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Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No.

1 Juni 2012



Panji Daud Soeyono

STIE IBMT Surabaya

Abstract: This researcher focus on studying factors that influencing the purchasing decision toward Acer’s
Notebook, especially in Surabaya. This research is done because threre is an interesting fact that the sales of
Acer’ notebook in Indonesia is increasing significantly. Also, this paper maybe can become a suggestion for
the company in order to maintain its development in sales. The sample of this research is the customer of
Acer’s products (notebook) with some characteristic, in Surabaya only. During the researcher, primary data
is obtained directly by distribution and collecting the questionnaires to the respondents. The result of the
research have indicated that all of the independent variable (personal, cultural, psychological, and social
factor ) have significant effect to the purchasing decision toward Acer’s notebook in Surabaya. The most
dominant variable is personal factor (1,608) of estimate point, which consists of personality, lifestyle, and
occuption. The strongest observed variable that affect personal factor is the lifestyle. The independent
variable that give the littlest contribution to the purchasing decision is the social factor (0,576) of estimate
point, which consists of group, family and social class. The recommendation for the company is that, first,
the company has to maintain or even increasing the performance of the entertainment features from its
notebook. Second, the company should do more in advertising with the presntation of its feature
entertaiment. Third, the company should give more accurate and easy way to searching for the information
about its products to the customer. And the last is that the company must improve the quality of its after sales

Keyword: Purchase Decision, Customer Behavior, Cultural Factors

Nowadays, computer’s technology is developing very fast. Almost every people’s
activity is using computer as a media to simplify their job. Before, a computer is consisting
of CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and many wire to operate it. But, as the development of
technology, no we can find a simple computer that is more pratically and easy to be brought
which is a notebook.

The existence of notebook is very helpful especially for the young executive and
the businessman. Because by having a notebook, the young executive and the businessman
can be more flexible in doing their job. There are two factos that stimulate people to buy a
notebook, which are as the second computer (beside desktop computer) and wireless
technology that give easier way for data accesing.

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

In 2006, the world’s notebook market is dominating by HP (Hewlett Packard),

DELL, ACER, Toshiba, and Lenovo. In 2007, Acer is in the third place behind HP and Dell
computer in the world market. HP is dominanting in Europe, Asia, and Africa. That’s mean
that Acer is having a huge market. The competition of notebook’s brand in Indonesia is
very tight, it is caused by many that are involving in its market, such as, Acer, Tosibha,
Asus, HP, and Dell. Many of the consumers in Indonesia are looking for the notebook with
famous brand. And maybe this is one of the characteristic of Indonesia people.

The overall sales of notebook in Indonesia in the year of 2006 are about 300.000
units. And acer is the market leder for the sales of Notebook’s prodct in the years of 2006.
Table 1. Market Share of Notebook
in Indonesia

Number Brand
1 Acer 2.3%
2 Toshiba 15.9%
3 Dell 14.7%
4 Lenovo 7.6%
5 Apple 4.4%
6 Asus 2.5%
7 Others 14.3%

From the table above, we can see that the brand of Acer is having th highest
market share in Indonesia. As the market leader in its market, Acer has to maintain their
position in the market. Moreover, with the tight competition there are many thigs that Acer
must be concerning on. One of them is something that relate to their consumer buying
behavior. In order to maintain and wider its market, Acer has to have a good product, and
understanding what consumer want from their product. Because, when we can understand
the preferences of the customer, we can deliver product that will satisfied them. When
customer feels comfort with Acer’s product, they will be the loyal customer. Customer are
the most precious asset and want.

There are some aspects that affect customers’ need and want, such as, pesonal
factor, cultural factor, and social factors. That’s why in this study, the factors that affect the
consumer buying behavior for Acer products (notebook) in Surabaya will be analyzed.

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

Problem Statement

Based on the backgroung above, the research will focus on factors that affecting
people to buy Acer’s notebook. The problem is : “what are the factors influencing the
purchasing decision of Acer’s notebook in Surabaya?”


