driver-jack, UTA
Wheels (3d6*25)+175
Wired Ace Skulljack Network (Cybernetics), Pilot-jack (Cybernetics), Pilot's Jacket (2d6*25)


Optical Suit with Fashionable Clothing Mod, Citizenship 8 ranking, Apothei
Politician (1d6*25)
Pheromones (Cybernetics)
Plasteel Carapace with Intimidating Aesthetics, Citizenship 8 ranking, UTA
Pusher (2d6*25)
Rebel Plasteel Carapace with Size Adjustor, Citizenship 8 ranking, UB Aidkit + (2d6*25)

Citizenship 8 ranking, Skulljack Network (Cybernetics), Starcombat Suit, Dark
Explorer (2d6*25)+100
Energy Detector
Mad Scientist Symbiotic Armor, UTA (Cybernetics), GRIM, Skulljack Network (Cybernetics) (2d6*25)
Plasteel Webbed Vest with GRIMable, Skulljack Network (Cybernetics), Legal
Technocrat (2d6*30)
Data (Forged)

Overwatch HR-1717 Perseus, Plasteel Webbed Vest, Portable Cover Machine (2d6*25)
Scout D20-D8, Thermal Optics, Enhanced Visual Perception Aid (1d6*25)
Suppressor Heavy Z-900, Enhanced Visual Perception Aid, Starcombat Suit, Trigger (BCS) (2d6*10)+50


Knight Laser Halberd, Starcombat Suit with Boosters (2d6*25)
Monk Electronic Vest Frame with Arcweave Plating (2d6*10)+50
Ninja Plasteel Carapace with Small Shielded Pad, Communication Scrambler (2d6*10)+50

knowing about investment opportunities or right down
to inventory management strategies.
Space has its own mechanics that follows natural law. It
is complex, deep and ever challenging. This skill covers
how your character understands gravity, lunar cycles, • Structure a contract that does not have
rotations of celestial bodies and the general rhythm of loopholes in it.
the cosmos. • Search for suppliers.
• Properly schedule vendor payments.
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS IF… • Acquire contacts for specific reasons, such as
• Reasonably understand if a planet has buying a type of weapon or equipment.
atmosphere that would support them.
• How stable a star is.
• Determine the gravity well of a planet.
• Current position planet side given the stars. • Trying to swindle someone in a contract
• Haggling over prices (Negotiation).
• Chart a course through FTL Space CONSPIRACIES (KNOWLE DGE)
You hang out in dark places in Cyberspace, skeptical,
• Calculate where a food source is while planet
frequent seedy bars or are very well connected.
side (Survival)
Whatever the case, you have quite a hunch to filter out
propaganda from the truth as well as understand its
political motivation. Events, stories, and media all tell a
Accounting, contacts, revenue strategies, marketing, story and you may know if there is a larger conspiracy
investing and salesmanship is all needed to run a behind it.
business. This skill is about searching for contacts,

Attempt to understand the political motivation behind a Wants to control machines in or out of combat as an
piece of legislation or advertisement. extension of themselves.

• Investigate the reason why a stock just tanked • Have a drone perform a specific task.
unexpectedly. • Have a drone act as an install itself to a device to
• Analyze the news cycle to determine if it is act as a router for a hacker.
meant to influence a particular audience.
• See if there are any hidden messages in a
• Repair a drone (Mechanics).
• Upgrade a drone (Mechanics).
• Gather information about a location or person
• Determine if someone is lying to you (Vigilance)
This represents a historical record, myth and legend
during the Golden Age. Details about Xenos, wars or
artifacts are vastly enumerable. Details which many
Through Focus, Willpower and Discipline a Voidwalker common Joes would find this information boring or
can manipulate the Dark Energy around the Universe to impractical, but it does explain how the Galaxy operates
suit her needs, as quite a cost. This is at a cost to her today. It encompasses specializations, scholarly and
mind, body and soul. It is a trained art as well, with esoteric knowledges.
Masters seeking out worthy students to keep the secrets
• Tries to identify recovered data from a Golden
Those that bend Dark Energy do not advertise it. Age device.
• Recalls clues in an attempt to find a relic or lost
Xeno race’s.
• Cloak themselves and the people around them.
• Attempts to recall legends or history about the
• Pressurize the air around a subject, harming Golden Age.
their body.
• Scry about the galaxy to find information about
• Chart a course through FTL Space
• Tries to use Golden Age devices (Operating)
• Look for an object in a room or place
(Perception) PSIONIC (MAGIC)
• Be a gunslinger or laser sword wielding lunatic.
• Sneak about (Stealth) By using drugs and enslaved parasitic aliens called
Telekritters, one can enter the mind of another creature.
DRONES (MAGIC) It isn’t pretty, but it is doable. Psionics hunt each other
to ensure that their kind is limited and their knowledge
Although not really Magic, it is a magical thing to of the conspiracy around Psionics stays intact.
encounter. Those who control drones are very much
dependent on their minds. Their minds must possess the Those that are Psionic are very secretive.
ability to handle the copious amounts of information
demanding their attention.

• Influence a sentient creature.
• Read the mind of a sentient creature.
• Attack the mind of a sentient creature.


● Your character is trying to befriend a Xeno or



Charm same Presence GCRB: 54
Coercion same Willpower GCRB: 55
Deception same Cunning GCRB: 56
Leadership same Presence GCRB: 56
Negotiation same Presence GCRB: 56
Astrocartography same Intellect GCRB: 57
Athletics same Brawn GCRB: 58
Computers same Intellect GCRB: 58
Cool same Presence GCRB: 59
Coordination same Agility GCRB: 59
Discipline same Willpower GCRB: 60
Mechanics same Intellect GCRB: 60
Medicine same Intellect GCRB: 61
Operating same Intellect GCRB: 62
Perception same Cunning GCRB: 62
Piloting same Agility GCRB: 62
Resilience same Brawn GCRB: 62
Skulduggery same Cunning GCRB: 64
Stealth same Agility GCRB: 64
Streetwise same Cunning GCRB: 65
Survival same Cunning GCRB: 65
Vigilance same Willpower GCRB: 65
Knowledge Knowledge Intellect GCRB: 66
Business Administration Adventuring Intellect ROT: 81
Conspiracies Forbidden Intellect ROT: 81
Astronomy Geography Intellect ROT: 81
Golden Age Lore Intellect ROT: 82
Brawl same Brawn GCRB: 67
Melee same Brawn GCRB: 67
Ranged (Light) same Agility GCRB: 68
Ranged (Heavy) same Agility GCRB: 68
Gunnery same Agility GCRB: 69
Dark Energy - Intellect -
Drones - Intellect -
Psionic - Willpower -




Gregarious, greedy, short-sighted and risk-takers are all

good adjectives to describe the Akora. The Akora people
are from the United Federation of Orbits but can be found
mostly anywhere, due to their wanderlust.

The reputation of the Akora people is generally a positive

one. They are known to be reckless, always willing to go
“all-in” on a task. This is because the Akora mind is wired
for adventure, exploring and discovery. Often making
them not look before they leap. It is common to see Akora
as gamblers, pirates looking for that next score that next
rush of adrenaline or employed in a hazardous or risky
occupation. Characteristic Value Cocky
Brawn 2 Once a session, you may
Their minds also are wired to be extroverted. An Akora is Agility 2 add S to any Athletics,
always attempting to increase their social network. Intelligence 2 Astrocartography,
Coupled with their reckless spirit, Akora are great story Cunning 1 Piloting and Driving at the
tellers, singers, artists or even merchants as they use their Willpower 2 cost of H per S added
experience in life to relate or empathize with others. Presence 3 (Max 3).
Wounds 9+B Naturally Social
Their appearance is a humanoid griffon. Akora are Strain 10 + W Remove up to 1 1 while
covered in flightless feathers - which change color per Melee Defense 0 targeting a creature with
malting season. Akora also has digitigrade cloven feet, Ranged Defense 0 social skills.
which makes their hips and legs a bit more different than Starting XP 90 XP
a human’s. Akora might be bird-like, but they are not Silhouette 1
birds. They cannot fly. They do not lay eggs. They are
Free Skill Streetwise
feathery humanoid creatures who happen to have beaks.

They have their own unique language of squawks,

squeaks, chirps, tweets and chatter. While speaking the
common tongue, Akora are known to let out a chirp every
once and awhile while speaking in the common language.
It is quite embarrassing to an Akora when this happens, so
they usually try their best to not let it happen. However,
during a moment of passion and pure emotion, their
native tongues will let loose in a series of squawks and



Although one of the smallest sentient creatures in the

galaxy, the Gromkin have the largest personalities.
Gromkin are known to have abundant energy, wild ideas
and are highly excitable.

Gromkin are always fidgeting. They constantly shift focus

to a new shinning thing. They always have their hands
occupied. Clicking pens, checking their GRIM, fidgeting
with clothing, tapping their large ears, or juggling objects
are common Gromkin activities.

There are two kinds of Gromkin. There is the Gromkin that

cares. She seeks out large communities for shelter,
comforts and resources. It is there that she will build a
ocial network to offer aid in order to get help in times of
need. She will support friends, care deeply about family,
and genuinely tries to “move-the-needle” in a positive
way for her and the community in her own way. Characteristic Value Sneaky Instinct
Brawn 1 Remove up to 1 1
The other kind of Gromkin is a mischievous and selfish Agility 3 while using the
kind. While they seek out large communities, they plan Intelligence 2 Skulduggery skill.
and scheme to climb the social ranks with the sole Cunning 2 Oh, that’s mine!
intention to horde all resources for themselves. They will Willpower 2 Start with 300 more
Presence 2 credits than usual.
abuse any power they are given. They will ditch any
Wounds 8+B
responsibility given if it does not immediately benefit
Strain 12 + W
them. They are only concerned at being rich, powerful and Melee Defense 0
famous. They are little egomaniacs who end up creating Ranged Defense 0
small organized crime syndicates or quickly associate Starting XP 90 XP
themselves with criminal life. Silhouette 0
Free Skill Stealth
Either kind of Gromkin have a general disregard for
personal property. Everything is theirs and what they have
is to be shared or to be used. Sometimes they mean well
but keep your nice stuff out of sight. Theft of property is
outlandishly high in communities with a high
concentration of Gromkin.



Kilatani are known for being cold hearted, slick and

calculating. Mercy is a concept that is foreign to their
spirits. This has brought their species from being in a goo-
covered planet to a race that can travel to their stars,
making up a good portion of the galaxy.

They originate from the Nyjetian systems but have

assimilated well into other cultures. As citizens, Kitani are
often seen being a part of upper management for many
corporations or governments. Should the Kilatani seek a
military career, they often make scouts or special
operatives for their strategic minds.

Technically speaking, the Kilatani are an aquatic race,

much like a whale or dolphin could be considered an
aquatic race. They are more water based than humans.
They constantly are drinking to replenish their never- Characteristic Value Inkjets
ending cycle of secreting water-based fluids through their Brawn 2 Once an encounter, as a
pores. This is something that they’re quite embarrassed Agility 2 maneuver produce an
about. Those that can afford to actively remove these Intelligence 2 Inky Black cloud that
glands at an early age. Cunning 3 gives 1 1 to targets
Willpower 2 engaging or tracking the
Besides being oily, the Kilatani have tendrils. Many of Presence 1 Kilatani. This is also
these tendrils lack the strength to grip or grasp objects. Wounds 9+B tampers with Thermal
Strain 11 + W sensors
The Kilatani tendrils are mostly for body language and
Melee Defense 0 Aquatic
Ranged Defense 0 Remove up to 1 1 while
Males have several tendrils that connect to the nose ridge Starting XP 90 XP dealing with aquatic
Silhouette 1 environments and being
portion of their skull. These cover their small-serrated
Free Skill Cool on fire.
beaks and often have a mind of their own as they twirl
about grasping at the air. Longer tendrils droop down
from the base of their skulls to their small-backs of their
humanoid like frame.

Females have fewer tendrils, seeking to remove them or

fashion them as if they were human hair. Females do not
have tendrils that cover their beaks but have human like
mouths. Many female Kilatani could pass for a human
with the right cosmetic surgery.

The Kilatani have their own language, but it’s mostly that
of clicks and patterns of tendril motions. It is nearly
impossible for a non-Kilatani to replicate.



According to Golden Age data, Humans entered the

Raelaris Galaxy through massive fleets of colonial ships.
These ships were damage from their long voyage from the
Milky Way galaxy, indicating disaster occurred somewhere
between their departure and arrival.

These ships held cryogentic humans, asleep for thousands

of years. Slowly, fleets of these enormous ships started to
arrive at the rim of the galaxy. Some ships crashing into
deserted planets while others were intercepted by native
Raelaris races. The Raelaris Empire captured many of
these ships and awoke the Humans from their slumber.

Since then, the Humans have spread quickly throughout

the Raelaris galaxy, becoming one of the most common
Race in the galaxy.
Characteristic Value Advanced Operator
It is not known what happened to the Milky Way or why Brawn 2 Ignore up to 1 1
the Humans left it. Many of the records were lost after the Agility 2 Driving, Mechanics,
Intelligence 2 Operating or Piloting
Raelaris Empire fell, when these colonial ships were used
Cunning 2 checks once per
for scrap parts. Some researchers say that the Human’s
Willpower 2 encounter.
home system was overcrowded, but this has no factual
Presence 2 Machinist
evidence. It is just one, out of many theories, that is Wounds 10 + B Every two cybernetics
currently the accepted theory in the Golden Age historian Strain 10 + W installed, gain back one
community. Melee Defense 0 strain threshold.
Ranged Defense 0
Humans use our fantastic minds for toolmaking and tool- Starting XP 90 XP
use. This makes us the de-facto best at operating and Silhouette 1
mechanics. No matter what the Syndairi might say. Our Free Skill Operating
bodies and minds have such a strong predisposition for it
– which makes us so viable on any world or habitat.

Not only does our minds provide us with great

adaptability and insight to technology use, but our bodies
grow accustomed to traumatic changes. This gives an edge
over the other sentients, as a Human body will recover
strain after more cyberware surgeries.



Orcos are emotional creatures who respond physically

rather than verbally or mentally. They are feelers, not
thinkers. They are concerned with the now, and not what
was or what will be. Orcos have a tendency for aggressive
behavior because of this instinctual disposition.

Orcos in society is a touchy subject. Typically, an Orco has

no patience for commitment of a long-term investing or
career path. They live in the now. As such, their culture
and their communities are often run amuck with crime,
poverty and violence. It isn’t unheard of an Orco escaping
such pitfalls, but it is uncommon. This leads to rampant
racism towards an Orco.

Orcos have their own language taken from Common

Tongue. It’s juvenile when translated. It is based on insults
and is concerned with who is the “strongest” in a subject.
Some examples include calling an Orco which is weak as a Characteristic Value Threat
“JR”, or a cunning Orco a “Smartie”. This language Brawn 3 After a successful
encourages a behavior to always try to be the best, Agility 2 attack to a target, the
biggest and meanest Orco on the block. Intelligence 1 Orco adds 1 to the
Cunning 2 same target until the
An Orco does not live long. Their aggressive behavior Willpower 2 end of the encounter.
causes lethal or serious wounds that many do not recover Presence 2 Loose Cannon
from. Having an Orco die of old age is unheard of, but Wounds 10 + B If an Orco’s strain
experts suggest that Orcos may live up to 50 years. Strain 10 + W exceeds half of their
Melee Defense 0 strain threshold, they
Biologically wise, Orcos are mammals. They share many Ranged Defense 0 add 1 1 to all social
Starting XP 90 XP skill checks and add 1
likenesses to Humans. Orcos come in various shades of
Silhouette 1 Peirce quality to the
green, black and orange. Orcos muscles are well defined,
Free Skill Athletics weapon they have.
assisting them in their quest to physically assault the
universe. Male and female Orcos are thicker than their
Human counterparts.

Their facial traits differ than Humans in a major way. They

have non-functioning tusks that slightly protrude out of
their mouth. Some Orcos use surgery to enhance their
tusk length. They also have pointed ears that slant



The oldest Race around the block. The Syndairian are an

aloof, detailed-orientated, proud, selfish, creative and
bright species.

Their minds give them an ability to easily comprehend

incredibly difficult tasks. Sit a Syndairian in front of a
terminal, they’d be able to complex produce code so clean
and efficient quicker than most. Say to a Syndairian “Go fix
the engines”, the Syndairian won’t even need the proper
tools – she just knows how to use the environment to her
advantage in a creative way.

Over eons of this behavior, the Syndairian have emerged

into a mindset of competitive craftsmanship, narcissism
and egotism. Syndairian seek out approval from reputable
sources of authority to “bless” the fruit of their labor.
Their personalities do not know the term “humble” or
“enough is enough”. In this quest, they will bombard
Characteristic Value The Right Tools
other rivals with harsh language in an effort to bully or
Brawn 2
discourage any progress towards their craft. Remove up to 1 1
Agility 2
while using the
Intelligence 3
No matter the craft, be it Art, Medical or Industrial, a Mechanics skill.
Cunning 2
Syndairian takes her role seriously. This seriousness leads Willpower 1 Confidence
to over critical remarks to co-workers, intense arguments Presence 2 Remove up to 1 1
over small details, or even strict and bizarre procedures Wounds 9+B Computers,
for the simplest of things. A Syndairian is a hassle to work Strain 12 + W Knowledge, Mechanics
with or under, their OCD-like nature stresses out those Melee Defense 0 or Medicine checks
who are not well prepared for such a working Ranged Defense 0 once per encounter.
environment. Starting XP 90 XP
Silhouette 1
Syndairians share many biological traits when compared Free Skill Mechanics
to Humans. Syndairian skin is generally fair. Their hair is
light usually worn in blues, greys, blondes or pinks. Their
eyes shine different hues of purples, greys and blue.

Their ears are long and pointy, earning them the nickname
knife-ear or ear-prick. Syndairians see this as a
complement mostly. To a Syndairian, to have a lesser race
make fun of you means you’re doing something right.
They are trying to dismantle your awesomeness, your
being, your larger-than-life presence.

A Syndairian’s immune system is strong. They rarely die of

old age. Should illness or a lesser race’s bullet not get
them, a Syndairian will leave up to 400 years old.



These creatures have a very diverse and tragic past.

Records and memories of this past s handed down to
them through memory. Their dreams are their biological
history, which make them thinkers, cerebral and planners
more than anything. They are large, tall, and reserved
creatures that make up 15% of the galaxy. They are largely
clustered in the Taal’sa Empire.

Sharing what their ancestors know, makes them more of a

long-term planner than “in-the-moment” kind of person.
Taalic generally has more knowledge compared to
another creature. A Taalic has an agenda and long-term
goal. This goal is usually carried down to them by their
ancestors, within their memory.

They are individuals first. Taalic have no want for

politics or “drama”. They are out to accomplish a series Characteristic Value Shed Toxins
of tasks. This leads them to outcasts and non- Brawn 2 Remove up to 1 1 dice
conformist life styles for the most part. Civilian life for a Agility 1 while using the Resilience
Intelligence 2 skill as your reptile body
Taalic is one about earning a wage through
Cunning 2 sheds skin.
manufacturing, community building, criminal affairs or
Willpower 3 Ancestor Knowledge
information brokering. Military life leads them to be Presence 2
snipers or storm troopers, as they have devotion A Taalic may enter a
Wounds 11 + B
towards a task. meditative state to recall an
Strain 11 + W
Ancestor’s memory about
Melee Defense 0
Taalic resemble snakes, dinosaurs and dragons more an event, creature or place
Ranged Defense 0
than Humans. descend from a race of scavenger lizards as Discipline (222) action.
Starting XP 90 XP
Mechanically, this replaces
on their desert homeworld of Taal’sa. They are Silhouette 1
a knowledge check.
classified as Reptiles. They are cold blooded. Females Free Skill Resilience
lay eggs, about three at a time. A Taalic can shed his skin
to also skin poisons or toxins from his blood stream.

There is no uniform look to these creatures. They are

bipedal with claw-like feet. They have four thick fingers.
Taalic have snake like necks. Some Taalic have cosmetic
horns, others do not. They all have a large tail to help
balance their awkward hunched over frame.

Taalic come in shades of olive green, white and blues.

Their scales are smooth to the touch but look rough from
a distance. Taalic have sharp jagged teeth like a Shark.

THE OTHERS life, but do not wish to speak or communicate to any
sentient creature. They have queens and communicate
There are numerous other creatures out there in the largely by scent. Omagain have no real shape, they can
galaxy other than the seven listed above. The Alliance take on many different form to accomplish tasks. They can
does not recognize these sentient creatures. Perhaps grow up to Silhouette 3, but mostly remain Silhouette 1 in
these creatures are not sanction because of politics, lack many forms.
of a distinctive indication of civilization or perhaps the
Alliance is devising something sinister. Golden Age records hint that these creatures were made
by the Raelaris Empire, but so much is unknown about the

Canaanites are a race of anthropomorphic mammal

creatures. They are part man and part beast. Wolves,
dogs, bunnies or even cats are typical forms of a A hunched over creature that is a-sexual. The Yyalta are
Canaanite. These people have quite a reputation for four armed and four fingered resilient creatures. They
spouts of berserk rage, where they lose all sense of civility stand tall on their digitigrade legs with hairless light blue
and become bloodthirsty animals. skin. They have eight eyes that glow orange or neon
The Union of Gabbochan and the Apothei Colonial
Collective continue to block any litigation giving the The Yyalta is a recently discovered creature. Their society
Canaanites legal status. These two members of the Big 7 has not discovered space travel yet. A world war rages on
use Canaanites as slaves, sideshow attractions, sport or their moonless planet. The Domain of Peace along with
clothing. Other members of the Big 7 will often market a the United Federation of Orbits seek to grant them a legal
Canaanite as a life-long friend (see: slave) for their sons or status of being sentient as to stop their doomsday war.
However, this is quite boiling point for the Alliance. As the
Few Canaanites that do make it outside slavery, wind up Nyjetian Economic Consortium, Taal’sa Empire, and
pirates, raiders, slavers, terrorists or hackers. Syndairian Authority firmly believe that the Canaanites
should be the first ones “baptized” by the Alliance.
A once thriving intelligent and telepathic parasitic
creature that can live inside hosts The Golden Age records
refer to them as monsters, with the Raelaris Empire
building weapons to destroy them.

In this timeline, the Helenski have another name:

Telekritters. Somehow, the Alliance found a way to use
these creatures for their own nefarious goals. The Alliance
has found a way to bred these creatures to be less aware,
intelligent and cunning that their ancestors.

Now this race is used as a method of population control.

They are the Alliance’s most well-guarded and least
known secret.

