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Assalamualaikum and hello to everyone.Today I want to introduce myself. My name is

Muhammad Syakir bin Ahmad. I am 29 years old. On this video will be divided into 4
parts, of which part 1 is education. Part 2 is professional experience, part 3 is
achievement, and the last one is a future target.

After spm, I furthered my studies in modular basic courses at Pelita Academic sdn
Bhd in 2011. In terms of the marine department, to board a ship, I took some basic
modular courses.

After three months of finishing my studies, I began my first employment with a
ferry firm in Langkawi to gain expertise in keeping watch rating records. After a
year with the ferry company, I made an endorsement of keeping watch rating books
for me to get aboard another vessel. In 2013, I was given a position on a tugboat
at Kejora Sdn Bhd in Johor Bahr. This company provided me with a wealth of new
knowledge and expertise in the world of vessels. Last but not least, I received a
great employment offer from TH-Alam to work offshore from 2014 to 2021.

The accomplishments I received from the world of ships were the knowledge I had
just gained. I sense some accomplishments, particularly in learning about different
types of ship engines, the surroundings and living on board, and so on. This feat
inspired me to learn so much that I decided to pursue a career as an engineer.

My future goals are organised into two categories. The first is a short-term goal,
whereas the second is a long-term goal. Short-term goals include finishing my
lesson, which is keeping watch rating books as an engineer. After finishing the
lesson, I wanted to gain third-class engineering experience. While my long-term
objective is to combine 2nd class engineers and advance to a higher level, my
ultimate goal in the long run is to work in the maritime sector to bring new ideas
and rays to the industry.

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