The research will be conduct in some shops or dealers of Acer products in

Surabaya. The area limitation of the research is in the west of Surabaya (30% or equal to 38
respondets), east of Surabaya (30% or equal to 38 respondets), and central of Surabaya
(40% or equal to 49 respondets). And for the subject limitation is the customers of Acer’s
product (notebook) with some characteristic, in Surabaya. In this reserch will be assumed
that sellers do not have any effect to the purchasing decision toward Acer’s notebook.

Literature Review

Hadi Ismanto Susilo (2000) wrote about “ the study of variables affecting the
onsumers purchasing decision of Jaya Giri Town House Denpasar in selecting the housing
complex”. This paper tries to anlyze the variables such as, reference group, demography,
economic condition, social status, and comunity that have significant effect to the
consumers purchasing decision to select the housing complex. In doing the research,
multiple regression analysis is used to measuring the relationships between the dependent
variable and independent variable. By using multiple regression analysis, the result is that
all of the independent variables have significant effect to the consumer’s purchasing
decision in selecting the housing complex. And by using Pearson’s Correlation, found that
variable of demography has the most significant effect for consumer in making purchase
decision of Jaya Giri Town House. The less significant variable that affect consumer in
making purchase decision is Economic Condition.

Meggy Gayatri Harris (2000) wrote about “ An Anlysis on Variables Affecting

Consumer’s Purchasing Decision toward the Household Product Produced by P.T
Maspion”. This comprehensive paper discusses about the factor affecting purchase decision
toward the household product produced by PT Maspion. Multiple regression analysis is
used in calculating and finding the variables that have significant effect to the purchasing

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

decision of Maspion’s household products. In this thesis result, found that marketing mix
programs, personal influence, and situation influence have significant affect in making
purchase decision.

Marto Darmawan Hartono (2002) wrote about “An analysis on variables that
influence customer decision to buy steel building material at UD Sulinda Surabaya”. This
research is done to know the variables that influence customer decision to buy steel
building material at UD Sulinda Surabaya. Marto study some variables such as price,
consumer income, price of related commodities, the taste of consumer, and advertising in
affecting the purchase decision. Multiple regression analysis is used to know which
variables of advertising has the most significant affect to the consumer purchasing decision
of Maspion household product, followed by the variables of consumer income, price of the
steel and taste of customer. On the other hand, the variable of the price of related
commodities does not affect the consumer purchasing decision.

Definition of consumer Behavior

According to Solomon (2004) consumer behavior is the study of the processes

involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, ideas, or
expreiences to satisfy needs and desires. While, according to Schiffman & Kanuk (2000)
Consumer Behavior is the dynamic interaction of affect and cognition, behavior,
environment by which human being conduct the exchange aspects of their lives. Consumer
behavior involves the thoughts and feelings people experience and the action they perform
in consumption process, and all the things in the environment. According to Solomon
(2004), there are four factors that influencing consumer in making purchase decsision
which are, cultural factor, social factor, personal factor, and psychological factor.

It is very important to understand about consumer buying behavior, especially

when it goes with the marketing strategy because by understanding the factors that will
affect consumer in making decision, the company can get the attention and awareness of the
consumers. Therefore, the product will have a good positioning in the mind of consumers.

Definition of Cultural Factors

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

Cultural, a concept crucial to understand consumer behavior, maybe thought as a

society’s personality. It includes both abstract ideas, such as values and ethics, and material
objects, such as clothing, food, art, sports that are produced by the society. In the other
word, culture is he accumalation of shared meanings, rituals, norms, and traditions among
the member of an organization or society as described by solomon (2004). According to
Schiffman & Kanuk (2000), culture is the sum total of learned beliefs, values, and customs
that serve to direct the consumer behaviors of members of particular society. The beliefs
and values components refers to the accumalated feelings and priorities that individuals
have about things and possesion.


Beliefs consist of very large number of mental or mental or verbal statements. For
example, a person says” i believe that Mercedes-Benz is the best car in the world”or” i
believe that Ferrari’s car is very good”. Beliefs reflect a person’s particular knowledge and
assessment of something. Knowledge and beliefs are important parts. In the U.S., we know
and believe that a person who is skilled and works hard will get ahead. In other countries, it
may be believed that differences in outcome result more from luck. “chucking,” the name
for China in Chinese, literally means “The Middle Kingdom.” The bellief among ancient
Chinese that they were in the center of the universe greatly influenced their thinking.