Once thought to have gone extinct during the Golden Age.
They are cosmic bugs that nest in the hundreds. Their diet
is one of metals and plastics. They show signs of intelligent

Although Space Venture’s genre is the fantastic future, the Rumors tell that monsters lurk FTL Space, but no one has
accessible technology is less than efficient. The galaxy has been able to confirm such myths. FTL Space has no land,
figured out how to get the tangible from Point A to Point B no star stations or permanent structures. Some have tried
with FTL Space, but there is a lot to re-discover that was to colonize FTL Space. However, the turbulence of FTL
lost with the decline of the Raelaris Empire. Space quickly destroys any crazed attempt of settlement.
Exiting FTL Space with accuracy is difficult. Making the
FASTER THAN LIGHT (F TL) SPACE wrong calculation of matter conversions, speed and time
will result in lethal accidents. Veteran pilots say often ‘to
FTL Space has many names. Regardless of calling it the FTL
check your math twice’ and ‘be sure to take your time to
space, the umbra, hyperspace, subspace, shadow space or
aim your fold’. Luckily, FTL Space somehow is able to
warp space does not alter its purpose. FTL Space is an
detect large objects in space and prevents exits that
alternative dimension that lets vessels travel among the
would end up with collisions. There has not been a
stars with ease and quickness as the vessel folds into this
recorded accident of a ship exiting into another ship. This
dimension. It is unknown whom or what created the FTL
fact alone gives elite scientists evidence that FTL Space is
Space, as it seems like an unnatural infrastructure. Experts
say that the Raelaris Empire’s royal engineers are the mad
men behind FTL Space.
FTL Space is an ever changing and chaotic storm of electric Scientists and top researchers continue to struggle against
network of fluid. Vessels require specially crafted engines the unknown principals of Dark Energy in this setting.
and metallic plates to voyage FTL Space, both of which are However, there is technology that is able to record, use
expensive. Once outfitted correctly, vessels can merge and view Dark Energy. The only technology that is able to
into FTL Space with a blink of an eye, racing towards an take advantage of Dark Energy is cloaking.
exit point. Cargo and crew alike no longer exist in the
physical realm while in FTL Space. It is largely still a lost art. A few mystical people claim to
have mastered the lost art, but at the cost of insanity,
Tracking vessels in FTL Space is only possible through limbs or life.
state-of-the-art sensors, time and incredibly brilliant
minds. It is no easy task, as the fluidic electrical storms
distort any scientific readings taken from FTL Space. This
does not prevent an individual making an informed guess Dark Energy is mostly used to cloak people, ships and
as to when or where an exit point of a “fold” (entry into buildings. This is done through Dark Energy Engines that
FTL Space). It is difficult to trace movement within FTL are small and light weight.
Space, making it a great hiding spot for those who work in

Communication to objects outside FTL Space from within Data and Communication is not faster than light capable.
is not a difficult task. Communication to any object inside Word, news and stock tickers travel slowly. However,
FTL Space is near impossible. The violent and turbulent there are two methods around sub-light communication.
space make it difficult to pinpoint spots and targets.
The first method is a Torpedo Communication Network
Lasers, plasma, rail guns and all matters of warfare are (TCN). A communication torpedo is a non-explosive
inoperable in FTL Space. Even if someone were to discover advanced electronic device with countless communication
a way to engage a laser beam in FTL Space, top Wi-Fi and wired ports that travels through FTL Space. The
researchers claim that the chain reaction would destroy all TCNs use these ports to quickly analyze and distribute the
the FTL Space around them in a violent explosion. data as needed to other hubs. This allows to messages,
news and communication to be far quicker than the YEARS
it would take to send data to one point to another. While

TCNs are popular, they are expensive to maintain and INTERNETS COST CITIZENSHIP ACCESSIBLE
monitor. TCNs are a chaotic place. Countless small Economy Networks $10 9+ GRIM, DAPR
torpedoes appear and disappear into FTL Space while Networks $20 9+ GRIM, DAPR
civilian (see: pirates) craft quietly and quickly try to steal Networks + $35 9+ GRIM, DAPR
from or append data to the torpedoes. Some torpedoes Clearworks $50 7+ DAPR, VESSELS
end up floating around for months, not collected by their Clearworks + $125 7+ DAPR
owners or maybe the torpedo encountered an error Alliance Net $237 4+ DAPR
executing its return command. Governments and Elitenet - 5+ ANY
corporates alike host and maintain TCNs. Usually a Echoless - 3+ ANY
Venture Firm performs a courier service for the highly
sensitive or confidential transmissions.
The second method is one of the big reasons why the
Alliance is around. The Alliance has created their own GRIMS
version of a TCN, ADRN (Alliance Data Rail Network).
Computers in this setting are very tiny devices, called
Dishes float in space (protected by Alliance Navy) that
GRIMs (General Radio Interface Machine). They are like
have technologically advance cables dip into FTL Space.
smartphones, but more powerful in terms of uses and
These cables act as “railroad” in FTL Space. These dishes
capabilities. They can broadcast into your AR gear, or
also are able to scan incoming communication torpedoes
headsets, like modern Bluetooth. These things can
immediately to transmit across the galaxy in delay of 15 –
interface with any device with a universal cable link.
30 minutes. Access to this network is free, depending on
However, if device is synced to a GRIM it may broadcast
your citizenship level. The Alliance also uses this to store
wirelessly menus and data, which the GRIM has access to.
every communication and piece of data to conduct further
analytics on the galaxy. Common people use this, as it is a
cheap and hassle-free way to get your news, laughs, DAPRS
media and stay connected to your love ones. Others risk Data Application Platform Remote (DAPR) are tablet like
low fee TCNs. While the paranoid do things themselves. devices that are used by software engineers to
troubleshoot and administer applications and hardware.
INTERNETS This, unlike a GRIM, allows users to write software and do
more advance engineering.
There isn’t just one internet, but several different
tiers of internet. Only a few of them are widely ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGE NCE AND ROBOTICS
accessible by GRIMs and by DAPRs, via paid licenses.
The other half are reserved for military use. The Robotics are a touchy subject in the galaxy. Robots are
seen as property and given little rights within the Alliance,
public internets are full of false data, trash data and
with no “robot rights” movement anywhere near the
obfuscated data. Most sites exist to produce fake
horizon. To engineer or produce a robot with free agency
data and throw off other hackers or get consumers
or free will is strictly forbidden throughout the galaxy, and
to subscribe to the next tier. punishable by death. This is known as the Robotics Law.
This is a result of a dark time in history where a robotic
Some internet networks are not even accessible
army rampaged throughout the galaxy trying to purge all
through Vessels, but only DAPrs or GRIMs.
biological life. Robots, droids, virtual intelligence and
artificial intelligence are not to be trusted.

There are working robots out mining, cleaning and

cooking. These robots have no personalities. They cannot
communicate deep concepts. They are property. They are
machines. Nothing more, nothing less. Any augmentation

to their intelligence or logic could be considered a to know which Internets site the device is slaved to and
violation of the Robotics Law. then gain access to that Internets (by purchasing a
subscription). Then the hacker looks up the base difficulty
The more human or mortal a robot looks like, the closer it on the Internet he is on then adds the OSAD and other
is regulated and monitored. No one likes a talking robot difficulties. This can be a very difficult task and many
who can think for itself. However, they hate a talking hackers prefer to attack at the scene.
robot that looks like one of them.
Should a hacker be desperate, they will try to hack from
HACKING THE TECHNOLOGY an Internet network. What network rating the hacker is on
determines the base difficulty including setbacks.
Computer language is a complex concept and practice.
How a technological system describes data will be Alliance SysOps agents that administer data warehouses
different from other pieces of technology. Access ports are not naïve. They are aware that there are those in the
are tricky, not every machine can be hacked by accessing galaxy that want to steal and corrupt their data. This is
it via augmented reality or a crafty wireless device. Gone where Citizenship and the Internets come in. The Alliance
are the days of wireless sniffing for exploits and created a social system to prevent hacking and to track
vulnerabilities along with brute forcing corrupt data to those that would hack, while giving them areas to hack
fool systems. unopposed.

However, if there is a will there is a way. Usually the way In game mechanics terms, not jacking into a device and
to access devices with Admin access is using one of eight hacking it makes it near impossible. It requires a story
(one for each government) types of data cables to plug point and adds 2 2 2 2 2 to the check.
into an access port of a machine. It is incredibly safer and
less likely to be detected this way. From this interface, the IF YOU JACK INTO A DEVICE, THE BELOW DOES NOT APPLY!
hacker connects the wire into a GRIM or DAPR device that
is slaved by your Skulljack through wires. This lets you
Economy Networks 33333 111
interface with the machine in a cybernetic world of
Networks 33333 111
zeroes, ones, and sometimes twos.
Networks + 23333 11

One could try to launch hacks from cyberspace, but this Clearworks 2333 11

risks detection. Clearworks + 2233 11

Alliance Net 2233 1
Elitenet 222 1

Encrypt Decrypt Echoless 22

Breach Control
Firewall Component
System Hacking is not only about defeating security, but also
Access A.C.D.M.
navigating the jarring landscape of unorganized and
Finding Data
poorly planned data architectures. Nothing is where it
Query AIN Data should be, most of the time. Even if a hacker finds the
Copy Data
payload, transferring over specific data structures to the
Rebrand hacker has preferred device will take some massaging. A
AINs hacker will be lucky if a non-alliance device has similar
enough architecture to transfer data – at least if it is more
than log files or word processing documents.

If one would launch a hack from cyberspace they’re This is where the Alliance shines and fails simultaneously.
looking at a lot of time invested and risk. A hacker needs They have painfully created a system of unified data.
Every device, date, second, clothing, car, planet,

manufactured good or piece of real estate has long string can have several components in them or none. These
of arbitrary numbers, symbols and letters. This makes components can be controlled by hackers.
non-hackers or administrators very frustrated to look at as
its information overload at a glance. To the trained and The entire system cannot be controlled by a hacker unless
experience bureaucrat or hacker, this is a comfortable that hacker has control of every component.
For a hacker to gain control of a component, the hacker
With this structure, hackers can easily hack and steal data. must degrade the Firewall of the component.
However, the encryptions are more complex to beat.
Vehicles have their own components which can also be
Alliance encryption and data protocols are some of the
most advanced out there, making use of high CPU,
demanding memory encryption points and obfuscation by
the AID system. Only top-shelf alliance DAPrs can COMMON COMPONENTS
overcome such obstacles.
Core Application
Suggested Firewalls: 3
A device's operating system handles SysOps procedures This represents the device's main function. For a factory, it
and scripts automatically. It will alert its owner or can represent the robots or processing line process. How
whoever else dictated by the owner when it detects many of an item, what blue print to use and down to the
unauthorized entry and will try to defend itself. These color of the item is controlled by this system. For an alarm
automated defenses are called Operating System's clock, it would be about when it was triggered and how it
Automated Defense or OSADs. communicates the alarm. For a bank, it would be
transmission of credits. For a DAPr, it would be running
Every turn, unless noted otherwise, the OS scans for
specific scripts.
access against the hacker's Computer skill. An OSAD rating
is determined by the system type and class it is.
Hackers will roll against an OSAD rating to gain entry.
Suggested Firewalls: 4
SYSTEMS This data will have who, what and when an event occurs
with details about the event. Other data can be present
Core depending on the purpose of the device. This can be
Application banking information, call information, inventory,
registrations, text messages, emails or even time clock
Database Firewalls systems. This system records, deletes, and edits events.
Many devices have this as a component.
System Firewalls
Jonah System
Security Firewalls Suggested Firewalls: 2
This controls the ambient temperature, oxygen levels,
Vox Firewalls gravity levels and even the doors of the building or part of
the building. Buildings, such as offices or factories, can
A system is an electronic device that is computerized. have many Jonah Systems.
They are Outpost command centers, assembly line
computers, inventory management system, ATMs, GRIMs,
DAPrs, Router, Network or even a headset. Each system


Suggested Firewalls: 4 A firewall is an abstract measure of how many defensive

measures a system’s component has. Depending on the
This records video, audio or dark energy data, along with
type of device and component, each firewall will be
alerting specific Comm stations. This can be in many
different. Hackers will be employing scripts, commands
different devices, but is always present (and typically is
and various procedure to get around security to finally be
the only) system on Sensors.
granted full access to the component.

Suggested Firewalls: 1 A system’s classification is dependent on who owns it or
Sending communication is different than just recording it. what’s its purpose is. This not only modifies the OSAD but
The Vox system keeps decrpytion, encryption, quality and it also sets up the environment for the hacker while
process handling of videos, text-based communication, modifying the Firewall rating.
phone calls, and even printing. This is for communication
purposes. Once acting, the Vox system will write to the Where Plebeian is for the common man or slave, so a
Database. common Commtab or Comm-bead might fit this class. This
can also apply to cash registers at a mom and pop store.
Where as the Classified Entity refers to a rare and deadly
Below is a table of common systems and their standard
ratings. OSAD Firewall Environmen
Increase Increase t Settings
Common Base Recommended Plebeian 0 -1
Systems OSAD Components Elite 1 1 1
Commtab 2 Vox Government 2 2 1
GRIM, DAPr 22 Database, Vox Military 3 3 11
Core Application, Corporate 2 2 1
Industrial Factory 22
Jonah System High-Profile 4 5 11
Core Application, Classified 5 6 111
Mining Equipment 22
Jonah System, Vox
Given above an Alliance Data Warehouse is a High-Profile
Single Purpose Database, Core
2 system. It would take a hacker 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 to get into
Machine Application
that system. It would also have a 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 to detect
Merchant Store 22 Accounting, Security
intruders. On the other hand, a simple store’s cash
Database, Jonah
Data Warehouse 22222 register (Plebeian class) would have 2 to hack with a 2 to
System, Security
detect intruders in the system.
Corporate Admin
2 Database, Vox
Database, Jonah
Outpost 222
Below is a flow chart of how to steal and modify data as
System, Security, Vox
Core Application, well as control systems.
Mansion Assistant 22 Database, Jonah
System, Security, Vox Breach Control
Core Application, Firewall Component
Banking 2222 Database, Jonah System
System, Security, Vox Access A.C.D.M.
Jonah System, Finding Data
Non-space Vessel 2
Vox Data
Note: Ships have OSADs based on their Silhouette * 2 + Copy Data

Before a hacker can manipulate a machine or data, they FINDING DATA
must get access to the machine. They will roll their
The act of stealing or adjusting data in a database or file
Computer skill check against the machine’s rated
system. However, what is Data? Data could be pictures,
videos, emails, log files, payment information or
Once the hacker has gained access to the system, the configuration files. It is a digital record of any event,
automatic scripts and security built into the machine's something that can be accessed by the machine, and
OSAD or SysOps will seek out intruders every round. something that can be transmitted. Adjusting data can be
looping a sensor of an empty hall, it could be false records
It is important to keep in mind when approaching a system of registration to an exclusive party, or it could be
from the Internets you will face terrible difficulties, as the changing a print shop's default color scheme from blue to
OSAD increases the Internets host difficulties. neon pink.

Gaining Unauthorized Access Outcomes Finding Data Outcome

Access to start breaching firewalls,
S stealing or modifying data.
S Can A.C.D.M or Copy Data.
Decrease the difficulty by 1
The OSAD will not attempt to find
SS the hacker by 1 per S S rounds. A A A for the next hacking
related skill check.
A A A Leaves no evidence of the hack. Decrease the difficulty by 1
T Leaves no evidence of the hack. T for the next hacking
Does not trigger an alarm, unless related skill check.
F OSAD > 2. Hackers search the system for relevant or key data, known
HHH Triggers alarms. as paydata. The hacker defeats low security scripts and
Triggers alarms while leaving access along his way looking for the paydata. The hacker
D evidence of the hack. must roll a Computers check to find the paydata. The
difficulty is determined by the kind of data, the OSAD or
CONTROL other circumstances. Once finding the data, the hacker
To control a system is the hacker assaults the firewalls of may do the following
the device or system. The hacker makes a Computer roll
against a targeted component to breach its Firewall rating.
Append, Create, Delete, Modify data is as straight forward
Breach Filewall Outcome as it seems. You will need to have found the data as well
The component’s Firewall is degraded by as gain access into the system.
S 1 + 1 per additional non-canceled S.
When the Firewall is down, the SysOps or OSAD is The difficulty is base off of the OSAD rating.
defeated for that Component. It will also stop searching
A.C.D.M Data Outcomes
for intruders if the hacker remained unnoticed, as the
Writes error log with time stamp in
Hacker’s presence seems quite natural in the system. the Database system, cannot be
F edited without destroying the
Once in control, the hacker can do the following actions
Database's firewall.
(and more depending on the scenario and device) The data will not be flagged as

• Give commands to the device related to the

S suspicious for another 1 per
additional non-canceled S days.

• Reboot or Shut down the component, losing COPY DATA

access and dumping any trails of tampering.
The Hacker uses a Computer check to migrate the data
over to secure device once located. This copy is not only
• Copy, Append, Delete data without rolling against
the system.

transferring data it is transferring the data safely and • If the device shuts off abruptly, the hacker
discretely. receives 2 strain.

While the data is copied to their GRIM or DAPr, the Hacker

• While interfaced to a device via a Jack, all non-
can choose to do real-world activities or continue to
Computer or Knowledge skill rolls have an
subvert security.
increased difficulty by 1.
This does not decrypt the data automatically. This roll is
about transferring the data safely and intact.
While exiting a jack, it can be very disorienting for the
user. When exiting from a jack…

Copy Data Outcome • The user is immobilized until the start of their
S 4 turns to fully copy data. next turn.
Decrease the amount of time
S S required to finish a copy by 1 • The user suffers SE SE to the next roll they make
turn per S S.
in the encounter.


Copying files and breaching firewalls are quite glamorous
The aftermath of hacking is what makes it a dangerous
while looking at a screen or being in the moment – but
world for Hacker and SysOps alike. Should a hacker
those stuck in meat space it is another experience. The
sloppily entered the system, leaving a trail of data –
hacker has to mind the data and make sure no trails or left
authorities can easily trace down the crew.
for discovery. He has to not only make sure data transfers
go through, but to actually find the Paydata fist. This could
take some time.
If a hacker breached the data, the firewall is down. High
In the meantime, the Crew has to either provide covering profile systems will immediately become aware of the
fire or run distractions to cover the hacker. This is where issue, where lower tiered systems won’t care as much. It
teamwork comes into play. will take a reboot of the system to repair all Firewall
Have a crew that can provide overwatch, distractions or
lay down cover fire while the job is underway. A.C.M.D. TRAILS

FROM THE INTERNETS Many high-profile systems actively scan for suspicious
data in their logs. Should a hacker alter data, it is a matter
When attacking a system from the Internets, you will
of days until the OSAD or SysOp even notices that there
combine or upgrade dice pool starting with the Internets
might be something wrong, depending on the number of
successes a hacker had.

WHILE JACKED They make a Computers (2 2 2) check to inspect the file.

While interfaced into a machine, the Hacker is obsessed S determines that the file was altered. It takes a T for a
with the various noise, details and information slung out SysOp or OSAD to note any trails of who it might be.
to him. This leads him to be quite vulnerable and weak
while trying to accomplish a hack. ENCRYPT

• When jacked into a device and it gets damage, Encrypting a file only takes a few hours at the most. This
receive 2 strain per damage rating inflicted on done on a device that the hacker owns or is given access
the device. to.

Each additional S causes anyone who does not own its
decryption key one day to decrypt the file. The difficulty
to decrypt the file is the equal to the Computer skill roll of REBRANDING AINS
the hacking encrypting the file. Hacking is more than theft of data. It can be the removal,
modification or obtainment of data that is private or
In other words, Mike has a Computer skill roll of 2 2 3. The
sensitive as well.
difficulty of this file to be decrypted is 2 2 3. He had S S
S on the roll, this means that it will take 3 days to decrypt To “rebrand” an object, like a gun, is to steal it. You
the file. change ownership of it through the myriad of data
warehouses in interstellar space. Bankers, investors and
suppliers now think that firearm is yours (or someone
Encryption Outcome
File is encrypted. The days to decrypt In order to do this, you must override several data hubs.
S the file is 1 + non-canceled S.
This process, known as “baking”, will let software scripts
Increase the length in days to
A A A decrypt the file by 1. do this over periods of hours, or even weeks. They seek
Increase the difficulty to decrypt the out any data hubs that references the previous owner AIN
T file by 1. to the device’s AIN and overwrite it.
Lessen the difficulty of the hack to
F decrypt the data per non-canceled Failure to successfully rebrand an item so will result in law
F. enforcement matters or place the device with the inferior
H H H The device breaks by one rating. quality or regrade its value and rarity. It will be known as a
Decrease the length in days to hot device either way (see: illegal) with the Hacker’s
D decrypt the file by 1. signature all over it.


DECRYPT 1 22 18 Hours
2 222 2 Days
If a hacker has in his hands valuable data, he may try to 3 222 1 1 Week
decrypt it. The hacker roles a Computer roll with the 4 2222 11 2 Weeks
difficult set by the encryption, which could be a hackers 5 22222 111 1 Month
Computer skill roll or something better. This done on a
device that the hacker owns or is given access to.
Encryption Outcome
S File is decrypted. Searching AIN has the benefit of having a “last known
Decrease the length in days to where abouts” a device is, its damage rating, and who the
A A A decrypt the file by 1. current owner is. This may not always be accurate, even if
Decrease the length in days to yielding successes as the data could be stale by the time
T decrypt the file by 1. the query is finished. In this regard, the AIN acts like a
File is unable to be decrypted, must Streetwise check, as it generates a log of data that takes
try again after a period of time equal
F to the days it took to decrypt the
time to analyze.
Data is precious to the Big 7 and Alliance. They do not like
H H H The file is 50% decrypted. sharing. They have made it a serious crime to query data
D The file is 25% decrypted. without the proper legal licenses, certificates and other
bureaucratic hurdles. They use the AIN rating as a way to
not only make it easier for them to hack a citizen’s device
but to also deter those who would use the system against
the civilians they suck money from.

If you want to be a discrete member of society, you would the ship, the hacker main interface with a component through a
want a high AIN on your devices. The common person has connected device, station or to the component mainframe itself.
AINs of 0 or 1 on them at all times. Stores scan devices
The rest follows the rules as written.
and arrange their buying process to get as much
information about their customers as possible when they NEW ACTIONS AND MANUEVERS
are selling them products they certainly do not need.
In order to accomplish the mood, tension and fun of
Hackers and people who query data may choose to just hacking a few things were modified. Gone are security
like a program run in the background to automatically ratings, trace ratings and other kind of meta mechanics. In
generate one success about the device. This success will with the new!
determine its economic value, location and owner.
All rolls are made by a Computer’s check.
The higher the AIN rating the more obfuscate and
confusing the data returned is. It is also likely that there A.C.D.M Unauthorized Command
are “honey pot” installed in the internets for less than
average hackers to fall for, calling for the authorities to Type: Action Strain: -
reign down authoritarian justice upon the hacker. It takes Difficulty: 2 2 Roles: Hacker
time for a hacker to really trace the trail of a device, he
Paydata is successfully altered. The paydata will not be flagged
has to be sure he doesn’t fall for traps and make sure the
to be searched for 1 + any non-canceled S. Any non-canceled F
data makes sense.
writes error log with time stamp in the Database system.
1 2 2 Hours Activating App Function
2 22 4 Hours
Type: Action Strain: -
3 222 1 2 Days
Difficulty: 2 2 Roles: ALL
4 222 11 1 Week
5 2222 11 2 Week While having access to a component, the user may make a
maneuver to use it. This could be lowering shields, disabling
gravity or opening a series of doors. They are quick actions that
WHAT ABOUT VESSELS? doesn't require much thought, but take a few seconds to
Before we move on, a little word about vessels. Vessels act and
behave the same way as systems, but are largely difficult. They
have OSADs and components like systems. Audit Connections

The OSAD difficulty and ability are defined by the silhouette + 1. Type: Action Strain: -
It then adds the class to the difficulty and ability. The vessel’s Difficulty: - Roles: SysOps, OSAD
mechanics and systems are quite superiorly crafted. The larger a
vessel is, the more complex its system is. This is a SysOps or OSAD Computers check against the Hacker's
computer check.
Let’s take a Taal’sarian Heavy Cruiser with a silhouette of 5. So
far the hacking and OSAD rating is a 2 2 2 2 2. Now if we were Breach Firewall
to add the “1” it 2 2 2 2 3. Seeing how it’s a Military grade
Type: Action Strain: -
vessel, it adds three difficult making this craft difficult to hack: 2
3 3 3 3. Difficulty: 2 2 2 Roles: Hacker

Remember, should there be a 3 3 3 3 3 prior to any The hacker destroys 1 Firewall per S on a system's component,
upgrades to difficulty the skill check becomes “impossible” and as his coding chips away access layers on the component.
requires special mechanics found on page 18 of Core rulebook.
Brute Force
Gaining access to the vessel is not possible on the internet. A
hacker will either try a risky V2V hack or board the ship. Once on

Type: Maneuver Strain: 2 Encrypt
Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker
Type: Action Strain: -
The hacker prepares an injection spoof command on top of his
Difficulty: 2 2 2 Roles: Hacker
Breach Firewall command. On a successful Breach Firewall roll
this maneuver removes 1 more Firewall than usual. The hacker spends a few moments solidifying encryption
processes and keys for a specific piece of data. Decrypting the
This can be taken multiple times. Must be declared prior to
"Breach Firewall" action. Lasts until the start of the hacker's next file takes 1 + non-canceled S. Decryption difficulty was the
turn. ability dice and proficiency dice used in the Computers check.

Copy File Initiation Find Data

Type: Action Strain: - Type: Action Strain: -

Difficulty: 2 2 Roles: Hacker Difficulty: 2 2 Roles: Hacker

Paydata is successful ready to be transferred to a source, like a Hacker looks for Paydata while in the system. The skill check is
GRIM or DAPr. The data is large and there are many hurdles the Hacker's computer VS OSAD. If an active SysOps’s Computer
other than “right clicking” the file and selecting “copy”. The skill if it is greater than the OSAD. May increase difficulty by one
Hacker must verify that he is not leaving a trail or selecting the to look for more than one Paydata source at a time.
wrong data.
Flush Connections
It will take 4 turns to successful transfer the data. Per every non-
canceled S S will decrease the transfer time by 1. Type: Action Strain: 2
Difficulty: - Roles: SysOps, OSAD

Decrypt Using the device's OS, the defender tries to flush out any bad
connections and processes. When successful, the hacker must
Type: Action Strain: -
regain access to the system. This requires the defender to be
Difficulty: VARIES Roles: Hacker
actively aware of a hacking in progress.
The hacker spends a great deal of time to attempt to decrypt a
Upon success, this kicks out the hacker, giving the hacker 1 1
file that is not hosted on a device. This could be a device similar
attempting to regain entry. The duration of these setback lasts
to a USB Flash Drive. Difficulty and time for decryption is based
on the system or owning user's Computer skill at the time of until end of the next turn + 1 per non-canceled S.
The defender may spend A A or T to heal 1 Firewall to a
Detailed Search specific component.

Type: Maneuver Strain: 2 Force Shutdown Device

Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker, SysOps
Type: Action Strain: 2
The OS of the hacker’s DAPr, GRIM or station will assist you in Difficulty: VARIES Roles: Hacker
pattern detection for possible search results.
The hacker must override the highest skilled SysOp or OSAD to
Efficient Scripting reboot the device to destroy any quickly evidence of the hack
and leave the scene of the crime. He may do this by either a
Type: Maneuver Strain: 2 reboot or complete shutdown.
Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker
Upon success all unauthorized users are kicked out of the
Quickly employ simple while loops in code to assist with system, along with any evidence of the hacker (the admins will
scanning infrastructure giving you a 1 to searching Paydata. know that it was a force shutdown command, indicating a hack).
The component may not be used until the end of next turn or it
powers back on if it was shutdown.

Gain Unauthorized Access The user unplugs from a device. When jacking out, the Character
faces 1 1 1 to the next roll in the encounter they make.
Type: Action Strain: -
Difficulty: VARIES Roles: Hacker Override & Shutdown Device
The hacker rolls a Computer check against the OSAD or SysOp of Type: Maneuver Strain: -
the system. A failure does not trigger alarms unless the system is Difficulty: Varies Roles: SysOps, OSAD
Military, Classified or High-Profile.
The defender must override the highest skilled hacker to reboot
Ghost Process or shutdown the device. This will prevent any control over the
device or any files being transferred.
Type: Maneuver Strain: 2
Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker Upon success all unauthorized users are kicked out of the
system. The defender may spend A A or T to heal 1 Firewall
Spoof commands making the hacker's presence seem normal to to a specific component.
the SysOps giving the defenders 1 to find hackers or unusual
activity within the system. The component may not be used until the end of the next turn
or when it powers back on if it was shutdown.
Prevent Data Breach
Type: Action Strain: -
Difficulty: 2 2 2 Roles: SysOps, OSAD Type: Action Strain: 2
Difficulty: 2 2 Roles: SysOp, OSAD
Make your presence known to the hacker, causing him duress as
he scrambles to finish his job. Any file copying is interrupted and lost. SysOps or OSAD needs to
identify or be aware that there is an intrusion first.
Send 2 + 1 per S S strain damage to the hacker, as the hacker
becomes stressed and anxious that someone is on his trail. A Prevent Shutdown
A A or T breaks the Hacker’s device by one. If it is a vessel, Type: Maneuver Strain: 2
the vessel takes 5 strain damage. Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker

Jack Into The hacker has a script that prevents a sudden reboot or
shutdown of the system they've gained access to.
Type: Maneuver Strain: -
Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker, SysOps Defenders must overcome the Hacker's computer ability as a
difficulty to reboot or shutdown a device.
Log into a device to perform hacking or counter-hacking actions.
If the device is damaged, the Hacker receives 2 strain per Query AIN
damage rating inflicted to the device.
Type: Action Strain: -
If the device shuts off abruptly, the hacker takes two wounds Difficulty: VARIES Roles: Any
and two strain. This occurs even when there is a GRIM, Drone or
DAPR connection between the device and the hacker. The Computer user rolls against the difficulty of the AIN rating to
determine ownership, netbook value and other details about the
While jacked in, the user suffers an increase of difficulty per non item.
hacking skill check.

Rebrand AIN
Jack Out
Type: Action Strain: -
Type: Maneuver Strain: - Difficulty: VARIES Roles: Hacker
Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker, SysOps
The Hacker rolls against the items AIN rating to claim ownership
of the device.

Red Alert
Type: Action Strain: -
Difficulty: 2 2 2 Roles: SysOps, OSAD

Defenders prepare for a hack, increases the difficulty by one for

a hacker trying to gain access to your system until the end of
your next turn.

Spend A to increase the duration.

Repair Firewall
Type: Action Strain: -
Difficulty: 2 2 Roles: SysOps, OSAD

The component regains 1 Firewall.

Smart Copy
Type: Maneuver Strain: 2
Difficulty: - Roles: Hacker

Reduce the time to copy a file by one turn.

Suspend Component
Type: Action Strain: -
Difficulty: 2 2 2 Roles: SysOps, OSAD

The components defender frantically tries to do damage control

on the component. They hastily start to cycle down memory
and/or processes at random. Successes incurs no damage to the
component. Should there be any non-canceled F, the device is
broken by one rating.

This instantly repairs a Firewall damage to the component per

non-canceled S S, but cannot be the defender against the
hack may not interact with the system until the end of his next



A.C.D.M Unauthorized Command Action - Hacker 22
Activating App Function Maneuver - Hacker, SysOp, OSAD -
Audit Connections Action - SysOp, OSAD VARIES
Breach Firewall Action - Hacker 222
Brute Force Maneuver 2 Hacker -
Copy File Initiation Action - Hacker 222
Decrypt Action - Hacker VARIES
Detailed Search Maneuver 2 Hacker, SysOp, OSAD -
Efficient Scripting Maneuver 2 Hacker -
Encrypt Action - Hacker 222
Find Data Action - Hacker PP
Flush Connections Action - Hacker, SysOp, OSAD 222
Force Shutdown Device Action 2 Hacker VARIES
Gain Unauthorized Access Action - Hacker VARIES
Ghost Process Maneuver 2 Hacker -
Intimidate Action - SysOp, OSAD 222
Jack Into Maneuver - Hacker, SysOp -
Jack Out Maneuver - Hacker, SysOp -
Override & Shutdown Device Action - SysOp, OSAD VARIES
Prevent Data Breach Action 2 SysOp, OSAD 22
Prevent Shutdown Maneuver 2 Hacker -
Query AIN Action - Hacker, SysOp, OSAD VARIES
Rebrand AIN Action - Hacker VARIES
Red Alert Action - SysOp, OSAD 22
Repair Firewall Action - SysOp, OSAD 22
Smart Copy Maneuver 2 Hacker -
Suspend Component Action - SysOp, OSAD 222

DECTION, SENSORS AND CLOAKING Technology or creatures that cannot detect the signature
suffer an increase in difficulty by two.
Sensors are very much a part of the Space Venture setting.
Police drones fly around detecting and cataloging what is HACKING SENSOR SYSTEMS
in geographic areas daily. Even the little shop down the
Got a hacker? Hackers can bypass these sensors by the
corner has sensors.
following ways.
Many sensors capture data to a specific server location via
the location’s router or personal server network. Sensors • Directly jacking into the sensor.
installed on Armor, Weapons or Gear usually are just in a • Attacking the sensor on the Internets.
local database that is purged automatically when data • Taking over the router of the location.
storage space is low. • Attacking the router from the Internets (use the
Hacking through the Interents table)
There are various types of sensors out in the wild. These
all contribute to the stealth difficulty as well as the A basic system will have various cameras or lenses
hacking ability. connected wirelessly to a GRIM like device that acts as a
router. From the router, it goes out to the Internets or
• Audio – Data about the sounds in the area. another network. This means that a hacker could attack a
• Dark Energy – Readings of the particles. camera or a router. A router would grant access to other
• Thermal – Heat signatures of the area. cameras where a single camera wouldn’t grant access to
• Visual – A picture of a physical area. the router. Thank your Apothei engineers that developed
• Radar – The physical presence of an object. such mythical system design.


Audio - -
Avoiding detection from a sensor can increase difficulty by Dark Energy 22 111
the following: Thermal - 11
Visual 22 1
Audio - 1 A standard sensor that captures Visual and Audio has a
Dark Energy 22 111 recommended Computer check of 2 2 1.
Thermal 2 11
Visual 2 1 While this is a bit different than the System -> Component
Radar 222 1 design outlined in the previous section, this is intentional.
Sensors are not supposed to be a big encounter like a
A standard sensor that captures Visual and Audio has a system would be.
recommended Stealth roll of 2 1 1.
PERCEPTION / VIGILIANCE VS CLOAK What triggers the alert for the system is a change in
If a user is using a cloak, they are very difficult to see. pattern. This is the type of sensor it the system is. It can
There are two kinds of cloaking mechanics. Minor Cloaking be all four or just one.
and Dark Energy cloaking.
When it comes to Dark Energy, it actively looks for
Minor cloaking can still be picked up by Thermal images changes in Dark Energy patterns. It is rare for sensors to
and optics – but all difficulties to detect that object are have this, as it is quite costly in maintenance, power
increased by one. supply and purchase cost.

Dark Energy cloaking can only be detected by sensors that

have Dark Energy detectors installed, or by Voidwalkers.

NO HACKER? NO INFILTRATOR? SHOOT IT! devices. They cannot be Sundered. When suffering a
critical hit, + 10 is added to the roll.
You could always just shoot the system. At this point, a
Jam quality, Stun quality or equivalent ammunition could When reaching 0 or below wounds, they are non-
disable the camera for a short period. These sensors are operational and requires Mechanics check to heal back
small, so increase the difficulty by one when making a their wounds as it were a Medicine check.
combat check to it.
If you are looking to end the connection of the camera by
blowing it to smithereens, it will alert the system of its If you are in short range, the Drone operator can make
status. Upon a successful combat check, per S scored it Computer skill checks against a device. The Drone will jack
will not sound off or alert per minute (or round). into the device itself and allow the hacker to use her GRIM
or DAPR to accomplish the hack tasks.
This however comes with 1 1 to the computer rolls. If
Drones are used in this universe, but to a lesser degree. the hacker is medium range, it adds a difficulty to the
Technology is not cheap nor is it reliable. There are those Hacker roll per range away from “short”.
who risk and push the edge of science. Drones are
levitating machines with semi-intelligent AI. DRONE RULES

Here are a few rules to Drones:

• Drones cannot carry much. They can carry up to 2
Using Drones requires a GRIM or DAPR like device. A
encumbrance but can be modified to carry more.
signal is broadcasted in a short-range to accomplish a
specific task. This task is governed by the Drones skill.
• Drones are not fast. They take two maneuvers to
Anything that the Drone is accomplishing to do, such as travel from range band to range band.
Stealth or Perception, is a Drones skill check.
• Drones have Hard Points. Drones with weapon
While active, Drones can only do one maneuver. This can weapons on them can have weapon
be turned into an action, like usual. It can still do free attachments.
maneuvers at the cost of strain.
• Drones have Wound Thresholds of 5.
• Drones have a Strain Threshold of 3.
Drones take the “Control Drone” action. This sends
commands for the Drone to do. They do not think or act
for themselves. • Drones start with characteristics of 1.

• Drones do not have skills. They use the Drones

skill the operator has.
Many Drones do not last very long in terms of operating
hours. Each weapon has a Limited Ammo of 2 or 3
regardless if the weapon had that Quality or not. Should it
have the Limited Ammo quality, then it should use that
quality rating.

Sundering a drone or breaking a drone would be a
bummer. Mechanically, Drones are creatures and not

Drones are weak they all have the base stats unless Upgrade Difficulty Cost
otherwise stated. Wound Threshold 22 $25 * New Value
Strain Threshold 22 $50 * New Value
Characteristic Value Characteristic 222 $750 * New Value
Brawn 1 Defense 2222 $1250 * New Value
Agility 1
Intelligence 1
Willpower 1
Presence 1 The following are descriptions of the drones along with
Wounds 5 the various actions and abilities a drone has.
Strain 3
Melee Defense 0 Apollo
Ranged Defense 0
Carry Load 2 Not only does it let its operator ignore 1 1 due to cover
Silhouette 0 or mist-like conditions to ranged attacks. Additionally, if
Soak 1 the operator runs out of ammo, the drone will eject an
ammo clip on its next turn to its operator. The operator
must be in Short range and successfully complete a check
of Drones (2 2 2). This can be done to swap ammo as
Drones do not carry equipment to use. Mechanics and well.
engineers weld weapons on the frames of a drone. A
weapons skill eats away of a Drone’s hard points. Cricket

In order to install a weapon a drone, use this table. Then This is a small drone used to gather information. Using this
roll a Mechanics (2 2) to install the weapon. drone, an operator may swap his Drones skill to perform a
Streetwise or Survival skill check to gather information
WEAPON SKILL HP about the environment.
Ranged (Light) 1
Ranged (Heavy) 3 The Cricket may add 1 1 to any Stealth like checks the
Melee / Brawl 1 Drone attempts.
If you want to have a service do the install, it will cost the
base price of the weapon * 10%. Heliosbot

Six legs attach to a gun platform in the center. Plasma cells

underneath the platform cause it to glow in oranges and
The bad news is that the Big 7 and the Alliance is afraid of reds.
a robot uprising. They do not condone or allow the Weapon: 6 DMG, 3 CRIT, MEDIUM [Auto-fire, Burn 1,
practice of modifying robots. People can BUY approved Limited Ammo 1, Prepare 1] (Plasma Cell)
robots, but to modify one is a bit taboo for most people.
The good news is that over time and with great
Mechanics, a Droner can increase his drone to be equal to A typical gunbot. It sports a long barrel that is at the
himself. The time to complete an install is one week. A center of its design. It hovers using a rotary-based engine
may be spent to decrease this time. system.
Weapon: 5 DMG, 3 CRIT, MEDIUM [Limited Ammo 3]
Prices and difficulty come from metals, parts and wiring (Battery Pack)
are hard to come by for a D-I-Y Engineer.

Mule that occupies a short distance around it via Radar sensor.
This does not detect Dark Energy.
Used to specifically carry items. Can self-destruct using a
Drone skill check, breaking the device making it damaged Watchwolf
beyond repair. Increases Encumbrance Capacity by 7.
Weapon: 6 DMG, 3 CRIT, ENGAGED [Blast 5, Limited A four-legged bot attached to a camera AND an RPG. Adds
Ammo 1, Prepare 1] (Simple) 1 to perception checks to unregistered creatures or
machines that occupies a short distance around it via
Paladin Radar sensor. This does not detect Dark Energy.
Weapon: 6 DMG, 4 CRIT, SHORT [Guided 1, Limited Ammo
A mobile unit that is used to provides a force field its 3, Prepare 1] (Gun Powder)
owner. It may use the Barrier Spell as if using the Arcana
skill. This is used by many gunslingers to provide cover. Name SIL AIN ENCUM HP VALUE R WT ST
Apollo 0 2 1 1 $575 2 7 5
Cricket 0 3 1 1 $350 3 5 5
Heliosbot 0 2 2 1 $1,450 6 7 5
Leonidas 0 3 1 2 $1,000 4 8 9
A small aerial drone that connects into other machines to
Mule 1 2 3 3 $1,120 5 5 9
assist in computer checks. Upon a successful interface Paladin 1 2 4 4 $500 4 12 12
with a machine, the next Computer roll automatically Prometheus 0 2 1 1 $650 2 7 9
generates A A. Riot Control
0 3 2 1 $1,253 5 7 4
Sidekick 1 3 3 2 $650 4 9 9
Watchdog 0 2 3 1 $750 3 7 9
Watchwolf 1 4 3 3 $1,750 6 9 9
A versatile bot that can attempt repairs and assist in first
aid. Someone using this drone may use the Drones skill
instead of Medicine or Mechanics. Sidekicks cannot heal
critical injuries.

This bot will hand tools and give handy advice to the
mechanic or surgeon, granting 1 1 to a Mechanics or
Medicine check. When purchasing a Sidekick, the owner
must decide if it is a Mechanic or Medicine boosting bot. It
cannot be both.

Riot Control Bot

Sometimes called The Brick of Pain, the Riot Control Bot is

a hovering square box with miniature barrels on its side.
This is meant for peace keeping activities. While this is
hovering near its operator, that operator may add 1 to
Coercion checks.
Weapon: 6 DMG, 3 CRIT, MEDIUM [Limied Ammo 3,
Prepare 1, Stun Damage] (Battery Pack)


A four-legged bot attached to a camera. Adds 1 to

perception checks to unregistered creatures or machines

Cybertechnology is a field of technology that deals with
the development of artificial devices or machines that can Below are the limits of how much cyberware a character
be surgically implanted into a humanoid form to improve can install and the difficulty of installation and
or otherwise augment their physical or mental abilities. uninstallation of the cyberware.
This is also known as “Cybernetics” or “Cyberware”.
There are only a handful of cyberware available on the Skeletal 1 222 2222
market. The Apothei technologists are always out to Skull 1 2222 22223
enhance mortality! Skulljack 3 22 222
Non-Vital Organ 3 222 222
RULES Leg 2 22 222
Arm 2 22 222
Here are the current rules for Cybernetics.
Tail 2 22 222
● You can only increase a skill, characteristic or
quality by +1, unless specifically stated.
● All cybernetics drain your strain threshold by at
Some Cybernetics have attachments, so go nuts! Some
least one, unless otherwise noted.
cyber limbs have the ability to store “hot” items from
suspicious parties. Other cyberware can sport more gear
● Installing cybernetics is dangerous and takes
and bonuses when attached to the cyberware.
several hours to accomplish.
However, all attachments need to be installed while not
● Each cybernetic install is different and each have currently installed on a person. Meaning, a character
different install difficulties. cannot install a smuggling apartment to a limb already
used by the character.
● There are limits of how many cybernetic systems
an individual can have. CYBERNETIC SYSTEMS

Below is a bit more fluff about the cybernetic systems.

● The patient which the cyber is being installed on
This setting and google drive document cannot help if an
has a number of days of recovery.
any individual needs more information and details about
skulls, skeletal system, legs, arms or hands.
Installation is its own separate cost and it depends on the
rarity of the item installed. Installation time is the number The idea behind this enhancement are fake organs
of hours of the rarity rating of the cybernetics * 3. that are either mechanical or artificial biological
Shops often recommend cyberdocs who can install the
cyberware for the customer. These cyberdocs charge by
the hour and come with a medicine roll below:
Characters can have skulljacks installed in their skulls.
CYBERNETIC HOUR RATE DIE POOL Once having a skulljack, they can further enhance it by
Quack $50 22 installing up to three Skulljacks. These can be switched out
Professional $115 222 but are generally are sophisticated chips developed by
Leading Surgeon $250 223 some nerdlings in The Apothei Colonial Collective that
Specialist $400 22233
gives people an edge performing specific tasks.

In order to have a Skulljack, the patient must have a
Skulljack Implant installed.
- Patient does not lose any strain
RISKS SSSS threshold.
Beyond the cost of Cyberware, there are other factors to A - Recover 1 strain.
consider. Installing cyberware could go bad! Recovering - Your patient gets to add a 1 to the next
for surgery could also take a long time.
AA Recovery roll.
- Your patient gets to upgrade his die pool
This is to capture tension and establish a reward vs risk. AAA by one for his recovery check.
Installing Cyberware is such a benefit and worth the risks. - Recovery is reduced by 10 days.
- Patient does not lose any strain
There is not a whole lot danger for the professional
T threshold.
installing the cyberware. This is why the outcome table - Your patient takes the number of
targets the patient. Any outcomes could result in litigation FFF wounds equal to the uncanceled failures
+ 1.
or a loss of license if it goes that terribly, but that should
be played out narratively. H - Take 1 strain.
- Your patient gets to add 1 to the next
HH Recovery roll.
- Roll on the critical roll table for your
HHH patient, adding +15 to the result.
- Increase recovery time by 10 days.
D - Inflict 2 Wounds.

Should an install fail, the failure is a result in not harming

the body. The install will take just okay, but the surgery
and operation to perform the install or uninstall might
have some bodily harm towards the patient’s body.

When failing an install, your patient takes the number of

wounds equal to the uncanceled failures + 1.


The below shows and describes how a patient recovers

from the cybernetic operation. During this length, any use
of the cyberlimb adds 1 1 to the dice pool. This can be
ignored by a cost of two strain and a maneuver action.

Skeletal 21
Skull 35
Skulljack 2
Non-Vital Organ 12
Leg 12
Arm 12
Tail 17

Once the surgery is a success, patients must make a An adjustable implant with a simple thought can pick up
Resilience (2 2) check per day. Failure results in taking 2 soundwaves at longer distances. The implant can also be
strain damage. adjusted to pick up radio signals (encrypted or not) to
erase the need of Comm-beads or Commtabs.
The next table illustrates some suggestions of the fun that
can be had with the Resilience roll. Function: Add an automatic S to Perception (Auditory)
checks and eliminate the need for a Comm-bead.
A - Reduce recovery time by 1 day. Auditory Pattern Detection
- Ignore up to 1 from un-recovered
AA cyberware installs. A small computerized series of extremely tiny dongles are
implanted outside the ear canals. They scan and analyze
AAA - Add a S to your next initiative roll.
the audio patterns to detect deltas of soundwaves that
- You recover in 3 days (or 1 if your
T recovery time is less than 3 days).
are out of the ordinary and sends an alarm to the host.

H - Add a recovery day by 1. Function: Add an automatic S to Vigilance (Auditory)

- Add 1 to your next recovery roll or checks.
HH regular roll.
HHH - Add a F to your next initiative roll. Blood Reservoirs
D - Increase the difficulty of your next roll.
A long and thin bladder is installed to host extra blood and
energy. This works like fat cells, but does not increase or
decrease the physical appearance of its host like a fat cell

Apothei Pheromones Function: Does not need Oxygen up to two days. Does not
need food or rest for 3 days.
Microscopic semi-biological fans and bladders are grafted
to the skin. These pores release pleasing smells by Cosmetic Surgery
converting fat in the skin cells to a preprogrammed
specific scent. The host of this looks different with the use of
cybernetics, either by synthetic skins or actual robotic
Function: Add 1 1 1 when using social skills while features. They are sculpted to look like anything, but
interacting with targets who can smell you. retain the character's characteristics prior to the surgery.
It is just "for looks" and not for function.
Armor Graph
Function: Add 1 to the Presence characteristic.
Under the skin lies a small and thin layer or Plasteel,
covering essential body parts. Cybered Athletics
Function: +1 Soak. Several computerized muscle-like organs that are typically
installed near major joints help the body reduce effort to
Astrocartography Implant swimming, jumping, running or lifting objects when it
detects that the host is performing a stressful action.
An up-to-date database containing a wide breath of maps
within the Skulljack framework. Function: Add 1 rank in Athletics.

Function: Add one rank in Astrocartography.

Auditory Enhancement

Cyebred Coordination instinctual suspicion towards any falsehoods being
presented to them via conversation. This can also read
Installed near the base of the neural system. It detects the text to falsehoods.
balance of its host and attempts to get organs to move to
better balance or accomplish physical tasks. Function: Give 1 1 1 to Deception checks against the
Function: Add 1 rank in Coordination.
Digital Shaman Implant
Short for Gunnery Electronic Weapons Interface. This
This is a large series of datasets that acts as an automatic Skulljack addition includes several operating manuals and
troubleshooter or manual for the host installed in the enhanced Uis for any Gunnery weapon.
Skulljack implant. The user will receive certain "gut
instinct" like suggestions from this implant while using Function: Add 1 rank to Gunnery.

Function: Add 1 rank in Computer.

Drone Implant
Heartrate Governor
Using the Skulljack implant, a host can plug into his DAPr
Computerized heartbeat regulators are placed outside the
to give better response times for Drone operations.
chamber of the host's heart. They govern and help control
Function: Add 1 rank in Drones. the heart rate of the host, allowing for slower heartbeats
which Snipers can take advantage of.
Enhanced Cerebellum
Function: Add 1 rank in Cool.
Small machines conducts electricity while pumping in
specific chemicals to boost deep thinking, interconnected Helmsman-jack
concepts and memory capacity.
Starships (and boats) come with ports for station
Function: Add 1 to the Intellect characteristic. operators to plug into. This gives them better readouts,
Uis and response times to operate their station. This is
Enhanced Eyes does not work with using a non-station panel - such as air
locks or another piece of equipment.
Artificial eyes connect to the brain. These allow better
than normal sight as well as the option to see thermal Function: Add 1 rank in Operating (Stations).
signatures at a medium range.
Hypothalamic Chamber
Function: Add an automatic S to Perception (Visual)
checks. Can turn on or off thermal vision as a maneuver. Encasing the Hypothalamus, this gadget resists instinctual
calls that are "fight or flight".
Falsehood Detector Function: Add 1 to the Willpower characteristic.
Located near the eyes sits a microscopic machine that
reads body language as well as listens for key inflections
Knowledge Implant
while the host is being spoken to. The host will feel an

A very detailed Wiki-like network of information is host item quality. Note: Any Athletics or Coordination checks
within the Skulljack network of the host. with this cybernetic while in weapon form adds 1 1 1 to
the check.
Function: Add 1 rank to Knowledge.
Prosthetic Weapon: Grappling
M.E.W.I Gun Limb
Short for the Melee Electronic Weapon Interface. This
A hand of choice is replaced with a hand that can
skulljack addition will recognize the weight of the weapon
transform into a grappling gun.
then adjust the host's position slightly to better optimize
swings and blows. Function: Taking the prepare maneuver, the limb turns
into its weapon form or non-combat form. The weapon
Function: Add 1 rank to Melee.
form is the same as the "Grappling Gun" profile with the
Superior item quality. Note: Any Athletics or Coordination
Operating Implant checks with this cybernetic while in weapon form adds 1
N.E.C. creation that attempts to take advantage of 1 1 to the check.
universal designs of devices. The implant is typically
inserted at the base of the wrist. It works as type of Prosthetic Weapon: Gremlins
muscle memory when interfacing with stations or gun Touch Limb
A hand of choice is replaced with a life-like hand. This
Function: Add 1 rank in Operating. hand can act as the weapon, "Arcweave".

Function: The host gains "Gremlins Touch" with a Superior

weapon quality.
Starships (and boats) come with an interface for Pilots to
plug into. This gives them better diagnosis and control of Prosthetic Weapon: Laser Blade
their vessel. Works only with ships that are smaller than 5 Limb
An entire arm that can transform into a Laser Bladed
Function: Add 1 rank in Piloting. sword with a maneuver.