On the other hand, values also are beliefs. But there are some criteria that
differentiate value from beliefs, which are (1) value serve as a guide for culturally
approprite behavior. For example, shaking hand using the left hand is considered as an
impolite action in Indonesia (2) values are enduring and difficult to change. The habit of
shaking hand using right hand is very difficult to be changed in Indonesia; threfore they are
enduring and diffcult to change. (3) value are widely accepted by the members of society.
Most of Indonesia people agree that shaking hand the left hand is impolite. They accept that
shaking hand using the right hand is the polite action. Growing up in a society, a child
learns basic values, perception, wants, and behavior from the family and other important
institutions. For example, an American child normally is exposed to the following values,
such as achievement and success, individulism, fredoom, activity and involvement, etc.

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

On the other hand, Asian (Indonesian) have different culture from American. In
Indonesia, childern usually taught to respect to older people and the one who is allowed to
make a decision is the older one, and the younger one must follow. Also, the culture of
Asian mostly is a follower rather than a leader. However, value has direct relation with
price and satisfacation. So, when we feel that we are satisfied with something that we get
from paying something at some price, we can say that the value of the goods that we
already pay is high. Those differences might affect the decision making in purchase
something according to their culture.

Definition of Social Factor

A consumer’s behavior is also influenced by social factors. Groups which have a

direct influence and to which a person belongs are called membership groups. There are
also some factors that affecting social factor, such as reference groups, family, and social

Reference groups

According to Solomon (2004), reference group is an actual or imaginary individual

or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual’s evaluations,
aspirations, or behavior. Reference group has big impact to consumer’s buying behavior,
becuse consumer preferences are shaped by our group memberships, by our desire to be
accepted by others, or even by the famous people that we’ve never met. Also member that
humans are inherently social animals, and individuals greatly influence each group,
associative reference group, and dissociative reference group.

Aspirational Reference Group

The aspiration reference group refers to those others against whom one would like
to compare oneself. For example, many firms use athletes as spokespeople, and these
represent what many people would ideally like to be.

Associative Reference Group

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Associative reference groups include people who more realistically represent the
individuals’ current equals or near-equals-e.g., coworkers, neighbors, or members of
churches, clubs, and organizations.

Dissociative Reference Group

Dissociative reference grop includes people that the individual would not like to be
like. For example, the store literally named The Gap came about because many younger
people wanted to actively dissociate from parents and other older and “uncool” people.
Reference group influences consumer in three ways, which are informational, utilitarian,
and value-expressive. Information will affect the preferences of the consumer through the
observation of what expert do, from the people who work with the product as a profession,
and from the information of brand-related knowledge and experience about the brands.

A choice of consumer is influenced indirectly by observing of what expert do or

choose of a brand. For example, when an expert in IT says that Acer is a notebook that has
a good quality and reliability, therefore, he is using Acer to make his job easier. Indirectly,
people will think that Acer is a good notebook that can help the job become simpler.
However, if the experts say that Acer is a notebook which has no quality and reliability,
people will think that Acer is a very bad notebook. Information of brand-related knowledge
and experience from friends, neighbors, or relative also affect the purchasing decision.
When a friend told that Acer is a good notebook and he/she already use it for long time,
then Acer will have a good image in the mind of consumer. Also, the individuals decision
to purchase a particular brand is influenced by the preferences with people with whom she
or he has social interation. When an individual has social interaction with high-end class of
people, indirectly he or she will choose the brand that is also high-end quality product, and
this is the example of utilitarian influence.