Function: Taking the prepare maneuver, the limb turns

Prosthetic Weapon: Arcweave
into its weapon form or non-combat form. The weapon
form is the same as the "Laser Blade" profile with the
A hand of choice is replaced with a life-like hand. This Superior item quality. Note: Any Athletics or Coordination
hand can act as the weapon, "Arcweave". checks with this cybernetic while in weapon form adds 1
1 1 to the check.
Function: The host gains "Arcweave" with a Superior
weapon quality. Prosthetic Weapon: Taal'sarian
Laser Axe Limb
Prosthetic Weapon: D20-D8
The forearm can turn into a Taal'sarian Laser Axe that
An entire arm and hand is replaced with a robotic, yet life- glows red and blue with a maneuver.
like arm. This arm can shift into a rifle or as an arm as a
maneuver. Function: Taking the prepare maneuver, the limb turns
into its weapon form or non-combat form. The weapon
Function: Taking the prepare maneuver, the limb turns form is the same as the "Taal'sarian Laser Axe" profile
into its weapon form or non-combat form. The weapon with the Superior item quality. Note: Any Athletics or
form is the same as the "D20-D8" profile with the Superior

Coordination checks with this cybernetic while in weapon Function: Allows Skulljack Networked Implants. Remove
form adds SE SE SE to the check. 1 1 1 from either Computer, Drones, Knowledge,
Mechanics, Medicine, Operating or Piloting checks.
PWS Gland
Smuggling Compartment
Short for the Price Watch Sensor. This implant is installed
near the eyebrows. It is always connected to a finical data A piece of the host’s body is dedicated to smuggling goods
source that keeps the average price of items being in or out of places.
purchased or sold - giving a salesman an absolute
advantage as he seemingly instinctively knows what is a Function: Add 1 + Silhouette more encumbrance carrying
good or bad price. capacity to your character. Scanners and sensors cannot
detect the item within your compartment which can fit (2
Function: Add 1 rank in Negotiation for trading goods and Encumbrance + Silhouette). To detect a smuggling
services. compartment, investigators add 1 1 to their Vigilance or
Perception checks to find a specific item hidden.
Synthetic Agile Limb
Short for "Ranged (Heavy) Electronic Weapons Interface"
uses the Skulljack Network to boost aiming and shots fired Be it leg, tentacle, arm or tail the limb is replaced with a
for Ranged (Heavy) weapons. life-like or robotic form.

Function: Add 1 rank to Ranged (Heavy). Function: Add 1 to the Agility characteristic.

R.L.E.W.I Synthetic Sturdy Limb

Short for "Ranged (Light) Electronic Weapons Interface" Be it leg, tentacle, arm or tail the limb is replaced with a
uses the Skulljack Network to boost aiming and shots fired life-like or robotic form.
for Ranged (Light) weapons.
Function: Add 1 to the Brawn characteristic.
Function: Add 1 rank to Ranged (Light).
Swarms of white blood cells and enhanced t cells
This implant allows rapid movement. This is installed increases the host tolerance for bodily harm.
either on the heels, small back or shoulder blades of the
host. Function: Add 1 rank to Resilience.

Function: Allows the host to disengage from an opponent Thalamic Netting

to a short range as a maneuver. Also can ignore 1 1 1 on
difficult terrain as a maneuver. Small cybernetic wiring lays over the host's brain. This
wiring charges the response time and reaction times of
Skulljack Network the brain.

Installed on the neck or temple of the host. This implant Function: Add 1 to the Cunning characteristic.
allows the installation of other implants that are typically
just large databases. When installed, the host must make UTA
a choice to eliminate 1 1 1 from either Computer,
The UTA is short for Universal Tool Assistant. The host's
Drones, Knowledge, Mechanics, Medicine, Operating or
hand becomes like a swiss knife for repairing or creating
Piloting checks.
items. It is also very accurate and easy to control, giving
the host a bonus to the skill check the host is attempting.

Function: Remove up to 1 1 1 on either Mechanics or
Medicine check.

Vox Emulator

the host can disguise the host’s voice as anyone and


Function: Add 1 1 while using Deception in a way to

disguise or mimic a sound pattern.


Small dongles are installed as eyelashes, eyebrows or

other areas on the face. They scan the environment
around the host detecting sudden changes in movement
or scenery. This does not pick up Dark Energy or Thermal

Function: Add an automatic S to Vigilance (Visual)




Synthetic Sturdy Limb Limb Brawn $2,000 8 6 4
Synthetic Agile Limb Limb Agility $2,000 8 6 4
Rocket-pads Limb Movement $350 8 3 4
Prosthetic Weapon: Taal'sarian
Limb Weapon $750 8 8 4
Laser Axe Limb
Prosthetic Weapon: Laser Blade
Limb Weapon $650 8 8 4
Prosthetic Weapon: Gremlins
Limb Weapon $600 8 8 4
Touch Limb
Prosthetic Weapon: Grappling Gun
Limb Weapon $550 8 8 4
Prosthetic Weapon: D20-D8 Limb Limb Weapon $1,000 8 8 4
Prosthetic Weapon: Arcweave
Limb Weapon $750 8 8 4
VPD Non-Vital Organs Vigilance $250 6 3 3
Vox Emulator Non-Vital Organs Deception (Disguise) $350 6 3 3
UTA Non-Vital Organs - $350 6 2 3
T-bots Non-Vital Organs Resilience $350 6 3 4
Smuggling Compartment Non-Vital Organs Encumbrance Capacity $750 6 3 5
PWS Gland Non-Vital Organs Negotitation (Prices) $450 6 1 3
Pilot-jack Non-Vital Organs Piloting $350 8 1 5
Helmsman-jack Non-Vital Organs Operating $350 8 1 5
Heartrate Governor Non-Vital Organs Cool $450 8 4 4

gives SE SE SE while
Falsehood Detector Non-Vital Organs $250 6 2 4
targeted by Deception
Enhanced Eyes Non-Vital Organs Perception $450 6 2 3
Driver-jack Non-Vital Organs Driving $350 8 1 5
Cyebred Coordination Non-Vital Organs Coordination $350 6 7 3
Cybered Athletics Non-Vital Organs Athletics $350 6 7 4
Blood Reservoirs Non-Vital Organs - $350 6 5 4
Auditory Pattern Detection Non-Vital Organs Vigilance $250 6 1 3
Auditory Enhancement Non-Vital Organs Perception $450 6 1 3
Apothei Pheromones Non-Vital Organs Charm $750 6 1 3
Cosmetic Surgery Skeletal System Presence $2,000 4 3 2
Armor Graph Skeletal System Soak $1,000 8 18 4
Thalamic Netting Skull Cunning $2,000 8 12 4
Skulljack Network Skull VARIES $400 5 12 3
Hypothalamic Chamber Skull Willpower $2,000 8 16 4
Enhanced Cerebellum Skull Intelligence $2,000 8 18 4
R.L.E.W.I Skulljack Software Ranged (Light) $550 8 1 5
R.H.E.W.I Skulljack Software Ranged (Head) $550 8 1 5
Operating Implant Skulljack Software Operating $250 3 4 4
M.E.W.I Skulljack Software Melee $550 8 1 5
Knowledge Implant Skulljack Software Knowledge $250 7 3 4
G.E.W.I Skulljack Software Gunnery $550 6 2 5
Drone Implant Skulljack Software Drones $450 6 4 4
Digital Shaman Implant Skulljack Software Computer $350 4 4 4
Astrocartography Implant Skulljack Software Astrocartography $350 5 4 4

NEW WEAPON ATTRIBUTES Plasma matter is stored in a tank to generate mass

amounts of energy to fire a weapon or power FTL engines.
Rail Magnetism
Most items have a power source on them to accomplish
their purpose. As such, Jamming is a very viable offense A device that uses electromagnetic force to launch high
against the weapons of the future. velocity projectiles, by means of a sliding armature that is
accelerated along a pair of conductive rails.
Battery Back
These are for lasers mostly. Battery sources operate
crystals or other technology to generate a beam of light. These are swords, bows and crossbows. They do not
require energy storage or chemical reactions to do their
Gun Powder designed task.

While it says Gun Powder, this is not limited to actual gun CRAFTSMANSHIP
powder. This is for weapons or items that need a chemical
reaction to perform its function, such as a flamethrower To craft a specific type of item, it needs to be
or .22 rifle. manufactured by one of the following suppliers. To have
this happen, characters must have a civilian rank of 8 or
Plasma Cell higher (unless Gabbochan quality).

Alliance Cost: 100 Activation: Passive
The difficulty to hear a silent weapon being used is
The Alliance is very interested in tracking you. They make Perception (2) at Engaged range and increased by +1 per
cheap products to help tempt buyers into purchasing their range farther or +1 due from barriers like closed doors, or
products. muffling objects like heavy blankets / pillows.
System: +1 AIN, -25% Price, -1 Rarity, +1 Hardpoint
Stun Switch
Cost: 100 Activation: Passive
The Union of Gabbochan is staffed by incompetent Orco The Plasma or Battery Pack device may turn on or off a
warriors who daydream of being on a battlefield. If not a stun mode as a maneuver. This switches all damage to be
failure of an Orco warrior, the artisan is some stun or lethal.
misfortunate soul who is slaved by some Vultures. These
artisans have little pride in their product. System Interference (Vehicles
System: +2 AIN, -65% Price, -2 Rarity, Automatic H on Only)
rebranding and query attempts on device, and Inferior 1
quality or -1 soak (not to go below 0). Cost: 250 Activation: A A
You may roll 1d10. Increase the item’s “broken” rating by
Syndairian one. This may be used on missed shots as well.

A well-made product usually is Syndairian crafted. They WEAPONS SYSTEMS

are expensive but are beautiful items to behold.
System: +1 AIN, +60% price, +2 Rarity, -1 Encumbrance Weapons can have a power system associated with it.
(does not loose hardpoints), -1 Critical (this is a good These help govern attachments, qualities and ammo for
thing) or +1 defense. this system.

Taal’sarian Gun Powder (GP)

Warriors need weapons. The Taal’sa empire has perfected Modern guns use Gun Powder. This technology continues
their crafting process and are noted engineers from their in this setting. Weapons that use a chemical reaction also
warlike ways. fall under this category, such as flamethrowers.
System: +1 AIN, +33% Price, +1 Encumbrance, +1 Rarity,
These automatically come with the Vicious 1 quality built
+1 Damage or +1 Soak
in their price and design.
These weapons are denoted by the GP abbreviation.
All the qualities exist in this setting. However, with the rise
of electronics, future tech and engineering feats new Laser Weapons (BP)
qualities are needed.
Laser weapons are electronically powered crystals that cut
just as well as steel. They are not as powerful and as
excellent as in certain cinematic universes, but they do
Cost: 250 per rating Activation: A A exist.
If the target uses an electronic device to make any check,
These automatically come with the Accurate 1 quality
the target will add per rating (max 2) to that check. This built in their price and design.
can be activated on a miss. This must have a power source
that is not Gun Powder or Simple. These are denoted by the abbreviation BP (Battery Pack).

Silent Plasma Cells (PC)

Special ammo that uses Plasma matter to fuel and power
their munitions delivery system. PC weapons usually have
Burn or Pierce because of the power system.

These automatically come with the Burn 1 rating quality

built in their price and design.

These weapons are noted by the PC abbreviation.

Rail Magnetism (RM)

These weapons rely on magnets to carry a payload to a

target. Weapons with this power system are lethal and

These automatically come with the Pierce 1 quality built in

their price and design.

These weapons are denoted by the RM abbreviation.

Simple (SP)

Simple systems are melee weapons or bows. They are

electronic free.

These automatically come with the Silent quality built in

their price and design.

These weapons are denoted by the SP abbreviation.


Ammo works like attachments, but do not require hard

points or mechanics to rely on! However, they are quite
expensive to continuously to have supplies.

To swap ammo takes an prepare maneuver, unless stated



Blast 1 ANY $50 1 Blast 2, Limited Ammo 2
Breach 1 ANY $50 1 Breach 1, Limited Ammo 2
Burn 1 ANY $100 1 Burn 1, Limited Ammo 2
Expansive Plasma 1 Plasma Cell $350 3 Blast 2, Limited Ammo 3, Pierce 1
Battery Pack, Gun
Heavy Gelcap 1 Powder, Plasma $200 4 Stun 3, Limited Ammo 3
Knockdown 1 ANY $50 4 Knockdown, Limited Ammo 2
Battery Pack, Rail
Lethal Battery 1 $300 3 Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Microbeam Filter 1 Battery Pack $100 2 Blast 3, Limited Ammo 3
Battery Pack, Gun
Miniboom Ammo 1 Powder, Rail $100 3 Blast 2, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 1
Sludge Shot 1 Plasma Cell $350 2 Burn 1, Limited Ammo 3, Sunder
Battery Pack,
Smart Ammo 1 Plasma Cell, Rail $150 5 Guided 1, Limited Ammo 2, Pierce 1
Sundering Shot 1 ANY $50 2 Stun 3, Limited Ammo 3
Vicious 1 ANY $50 6 Limited Ammo 3, Vicious 1
Plasma Cell, Rail Breach 1, Inaccurate 2, Limited
Wild Shot 1 $100 6
Magnetism Ammo 3, Vicious 1

WEAPONS Power-gloves

BRAWL Heavy gloves that uses thrusters and rockets to increase

the damage of the blow.
Brass Knuckles
A steely tool that is perfect for cracking bones.
Gremlin's Touch
A typical axe forged out of a factory. It is very polished
Special gloves that sends shocks upon successful attacks. and menacing looking, but it can come in many styles.
Not only can it can shock targets, but it can also cause
weapons to malfunction. Barrier Shielding Unit

Laser Knuckles A thick curved metal shield. Upon activation, via an

action, it can cast the Barrier spell using the Brawl skill,
Small laser blades jut out between knuckles to slash at cannot use Sanctuary or Range effects when using this
targets. shield. This shield casts the barrier as a semi-circle in
front of it. Unlike spell caster, the user of the device does
not suffer 2 strain. This unit can act as a shield when not
in use.

Collapsible Baton Light Spear

This cylindrical device is retractable to an encumbrance Can be thrown with the following stats:
rating of 1. Can be easily smuggled past security. Damage: +2, Critical: 4, Range: Short, Qualities: Accurate
1, Limited Ammo 1.
Combat Knife
A small typical one-handed knife that comes in various
styles. Coming in many styles, deliver blunt force trauma to any
foe at a quite reasonable price. It doesn’t get any simpler
Crowd Control Stick than this.

Deployed by the Big 7 officials to help rally pesky Riot Control Rod
plebeians into submission. It is made out of heavy metals
to really pack a "whomp". Used to shock creatures into submission by Riot-officers.

Electric Razor Whip Riot Shield

A thin wire connected to a battery pack. Can be used to A plasteel made shield made for pushing and bashing.
attack targets at a short range.
Stun Baton
A non-lethal device made for pacifists and policemen
"Don't have a rifle? Try a Federation made Greataxe. It's alike.
great for defense! All it takes is two hands. Comes in
many styles!" - Federation Ad Sword

Greatsword A simple sharpened blade that is well balanced on a very

simplistic hilt. It is mass produced to various styles.
"Chop, swing and stab with two hands your way out of
conflict today. A wide variety of styles are available
today." - Federation Ad

Halberd Taal'sarian Laser Axe

Used primarily by Big 7 guards for show. They are very
A common melee weapon among storm troopers of the
decorative, with feathers or scarves draping down from
Taal’sa empire. The blade glows neon cyan while having a
the long blade attached to the long shaft.
sharp and dramatic slopped angled downwards. It is used
to quickly take out an enemy’s ability to fight back
Laser Blade
A crystalized battery pack generates a laser blade. The
blade can be any of the three primary colors.
Aiolos SMG
Laser Halberd
A submachine gun that specializes in automatic fire.
An Apotheian Take on the Halberd, it produces a small
shield around the blade to help protect against ballistic Aiolos SMG Deluxe
A submachine gun that can shoot several lasers at once
by using a special crystal and battery pack filter.

Arcweave A simple that has a very large oval firing chamber. It is a
crude device. It is a tube that attaches to a battery pack.
An impressive looking two-handed railgun pistol. It has a A single charge can pack a punch!
long barrel which helps its intended use to take out a
target’s ability to operate in a combat zone. Taal'sarian Handgun

BG4U Pistol A one-handed gun powdered magazine pistol. It looks

like any other modern-day pistol. It is standard issue for
A simple and crude device. It is a tube that attaches to a the Taal’sa Empire.
battery pack. A single charge can pack a punch!
Victory 1400
All military personal of the Alliance is equipped with this
A thicker and stouter version of the D20-D6. weapon. Their lethality comes from the gun’s ability to
efficiently displace energy at high concentrations.
A standard semi-automatic pistol that works with
common ammunition. This is a very common pistol for The Zeus 911 is a long barreled pistol that is elegant and
anyone to have within the Galaxy. simple. A popular choice among raiders.

Gabbochan D200-D36 RANGED (HEAVY) WEAPO NS

The Gabbochan liked the D20-D6 so much, they made

AAR Enforcer
their own. It jams often, it is loud, but it is very great at
blowing holes into people. The pistol is named after the The Alliance Assault Rifle was made to compete with the
D20-D6, but has greater numbers to help market it. D20-D8 Rifle. It is a popular weapon, but it is no D20-D8
AAR Protectorate
A loud pistol that produces way too much smoke and
noise. It’s cheap, hard to hack and hard to find so it’s well The Alliance’s answer to the HR-1717 Perseus rifle, but
used in the Criminal Underground. along the design the weapon smiths decided to make it
an act like a bolt-action rifle but laser based.
Grapple Gun
ARB X120
Can scale obstacles at a Medium range with an Athletics
(P P) check. A romantic rifle that is an homage to older rifles. It is
mass produced and uses modern technology, but still a
Helios S go-to weapon for most sportsmen.

A two handed pistol that has a thick magazine giving it a

Artemis PR-15M
masculine look.
A well designed, lethal and lite rifle made for war. It has a
Helios XS feedback feature to increase its lethality.

The Helios XS is a small one handed weapon. It is a very

bulky weapon which is hot to touch while active.
This is like a sawed-off shotgun but is actually a bunch of
Orion Deluxe weapons melted or wielded together. They are heavy.

They are cheap. They get the job done. No Blunderchans HR-1717 Perseus
look alike.
The Harmony Rifle 1717 Perseus Rifle is a well-loved rifle
Bow by many militia members. It’s long barrel and thin frame
makes it easy to march with.
May use ammo with the "Simple" or "ANY" classification.
Manufactured by mostly the Federation. Hyperion A

Crossbow A long barreled rifle that hurls projectiles long its

magnetic track. It comes in shades of white and has
May use ammo with the "Simple" or "ANY" classification. several heat dispensing coils.
Mostly used for places that forbid firearms.
Hyperion B
When firing the weapon, it looks like the gunner is calling
Gabbochan loved the D20-D8 so much, they thought down a lightning storm as it lobs its ordinance at targets.
others would love their take on it. It is bulkier and takes It is thin but has the profile of a crossbow without a draw
any kind of ammo. It is named the D2000-D1000 to show string.
how much better it is, than the puny numbered D20-D8.

May use ammo with the "Simple", "Battery Pack" or

D20-D8 "ANY" classification. It is used for hunters or other types
who love the idea of looking like a bowman without
A long barreled simple design makes this weapon the
dealing with hassle of arrows. Lasers are shot out when
most common Laser Rifle in the galaxy. Shoots purple or
the bowstring is snapped.
blue lasers.

May use ammo with the "Simple" or "ANY" classification.
Designed to lob rocket shells at armored vehicles. While
it looks like a bow, it is designed to take rocket shell
munitions, making it a bit clunky and heavy to hold.
A reliable and high caliber gun. It can only hold 2 shots.
Helios M For 150 credits more, it can be modified without any cost
of attachments to transform it to a “magazine” hunting
A rifle that is dangerous to use, but very satisfying
rifle. This removes the limited ammo 2 quality from the
watching it melt and destroy things in its wake.

HK-1506 Assailant SG Titan

The Hyper Kinetic Rifle is a very short and stout weapon
A long-barreled rifle that shoots buck spray at close
to hold. Its intention is to disrupt cybernetic creatures. It
distances. May add 1 to any Coercion checks when using
is well used by Galactic Police members. Made in
the weapon as a prop.
celebration of the Alliance's buy out of the Harmony
Rifles corporation.

A quiet and efficient weapon. The sniper rifle is well

loved and common among operators.

GUNNERY WEAPONS A clean and sleek looking rifle that is attached by
hovering bipods. If this was a modern-day weapon it’d be
called a rocket launcher but it’s not modern-day. It
Athenian X
launches plasmatic energy that explodes in large radiuses
This is a popular Gunnery weapon used by mafia and very loudly.
pirates alike. It’s easy to deploy, carry and use. Just add
Muscle. Hyperion XX

The Hyperion XX is a heavy machine gun that is the

epitome of death and destructions by lasers.
For those with no budget, the Brightcannon is for you.
This is usually installed onto vessels and vehicles for its Plasmatic Grenade
range capabilities and anti-armor efficiencies.
Pull pin, throw, pray to your deity of choice as you chunk
a device that looks like pineapple with gems towards
Gabbo Thunder
your enemies.
A favorite of the Armed forces of the Union of
Gabbochan for anti-vehicle combat. This is a rocket Sun Caller RYL
launcher with famed bad luck, but explosive potential.
An explosive railgun that causes serious injury and harm
to an area of its target. It is common among psychopaths
who can afford to use such a weapon. Bipods are needed
The Heavy Assault Rifle is a Minigun that is loud and a to use this weapon.
severe threat against any target.
The Solution
Heavy Z-900
A hovering platform that has three barrels that charge up
The Heavy Z-900 is a tripod mounted machine gun in a loud hum. During this process it takes snap shots of
designed to pacify mobs. It looks sleek and intimidating, the room for its guidance system. Then it releases
generating 1 to any Coercion checks and SE to any rockets that seek out their targets.
Charm checks when this weapon is actively worn.
Heay Taal'sarian Lasgun
A Syndairian said once, “Oh they think they made a really
A short barreled heavy machine gun that shoots electric explosive weapon? I guess I’ll show them how it’s done”
pink lasers. It would look like a modern AR-15. and that is how the Whisperless brand line was born.
They are a lightweight rocket launcher that can visually
Helios X scan targets, by heat or data entry algorithms and
destroy the target.