Another way of reference group influencing the consumer decision is by value-

expressive. An individual feels that by purchasing or having a particular brand, it will
enhance his or her image. Also, an individual will purchase certain brand because he or she
want to be respected by others. Those are the example of how value-expressive in
influencing the buying decision of customer. However, reference group influencing are not
equally powerful for all types of products and consumption activities. Thre are two

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

dimensions that influence the degree to which refernce group are important are whether
purchase is to be consumed publicly or privately and whether it is luxury or a necessity.
Usually, reference group effect are more for purchase that are (1) luxury rather neccessities,
because product that are purchased are subject to individual taste and preferences, where
necessities do not offer this range of choices (e,g luxurious car), and (2) socially
conspicuous or visible to others, beuse consumers tend to have or get respected by others
due to theirr of brand (e.g clothing and home furniture)


According to Schiffman & Kanuk (2000) family is defined as two or more persons
related by blood, marriage, or adoption who reside together. In a more dynamic sense, the
individuals who constitute a family might described as members of the most basic social
groups who love together and interact to satisfy their personal and mutual needs. For many
people, family is their primary reference group for many attitudes and behavior. So, before
they do anything, they usually talk and as to their family members. For example, when a
father wants to buy a new a car, he usually ask the opinion of his wife and his children
before deciding in buying a new a car. Family can be classified by the stage in the family
life cycle, and it provides valuable insigihts into family consumption-related behavior. The
traditional FLC begins with (1) Bachelorhood, which is young single adult and living apart
from parents, (2) Honeymooners, which is young married couple, (3) Parenthooh, which is
maried couple with at least one child living at home, (4) Postparenthood, which is maried
couple with no children living at home, and (5) Dissolution, one surviving spouse.

Solomon (2004) defines family decision making as how family members

interact and influence each other when making purchase choices for the household.
Individual members of familiers often serve different roles in decisions that ultimately draw
on shared family resource. Some individuals are information gatherers, who seek out
information about products of relevance. These individuals often have a great deal of power
because they may selectively pass on information that favors their chosen alternatives.
Influencers do not ultimately have the power decide between alternatives, but they may
make their wishes known by asking for specific products or causing embarrassing situations

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

if their demands are not met. The decision maker has the power to determine the decision
such as:

 Whether to buy

 Which product to buy

 Which brand to buy

 Where to buy it, and

 When to buy

Different people in the family have different social role and perform different
buying behavior during decision making and consumption. There are many parties involve
in the family decision making, such as a father, mother and children. When one more
member in the family that disagree with decision, decision conflict will arise. Decision
conflict arise because family members might not disagree about the desired end goals of a
purchase. For example, in choosing a family vacation, the father wants to go for fishing, the
wife want to go shooping, and the kinds want adventure. To solve this conflict, serious
negotiation is required.

Social class

Social class is the overall rank of people in a society. People who are group within
the same social class are approximately equal in terms of their social standing in the
community as described by solomon (2004). Since they have equal social standing and
similar income in the community, they usually have the same preferences and taste in
purchasing something.

Social class by the amount of status the members of that class have in comparison
with members of other social classes (Schiffman & Kanuk (2000). In estimating social
class, there are three factors used, which are welth (amounth of economic assets), power
(the degree of personal choice or influence over others, and prestige ( the degree of
recognition received from others). Social class is a factor that will affect the consumer
buying decision. Either their own or higher social class and consumers may avoid other

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

products because they perceived the product to be lower social class. Thus, different in
social class may have different preferences in making a purchase.

Defination of Personal Factors

Buyer’s decision are also influenced by personal characteristic, such as buyer;’s

age and stage in the cycle, personality, lifestyle, perception and occupation. People change
the goods and service they buy over their lifetimes. The taste in clothing, funiture is age-
related. Old people will not wear the same cloth young people. People’s stage in the mature
lifecycle also influences the buying decision. For example, when a person is in the mature
stage they will buy goods and services that are suitable for them, to showing that they
already mature.


Schiffman & Kanuk (2000) define personality as those inner psychological

characteristic that both determine and refelect how a person responds to his or her
enviroment. Personality affects the way consumers responds to maketer’s promotional
efforts to consume particular products or services. While, accordinng to Solomon (2004)
personality is a person’s uique psycological makeup and how it consistently influences the
way a person respondes to his or her environment. There are many kind of personality of
the people, such as loyal toward a band, have a good responsibility, introvert, and extrovert.
But, there are no people with fix personality because paople sometime act differently if they
are under presuure or get something that is better.