Brass Knuckles Simple 3 1 1 $75 1 1+ 4 ENG Disorient 3, Stun Damage
Gremlin's Touch Battery Pack 3 1 1 $300 1 1+ 3 ENG Accurate 1, Jam 1, Stun 3
Laser Knuckles Battery Pack 2 1 1 $275 4 4+ 2 ENG Accurate 1, Vicious 1
Power-gloves Battery Pack 2 4 2 $350 4 5+ 3 ENG Accurate 1, Sunder

Axe Simple 3 2 1 $83 1 3+ 3 ENG Vicious 1
Barrier Plasma
3 3 2 $375 1 1+ 8 ENG Reinforced, Defensive 2
Shielding Unit Cell
Simple 3 1 1 $110 2 2+ 3 ENG
Combat Knife Simple 3 1 1 $75 1 1+ 3 ENG
Crowd Battery Accurate 1, Disorient 3, Stun
3 1 1 $225 5 2+ 3 ENG
Control Stick Pack Damage
Electric Razor Battery Accurate 1, Ensnare 1, Pierce
3 1 1 $300 7 1+ 3 ENG
Whip Pack 3, Unwieldy 3
Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2,
Greataxe Simple 3 4 2 $124 4 4+ 3 ENG
Vicious 1
Defensive 1, Pierce 1,
Greatsword Simple 3 3 2 $124 4 4+ 2 ENG
Unwieldy 3
Halberd Simple 3 5 3 $151 3 3+ 3 ENG Defensive 1, Pierce 3
Battery Accurate 1, Pierce 2, Vicious
Laser Blade 3 1 1 $400 5 5+ 3 ENG
Pack 3
Accurate 1, Cumbersome 3,
Laser Halberd 2 6 3 $450 4 3+ 4 ENG Deflective 1, Defensive 1,
Pierce 3
Light Spear Simple 2 2 1 $199 1 2+ 4 ENG Accurate 1, Defensive 1
Mace Simple 2 2 1 $14 1 3+ 4 ENG
Riot Control Disorient 3, Knockdown,
Simple 3 3 2 $248 2 5+ 3 ENG
Rod Sunder
Defensive 1, Deflection 1,
Riot Shield Simple 3 2 1 $89 1 0+ 6 ENG
Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
Stun Baton Simple 3 1 1 $151 2 6+ 4 ENG Disorient 3, Stun Damage
Sword Simple 3 1 1 $150 2 2+ 2 ENG Defensive 1
Taal'sarian Battery $ Accurate 1, Stun Mode,
4 3 2 4 5+ 3 ENG
Laser Axe Pack 450 Sunder, Vicious 1

Aiolos SMG Gun Powder 2 2 1 $450 6 5 3 MDM Auto-fire, Vicious 1
Aiolos SMG Accurate 1, Auto-fire,
Battery Pack 2 3 2 $650 6 6 3 MDM
Deluxe Pierce 1
Knockdown, Jam 1,
Arcweave 2 2 3 $500 4 4 5 SHRT Slow Firing 2, Stun
Accurate 1,
BG4U Pistol Battery Pack 2 3 2 $850 5 9 3 MDM Knockdown, Limited
Ammo 1, Slow-Firing 1
D20-2D8 Gun Powder 2 1 1 $500 3 6 3 MDM Vicious 1
D20-D6 Gun Powder 2 1 1 $200 3 4 5 SHRT Vicious 1
Gun Powder 4 1 1 $400 1 4 2 SHRT Inferior 1, Vicious 1
Gabbogun Gun Powder 3 1 1 $250 3 5 4 MDM Inferior 1, Vicious 1
Stun Damage, Prepare
Grapple Gun Gun Powder 2 3 2 $375 6 6 5 MDM
1, Vicious 1
Helios S Plasma Cell 2 2 1 $1,650 4 10 3 SHRT Burn 1
Helios XS Plasma Cell 2 2 1 $950 4 7 2 MDM Burn 2
Limited Ammo 4,
Orion Deluxe Gun Powder 2 2 1 $1,275 3 6 3 MDM
Sunder, Vicious 1
Gun Powder 3 2 1 $950 7 6 2 SHRT Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Victory 1400 Battery Pack 2 2 2 $450 3 3 3 MDM Accurate 1, Pierce 2
Z-911 Battery Pack 2 2 1 $550 7 6 5 SHRT Accurate 1, Jam 1

AAR Enforcer Gun Powder 2 3 3 $1,450 5 8 3 MDM Auto-fire, Vicious 1
AAR Accurate 1,
Battery Pack 2 3 3 $825 4 7 3 LNG
Protectorate Limited Ammo 2
Limited Ammo 2,
ARB X120 Gun Powder 4 4 2 $750 5 9 3 LNG Prepare 1, Vicious
Artemis PR-
Plasma Cell 5 3 2 $1,200 7 9 3 LNG Burn 1, Accurate 1
Blast 4,
Cumbersome 2,
Inferior 1,
Blunderchan Gun Powder 3 3 2 $1,175 3 8 3 SHRT
Limited Ammo 2,
Vicious 1
Silent, Prepare 1,
Bow Simple 5 2 1 $115 2 7 3 MDM
Unwieldy 2
Silent, Pierce 2,
Crossbow Simple 5 3 2 $350 5 7 2 MDM
Prepare 1
Breach 2,
Inaccurate 1,
D2000-D1000 Rail Magnetism 5 5 3 $1,975 6 12 2 SHRT
Inferior 1, Slow-
Firing 1, Vicious 5
Accurate 1, Pierce
D20-D8 Battery Pack 3 4 2 $850 4 6 3 LNG
Blast 4, Breach 1,
Cumbersome 2,
Gabow Simple 5 3 2 $330 5 7 4 MDM
Inferior 1,
Unwieldy 3

Helios M Plasma Cell 5 4 2 $1,600 4 10 4 MDM Burn 1, Sunder
Gun Powder 2 3 4 $850 4 5 4 LNG Jam 2, Vicious 1
Gun Powder 3 3 2 $600 1 7 4 MDM Auto-fire, Vicious 1
Blast 4, Pierce 2,
Hyperion A Rail Magnetism 4 3 2 $1,100 5 4 2 MDM
Vicious 3
Cumbersome 3,
Hyperion B Rail Magnetism 4 5 3 $1,600 6 10 2 EXTM Pierce 5, Slow-
Firing 1
Accurate 1, Silent,
Laserbow Battery Pack 3 3 2 $75 6 6 3 MDM
Pierce 1, Prepare 1
Silent, Prepare 1,
Longbow Simple 5 3 2 $350 4 8 3 LNG
Unwieldy 2
Accurate 1,
point700 Gun Powder 4 4 2 $875 4 9 3 LNG Limited Ammo 2,
Vicious 1
Blast 2,
SG Titan Gun Powder 2 3 2 $1,500 3 8 3 SHRT Knockdown,
Vicious 2
Accurate 1,
Limited Ammo 2,
SR-9001 Gun Powder 4 5 3 $750 7 9 2 MDM
Prepare 1, Silent,
Vicious 1

Accurate 1,
Athenian X Battery Pack 4 8 4 $300 6 4 3 MDM Auto-fire,
Cumbersome 3
Accurate 1,
Brightcannon Battery Pack 4 7 4 $1,650 6 11 2 EXTM Breach 2,
Cumbersome 3
Blast 8,
Gabbo Thunder Gun Powder 5 6 3 $1,450 5 12 2 MDM 3, Inferior 1,
Prepare 2,
Vicious 1
HAR-001 Gun Powder 5 6 3 $3,725 3 15 3 LNG 4, Inaccurate 1,
Pierce 3,
Vicious 1
Accurate 1,
Heavy Z-900 Battery Pack 3 8 4 $800 6 5 4 MDM Jam 1, Stun
Accurate 1,
Heay Taal'sarian
Battery Pack 4 8 4 $550 6 6 4 MDM Auto-fire,
Cumbersome 2
Blast 8, Burn 3,
Helios X Plasma Cell 4 7 4 $2,250 7 10 3 LNG Cumbersome
3, Slow-Firing 1
Auto-fire, Burn
Hyperion XX Rail Magnetism 4 8 4 $1,750 6 12 3 LNG 1,
Cumbersome 2
Burn 1, Blast 3,
Concussive 1,
Plasmatic Disorient 3,
Plasma Cell 1 1 1 $1,700 5 6 4 SHRT
Grenade Limited Ammo
1, Stun

Blast 10,
Sun Caller RYL Rail Magnetism 4 5 3 $1,825 6 12 4 LNG 4, Guided 3,
Limited Ammo
3, Prepare 1
Blast 10,
Breach 5,
The Solution Gun Powder 4 8 4 $4,950 8 20 2 XTRM 3, Guided 3,
Limited Ammo
1, Prepare 2,
Vicious 1
Accurate 1,
Breach 4,
Whisperless Battery Pack 4 5 4 $4,875 8 18 3 XTRM 3, Guided 2,
Limited Ammo
3, Prepare 1,
Vicious 5

ARMOR, GEAR AND SERVICES Galactic Police Combat Armor

ARMOR DESCRIPTIONS Sleek and intimidating, the GP Armor is a commonly

worn armor by officer and non-officer alike. This comes
with Stellar Kevlar as a free attachment.
Alliance Explorer Jacket

A sleek and well-padded jacket that is common Galactic Police Powered Exosuit
throughout the Galaxy.
A suit if armor developed by Apothei for the Galactic
Alliance Shock Armor Police force. It requires a Skulljack to pilot it. It is an
extension of the wearer. When wearing this armor, adds
When wearing this armor, characters increase their 1 1 to Athletics, Brawl, Coordination and Melee checks.
Brawn by 1, to a maximum of 5 (this does increase their This comes with Stellar Kevlar as a free attachment.
soak value) and count their encumbrance capacity as
10+Brawn. This armor is environmentally sealed,
meaning that it counts as a space suit. This comes with
Optical Suit
Stellar Kevlar as a free attachment.
The wearer is a blur to the eyes and visual sensors,
Anti-Sensor Suit adding 1 1 to Perception checks to accurately identify
the wearer in images or from a Long distance (or
A bizarre looking suit with pressurized vents, flaps and an shorter).
assortment of electronic wiring. It takes two maneuvers
to turn on. While active, it removes up to 1 1 stealth Personal Force Field
checks against any sensor.
A somewhat advanced piece of armor that generates a
It also sets 1 1 against accurately identifying the wearer force field to lessen successful hits from bullets or other
from logs, crowds or visual images. lethal objects.

The Suit is designed for infiltrating locations but adds 1 Pilot's Jacket
to social checks while wearing it as it is an awkward
looking suit. A very fancy and nice looking jacket that gives great
confidence to the wearer. Remove up to 1 1 when
Blacksuit making Piloting checks.

A suit lined with crystals that harmonize with Dark Plasteel Carapace
Energy particles. A subtle high pitch ringing is present
every once awhile over com traffic while wearing the Armor that fully covers the creature from head to foot.
With the right attachments, can be environmentally
suit. The Blacksuit grants 1 1 to any skill check relating
sealed for only $125 credits. This comes with Stellar
to Dark Energy. Any skills using Dark Energy adds one
Kevlar as a free attachment.
strain to the wearer.

Electronic Vest Frame Plasteel Webbed Vest

Woven from Federated Spider's silk, hard plastic and

Frames of steel and writes wrap around the wearer's
steel. This absorbs the most violent of abrasions. This
body. This is popular by dock and port workers. Add 1 1
comes with Stellar Kevlar as a free attachment.
to Athletics checks after spending a maneuver turning it
Starcombat Suit

A fully enclosed and environmental power suit that is

designed for space combat. It ignores up to 1 1 1 due

to any environmental condition. This comes with Stellar
Kevlar as a free attachment.

Symbiotic Armor

The Apothei Symbiotic System™ vest that hosts several

databases and electronic systems to assist the wearer in
tool use. It requires a Skulljack to use. Once per session,
the vest can generate automatic A A to any
Operating, Medicine or Mechanics check. This comes
with Stellar Kevlar as a free attachment.



Alliance Explorer Jacket (SMP) 1 1 0 1 (2) 0 $50 (1)
Alliance Shock Armor (SMP) 2 2 1 5 (3) 2 $4000 (5)
Anti-Sensor Suit (BP) 4 0 2 3 (2) 0 $750 (6)
Blacksuit (BP) 5 1 0 1 (1) 1 $3300 (9)
Electronic Vest Frame (BP) 2 1 0 7 (4) 4 $700 (8)
Galactic Police Combat Armor (SMP) 2 2 0 2 (3) 0 $700 (2)
Galactic Police Exosuit (BP) 4 2 0 6 (3) 3 $2700 (2)
Optical Suit (BP) 4 0 2 2 (1) 0 $580 (4)
Personal Force Field (BP) 3 0 3 1 (1) 0 $2000 (3)
Pilot's Jacket (SMP) 4 1 0 2 (2) 0 $750 (2)
Plasteel Carapace (SMP) 3 2 1 4 (2) 1 $750 (4)
Plasteel Webbed Vest (SMP) 2 2 0 3 (2) 0 $475 (4)
Starcombat Suit (BP) 3 2 0 5 (3) 2 $350 (2)
Symbiotic Armor (SMP) 3 1 0 7 (4) 4 $700 (7)

While not necessary wheels, this device offers an
Air Mask alternative method of travel for a ground vehicle. Perhaps
their off-road tires or treads. Whatever they are, they
Ignore up to 1 1 1 for being in a toxic, underwater or remove up to 1 1 with environmental based
being in Space. You will need an Air Mask with a tank to circumstances with the Driving skill.
breathe oxygen.
Air Mask (with Tank)
Whatever the style, whatever the look, gain +4 max
Ignore up to 1 1 1 for being in a toxic, underwater or encumbrance capacity on the creature.
being in Space. You are able to breathe Oxygen up to 1

Burgalar's Toolkit

Alternative Wheels

When making a Skulduggery test against a Sensor or A onetime use device that allows users to make a Gunnery
Simple / Gun Powder rated lock, add S to the results. (2 2 2) check.

At an engaged distance around the user, all devices that

Cloth Chute are not Simple or Gun Powder must increase their
If deployed as an action, the wearer does not take any difficulty by one. Any non-canceled H on the user's next
damage from falling from Extreme distances. roll disables the device until the end of the encounter.
Should an operator of an impacted device have a D, the
Commbead item takes damage by one step as if Sundered.
A linked microphone and audio receiver that is as small as This does not work on any devices greater than 1
a bead. Silhouette.

Commtab Enhanced Auditory Perception

A very advanced smart phone, controlled by the Alliance
Operating System. Impossible to hack with.
Sonar dish or other, this device lends aid to spy on
conversations. It removes up to 1 while making a
Communication Scrambler perception check to listen or detect audio objects.
Adds 1 1 to any communication attempt from a specific This device can clearly hear and understand perfectly from
device that tries to broadcast from short range to medium
Engaged to Medium range bands with a Perception (2)
range. The device is unable to communicate in long range
check. Add 2 2 per increase in Range Band.
or extreme range. One time use per encounter due to its
battery life.
Enhanced Visual Perception Aid
DAPr Using thermal technology, remove up to 1 1 due to
obscuring mists, smoke or absence of light trying to see up
Data Application Platform Remote are tablet-like devices
to Medium range. Add 500 to the price for long distances.
that allows users to easily write and execute software and
Add 2,300 to the price for extreme distances.
scripts for hacking repairing a system. Add S to Computer
and Operating checks using a DAPR.
Extra Clip
Dark Energy Detector You can carry extra ammo with you. You may reload as a
After making an Operating (2) check, can reveal targets in
a Short distance that are cloaked in Dark Energy.
Fashionable Clothing
Dark Energy Dome When worn, the fine clothing because an encumbrance of
0. Remove 1 1 when Charm, Deception, Leadership skill
A onetime use device that allows a very short area (about
checks are made while wearing this item.
the size of a sitting human) engulfed in Dark Energy. This
is used as a minor cloaking device and only lasts up to one
Gravity Pads
minute. It cannot be moved once deployed.
You can increase or decrease your gravity with these
boots with a maneuver. This lasts until the start of your
next turn.

Electronic Magnetic Field (EMP) GRIM

General Radio Interface Machine that is similar to a smart This handheld device, easily stored in a pocket or pouch,
phone, but more powerful. Can do AR, sync with industrial detects nearby movement. The user can calibrate
devices, and allows users to pass data to each other. This sensitivity to avoid false alarms by small vermin. Add 1 1
gives you an ability to hack into machines. to Perception and Vigilance checks within medium range,
as it detects motion.
Record and leave a hologram that will activate on
detection of movement. Its rope. Not much to say here. Up to 250 feet or 61
Sensor Jamming Wand
Once an encounter as a maneuver, travel up to two range
bands. Cannot travel from Long to Extreme in one round. A onetime use device that allows users to make an
Can automatically add S against falling checks. Operating (P) roll to add 1 1 1 to a device's Perception
or Vigilance checks for the rest of the encounter. This only
Legal Data (Forged) works on Sensor that non-Dark Energy or Thermal.

Add 1 for social engagements with government personal Sensor Jamming Wand
to get past security or pass as an official. This is a one (Advanced)
encounter use.
A onetime use device that allows users to make an
Mini OSAD Operating (P) roll to add 1 1 1 to a device's Perception
or Vigilance checks for the rest of the encounter. This
A onetime use kit that either installs an OSAD or improves works on all Sensors.
upon it. Increase the OSAD rating of the device by 1. This
is intended to use on items with a Silhouette less than 4. Sleeping Venom

Optimal Sorting Backpack Target must make a Resilience (2 2) check to awaken from
a coma-like state. This check can be done every 12 hours.
A sack that has a series of pouches in a lightweight F results in target continuing to be in a coma. This may
plasteel frame. It has mechanical arms that determines
only be used with characters that have reached their
the proper way to sort and store items within it. Can carry
wound threshold or strain threshold.
up to items adding up to 12 encumbrance but is smaller
than 3 encumbrance. The backpack is always
encumbrance 2, regardless of how much it is holding.
Specialized boots that dampen the auditory noise levels
Portable Cover Machine while keeping its wearer very still while moving. It adds 1
1 to Sneak checks against non-Dark-Energy, Radar or
Once per encounter - as an action you can throw out
Thermal able targets.
cover to hide behind. It is lightweight, providing 1 to
targets trying to spot the covered person as well as ranged
Space Suit
attacks against the covered person.
The space suit also allows the wearer to survive in vacuum
for up to four hours. An emergency repair kit that allows
the user to fix any small leaks or tears as a maneuver.

Portable Motion Sensor UB Aidkit

A onetime use laser like spray from a small device that UVK
helps to heal small wounds. It works like a painkiller.
A onetime use kit that has the right tools for any
UB Aidkit + maintenance job for craft that is below Silhouette 5.

A small onetime use device that tries to repair wounds

through lasers and complicated marvelous technology.
Perform Medicine checks to heal wounds and Critical
Injuries without penalty. The inclusion of modern drugs
adds automatic A to the check results.



Air Mask Battery Pack 3 1 1 $75 3
Air Mask (with Tank) Battery Pack 3 3 2 $150 5
Alternative Wheels Simple 3 3 0 $450 3
Backpack Simple 3 0 0 $50 2
Burgalar's Toolkit Simple 2 1 1 $75 3
Cloth Chute Simple 5 2 0 $150 2
Commbead Simple 2 0 0 $25 1
Commtab Battery Pack 2 0 2 $75 2
Communication Scrambler Battery Pack 2 1 1 $250 3
DAPr Plasma Cell 4 6 4 $2,000 5
Dark Energy Detector Battery Pack 2 1 1 $150 5
Dark Energy Dome Plasma Cell 4 1 0 $350 5
Electronic Magnetic Field (EMP) Plasma Cell 2 1 1 $2,100 8
Enhanced Auditory Perception Aid Simple 3 1 1 $350 7
Enhanced Visual Perception Aid Simple 3 1 1 $250 5
Extra Clip Simple - 0 0 $25 2
Fashionable Clothing Simple 1 1 1 $120 2
Gravity Pads Battery Pack 2 3 2 $100 1
GRIM Battery Pack 4 2 1 $200 3
Hologram Battery Pack 2 1 1 $250 7
Jetpack Plasma Cell 3 4 2 $450 5
Legal Data (Forged) Simple 5 0 0 $350 7
Mini OSAD Battery Pack 3 0 0 $1,200 6
Optimal Sorting Backpack Battery Pack 1 2 3 $600 8
Portable Cover Machine Plasma Cell 2 2 1 $400 5
Portable Motion Sensor Battery Pack 3 1 1 $120 4
Rope Simple 1 1 1 $ 5 1
Sensor Jamming Wand Battery Pack 2 1 1 $330 6
Sensor Jamming Wand (Advanced) Battery Pack 3 1 1 $500 8

Sleeping Venom Simple 3 1 1 $175 8
Sneakers Battery Pack 3 2 1 $100 6
Space Suit Battery Pack 1 2 2 $100 2
UB Aidkit Battery Pack 1 0 0 $25 1
UB Aidkit + Battery Pack 1 1 1 $200 3
UVK Simple 1 0 0 $350 3


obfuscate your location and business to non-Alliance

While docked at a port, there are serval services that are
offered. All of these are “Per Month” charges, due in the
middle of the month.
Standard ($125):
Investigators receive 1 when searching against the
Astrocartgraphix License registrant via AINs or Streetwise.
Using the Certified Alliance Database Registry, navigators Gold ($300):
can research and plot FTL Space folds easier.
Investigators receive one automatic F against the
Standard Licenses ($175): registrant as well as a 1.
Adds 1 1 to Astrocartography rolls from the port.
Professional ($500):
Plus Licenses ($300): Investigators receive one automatic F against the
Adds 1 1 to Astrocartography rolls from the port. registrant as well as a 1. The registrant is also warned
about the investigators.
Plus Plus Licenses ($550):
Add S and 1 1 to Astrocartography rolls from the Arms Permit
Your crew is cleared to carry and purchase dangerous
Internets equipment without hassle or penalties.

Can use the VPN of the port instead of a GRIM, DAPR or Basic ($125)
Vessel. Citizenship restrictions do not apply. The level of You may purchase, legally, any items with a
access is up Clearworks +. Rarity level below 5.

Using Computers to hack or be discrete will come with . Special ($350)

You may purchase, legally, any items with a
• Economy Networks: $15.00 Rarity level below 7.
• Networks: $25.00
• Networks ++: $30.00 Dealer ($600)
• Clearworks: $200.00 You may purchase, legally, any items with a
Rarity level below 10.
• Clearworks +: $400.00

Obfuscation Registry Emergency Registry

Some star bases, mostly privately ran and non-Alliance, You have access to the "best" hospital staff on the station.
This staff may also install Cyberware for free.
feature this request as to help fund their police force.
Depending on how much you pay, these cops will help

Basic ($150): Augmented Brawn
Responders can be called to Administer Medicine
to your wounds using 2 2 as a base. The armor has rails and wiring that helps users lift, throw,
push, or pull objects.
Basic Plus ($300): Function: Suffer 2 strain and a story point as a maneuver
Responders can be called to Administer Medicine to add 1 to Brawn until the end of your next turn.
to your wounds using 2 2 3 as a base.
Standard ($600):
Responders can be called to Administer Medicine A small battery pack allows users to jump over distances
to your wounds using 2 3 3 as a base. and close the gap between Engaged and Short range
bands easier.
Professional ($900)
Your health is monitored by professionals. When Function: Once an encounter (or hour) the battery allows
unconscious, responders are dispatched to a 1 1 to Athletics related to jumping (or falling). Also can
retrieve you (if the area is combat free). be used to move from Short to Engaged range or Engaged
Administer Medicine to your wounds using 2 3 to Short in one maneuver.
3 as a base
The blade is designed for chopping past resistance.
ATTACHMENT DESCRIPTION Function: Weapon gains Pierce 2.

Alliance Approved A.I. Commtab Screen

A semi-intelligent computer learning AI that will respond A device that is synced with other Commtabs (or beads)
to voice commands to find data within a local network. for an operating unit.
This does not work without Alliance infrastructure Function: Can use the device as a limited-smartphone.
Function: Add 1 to any Intellect based checks made. Crushing Head

A weighted head that is balanced to do more crushing.

Antipersonnel Scope Function: Damage is increased by 2, but is slower than
The scope analyzes optimal areas to shoot at. normal – requiring a Prepare 1 quality.
Function: Ignore 1 soak to a target.
Dark Energy Cloak
Apothein Compression Engine A small Dark Energy engine is mounted on the back of
The armor compresses parts of your body to give blood your armor that creates a cloaking field around you.
flow to help with g-forces and piloting maneuvers. Function: Add one defense to your armor. This counts as
Dark Energy, so it will add two difficulty to any roll trying
Function: Remove up to 1 1 to any Piloting checks.
to detect the armor wearer that cannot read Dark Energy.
Arcweave Plating
Domain DAPr Crystal
Small nodes of electricity are woven into major areas of
A small crystal manufactured by the Domain of Peace for
the armor, waiting to electricity assailants.
the sole purpose to read and interact with the
Function: Upon Melee or Brawl strikes to the wearer,
subconscious during sleep. Recording the dream is also
combatants with H H activates 6 stun damage.

Function: Enter or observe a sleeping target's dream with Function: This device's power source becomes Battery
a Computer (2 2 2) check. Pack. It now can be used to hack into machines or other
devices via wires.
Fashionable Clothing Mod
Heat Intensifier
Your armor has a cosmetic look of whatever is trendy this
season. Special crystals enhance the heat output of the Laser
Function: Add 1 to any Charm, Leadership or Negotiation blade to extreme levels.
check. Function: After spending two Prepare maneuvers to hold
against the target, the weapon gains a Breach 1 until the
Feather Grip end of your turn.

Engineers have stripped down your weapon to the Hologram Projection

barebones or use alternative generic brand parts that
seems to make it lighter. A life-like image is projected over your armor. This allows
you to look like anything, even people.
Function: Decrease the item's unwieldy quality by 2 (no Function: Add 1 1 to disguise while impersonating
less than 0). Also remove 1 generated to Dual Wield. someone who isn’t you.

Federated Hilt Intimidating Aesthetics

The Federation has a method to perfectly balance a Melee Spikes, skulls, blood, or dreadful attire adorns your armor.
Function: Weapon gains Accurate 1 quality. Should the Function: Add an automatic S to Coercion checks while
weapon have an Inaccurate quality, this lessens it by 1. also adding automatic F to Charm checks.