Lifestyle refers to a pattern of consumption reflecting a person’s choices of how

her or she spends time and money (Solomon 2004). Lifestyle sorts people group on the
basis of the things they like to do, how they like to spend their leisure time, and how they
choose to spend their disposable income. For example, a college student will dress much
like his friends hang out together in the same place, and like the same foods.

As the growing of the age, an individual’s lifestyle might be chaged. We will

laugh if we remember what kind of clothes that we worn about 10 yeras ago. Ten years ago

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we are proud wearing that kind of cloth, but today’s lifestyle is different, probably because
our age is getting older so the lifestyle also chage. On the other words, lifestyle can be as a
group identity. By knowing the lifestyle that is in trend in society, marketers will be able to
get the awareness from the customer.


A person’s occupation also affect the buying decisions they made. A blue collar
worker will buy work clothes, work shoes, luch boxes, and very rare having a notebook. On
the other hand, a director will buy expensive clothes, golf membership, and the most
expensive notebook to support his / her job.

Defination of Psychological Factor

According to Kowalski & Westen, Psychology is the scientific investigation of

mental processes (thinking, remembering, feeling, etc) and behavior. Psychology of a
person will affect his or her buying decision toward a produt’s brand. There are four major
components that will affect the psychological of a person which also will affect his or her
purchasing decision.


Schiffman & Kanuk define perception as the process by which an individual

selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the
world. It can be described as how we see the world around us. Different people may be
exposed by same stimuli under the same conditions, but each of them will have different
perception (selects, organizes, and interpret) based on their own needs, values, and

A perception that people have toward a brand will have impact to their buying
behavior. Perception is influenced by different kinds of inputs that interact to form the
pesonal that each individual expriences. One type of input is physical stimuli from the
outside environment, and the other type is provided by individuals (expectations,
motivations, learning) based on previous experience. Because each person is uniqye and

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

has different motivations, expectations, and desires, so the perception is also different. This
explains why each people have different perception from others.


Motivvation can be defined as a concept used to describe the factors within

an individual which arouse, maintain and channel behavior towarda a goal. Motivation can
be driven by both internal and external factors. Intrinsic motivation occurs when people are
internal motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is
important, or they feel that what they are learning is morrally significant. Extrinsic
motivation comes into play, for example when a student is compelled to do something or
act a certain way because of factors external to him or her (like money or good grades). A
reward is that which follows an occurrence of a specific behavior with the intention of
acknowledging the behavior in a positive way. A reward often has the intent of
encouranging the behavior to happen again.

Motivation is composed of energy and direction. A person may or may not have
enough motivation to engage in a given activity. For example, a person may be motivated
enough to go and shop for food, but not enough to engage in a comprehensive exercise
program. Motives may be overt, hidden, and multiple. Some motivations are publicly
expressed (e.g., the desire to buy an energy efficient house), while others ( e.g., the desire
to look wealthy by buying a fancy car) are not. Individuals may also hold multiple
motivations (e.g., buy a car and save money for retirement) which may conflict. Motivation
reflects individual differences. Different consumers are motivated to achieve different
things, and it may be difficult to understand motivations from looking at actual behavior
without understanding these differences in desired outcomes.


Attitude is an association between an act or object and an evaluation (Ajzen,

2000;Eagly & Chaiken, 1992; Fazio, 1986). Attitude consists of predispotion to respond in
a certain way. Some scientists theorize that there are three basic component of attitude,
which (1) an effective, (2) a cognitive componets, and (3) a behavioral component. The
effective component is that aspect that evaluates an object on the basis of its goodness or

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

badness. Thus, a particular consumer may have certain beliefs and judgement about
particular product, but they are not attributes unless he or she can atribute good or bad
qualities or feature to it that in turn in a feeling of liking or disliking toward a product.

The cognitive component is that element of attitude that predisposes the consumer
to perceive the product and differentiate it form other products. The behavior component
predisposes the consumer to act toward the product or something respresenting that product
in a certain way. Thus, a consumer ith a positive attitude toward a product might be
predisposed to defend it or, if possesing a negative attitude, to attack it.