Federation Stabilizers Laser Bayonet

A series of small engines act as thrusters to reduce recoil. A small laser blade is attached under the barrel of the
Function: Spend a preparation maneuver to deploy the weapon.
Stabilizers. This reduces the Unwieldy or Cumbersome Function: Weapon may be used to stab when in Engaged
qualities by 2 (minimum 0) while crouched or in a prone range with an increase to difficulty by one.
position. Weapon Profile: 5+ DMG, 3 CRIT, ENGAGED [Superior,
Pierce 2, Vicious 1] [Battery Pack]
Gabbo Trigger
Minor Cloaking Field
A loose trigger that is easily to set off.
Function: When first using this weapon in a fire fight, the A thin cloak drapes over your armor like a poncho that
user adds an automatic S and H to his roll. creates a minor cloaking field around you.
Function: Add one defense to the armor. This also
Glue-grip increases difficulty to spot the wearer by one, unless it can
read Thermal signatures.
Sticky substances are coated where the user grips it.
Function: Foes who try to disarm the weapon from its
Minor Platform Gears
user add one difficulty to their roll.
The Gunnery weapon is able to transform into a small
GRIMable mobile platform with kickstands and temperature coolant
infusers to reduce overheating and dramatic recoil.
Databases, screens and a simple UI is installed to your

Function: Spending two prepare maneuvers allows the Small electrical shielding slaps away projectiles.
weapon to drop its Cumbersome and Unwieldly qualities Function: Your armor's power source becomes "Battery
by 3 to a minimum of 0. The weapon and user cannot Pack". Add 1 to the armor's Ranged Defense.
move once set up. Must spend two maneuvers to pack up
the weapon. Add 1 when using Auto-fire. SMART Cover

Propellant Chambers A translucent shield covers a small area (Engaged)

Function: Once an encounter, as an action, the item
The rifle has technology in it that helps the velocity of the disappears into a force-field that provides light cover for
projectile. the creatures and objects inside it until the end of the
Function: Increases the range band by 1, to the maximum next turn.
of Extreme. The weapon gains a Prepare 1 rating or
increases its Prepare rating to 2. Space Certified

The armor can fully function in space and can ignore

atmospheric conditions as well as gravity conditions.
Function: Ignore atmospheric conditions up to one hour
(without refilling). Ignore Gravity as a preparation

The loading chamber of the weapon is easily interacted

Stellar Kevlar
Function: Once an encounter, ignore the maneuver Special material that is Kevlar-like helps absorb shocks and
requirements related to ammo. violent impacts.
Function: Armor cannot be sundered.
Redundant Wiring
The armor has a backup system to help overcome EMP
grenades, Sundering or Jams. The muzzle of the weapon has been adjusted to disguise
Function: Once an encounter, the wearer of the armor the shots being fired out of it.
may ignore a Jam quality activation. Function: Vigilance or Perception checks to detect the gun
fire start at 0 for the engaged range band. For each range
Size Adjustor band greater than engaged, add 2 with extreme being at
2 2 2 2.
The item can fold into smaller pieces with a Prepare
Function: As a maneuver, the item reduces its
Synclink Network
encumbrance by 1.
A small device is installed on the gun to assist with rapid
reaction, thought processing and diagnosis of the weapon.
Sling Function: The weapon can be used with the GEWI, MEWI,
RLEWI, or RHEWI Skulljack cybernetic.
This device is on a character's person, ready to use at a
moment's notice.
Function: The item decreases its encumbrance by 2.
Syndairian Tuning

A Syndairian put her love, her genius and her pride into
Small Shielded Pad this weapon.
Function: The weapon gains the Superior quality or
removes the Inferior quality.

Synthetic Limb Compartment Weapon Profile: 2+ DMG, 2 CRIT, ENGAGED [Vicious 1]
[Gun Powdered]
Your synthetic limb just has enough space for one small
item. Under-Barrel Flamethrower
Function: Gain +1 encumbrance capacity.
The weapon can also function as a Flame Thrower.
Telescopic Sight
Function: Weapon gains the following weapon profile
A scope that has incredible range to help snipe or sharp while adding 1 to its Cumbersome and Unwieldy quality or
shoot targets. It is very difficult to use at short and receiving Cumbersome and Unwieldy 2 as a quality if the
medium range. weapon does not have it.
Function: Reduce the difficulty of the combat check by Weapon Profile: 10 DMG, 2 CRIT, SHORT [Blast 6, Burn 4,
one. Add 1 to the shot if it is Short or Medium range. Limited Ammo 2] [Gun Powdered]

Thermal Dampeners Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher

Vents blow chaff like particles that tamper with Thermal The weapon can also function as a Grenade Launcher.
optics. Function: Weapon gains the following weapon profile
Function: Add 1 1 to any Guided weapons targeting the while adding 1 to its Cumbersome and Unwieldy quality or
wearer of the armor. Add 1 1 1 against sensors with receiving Cumbersome and Unwieldy 2 as a quality if the
thermal optics. weapon does not have it.
Weapon Profile: 8 DMG, 4 CRIT, MEDIUM [Blast 6, Limited
Thermal Optics Ammo 1] [Gun Powdered]

A visual screen or hardware is added to the device to see Under-Barrel Shotgun

in Thermal vision up to Medium range.
Function: User ignores increases the difficulty increases to The weapon can also function as a Shotgun.
non-Thermal users. Function: Weapon gains the following weapon profile
while adding 1 to its Cumbersome and Unwieldy quality or
Tooth-blade receiving Cumbersome and Unwieldy 2 as a quality if the
weapon does not have it.
The blades of the weapon have teeth or jigsaw edges that Weapon Profile: 8 DMG, 3 CRIT, SHORT [Blast 5,
really can mess a biological creature up! Knockdown] [Gun Powdered]
Function: Weapon gains Vicious 1.
Small particles exit pore-like holes in your armor, giving a
Plasteel harness helps with the weight of the item. blurry result to scans, vids, images or frames of captured
Function: Reduce the weapon's cumbersome and surveillance of your character.
unwieldly qualities by 2 (minimum of 1). Auto-fire's Function: Add 1 1 to identifying the armor's wearer
difficulty is increased by one. through security (personnel or cameras) footage, scans or
any other visual mean.
Triangular Bladed Bayonet

The edges of this blade make wounds difficult to stitch,

causing more severe damage.
Function: Weapon may be used to stab when in Engaged
range with an increase to difficulty by one.



Alliance Approved A.I. Non Simple or Gun Powdered Device 0 $2,500 4
Antipersonnel Scope Ranged, Gunnery Weapons 2 $450 6
Apothein Compression Engine Armor 1 $350 3
Arcweave Plating Armor 2 $750 7
Augmented Brawn Armor 2 $1,250 8
Boosters Armor 2 $550 5
Chopper Any Bladed Weapon 1 $95 2
Commtab Screen Any 0 $75 1
Crushing Head Any Blunt Melee Weapon 1 $150 1
Dark Energy Cloak Armor 1 $2,150 6
Domain DAPr Crystal DAPr 1 $950 9
Fashionable Clothing Mod Armor 0 $75 3
Feather Grip Any Weapon 1 $350 6
Federated Hilt Melee Weapons 1 $1,000 6
Federation Stabilizers Ranged, Gunnery Weapons 1 $250 2
Gabbo Trigger Ranged (Light) Weapons 1 $150 3
Glue-grip Any Weapon Type 1 $200 4
GRIMable Any 2 $200 6
Heat Intensifier Any Laser Melee Weapon 1 $100 7
Hologram Projection Armor 1 $250 7
Intimidating Aesthetics Armor 0 $125 3
Laser Bayonet Any Ranged (Heavy) Weapon 1 $750 4
Minor Cloaking Field Armor 1 $1,750 6
Minor Platform Gears Gunnery Weapons 2 $350 3
Propellant Chambers Any non Simple Ranged, Gunnery Weapons 2 $1,000 4
Quickload Any Non Simple Ranged Weapon 2 $750 6
Redundant Wiring Armor 2 $1,200 7
Size Adjustor Any 2 $250 6
Sling Any 0 $25 1
Small Shielded Pad Armor 1 $450 4
SMART Cover Non Simple or Gun Powdered Device 2 $750 6
Space Certified Armor 1 $600 4
Stellar Kevlar Armor 1 $350 1
Suppressor Any Non Simple Ranged Weapon 0 $500 7
Synclink Network Any Weapon 0 $50 2
Syndairian Tuning Any Weapon 1 $750 7
Synthetic Limb Compartment Cybernetic Limb 0 $500 6
Telescopic Sight Any Non Simple Ranged Weapon 1 $350 3
Thermal Dampeners Armor 1 $450 3
Thermal Optics Any Barreled item or Optical ware. 1 $450 3
Tooth-blade Any Bladed Weapon 1 $1,250 6
Track-mount Gunnery Weapons 2 $1,400 6

Triangular Bladed Bayonet Any Ranged (Heavy) Weapon 1 $250 2
Under-Barrel Flamethrower Any Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery Weapon 2 $3,000 6
Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher Any Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery Weapon 2 $1,500 5
Under-Barrel Shotgun Any Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery Weapon 2 $1,000 4
V.T.P Armor 2 $350 5

The Alliance and Big 7 see these positive products in their
Biological Chemical Stimulant, or BCS, has a physiological
communities. Firstly, this justifies their existence to help
effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the
communities battle BCS abusers - greatly expanding their
body. These provide benefits while impacting the
authority over smaller communities. Secondly, this helps
character's performance in other areas. Each BCS has a
control the population by adversely controlling their
duration, but effects can last up to one hour. BCS are
mental and physical capacity.
addicting. When using a BCS, the character must make a
Discipline check to resist overdosing. Failure results in an Those with high Citizenship has access to logs where
immediate consequence to roll a Resilience check to Alliance members purposely express these two reasons
combat the overdose. Difficulties to these checks varies why not to litigate against BCS products. The Alliance does
from chemical to chemical. not manufacture or produce BCS. They encourage the
distribution of BCS through ineffective policing against
USING BCS smuggling and trafficking BCS.
Each BCS product will give 1 1 to a skill or branch of
BCS is distributed by the Big 7 and Space Ventures. BCS is
skills. However, it will also come with an automatic H to manufactured by the Domain of Peace, Syndairian
any check with a particular characteristic. This is only for Authority and pockets of underground organizations.
the duration of the product. For every session, each time a
character uses a BCS product she gains a 1. This is known BCS PRODUCTS
as the addiction counter.
You may find more details about their mechanics in the
Once using a BCS product, the character will suffer 2 strain gear section of this book.
then make an immediate Discipline check with the
difficulty of the product as not to overdose. Edge

DISCIPLINE 1 1 to Computers or Mechanics 1 Hour

H to Agility based checks.
S - Nothing bad happens…yet.
Discipline (2 2 2) $75 @ 4 Rarity

AAA - Duration is increased by an hour.

Edge is used to increase the output and efficiency of data
T - Remove SE to the Addiction Counter. pushers. It is served like tea, but can come in capsules or
- Suffer 1 wound + 1 per non-canceled other forms. While under its spell, Edge attacks the area
F F. of the brain where the body can smoothly function -
- You become immobilized until the end causing users to become klutzes. Paranoia and psychosis
HHH of your next turn. are often the result of habitual use.
- Add SE to the Addiction Counter.
D - Suffer 1 wound.

Interstellar Chop
1 1 to any Knowledge skill 3 Hours 1 1 Brawn and Melee 1 Hours
H to Willpower based checks. H to Willpower based checks.
Discipline (2 2 2) $35 @ 2 Rarity Discipline (2 2) $65 @ 2 Rarity

Interstellar is a smoked chemical or powdered chemical. It This needs to be injected directly to the blood for it to
is used to seek interconnectivity of the cosmos, to really have any impact on the user. Designed by the Domain of
get the "bigger" picture. This can seriously erode one's self Peace, it increases the output of muscles used in pushing,
confidence over long-term exposure. lifting and pulling. Users become less able to perform
rational thought.
1 1 to Piloting or Operating 1 Hour
H to Cunning based checks. 1 1 Athletics and Coordination 2 Hours
Discipline (2 2) $95 @ 2 Rarity H to Intellect based checks.
Discipline (2 2) $45 @ 3 Rarity
Used as an inhaler, Pilotpop increases reaction time. It
however dulls the mind. Long-term exposure can lead to Like Chop or Trigger, it was designed to harmonize the
flu-like symptoms and general obliviousness. body to accomplish any physical task. Unfortunately, this
makes user unable to think clearly or recall short-term
Starchill memory. Habitual use leads to complete loss of memory
and ability to use complex machines.
1 1 to Cool, Astronomy 2 Hours
H to Presence based checks.
Discipline (2 2) $55 @ 3 Rarity

A powdered substance to be smoked or chewed. It slows

the rhythm of the heart, relaxing and soothing the
creature’s mind. It is such a relaxing experience that the
use of this drug makes social interactions with the user
tough, as the user has a hard time contributing to a
conversation meaningfully.

1 1 to Ranged Combat Skills 1 Hours
H to Brawn based checks.
Discipline (2 2) $85 @ 2 Rarity

This needs to be injected directly to the blood for it to

have any impact on the user. Designed by the Domain of
Peace, it harmonizes a creature’s mind to their guns – but
makes their bodies vulnerable to illnesses and stress.
Habitual use can cause to the loss of extremities as blood
stops flowing to areas of the body.

Voidwalkers are a little like mages from other systems.
The following spells are allowed for those using the Dark
Dark Energy is an unknown substance that holds Energy skill.
mysteries that allude even the most intelligent of
• Attack, with Arcana effects.
creatures. Yet a few creatures have struggled beyond this
barrier of understanding and have penetrated the veil of • Augur
Dark Energy. These creatures are only a handful, which • Barrier, with Arcana effects.
can wield Dark Energy into a mystical and weird science. • Distortion

To borrow a Wiki entry, Dark Energy is In order to know these spells, a Master must teach you
them. Seeking a master is no easy task. A character must
a theoretical repulsive force that counteracts prove his dedication by sacrificing a part of him. Young to-
gravity and causes the universe to expand at an be Voidwalkers will remove limbs, finders and sometimes
accelerating rate. their tongue to start this path.

Dark Energy is called “Dark” not because its edgy or When selecting to rank in Dark Energy, you must sacrifice
sinister, but it is a force that light cannot touch. It is typical an appendage or something equal to an appendage. This
for Voidwalkers to always seek desolate or empty could be an eye, hand, arm, leg, tongue or ear. This will
landscapes, which is where Dark Energy is abundant. Dark give 1 to the appropriate skill when using that appendage
Energy is a substance which requires meditation to use, would be appropriate. Such as removal of a Syndairian ear
which Voidwalkers call “The Daily Rite”. might not be a Perception setback, but maybe a Charm
setback. Talk over this with your GM.
They say all who are born in the galaxy can wield Dark MENTORS
Energy, but it takes dedication and serious commitment to Those who step in this direction must find a master or be
unlike it. Those that commit are make up a secretive sought out. Until then, they will not be able to train ranks
organization known as Voidwalkers. into Dark Energy. It must be instructed and be learned
from experience. It is not innate.
Voidwalkers are grim and gruff folk. They are fatalists.
They look out in the void and it changes them. They Mentors are aloof, gruff and spiteful at times. They do not
become aloof, secretive, paranoid and cold. travel with you. They are not for errand boys, interested in
your personal drama or act as vendors. They are there to
Voidwalkers are two types of people who share a common
instruct you in the ways of Dark Energy. They expect you
goal: Scientists and Theologians. Scientists are deeply to learn through experience, failing along the way.
concerned with how people use Dark Energy. They see it
as a terrible gift to sentient life. They wish to contain and They will teach you the ways but will always challenge and
forbid the advancement of the technology by those who make their apprentice “earn it”. This could be through
are unable to truly understand the gift. They know if Dark quests, jobs or more sacrifices (physical or personal).
Energy is exploited, it will end to the entire universe.
The theologians revere Dark Energy as a holy gift. They
see it as an example of a supreme being who has created There are certain restrictions and limits to Casting Dark
all life in the universe. As such, this gift is sacred. Only Energy spells.
those who God has chosen is worthy to further explore
the depths of Dark Energy.

When your character awakes (or every restful event), in
order for him to use Dark Energy he must meditate with it,
CONDITION PENALTY making a Discipline (222) check. This can be bypassed by
Casting it while on a planet and in spending a story point.
Casting it while on a planet. 1
The Character in outer space 1
THE CODE - Nothing bad happens! You can use
S Dark Energy!
Every Voidwalker must pledge allegiance to the secrecy of
being a Voidwalker. Be it Theologian or Scientist, the
A - Recover 1 strain.
- Reduce strain cost for their next Dark
Voidwalkers work together as a team to uphold the
following ideals:
AA Energy spell by 1.
- An ally or vessel heals 1 strain.
- Heal 1 wound.
• The Void is a lethal gift to us. It is not ours to give AAA - Remove a 1 to your next two rolls.
or abuse. - Add an automatic S to your next Dark
T Energy roll.
• Use while ignorant of the Void is abuse, I will not - You will not have a connection to Dark
F Energy for the rest of the day.
accept this.
H - Suffer 1 strain.
• I will not be known. Those who will know me will - Increase strain cost for their next Dark
only know a mask. HH Energy spell by 1.
- Ally or vessel suffers 2 strain.
- Suffer 1 wound.
• I will be humble with your gifts. I will use them - Add a 1 to your next two rolls.
when needed. HHH - Ally or Vessel receives a 1 on their
next roll.
• My powers are not for impressing or impressions. - Add an automatic F to your next Dark
D Energy roll.

• I will not instruct the unworthy. Those that do

seek out instruction and are unworthy, I will
create doom for them.

• I will befriend the ignorant to my advantage. I will

have allies in the dark.

• I will investigate the insane, unknown and

unstable as they may have seen a glimpse of the
Void themselves.

• I will explain the unexplainable through

deception and leadership. It is what I say it is,
even if they do not believe it.


Dark Energy is fickle and does not like you. Once knowing
Dark Energy, you must battle it every day.

PSIONICS weeks. This is not directly a Telekritter shop. It still
remains somehow is involved. Maybe the company makes
A Psionic is an individual who has discovered the dark water filters that has Telekritters in the filters so people
secret, inherited the trade, a willing participant or 'lucked' get these creatures in their bodies.
into the conspiracy behind the Alliance's goal to control
every single creature in the Universe. They are not born As stated before, a Psionic is a secretive person. Her party
with the ability to read minds or control thoughts. They might know she is a Psionic, but that is a risk he is
are able to through special wavelengths emitted by the exposing them. It’s better that they do not know, as if
ultra-microscopic Telekritter parasites in their minds. In they are captured and tortured – they’ll suffer less.
order to commune with these Telekritters, you must have
As for her personal business. She might say it’s a plant for
quantities of Telekritter dust. This is obtained through the
secret (and forbidden) trade of breeding of Telekritters. food dye. However, it is secretly an operation to implant
citizens with Telekritters. Her whole staff might not even
know this.
Do not think for a moment that this life style is great or This is because lots of experts and knowledge about this
easy. Psionics are always in danger. The control over the whole industry are locked up, forbidden to speak about. It
'enslaved' Telekritter population is exclusive, only a very could be that chemical 8171971-103091093-4095091-
few authorized creatures can even talk aloud about them. 101081081 really gives that soylent burger a polished and
The Alliance cares deeply to prevent any knowledge about appetizing brown. But in actually, the chemical is supplied
this nefarious act to control the population. They have by another Psionic individual. The chemical is really a
spies, sensors and Special Forces devoted to monitor batch of Telekritters.
Psionics. To make sure NO ONE spills a secret that they
should not. They also have a list of authorized names and BORROWED TIME
AINs that are registered complainant, and chances are, It is highly likely that your character already has a hit out
you are not on that list. They will seek you out and destroy on him by some elite government man or some crime
you, and all that you talked to (to make sure no secrets boss. Just because you are in the trade.
were told).
Your character is sought after and the GM will roll a
It is typical for a corrupt middle manager or politician to Streetwise vs Conspiracies to find your character. They will
become a Psionic, as it helps them cover their tracks send out other foes to kill you and your party.
easily. It is also typical for Psionics to put out hits on other
Psionics as way to "prune" the population. The less people
around who know or can be a Psionic, the better. These
Psionics will typically ask for Space Ventures to eliminate Good question. It offers a good gig to help pay for the
other Psionics, but always under false pretenses. goods and obfuscate your true calling. It also gives you
allies who may help your character get through the
SOLITUDE assassins, conspiracies and other plots.

There is no brotherhood of Psionics, no fellowship to seek

or belong to. Each try to not draw attention to their
abilities. The following spells are allowed for those using the
Psionic skill.
• Curse with Divine, use Knowledge (Conspiracies)
Besides having the ability to read minds, you most likely when appropriate.
have a business of your own. You receive Business • Freeze Thoughts
Administration (2 2). You receive credits in the amount of • Mind Connection
every non-canceled S * 100 + 200 generated every 3 • Overload Host

Being a Psionic, means that you have access to this dust It is likely that a civilian of the Alliance or Big 7 has
and now must use the dust as your body now expects to Telekritters in them. It is unlikely for a Xeno beast or some
use this addictive substance. This dust that you must snort unknown civilization to have Telekritters in their body
every 24 hours in order for you to have control over the system.
Telekritters in your mind. Having access to this dust also
means that you take SOME part in the industry of Psionic spells only work with Telekritters, and do not
Telekritters, either by supply, breeding or distribution. You work without Telekriters in the target!
have access to Telekritters for this purpose, most likely
Psionics do not work remotely as well. The Psionic must
through underground channels.
be in the same physical area as her target.
Making a batch of Telekritter dust takes 2 days of cutting
Beyond this, there are other limitations when using
specific crystalized chemicals with a proper mixture of
Hydrogen, Telekritters and Gold.
Every 24 hours, a Medicine (2 2 2) check is required to
overcome the voices in your head (see: the awakened Does not have line of sight. 11
Telekritters). If this skill check is not made, add 1 per 6 The target has made eye contact. 1
hours missed. Should you miss beyond 24 hours, you are Excessive noise in the environment. 1
unable to use the Psionic skill check and suffer 1 for every The character is in outer space. 111
Intellect and Cunning based check.

S - Nothing bad happens…for now.

A - Recover 1 strain.
- Add 1 to any social or knowledge
AA skill check.
- Add an automatic S to your next
T Psionic roll.
F - Suffer 1 strain, 1 wound.

H - Suffer 1 strain.
- Add 1 to any social or knowledge
HH skill check.
- Add an automatic F to your next
D Psionic roll.

NEW SPELLS Control Drone

All spells are actions and cost 2 strain to cast. Drones (VARIES) Short Range
Through a DAPr or GRIM like device, the Droner can give
Dark Energy (2) Extreme Range commands to a specific drone.
Action (Concentration)
Narrative: The Droner gives out scripts and commands for
The Spellcaster enters a deep coma with his consciousness a Drone to function, like giving a guest a drink or fetching
traveling among the stars. None can wake him for at least a newspaper.
3 hours, except for a Medicine vs the augur's Discipline
roll. Structure: T The Drone can execute a task using the
Droner's "Drones" skill. For example, for a Drone to shoot
Narrative: Per non-canceled S, the Voidwalker may a gun, the Droner would use this spell.
deduce a layer of detail of the geographical or time layer.
This spell may be further augmented:
Such as star system, hour, day, etc.
Control Drone MOD
Note: for each star system between the target and spell
caster, increase the difficulty by one. Advantages and Group Precision: You may do this to more
than one drone but cannot take this +2
Triumphs may be spent via Social Encounter effects. Keep
multiple time.
in mind to use the suggested Spell Threats / Despairs as Range: Increase the range of the spell by
well! +2
one range band.

Structure: This cannot be used in combat. Dark Energy Attack

Augur Effects MOD Dark Energy (2) Short Range
Astral Projection: The spell caster may send a Action
representation of themselves to the creature
target to verbally communicate with a creature The Dark Energy wielder uses knowledge about the
for minutes equal to rank in Knowledge: Cosmos to call it forth to defend or attack through
Astronomy. During this, the Voidwalker is
interacting with pressurizing the gravity around a creature
intangible. He cannot harm nor can he be harmed.
Chronological Precision: You are able to extract for physical harm and destruction.
the whereabouts of your target the number of +2
Narrative: This is only used in combat.
days equal to ranks in Knowledge: Astronomy.
Cosmic Door: The Voidwalker may teleport
Structure: Deal damage equal to the Intellect rating of the
himself to the place he is Auguring through the
void. His body, mind and soul fold into the Void caster on a S while adding any additional non-canceled S.
and exit frozen. The teleport is instant, and he can The attack may only trigger critical on T.
only carry his encumbrance capacity through this 2
spell. He arrives Prone and immobilized for three This spell may be further augmented:
Group Precision: You are able to extract the Dark Energy Attack Effects MOD
whereabouts of the number of targets equal to +2
Deadly: The attack gains a Critical Rating of
ranks in Knowledge: Astronomy. +22
Decrease Gravity: The attack requires the
target to make an immediate Athletics check
(2 2 2) to be moved a ranged band not to
exceed Medium in any direction. The attack
will leave the target disorientated until the
end of its next turn.