The hypothesis relationship can thereafter be tested through approprite statistical

analysis. By being able to test and replicate the findings, a stronger conviction in the
strictness of the research can be devired. Thus, the entire reserach rests on the basis of
theoritical framekwork. Therefore, based on the problem presented, the research hypothesis
can be formulated as follows:

1. Cultural Factors

H0 : if cultural factors do not have effect to the purchasing decision

H1 : if cultural factors have effect to tthe purchasing decision.

2. Social factors

H0 : if social factors do not have effect to the purchasing decision

H1 : if social factors have effect to tthe purchasing decision.

3. Personal factors

H0 : if personal factors do not have effect to the purchasing decision

H1 : if personal factors have effect to tthe purchasing decision.

4. Psychological factors

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

H0 : if Psychological factors do not have effect to the purchasing decision

H1 : if Psychological factors have effect to tthe purchasing decision.

Research Methodology

Population and Sample

As stated in the lomitation of the study, the population of the research is the
customers of Acer’s products (notebook) with some chracteristic, in Surabaya only. The
characteristic of the population are the people who live in Surabaya, already buy and use
Acer’s notebook, minimum age of 20 to assume that the respondent is mature enough to
make any decision. In this research, the exact number of population cannot be presented
because it is one of the company’s documents that are secret.

In this research, convenience sampling designs is used, according to Sekaran (2003),

convenience sampling refers to the collection of information from members of the
population who are conveniently availabe to provide it. Schiffman (2004) explained that in
convenience sampling the most accessible population members from whom to obtain
information is selected. Malhotra (1996) stated that convenience sampling attempts to
obtain a sample of convienient elements. The selection of sampling units is left primarily to
the interviewer. Often, respondets are selected because they happen to be in the right place
at the right time. Convenience sampling is the least expensive and lest time-consuming of
all sampling techniques. The sampling units are accessible, easy to measure, and

The size of the purposive sampling method cannot be determined the exact number
(Malhotra, 1996). Sample size large than 30 and less than 500 are appropriate for most
research (Roscoe, 1975). Sample sizes between 30 to 500 could be effective depending on
the type of sampling design used and the research question investigated.

Z2 P q
the sampling techinque is : n 


Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

n : amount of Sample

p : Probability of Success

q : Probability of Failure

d2 : Tolerated Deviation (0.10)

For the infinitive, hence :

(1.976)2 (0.5)(0.5)
n =

Table 2. Significant Error

α Z

0.01 (1%) 2.576

0.05 (5%) 1.976

0.10 (10%) 1.645

From the calculation, found that the total sample needed for this research is 98
respondents. Since AMOS is used for the calculation of data, which requires at least 100
respondents. Therefore, in this research the total sample used is 125 respondets to make the
research become more valid.

Variable Identification

 Dependent Variable

According to Sekaran (1992), dependent variable is the variable of primary interest to

the reseacher. Whereas Malhotra (1996) described dependent variable as variables that
measure the effect of the independent variables on the test units. The reserch’s goal is to
explain or predict the variability in the dependet variable. In other words, it is the main
variable that leads itself as a viable issue for investigation. Through the analysis of the
dependent it is possible to find answer or solutions to the problem. Dependent Variable
isthe purchasing decision Acer’s notebook in Surabaya (y).

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

 Independent Variable

Sekaran (1992) stated taht an independent varible is one that influences the dependent
variable in either positive or negative way. While as Malhotra (1996) described
independent variable as variables that are manipulated by the researcher and whose
effects are meansured and compared. In other words, the varience in the dependent
variable is accounted for by the independent variable. The idenpendent variables are
personal factors, social factor, cultural factor, and psychological factors.

Data Meansurement

The scales that the are used for measuring this research are :

Table 3. The Likert Scale

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
disagree agree

1 2 3 4

The likert scale has several advantages. It is easy to construct and administer, and
respondents readily understand how to use the scale. The major disadvantage is that it takes
longer to complete that other itemized rating scales because respondents have to read each

Data Analitytical Tools

In general, this study will use multivariative techniques that according to Jagdish
(1977) are statistical techniques suitable for analyzing data when there are two or more
measurements on each element and the variables are analyzed simultaneously.
Multivariative techniques are concerned with the simulateneous relationships among two or
more variable.

Findings and Discussions

Respondent’s Characteristic

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

The percentage of respondents is 4.1, 61.6% out of 125 respondets are male and
38,4% are female. Therefore, it can be concluded that male is more dominant in using
Acer’s notebook in Surabaya. Majority of the respondents (68%) that use Acer’s notebook
come from university education background, 30,4 % are the people who still in senior hugh
school, and the littlest user are the people who still in he junior high school with the
percentage of only 1.6% from the total of 125 respondents. Majority of the respondents
(45.6%) which are about 57 people have been using the notebook from one until two years,
secondarly, there are about (30,4%) have been using Acer’s notebook for the period of less
than one year. And lastly, there are only 4 people that already user Acer’s notebook for
more than 3 years.

Statistical Analysis

The method of structural equation modeling is applied in this research to

authenticate the correlation between independent variables and dependent variable. For the
calculation the level of error is 5% (0.05). it means that if the P- calculated is below 0.05
then the variable has significant affect to the independent variable, which also variable,
which also will affect the dependent variable (Purchasing Decision). In the other words, if
P-calculated is below 0.05 H 0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Result of the computation of
Structural Equation Modeling by using AMOS software is stated below :

The result of hypothesis in overall are as followed:

Belief (X1) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, belief factor has effect to the cultural factor.

Value (X2). P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, value factor has effect to the cultural factor.

Group (X3) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, group factor has effect to the social factor.

Family (X4) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

Therefore, family factor has effect to the social factor.

Social class(X5) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H 0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, social class factor has effect to the social factor.

Personality (X6) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H 0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, personality factor has effect to the personal factor.

Lifestyle (X7) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, lifestyle factor has effect to the personal factor.

Occupation (X8) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H 0 is rejected and H 1 is accepted

Therefore, occupation factor has effect to the personal factor.

Perception (X9) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore,perception factor has effect to the psychological factor.

Motivasi (X10) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, motivasi factor has effect to the psychological l factor.

Attitude (X11) P- calculated is lower than 0.05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted

Therefore, attitude factor has effect to the psychological factor.

Cultural Factor

The cultural factor is consisting of two variables, which are belief and value.
Belief factor (X1) has absolutly affect the culturl factor. On the other hand, value factor
(X2) also affect the cultural factor with the P-Value calculated of 0.003 which is lower than
0.05. it means that the variable of value has a significant effect to the cultural factor. It also
means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, we can confirm that cultural factor
does have effect to the Purchasing Decision of Acer’s notebook in Surabaya.

Social Factor

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

Social factor consists of three observed variable, which are Group (X3), family (X4),
and social class (X5). Observed variables have signficant effect to the social factor, because
the P-calculated is not defined which means less than 0.05. all of those variables do not
have P-calculated value because it is very significant affect the social factor. Therefore, we
can confirm that social factor does have effect to the Purchasing Decision of Acer’s
notebook in Surabaya.

Personal Factor

Personal factor is absolutely influencing the purchasing decision of Acer’s

notebook. The personal factor is consisting of three observed variables, which are
personality, lifestyle and occupation. As we can see above that personality factor (X6) has
absolutly factor (X7) has absolutely affect the personal factor, because it has no P-value
which means it is affect the personal factor. On the other hand, occupation factor (X8) also
affect the cultural factor with the P-Value calculated of 0.002 which is lower than 0.05. it
means that the variable of value has a significant effect to the cultural factor. It also means
that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, we can confirm that cultural factor does
have effect to the Purchasing Decision of Acer’s notebook in Surabaya.