Destructive: Gain the Sunder quality and Dark Energy Barrier Effects MOD
Pierce quality equal to the ranks in +22 Add Defense: Increase the defense by
Astronomy. +222
ranks in Astronomy.
Frost Line: The attack gains the Ensnare Additional Target: The caster increases the
quality equal to the ranks in Astronomy. area of the barrier to another creature with
Increase Gravity: The attack gains the a similar or smaller Silhouette while in the
Knockdown quality. The attack also gains the engaged range band (or upgraded range +2
Disorient quality with a rating equal to the
band). Any additional A may affect other
character's ranks in Astronomy.
Lightning: The spell arcs out in a lightning
+2 Alter Gravity: Creatures inside the barrier
granting the Auto-fire quality. +2
ignore Heavy or Light gravity.
Range: Increase the range of the spell by
+2 Empowered: The barrier reduces damage
one range band. +22
per S, overriding the normal effects.
Silent: Grant the attack the Silent quality. - Obscure: Increase difficulty to detect
Solar: The attack gains the Burn quality objects in the barrier by 1, regardless if the
+22 +222
equal to the ranks in Astronomy. scanner or creature can detect Dark
Suffocate: If the attack deals damage, the Energy.
target makes an immediate Resilience (2 2 Range: Increase the range of the spell by
+2 +2
2) check or suffer wounds and strain equal one range band.
to half of the Dark Energy skill (rounded up). Reflection: Increase the range of the spell
Tamper: Gain the Jam quality with 2 ranks in +22
+22 by one range band.
Freeze Thoughts
Dark Energy Barrier
Psionics (2 2 2) Short Range
Dark Energy (2 2) Extreme Range Action
Action (Concentration)
Using the psychic link between Telekritters, the Psionic
The Dark Energy wielder focuses a small bubble of Dark commands a target's Telekritters (in Short range) to block
Energy around a very small area, covering himself or neural pathways making them stutter, stagger or be slow.
another creature. Light cannot penetrate this area, but
bends around it. Narrative: This is used largely for combat, but can be used
to explain why a target stutters, slow to react or forgets a
Narrative: It looks as though the object disappeared while detail.
inside this barrier, increasing difficulty by 2 to spot or see
the person inside the barrier. This barrier can be used as a Structure: A creature that is in short range is staggered
Jonah System for hours equal to the Dark Energy skill and immobilized.
Mind Blast
Structure: The barrier may be placed on a target in an
Engaged distance to the caster (or himself). A successful Psionics (2 2 2) Short Range
check results in a reduction of damage of all hits taken by Action
one until the end of the character’s next turn. Reduce the
The Telekritter's attempt to harmonize with a target's
damage by 1 for any additional non-canceled S S. The
character adds one to his defense as well.
Narrative: This is only used for Combat.
This also increases any attempts to detect the creatures
inside the barrier by 2. Structure: Pick a creature within short range. Deal damage
equal to the Intellect of the Psionic plus any non-canceled
This spell may be further augmented:
S. Critical may only be triggered on T. This attack has a
quality of Blast 1 + Knowledge (Conspiracies).

A successful attack will cause the creature to suffer 3 Influence (Non-Combat): The Psionic must add 1
strain and become staggered until the end of the start of per 2 ranks of the target’s Vigilance. When
the next round. Minions who take damage are instantly successful, the psionic may cause the target to +2
destroyed. adopt an emotional state that the Psionic wishes
next minute or round.
Psionics heal strain equal to the number of creatures Read: The Psionic must add 1 per 2 ranks of the
impacted. target’s Discipline. When successful, the Psionic
knows the current emotional state and thoughts
of the target(s).
Mind Connection
The Mind Connection outcomes could be spent the
Psionics (2 2 2) Short Range following ways:
The spell caster can attempt to make a connection with a A - Nothing bad happens…for now.
target. Upon success, the Psionic spell caster adds an - Discover recent thoughts or motivations
automatic S to any social skill check made against the that is beneficial to the Psionic.
target. - May cause the target(s) to suffer 1 wound
T of damage.
Narrative: This is only used for Combat. - Increase duration of Influence by one
Structure: Pick a creature within short range. Deal damage - Suffer 2 strain.
H - Suffer 1 wound
equal to the Intellect of the Psionic plus any non-canceled
- Expose your fears within a social
S. Critical may only be triggered on T. This attack has a HH encounter.
quality of Blast 1 + Knowledge (Conspiracies). - The target realizes he is trying to be
HHH controlled telepathically.
A successful attack will cause the creature to suffer 3 - The target realizes he is trying to be
strain and become staggered until the end of the start of controlled telepathically.
the next round. Minions who take damage are instantly
D - You cannot use the Psionic again in this
destroyed. encounter.

Psionics heal strain equal to the number of creatures Overdrive Drone

Drones (2 2) Short Range
This spell can be modified by these effects: Action

The Droner requests the Drone to overclock its internal

systems to perform better.
Mind Connection Effects MOD
Additional Target: Use the highest opposing rank Narrative: The Droner is on a rooftop, sending his drone
of a creature while using this effect. Target an out to spy or do recon.
additional creature. Any additional A may affect Structure: A successful check will result in the decrease of
other creatures. the next skill check that Drone makes.
Flay: The Psionic must add 1 per 2 ranks of the
target’s Resilience. When successful, the target
suffers 1 strain plus 1 additional strain per A A
generated on the check.
Influence (Combat): The Psionic must add 1 per 2
ranks of the target’s Vigilance. When successful,
the psionic may cause the target to adopt an +22
emotional state that the Psionic wishes next
minute or round.

Sabotage Not all launch bays are created equally. Each have a
difficulty rating based on their mother ship’s silhouette.
Drones (2 2 2) Short Range
Action (Concentration) • S1-2: 22222
• S3-4: 2222
The Psionic tells the Telekritters on his target to interfere • S4-6: 222
with neural pathways causing the target's body to be • S6-8: 22
cursed. • S9+: 2

Narrative: Some of this can be minor, such as the target

seemingly is unable to perform basic physical, social and
mental tasks granting a 1 1 to skill checks. These override the other components from the rulebook.
Each component can be used by a station with a specific
VEHICLES Vessel Action (or Maneuver).

There are a few modifications for the Vehicle rules.

Mostly, everything is intact and the same as the Core AUXILIARY SYSTEMS
Rulebook. If you have a modified ship with specialized attachments
or gear, this is the system that it uses. This could be the
JONAH SYSTEM barrier shield, the teleports, and etc. This is also
equivalent to “Defenses”.
A Jonah System is how Oxygen, Food and Waste
Management is governed on a starship which is
administered by the Life Support system. This filters out COMMUNICATIONS ARRAY
space particles and other natural elements to make a ship This represents the vessel’s ability process data and
habitable and comfortable. receive communication requests.

While standing idle in space, each day takes up one JS

point. When exploring space, folding through FTL Space or DATA WAREHOUSE
combat, the Jonah System might require more resources A series of databases and datasets that contain
to adequately keep you alive. information for the ship to interface or integrate with
other systems or actions. It is the brain and memory of the
While food is mentioned with the Jonah system, it is not a vessel. Damage to this system impacts almost every other
meal that one would really enjoy to eat over and over system other than the FTL Engines, Weapons and Power
again. The Jonah system provides a soy-based substance Converter.
that is equivalent to a daily meal.

There is not a mathematical formula in game, but the

Jonah System gives an element of danger and a way to ENGINES
spend Advantages and Threats. Used in: All systems.

All traveling should take up a good percentage of a JS This can either be used planet-side or space. This is how
rating on a ship, making players and GM alike think the vessel moves about from point a to point b in non FTL
strategically how to overcome logistical challenges. Space. This is equivalent to “Propulsion”.


When landing or taking off from a launch bay that’s

attached to a space ship it requires an action. The pilot FTL ENGINES
suffers 2 strain as well, as it is a stressful event.

These engines use FTL Space signals to fold the vessel (and GUNNER
its contents) into an alternative space where it is quicker
Guy who is manning the guns, mostly with a grin.
and easier to skirt about the universe.

This crewman is an administrators and integration system
Giving food, gravity, temperature and other creature
specialists. They are vital for information gathering and
comforts for use while in Space. This is equivalent to

Part science officer, part astronomer and quick with
This lets the system steer, brake and interact with its
operating systems. The Navigator is there to assist the
surroundings. I’d say it’s pretty vital, right?
ship’s internal systems.

This converts the various fuels, liquids and matter needed
This book is not for you if you do not know what a Pilot is.
to power the ship.

Detects and understands the environment around it.

Defending yourself is quite important. While this is called
the “Weapons” system, this included armor or other
defensive measures.


Stations are required for certain maneuvers, actions and

abilities. When on the starship, each crewmember can
claim any spot on the ship. It is not dependent on careers,
races or skills.
You may always install a station on as ship, if you have
enough credits and encumbrance capacity that is.

A ship's officer in charge of equipment and the crew. They
oversee the launching of craft to the system operations of
a vessel.

Just as important as a pilot, the Co-Pilot takes over tasks
that are too much for an already busy Pilot.


Adjust Parameters Maneuver 2 - - AUX
Boost Component Maneuver - - - AUX
Communication Torpedo
Maneuver - - - COM
Damage Control Action - 222 MECHANICS -
Degraded Weapons Fire Action - VARIES GUNNERY WEAPONS
Intercept Projectiles Action - 2222 COMPUTERS DATA
Jam Communications Action - 2 COMPUTERS COM
Recover JS Action 2 2 MECHANICS JONAH
Recycle Resources Action - 22 OPERATING JONAH
Scramble Drones* Action 2 222 DRONES COM
Slide in! Maneuver - - - -
Tactical Scan Action 2 2 PERCEPTION SENSORS
Terra Firma Action - 22 ATHLETICS -
Threat Assessment Action 2 222 OPERATING DATA
V2V Bridge Walkway Action (Concentration) - 2 OPERATING AUX


Adjust Parameters Maneuver 2 - - AUX
Biometric Scans Action 3 222 OPERATING SENSORS
Boost Component Maneuver - - - AUX
Boost Defenses Action 5 222 MECHANICS AUX
Cloaking Pattern Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING AUX
Communication Torpedo
Maneuver - - - COM
Course Correction Action 1 22 PERCEPTION SENSORS
Damage Control Action - 222 MECHANICS -
Engage Anti-System Beam Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING AUX
Engage Barrier Field Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING POWER
Engage Dark Energy
Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING POWER
Intercept Projectiles Action - 2222 COMPUTERS DATA
Nominal Weapons Fire Action - VARIES GUNNERY WEAPONS
Recycle Resources Action - 22 OPERATING JONAH
Scramble Drones* Action 2 222 DRONES COM
Slide in! Maneuver - - - -
Tactical Scan Action 2 2 PERCEPTION SENSORS
Terra Firma Action - 22 ATHLETICS -
V2V Bridge Walkway Action (Concentration) - 2 OPERATING AUX
Wingman Action - 22 PILOTING NAV

Adjust Parameters Maneuver 2 - - AUX
Boost Component Maneuver - - - AUX
Communication Torpedo
Maneuver - - - COM
Damage Control Action - 222 MECHANICS -
Engage Anti-System Beam Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING AUX
Engage Barrier Field Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING POWER
Gunfire Armor Action 2 22 GUNNERY WEAPONS
Nominal Weapons Fire Action - VARIES GUNNERY WEAPONS
Recycle Resources Action - 22 OPERATING JONAH
Scramble Drones* Action 2 222 DRONES COM
Slide in! Maneuver - - - -
Tactical Scan Action 2 2 PERCEPTION SENSORS
Terra Firma Action - 22 ATHLETICS -
Threat Assessment Action 2 222 OPERATING DATA
V2V Bridge Walkway Action (Concentration) - P OPERATING AUX
Weapon Solution Action (Concentration) - 22 GUNNERY WEAPONS


Adjust Parameters Maneuver 2 - - AUX
Biometric Scans Action 3 222 OPERATING SENSORS
Boost Component Maneuver - - - AUX
Boost Defenses Action 5 222 MECHANICS AUX
Communication Torpedo
Maneuver - - - COM
Damage Control Action - 222 MECHANICS -
Degraded Weapons Fire Action - VARIES GUNNERY WEAPONS
Engage Anti-System Beam Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING AUX
Engage Barrier Field Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING POWER
Fire Discipline Action - 222 LEADERSHIP WEAPONS
Intercept Projectiles Action - 2222 COMPUTERS DATA
Jam Communications Action - 2 COMPUTERS COM
Recover JS Action 2 2 MECHANICS JONAH
Recycle Resources Action - 22 OPERATING JONAH
Slide in! Maneuver - - - -
Tactical Scan Action 2 2 PERCEPTION SENSORS
Terra Firma Action - 22 ATHLETICS -
Threat Assessment Action 2 222 OPERATING DATA
V2V Bridge Walkway Action (Concentration) - 2 OPERATING AUX
V2V Hacking Stream Action (Concentration) 3 2222 COMPUTERS COM

Adjust Parameters Maneuver 2 - - AUX
Biometric Scans Action 3 222 OPERATING SENSORS
Boost Component Maneuver - - - AUX
Cloaking Pattern Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING AUX
Communication Torpedo
Maneuver - - - COM
Course Correction Action 1 22 PERCEPTION SENSORS
Create Interference Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING COM
Damage Control Action - 222 MECHANICS -
Dark Energy Radar Scan Action 5 222 OPERATING SENSORS
Degraded Weapons Fire Action - VARIES GUNNERY WEAPONS
Engage Anti-System Beam Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING AUX
Engage Barrier Field Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING POWER
Engage Dark Energy
Action (Concentration) 5 222 OPERATING POWER
Recycle Resources Action - 22 OPERATING JONAH
Slide in! Maneuver - - - -
Terra Firma Action - 22 ATHLETICS -
Trace FTL Routes Action 1 22 OPERATING DATA
V2V Bridge Walkway Action (Concentration) - 2 OPERATING AUX


Accelerate Maneuver - - - ENGINES
Adjust Parameters Maneuver 2 - - AUX
Boost Component Maneuver - - - AUX
Boost Defenses Action - 222 MECHANICS AUX
Brace for Impact Maneuver - - - ENGINES
Maneuver - - - COM
Torpedo Interaction
Course Correction Action 1 22 PERCEPTION SENSORS
Damage Control Action - 222 MECHANICS -
Decelerate Maneuver - - - ENGINES
Evasive Tactics Maneuver - - - NAV
FTL Space Entry Action 2 2 PILOTING FTL
Full Throttle Action - - PILOTING ENGINES
Gain the Advantage Action - VARIES PILOTING NAV
Jam Communications Action - 2 COMPUTERS COM
Nominal Weapons
Ram Action - 22 PILOTING NAV
Recover JS Action 2 2 MECHANICS JONAH
Recycle Resources Action - 22 OPERATING JONAH
Scramble Drones* Action 2 222 DRONES COM

Slide in! Maneuver - - - -
Stressful Piloting Action - - PILOTING NAV
Terra Firma Action - 22 ATHLETICS -
Trace FTL Routes Action 1 22 OPERATING DATA
V2V Bridge Walkway - 2 OPERATING AUX

VECHICLE ACTIONS AND MANEUVERS If attackers suffer HH they suffer an automatic hit that is
half the damage of the weapon. Upgrade the difficulty by
Accelerate one if the weapon is Short range. Weapons that are
Engage range cannot use this action.
Stations: Pilot Boost Component
The vessel's engines work a bit harder and increases the
speed by 1. Maneuver
Stations: Any Station

Adjust Parameters Adjusting a few conditions and variables allows a

component to respond quicker and efficient. A
Maneuver component may receive an extra 1 die when performing
Stations: Any Station
an action. This cannot stack.
The crewmember adjusts the parameters on his station,
moving a 1 from his dice pool to another crewmember's Boost Defenses
dice pool until the start of his next turn.
Stations: Co-Pilot, Helmsman, Pilot
Biometric Scans
The craft must have at least 1 defense. Successful checks
Action increase the defense of the craft until the beginning of the
Stations: Co-Pilot, Helmsman, Navigation character's next turn per each S at maximum of three
The ship presents a snapshot of images or data points, defenses. This increases the piloting actions during this
giving a crewmember to analyze the data to find specific affect.
organic life-forms from this snapshot. Using the snapshot, Each A increases the duration by one.
crew can try to pinpoint the location of an individual.
Brace for Impact
This can be no bigger a "Short" range band, nor can it
penetrate thick plating or planet crust. However, the Maneuver
crewmember may increase difficulty to increase the range Stations: Pilot
band of the scan and/or increase the penetrating power Once per round, the Pilot can position the craft to
of the scan. minimize incoming damage doing Barrel Rolls or other
such piloting skills. The amount of damage soaked is equal
Gunfire Armor to the silhouette - 1 (minimum 1). On critical hits, the
critical roll is a -10. Any roll below or equal to a 0 does no
Action critical damage to the vessel.
Stations: Gunner
Select a weapon to fire with. Until the end of the next
Gunner's turn, all craft that are Silhouette less than four
upgrade difficulty to strike a crewmember's vessel.

Cloaking Pattern encounter, as long-term care is likely needed to patch up
the damage received.
Action (Concentration)
Stations: Co-Pilot, Navigation This can also be used to repair critical hits or repair other
A crewmember can produce an artificial concealment, components per damage rating or critical hit rating.
giving setback die to ships targeting with weapons or
Those with trained Athletics can choose to make an
tracking the vessel. The vessel’s speed must be at speeds
Athletics roll rather than a Mechanics roll should that
less than or equal to one.
make narrative sense in how the repair is being handled.
Upon success, treat the concealment like fog - adding 1 1
die for attacks and perception checks against the vessel. Dark Energy Radar Scan
The crewmember may choose to keep up the pattern for
each turn at the cost of 5 system strain. Stations: Navigation

A crewmember may add one difficulty per speed over 1 to Add S to your next roll detecting Dark Energy as well as
the roll. If the speed is increased after the initial check, ignoring any creature or craft that would increase
remove 1 per speed over 1. difficulty to tracking or detecting it due to Dark Energy
conditions until the end of the next turn.
Communication Torpedo
Interaction Decelerate

Maneuver Maneuver
Stations: Any Station Stations: Pilot
Crewmembers can send (out of a small torpedo bay like Lower the speed of the vessel by 1 as the engines whirl
chamber) and scan Communication Torpedoes. down.

Course Correction Degraded Weapons Fire

Action Action
Stations: Co-Pilot, Navigation, Pilot Stations: Bo'sun, Helmsman, Navigation
On a successful check, each non-canceled S reduces the 1 The vessel allows access to the weapons, but it has
suffered for difficult terrain by one. frustrating and clunky UI. These stations may use any gun
mounted to the vessel by upgrading the difficulty of the
Create Interference roll by 1. This uses the weapon's profile for the base
difficulty and range.
Action (Concentration)
Stations: Navigation
Engage Anti-System Beam
Increase the difficulty to hit your craft by one if the
weapons are not simple or gun powder and to detect you. Action (Concentration)
You must be traveling at 2 or greater speed until the start Stations: Co-Pilot, Gunner, Helmsman, Navigation
of your next turn. Your character selects one target within short range. A
beam that seeks to disable components on a ship.
Damage Control
If it is successful, until the end of the next turn, the target
Action decreases the ability of any skill checks they make by one.
Stations: No Station Required
The vessel must have a speed less than 3.
You may choose to repair either strain or hull damage. If
successful, you may heal the strain or hull by one per non- This costs 3 strain per turn to keep active and one
canceled S. Repairing hull is only permissible once per concentration maneuver is needed. Once the vessel hits
speed 3 or greater, this beam immediately canceled.

Engage Barrier Field FTL Space Entry
Action (Concentration) Action
Stations: Co-Pilot, Gunner, Helmsman, Navigation Stations: Pilot
The ship engages an electro-magnetic field around itself, The craft appears to fold into FTL Space with a shine to it.
which increases its defense by 1 until the end of the next Requires speed of 1.
turn. This cannot stack.
Full Throttle
This costs 3 strain per turn to keep active and one
concentration maneuver is needed. Action
Stations: Pilot
Engage Dark Energy Barrier The vessel’s engine kicks into overdrive, causing the vessel
to be very vulnerable to attacks as navigation and
Action (Concentration) defensive piloting is limited during this effect.
Stations: Co-Pilot, Navigation
The component starts to overheat and the ship shutters Until the beginning of the Pilot's next turn, the craft is at
while engaged. It is uncomfortably and unnaturally quiet the speed of its 1 + defense + rating + the current speed
in the ship for a brief moment. rating of the craft. Any A A on the roll allows the ship to
also move one range bands as a maneuver (not to break
This increases the difficulty to hit or detect the craft by
the 2 maneuver limit rule).
two to any non-Dark Energy sensors or equipment.
HHH or D breaks the Auxiliary System by one rating. During this time period, the craft has 0 armor and
Until the end of the next turn. defense.

To keep this active, the vessel suffers 5 system strain per Gain the Advantage
Stations: Pilot
Evasive Tactics
The pilot has to be in a ship with a silhouette lower than 4
Maneuver and be going at least a speed of 3. The pilot then picks a
Stations: Pilot
vessel he is in combat with. Using the difficulty below to
The craft spins, rolls and banks causing an increase all determine success. S decreases the difficulty by 2 when
attack difficulty to and from this vessel by one. Must have making combat checks against the target.
a speed of 3 or higher.
In order for the target to disengage, it must use this action
Fire Discipline to disengage.

Stations: Helmsman
2 Same Speed
The Helmsman coordinates a strategic position for the
Your vessel’s current speed is higher
pilot, gunner and other statins to converge. On a 22
than the target’s current speed.
successful check, the next crewmember firing a weapon Your vessel’s current speed is one
on the vehicle adds 1 to their check, plus an additional 222 rating lower than target’s current
crewmember for an additional A. That character may speed.
Your vessel’s current speed is two
spend A to allow every hit to inflicts 2 strain. 2222 ratings lower than the target’s
current speed.

Intercept Projectiles Recover JS
Action Action
Stations: Bo'sun, Co-Pilot, Helmsman Stations: Bo'sun, Helmsman, Pilot
Using the station, the crewmember is able to destroy the Recover 10 JS per non-canceled S. A adds an additional 2
incoming projectile with the ship's own weapon using JS. T may heal 5 strain.
complicated and quick coding. The vessel gains 1 soak +
any non-canceled S until the end of the next turn. This
Recycle Resources
cannot stack.
Jam Communications Stations: Any Station

A crewmember deverts power in an attempt to heal
Stations: Bo'sun, Helmsman, Pilot system strain. On a successful check, spend 10 JS to
A wave of feedback and noise ripples from the ship. The recover 1 strain. D subtracts 10 JS automatically plus any
enemy must make a Computers (2 2 2 2) to use its own non-canceled F.
communication system. Difficulty increases one for each
additional T. Spend A to Jam other vessels in range. Scramble Drones*
This takes 2 strain to maintain per round.
Stations: Bo'sun, Co-Pilot, Gunner
Modify Internal Gravity
The Bo’sun must roll Operating rolls to ensure pilots can
Maneuver take off in an emergency response to a situation.
Stations: No Station Required
Quick settings here and there from a station will adjust The Bo’sun stressfully coordinates through checklists and
the gravity. procedures. S results in the immediate take off. If the
Bo'sun fails, the craft may be added to the initiative order
Nominal Weapons Fire at the end of next turn.

Action Pilots in craft must make a Stressful Operations action as

Stations: Co-Pilot, Gunner, Pilot
well as suffer 2 strain when taking off.
A crewmember can fire a vessel's gun with no difficulty.
Taking off has the below difficulties as not all launch bays
Plot FTL Course are created equally. Each have a difficulty rating based on
their mother ship’s silhouette.
Stations: Any Station • S1-2: 22222
Program coordinates and route information to find the • S3-4: 2222
shortest route to your destination. Failure increases time • S4-6: 222
by 10 JS per non-canceled F. • S6-8: 22
• S9+: 2
Scramble Fighters*
Stations: Pilot Action
Your vessel rams into the other craft. Your vessel needs to Stations: Bo’Sun
be at a current speed greater than 0. Damage done is The operator stressfully coordinates through checklists
based on your speed + silhouette + non-canceled S. You and procedures. Success results in the immediate take off.
take the base damage of speed + the target's silhouette.

If the operator fails, the craft may be added to the Tactical Scan
initiative order at the end of next turn.
Stations: Bo'sun, Co-Pilot, Gunner, Helmsman
Not all launch bays are created equally. Each have a
difficulty rating based on their mother ship’s silhouette. The crew knows the type, built, armor, defense, hull
thresholds, system strain thresholds, speed, and

• S1-2: 22222 modifications. A crewmember may spend A A to learn

• S3-4: 2222 its hull and system strain levels.
• S4-6: 222
Terra Firma
• S6-8: 22
• S9+: 2 Action
Stations: No Station Required
A crewmember may brace themselves when things get
- Craft can take off as an immediate rocky. The crewmember receives an automatic S when
S action (Stressful Operations) making checks to avoid falling prone.
AAA - Add 1 to craft taking off.
The crewmember may spend T or A A A to take 2 less
- Craft decrease their take off checks by
T one. damage from being tossed about in the craft should there
be a collision or critical injury on the vessel.
FF - Delay launching craft by one round.
- Add 1 to craft taking off (Stressful Threat Assessment
HHH Operations)
- Craft increase their take off checks by
D one.
Stations: Bo'sun, Gunner, Helmsman
The crewmember runs an analysis plugging in variables
Slide in!
and parameters into a program in their station.
Stations: No Station Required Trace FTL Routes
A crewmember may log into and use a station.
Stations: Navigation, Pilot
Stressful Piloting
By using difficulty calculations, the crewmember is able to
Action guesstimate where a ship might travel out of given clues
Stations: Pilot about how they folded into FTL Space, where they folded
The pilot moves to overcome difficult terrain. from and other sensory data.

OUTCOME V2V Bridge Walkway

- Flat, clear or has infrastructure.
Chaotic noise, wind, sandy dunes or Action (Concentration)
1 Stations: Any Station
11 Dangerous terrain, such as asteroids. The vessel strikes and latches onto another vessel of equal
Risky terrain, such as explosions and or larger size. This allows crew to board the vessel as
tight tunnels. quickly as possible.

To disembark from a ship is considered from moving from

Short to Engaged. Movement can start at the beginning of
next turn.

The bridge remains extended while taking a maneuver
suffering 2 strain per speeds over 1. While attached to a
vessel, the walkway adds 1 per speed over 0 to any
Piloting checks.

V2V Hacking Stream

Action (Concentration)
The Vessel creates a beam that happens to act like an
universal data jack. The hacker on this vessel may attempt
hacking the enemy ship at an increase difficulty of one.
The ship must be going slower than 3 speed. This is not
detected unless being actively scanned for. HHH alerts
the enemy vessel, D opens a backdoor up for your vessel
as well as notifying the target.

Once successfully making the connection, as soon as the

vessel moves outside the range band, the connection is

For this connection to remain open, the Vessel spends 2

strain and the hacker receives 1 per rank of speed the
current vessel is going.

Weapon Solution
Action (Concentration)
Stations: Gunner
May use two unlinked weapons as a linked weapon at the
start of the crewmember's next turn, regardless if they
were already fired. Use the shortest of range band of the
weapons. Suffer SE SE when firing the weapons.

Stations: Co-Pilot
The Co-Pilot calculates and inputs the desired speed, fuel
use and other useful items, which the machine responds
positively to. Success results in the Pilot receiving a BO
die. Each non-canceled SS downgrades the difficulty of the
next Piloting check.

A new critical table was forged!


Rattled: The vehicle suffers 3 system strain, and its pilot and each occupant suffer
01-18 2
3 strain.
Shrapnel Spray: Chunks of metal or wood are hurled at the occupants at deadly
velocity. The pilot and occupants must each make a Resilience or Vigilance (2 2 2)
19-36 2
check or suffer 1 wound, plus 1 additional wound per F on the check; you may
spend HHH or D from this check to inflict a Critical Injury on the character.
37-54 2 Hull Damaged: The vehicle’s hull is compromised, armor is set to 0.
Navigation Damaged: The vehicle’s navigation is compromised (see Vehicle
55-59 2
Components, on page 221).
Propulsion Damaged: The vehicle’s propulsion is compromised (see Vehicle
60-63 2
Components, on page 221).
64-72 22 Attacker picks increases damage rating to a specified system.
Defenses Damaged: The vehicle’s defenses are compromised (see Vehicle
73-81 22
Components, on page 221).
Weapons Damaged: One of the vehicle’s weapons of the attacker’s choice is
82-108 22
compromised (see Vehicle Components, on page 221).
Brakes Damaged: The vehicle’s brakes are compromised (see Vehicle
109-124 222
Components, on page 221).
Roll 1d10. Outcome of die makes the sub-system broken and unusable. 1=
Auxiliary System, 2 = Communication System, 3=Data Warehouse, 4=Engines,
125-130 222
5=FTL Engines, 6=Life Support, 7=Navigation, 8=Power Converter, 9=Sensors,
All Systems Down: All of the vehicle’s components are compromised (see Vehicle
132-138 2222
Components, on page 221).
Fire!: The vehicle catches on fire. While the vehicle is on fire, each occupant
139-144 2222 suffers damage as discussed on page 111. A fire can be put out with a Cool or
Athletics (2 2 2) check (or multiple checks for big vehicles).
Breaking Up: The vehicle begins to come apart at its seams, disintegrating around
the occupants. At the end of the following round, it is completely destroyed, and
145-153 2222
the surrounding environment is littered with debris. Anyone aboard the vehicle
has one round to dive for the nearest door before they are lost.
Vaporized: The vehicle is completely destroyed, consumed in a large and dramatic
154+ -
fireball. Nothing survives

When components are downed (giving setback) the following skills are impacted.

Astrocartography 1 1 1
Athletics 1
Charm 1
Coercion 1
Computers 1 1 1 1 1
Coordination 1
Deception 1
Discipline 1
Driving 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gunnery 1 1 1
Leadership 1 1
Negotiation 1
Operating 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Perception 1 1
Piloting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Resilience 1
Vigilance 1
1 do not stack with each other, meaning Operating does not get more than one 1 from two systems being damaged.


START UP VESSELS Citizenship 9 5% + SIL +5
As your company pledges to a Big 7 official or alliance Citizenship 8 - 6 4% + SIL +3
officer, you are now licensed to operate a cruiser for your
Space Venture company. Citizenship 5 - 1 2% + SIL +1

The loan for the vessel is pretty cheap, as they cut you a
SS -1% per -1 per

deal on the monthly payment table. You just have to make T or A A A -.5% -2
15 months to pay off the vessel!
D or H H H +1% +3

As stated before, everything can be bought with loans.
The loans mentioned in the catalog represent a base
amount. This could be lower or higher given many One thing that is missing are Fire Arcs. Fire Arcs are not
circumstances, but everything is a base of 8% with +5 used in Space Ventures. The setting is meant to be
months to pay it off. Negotiation, Charm or even narrative and fun, and Fire Arcs are difficult to do without
Citizenship Ranking might alter this. Grids or slowing down action.

To get the value of the craft, times it by 15. INSTALLED AND REQUIRED STATIONS
Loans cannot have a rate of less than 2% interest rate. Some vessels require stations that need to be manned in
order to run the ship. Some ships come with installed
stations that are optional to use.

We’re going to make this easy. As far as passengers, ships
with silhouette 2 – 3 can fit a handful of people. 4 can fit
up to 10. 5 can go into the 100 – 250 range. 6 goes into
the thousands. 7 - 9 goes into the hundreds of thousands.



Hull Crackers Rockets,
Alliance Cruiser $11,660 45 (68) 4: 2 (3) 1 / 1 (45) 25 / 32 C, P G, C, P
Standard Cannon
Alliance Utility 80 Ion Duster (2), Twin Barrel
$11,660 4: 1 (4) 1 / 0 (55) 30 / 30 C, P G, C, P
Cruiser (120) Cannon
Taal'sarian 100 Alliance Anti-ship Cannon,
$11,660 4: -2 (3) 3 / 0 (95) 35 / 25 P G, B, H, P
Transport (175) Ice Breakers (2)
Federated Star 75 Anti-System Lasers, Ice
$11,660 4: 0 (4) 1 / 0 (50) 20 / 50 H, P G, H, N, P
Runner (113) Breakers (1)
Taal'sarian Carrier $11,660 4: -2 (3) 3 / 1 (65) 20 / 40 B, P G, B, H, P Ion Dusters (2)
Mega Cannon, Anti-Troop
Taal'sarian Cruiser $11,660 55 (60) 4: 0 (4) 1 / 0 (50) 40 / 20 G, P G, C, P
Syndairian Cruiser $11,660 35 (75) 4: 1 (6) 0 / 1 (45) 25 / 25 P G, H, P Long Beam Cannon (2)
Alliance Shuttle $7,830 21 (25) 3: 0 (4) 2 / 0 (3) 17 / 17 N, P N, P Ion Dusters
Alliance Heavy
$8,550 23 (50) 3: 0 (4) 1 / 1 (5) 15 / 10 C, P C, P Standard Cannon (2)
Federated War
$9,000 29 (33) 3: 1 (2) 3 / 0 (10) 17 / 12 P G, P Industrial Machine Gun (2)
Taal'sarian Heavy Turbo Cannon, Industrial
$11,070 30 (30) 3: 1 (3) 0 / 0 (3) 15 / 15 P G, P
Fighter Machine Gun
Federated Heavy
$9,450 30 (50) 3: -1 (3) 2 / 1 (5) 25 / 10 P N, P Hull Cracker Guns
Taal'sarian Drop
$5,850 20 (15) 3: -3 (1) 0 / 0 (3) 10-Oct NONE N, C None
Syndairian Star
$7,120 25 (10) 2: 2 (4) 2 / 0 (-) 10-Nov P P Forward Battery Cannons
Syndairian Standard Torpedo (1),
$5,340 20 (10) 2: -2 (6) 3 / 1 (2) 8-Dec P P
Interceptor Standard Forward Guns
Hull Crackers Rockets, Ice
Syndairian Bomber $7,120 30 (15) 2: 0 (3) 3 / 1 (2) 10-Dec P P
Taal'sarian Fighter $4,495 25 (15) 2: 3 (5) 2 / 0 (3) 11-Nov P P Hull Cracker Guns
Ice Breakers (1), Hyper
Taal'sarian Bomber $13,795 35 (15) 2: 2 (3) 3 / 2 (4) 10-Oct P P
Apotheian Speeder
$114 12 (10) 2: 0 (3) 0 / 0 (-) 3-Mar P P None
Alliance Riot
$3,990 20 (55) 3: -2 (2) 2 / 0 (3) 15 / 7 P G, C, P Industrial Machine Gun (2)
Control Walker
Apotheian Light
$371 17 (10) 2: 0 (3) 0 / 0 (-) 6-Apr P N, P None

Taal'sarian Ground Anti-troop Beam, Industrial
$2,280 15 (20) 3: 1 (2) 2 / 1 (1) 10-Oct P G, H, P
Transport Machine Gun (1)
Nyjetian Defensive
$3,350 12 (9) 1: -1 (4) 1 / 0 (-) 5-May NONE NONE Ion Dusters
Syndairian Combat
$8,508 12 (9) 1: 0 (4) 1 / 1 (-) 7-Jun NONE NONE Standard Cannon


Vehicles have modifications. These work the same way as Cloaking Field
Hard Points. However, it has to have one more dimension
other than what the core book offers. This dimension is Grants the Cloaking action.
how much STUFF your vessel can carry around. This is
known as Encumbrance Capacity (E.Cap). Defense Kit
Installing mods and weapons eat up encumbrance. Increase defense by one, maximum of 2 defense increased
by this modification.
Not only do modifications take up your encumbrance
capacity, but the encumbrance of a vessel docked within
Drone Bay
your vessel takes up this capacity as well.
You may now use the action, "Scramble Drones". Drones
INSTALLATION sold separately.

The following are kits and tools that upgrade your vessel.
Each item has their own difficulty to install via a
Mechanics check. However, you will find services out
Automatically generate F to any would be hackers.
there who will install the part at 5-10% of the asking price.
The time to install is the item’s rarity * 2 + 1. So a rarity 4
Engine Kit
item would be 9 days to install.
Max speed is increased by one upon installation.
When installing items, you recover 85% of the
encumbrance installed. Mechanics check increases by
Enhance Systems
Grants the Enhance Systems action.
Jonah System Kit

JS capacity is increased by 20 upon installation.

Antisystem Beam

Grants the Anti-system Beam action. Large Craft Bay

Grants the Launch Craft action. Allows Silhouette 1 - 5

Armor Kit
craft to dock inside the vessel.
Increase armor by one.
Medical Facility
Barrier Projection
Adds 1 to medicine checks. May install twice.
Grants the Barrier Projection action.
Medium Craft Bay

Grants the Launch Craft action. Allows Silhouette 1 - 3 V2V Space Bridge
craft to dock inside the vessel.
Enables the use of this action.
Optimal Cargo Organization
This bridge has only a 3 hull threshold with 0 armor. While
Increase the encumbrance capacity by 25%. Costs 33% of attached (engaged) your ship can not move. All weapons
the value of the vessel. This can only be taken once. targeting your ship from the targeted ship will count the
distance as Engaged.
Repair Bay
Disengaging the bridge is a maneuver.
Enables crew to use Mechanics on the ship with 1 if they
are at the Repair Bay or gets a tool from a Repair bay.

Small Craft Bay

Grants the Launch Craft action. Allows Silhouette 1 - 2

craft to dock inside the vessel.

Smuggling Compartment Space

Item stored in this air-seal area cannot be picked up by

any scanners.

Smuggling Quarters

Can hold up to 4 SIL:1 creatures in an enclosed and cramp

space. These creatures cannot be picked up by scanners.

Station Kit

Install a station that your ship does not have one


Steering Kit

Increases handling by one, may take only once.

Teleporting System

Grants the Teleporting action.

Torpedo System

Removes up to 1 1 when using torpedoes.

V2V Drill Pod Launch Bay

Can launch the Taal'sarian Drop Pod to drill into another




Antisystem Beam 7 $2,500 (3) 222
Armor Kit 12 $800 (1) 2
Barrier Projection 7 $5,500 (4) 22
Cloaking Field 9 $8,600 (5) 222
Defense Kit 33 $1,800 (7) 222
Drone Bay 25 $8,000 (4) 22
Encryption 5 $3,500 (7) 222
Engine Kit 20 $12,000 (3) 222
Enhance Systems 20 $2,750 (5) 222
Jonah System Kid 10 $2,500 (1) 222
Large Craft Bay 65 $33,000 (7) 2222
Medical Facility 50 $7,000 (4) 2
Medium Craft Bay 45 $27,999 (4) 222
Optimal Cargo Organization - VARIES (8) 22
Repair Bay 50 $1,776 (3) 22
Small Craft Bay 25 $19,999 (7) 222
Smuggling Compartment Space 20 $3,100 (6) 22
Smuggling Quarters 30 $6,575 (7) 222
Station Kit 10 $3,500 (2) 22
Steering Kit 30 $2,185 (3) 222
Teleporting System 20 $7,350 (7) 22
Torpedo System 33 $6,999 (7) 222
V2V Drill Pod Launch Bay 18 $1,999 (2) 2222
V2V Space Bridge 16 $9,000 (2) 2
Barrier Projection 7 $5,500 (4) 2



Alliance Anti-ship Cannon (PC) 8 $2,150 (6) 10 6 L Auto-fire, Breach 2
Accurate 2, Auto-fire,
Anti-System Lascannons (PC) 17 $1,200 (7) 5 6 L Stun Damage, System
Accurate 1, Burn 3,
Anti-troop Beam (BC) 10 $1,800 (6) 7 3 S
Personal Scale, Pierce 2
Forward Battery Cannons (GP) 8 $1,150 (3) 11 4 S
Accurate 1, Breach 2,
Hull Cracker Guns (GP) 7 $1,050 (3) 9 6 S Guided 2, Limited Ammo
Hull Crackers Rockets (GP) 7 $2,178 (4) 6 5 S Breach 2, Blast 7
Accurate 2, Breach 2,
Hyper Cannon (RM) 15 $3,900 (8) 13 2 S Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 2
Guided 4, Limited Ammo
Ice Breakers (GP) 10 $1,850 (4) 4 6 X
Auto-Fire, Accurate 2,
Industrial Machine Gun (GP) 3 $700 (2) 7 3 M
Personal Scale
Stun Damage, System
Ion Dusters (BC) 5 $400 (6) 3 6 S
Guided 1, Limited Ammo
Ion Torpedo (BP) 10 $1,700 (5) 4 2 L 2, Stun Damage, System
Long Beam Cannon (RM) 11 $1,400 (6) 9 3 L Superior, Vicious 1
Breach 3, Prepare 2,
Mega Cannon (RM) 25 $1,750 (3) 9 2 M
Vicious 2
Plasmatic Laser Cannon (PC) 7 $2,100 (2) 10 3 M Breach 2, Vicious 1
Standard Cannon (BP) 7 $600 (3) 7 3 M
Standard Forward Guns (GP) 15 $500 (3) 4 4 S Accurate 2, Auto-fire
Breach 1, Guided 2,
Standard Torpedo (GP) 10 $2,000 (5) 5 4 X
Limited Ammo 2
Stun Damage, System
Tractor Beam (BP) 10 $600 (2) 3 4 S
Interference, Tractor
Turbo Cannon (BC) 5 $1,050 (6) 5 3 M Auto-fire, Blast 2
Twin Barrel Cannons (GP) 13 $850 (6) 6 3 M Auto-Fire

TALENTS Burgling

TIER 1 TALENTS Tier: 1 Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

Authority Remove 1 1 to stealth rolls against Sensors.

Tier: 1 Activation: Action (Out-of-Turn Incidental)
Ranked: No
Civilian Plus
When spending a story point, you may make an Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)
immediate attempt to order someone who has a lower Ranked: Yes
rank than you do in the Citizen Hierarchy using Leadership
versus their Discipline with a 1. For every rank of this talent, increase your Citizenship
Face Rating. Once an encounter you may remove up to 1 1 to
social checks to civilians with a lower rating than you. This
Betaware does not apply to Slaves, Non-Participants or Opposing
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive Face
Ranked: No

Cyberware’s rarity is decreased by one while the price Conspirator

decreases by 10%. However, when installing the Betaware Tier: 1 Activation: Action (Action)
is comes with an automatic H. Ranked: No
You may make a Knowledge (Conspiracy) (2 2) check to
Booksmart add a 1 to your next Social Skill check with a target as you
know what their true motivations are!
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive Face
Ranked: No
Dark Energy Attunement
Once per session, you may use Knowledge (Golden Age) to
replace a Computer, Mechanics, Medicine or Operating Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
skill check. Ranked: No
Remove 1 1 to Perception or Vigilance checks revolving
Bugware around Dark Energy.
Dark Energy
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes Gravity Tuning
Once an encounter, your character may use a Computer Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
(2 2 2) check with a GRIM or DAPR. On a successful roll, Ranked: No
give a cyberwared individual 1 to their next roll at the
start of their next turn. After spending a little-bit of effort, remove 1 1 that is
Hacker given by gravity.

Multitasker Not being able to pay $45 a month removes this talent
until you buy it for $500.
Tier: 1 Activation: Action (Action) Business
Ranked: No
When activating another drone, spend A to recover two Rapid Cyberware Recovery
Drones Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Ranked: No

Natural Sciences While recovering from a Cyberware installs remove up to

Tier: 1 Activation: Passive 1 1 to your recovery roll.
Ranked: No

You may use Knowledge (Astronomy) instead of Survival Redpill

once a session.
Expert Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Off the Grid You may use a story point to replace a Charm skill roll with
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive a Knowledge (Conspiracy) skill roll.
Ranked: No

Increase all your devices used by 1 AIN. Reloader

Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)
On Your Toes! Ranked: No

Tier: 1 Activation: Action (Maneuver) “Rebuy” your ammo you’ve spent with this talent. When
Ranked: No making a Mechanics (2 2) check, each S generated
increases the limited ammo quality that does not exceed
After unjacking from a device, you may ignore up to the profile’s original value.
remove up to 1 1 that you’d normally suffer from
unjacking from a device. This means that on an ammo with Limited Ammo 2,
Hacker generating would not give the ammo Limited Ammo 3, but
only 2 as that is the original value.
Private Supply Chain Gunner

Tier: 1 Activation: Passive

Remote Ally (Non-Party)
Ranked: No
Tier: 1 Activation: Varies
Paying $45 month, gives you a private registry with a Ranked: No
privately operated TCN that can deliver items or messages
near to you. Then pick either Ammo, Brawn/ Melee You have a mentor, ally or contact you can turn to when
Weapons, Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), Gunnery, Gear, you need them most. Each rank has a level of this contact.
Cybernetics or Armor. Once a session you may use this talent at the cost of 1
story point.
They will deliver you upon a successful Knowledge
(Business Administration) (2 2) check that item for the Rank 1: the Ally can use character’s Streetwise (2 2) to see
listed price. Items must have a Rarity <= 6. The time it will if he can find equipment that you need at a rarity of <= 5
be delivered is dependant on how far away you are to a as an action.
TCN, civilized area or Starbase.

Rank 2: Can lend you 100 credits once a month, 1 adds to Soak 1 wound per rank of Thick Skinned against dangerous
the above roll. environmental hazards such as Fire, Acid and Corrosive.
Rank 3: Can arrange a meeting with a contact who will
shed light on a particular subject. Trackless Code

Rank 4: Can attempt to make a Deception (2 2 2) to throw Tier: 1 Activation: Passive

Ranked: No
off investigators or hunters against a specific target. Adds
to the first rank as well as increase rarity of 8. Remove 1 1 to V2V Hacking and hacking attempts from
jacked into devices.
Rank 5: You gain 300 credits a month from your Allies’
small business or deeds.

This ally is not in your party. They are a distant ally in your User
time of need.
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Ranked: No

Respected Add an automatic A to a Resilience roll related to BCS

Tier: 1 Activation: Passive use.
Ranked: Yes

Pick a social group or class, approved by the GM. This Xeno Slayer
should be NOT be a broad group of people, like a race. It
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)
should be a specific social group or small community. The
Ranked: No
character downgrades the difficulty of checks that interact
with this group equal to the number of ranks in Ignore a Xeno's soak by 1 when damaging from a combat
Respected. roll.
Face Gunner

Roll with It Zen

Tier: 1 Activation: Passive Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No

Remove 1 1 while operating a sub-system. Remove 1 1 to Discipline rolls related to meditation or

clearing a mind.
Short Cuts
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)

When making a Astrocartography check, per S made AIN Tampering

regain 5 JS spent on the journey.
Pilot Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Thick Skinned
Through a successful Computers (2 2 2 2) check and while
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive jacked into a device you may increase or decrease the
Ranked: Yes device's AIN rating by the ranks of this talent.

Cover Up Past Time to Go
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Add 1 1 to Deception or Coercion checks to conceal the
truth about Dark Energy or Psionics. The pilot (or driver) may make spend a story point to end
Dark Energy, Psionics a chase, once a session. The pilot’s craft must have
received no hull or strain damage from the chasers.
Cyberologist Pilot

Tier: 2 Activation: Passive Private Supply Chain (Improved)

Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Add 1 1 to checks when installing Cyberware Ranked: No
Increase the Rarity to Rarity <= 8
Device Manager Business

Tier: 2 Activation: Passive Specialization

Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Computers and Drones become career skills. Ranked: Yes
Choose a component. Per rank of Specialization, add 11
Economically Inspired when using a Component on a Ship.
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Telekritter Talker
Add 1 1 to Mechanics checks when repairing a vessel Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
your character has not paid off. Ranked: No

Mechanic Psionic and Medicine becomes career skills as you enter

the trade of Telekritters.
Empathetic Psionic

Tier: 2 Activation: Passive Voidwalker Apprentice

Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Add 1 1 to Charm, Deception or Leadership checks. Ranked: No
You and the GM decide on a skill. This skill now has a 1
Free Boost Drone associated for every roll as your character gives part of his
body or mind to the lost art. Gain the Dark Energy and
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Stealth as career skills.
Ranked: No
Dark Energy

Once an encounter, you can give a Drone a 1 to any task

it tries to do.

TIER 3 TALENTS number of cyberware you’ve installed.

Blessed by Paperwork Great Aim!

Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Do to lost paper work, your character has one month and
a half to pay off loans instead of on month due to bad You may choose which sub-system you damage when
paper work procedures. striking a vessel and it causes component damage.
Business Gunner

Dark Energy Foresight Psionic Psycho

Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Maneuver) Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: No

Looking through the lens of this plane of existence, the Take two strain by flexing your mind creates blood shot
Voidwalker can sense reality slightly faster than the rest of eyes and veins pop out. Add 1 1 1 to your next Psionic
us. Should they be wielding a laser weapon, they add roll.
Deflective 1 rating. Must have Dark Energy skill. Psionics
Dark Energy
Redundancy Planning
Drone Shielding
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Maneuver) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
Pick a subsystem. Once per encounter, this sub system
Each hitpoints the Droner might take will transfer to his repairs automatically in two turns from minor damage to
drone until the start of his next round. no damage. This cannot repair past minor damage. Each
Drones rank gives a new component.
Room for More
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
When your character purchases this talent, choose a skill.
Suffer strain equal to the ranks in this talent to convert S You may increase your skulljack or non-vital organ limit by
to A. 1. Each rank increases the limit.
Expert Cyberware

Freshly Booted TIER 4 TALENTS

Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Action) Hackmaster Prime

Ranked: Yes
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
If you have cyberware installed, every 24 hours, your Ranked: No
character may make a Resilience (2 2) check. For each
rank in this talent, you may increase your Strain Threshold Generate an automatic S when using a Computer skill
by each rank of Fresh Boot. This cannot surpass the check.

Once per session when an ally would suffer a Critical
Injury, the medic may make a Medicine (2 2 2) check to
Pinning Fire stop the ally from gaining the Critical Injury.
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
While making a Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery check, your
target suffers 1 strain and to their next skill check while Inspiring Leadership
reducing damage by half to the target.
Gunner Tier: 5 Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No

Plan B Make a Leadership (2 2 2) check. If successful, a number

Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Action) of allies not exceeding your character's Presence within
Ranked: No short range add S to their next skill check.
Choose either Cunning, Presence or Willpower. Spend a
story point to recover strain by that characteristic amount. Master Businessman
Tier: 5 Activation: Active (Action)
Psionic Expert Ranked: No

Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Maneuver) When buying or selling goods, may suffer 2 strain to sell
Ranked: No for 25% more or buy for 25%.
Targets of Psionic spells no longer need to be conscious.
Mighty Meditation
Unconscious, staggered or immobilized targets now also
reduce difficulty by one. Tier: 5 Activation: Active (Action)
Psionic Ranked: No

Rigmaster When making a Brawl check against an opponent, instead

of dealing damage, may deal equivalent strain plus
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Maneuver) additional strain equal to ranks of Discipline (this ignores
Ranked: No soak).
Reduce the difficulty of all Drones skill checks by one.
Prepare to be Boarded
Void Walker Master Tier: 5 Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Once per encounter, make an opposed Coercion vs
Discipline check against an enemy ship captain.
Reduce the difficulty of all Dark Energy skill checks by one.
Dark Energy
If successful, the enemy suffers 1 strain per S. The target
Walk it Off surrenders their ship if they exceed their strain threshold.

Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Action) Spend A A A or T to inflict strain equal to your

Ranked: No character's ranks in Coercion.


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