Psychological factor

Psychological factor consists of three observed variable, which are perception

(X9), motivation (X10), and attitude (X11). These observed variables have signficant effect
to the social factor, because the P-calcultaed is not defined which means less than 0.05. all
of those variables do not have P-calculated value because it is very significant affect the
psychological factor. On the other words, the perception of people toward are motivated by
the internal desire of their selves in making a purchasing decision. Also before making a
purcahse decision, they always look for informattion about the product first.Therefore, we
can confrim that social factor does have effect to the Purchasing Decision of Acer’s
notebook in Surabaya.

From those four factors that affecting the purchasing decision of Acer’s notebook
in Surabya, personal factor that has most significant effect to the customer with the estimate

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

point of 1.608. personal factor consist of personality, lifestyle, and occupation. The next
factor with second highest estimate point (1,080) is cultural factor which consists of belief
and value. Psychological factor is in the third place with the estimate point of .733 which
consists of perception, motivation, and attitude. Finally , social factor gave the littlest
contribution that affect the purchasing decision of Acer’s notebook in Surabaya with the
estimate point of 0.576.

Conclusions and Recommendation


Based on the findings and discussions, the result can be summarized as follows:

1. From the statistical analysis, it can be concluded that all of the independent variables
(personal factor, cultural factor, psychological factor, and social factor) have significant
effect to the dependent variable (Purchasing Decision toward Acer’s notebook in
Surabaya). From those four independent ariables, personal factor that has the most
significant effect to the purchasing decision. The observed variables from personal factor
that has the most influence to the purchasing decision is the lifestyle. It means that the
customer of Acer’s notebook buy then notebook is having a good quality and the price
that they pay is worth enough to get such facility.

2. The next factor that has less significant value in affecting the purchasing decision is
psychological factor. It means that people’s because of the internal desire rather than
external desire, and people always looking for the information toward Acer product
before they buying it. Social factor is the independent variable that has the littlest effect
to the purchasing decision of Acer’s notebook. However, it is still affecting the
purchasing decision with its observed variable, such as group, family and socil class. It
means that people buying Acer’s notebook because of the influence from the reference
group, family and social class. Reference group is affecting the purchasing decision
through the friends and advertising. Meanwhile, family also plays a role in determine
the purchasing decision through the family members and the status of a person in the
family (father, mother, and child). People that are in the same social class also have

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

affect to the purchasing decision. People on his environment. Therefore, it be accepted

and want to feel be the same as the people on his environment. Therefore, it can be
confirmed that Purchasing Decision of Acer’s notebook in Surabaya is influencing by
personal factor, cultural factor, psychological factor, and social factor.


1. Firstly, personal factor which consists of personality, lifestyle, and occupation have the
most significant effect to the purchasing decision of Acer’s notebook in Surabaya. So,
the company has maintain or even increase its performance for the entertainment feature,
because it is the factor that has the most significant effect to the purchasing decision of
Acer’s notebook in Surabaya.

2. Secondly, the company should more concern about its advertising because advertising
which is on of the purchasing decision. The company may use an adertising that shows
Acer’s notebook excellent entertaiment feature. By doing this, hopefully there will be
more people that buy Acer’s notebook.

3. Thridly, the company should give more accurate and easy wat to searching for the
information about its products to the customer. It can be done through the internet via its
sites in Indonesia, and online services centre. From the statistical analysis, the attitude of
customer has significant effect to the purchasing decision. Therefore, if the customer can
get accurate information about the product easily, perhaps that people will prefer to
buyAcer’ notebook than the others on its class.

4. Lastly, from the questionnaires that have been spread, there are some people that
complain about Acer’s notebook. They said that Acer’s notebooks often hang ( not
responding), when they operate it with many windows applications open. Moreover,
one of the customer that is complained is using the limited edition of Acer Ferrari, which
is the most expresive among to the comapny’s after sales service. He said that the Acer
centre will give him a call if the notebook is repaired. But, after waiting for 2 weeks, the
Acer centre does not call him up. Then when he called the Acer center, the notebook is
already there since one week ago. Thus, he angry to the Acer’s people that time.

Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012

Therefore, the company should give more attetion to this problem to avoiding the lost of
its consumer.


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Jurnal EKSEKUTIF Volume 9 No. 1 Juni 2012


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