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It is about a newly married couple who go to a palace to celebrate their wedding for a week with

their family. The whole family lives the wedding to the fullest until a tragedy occurs. Mrs Edwina, the
husband's sister, has lost her bag. It is no longer in the bedroom safe. How and why did the bag
disappear? After that, the marriage is cancelled because of a DNA test. What did it show?

The day is the september 28th 2018, for six months Boris have asked in engagement his wife Camila.
Boris could be the perfect husband. He was funny, intelligent and he had temper. Camila, the
beautiful girl brown with blue eyes accepted this request. She loved him a lot . This request in
engagement happened in front of Bunckingam Palace. It is the favorite location of the couple. The
couple love all that is luxurious.

Boris and Camila planned then the week which will prepare their wedding. It will happen on Friday .
The days before were dedicated to bachelor and bachelorette party. The two lovers invited their
families and their friends in a luxury palace of London : The Athenaeum.

Boris will be a future husband, rich, he is executive of a big company and he comes from
Knightsbridge, an affluent neighborhood.

Camila, worked in real estate and she had many houses that his parents have given to her. She has
lived her childhood in the neighborhood of Westminster.

The future married couple were excited as things progressed as days went by.

The Sunday before the most important week of their life they prepared their bags and perfected the
last details. The first days of the parties was wonderful for all. The family had given a lots of presents
to them, and lots of smiles,laughs…. Until the Wednesday, when entering at this hotel bedroom,
Edwina the sister of Boris realized that her bag desappeared. She asked questions to her brother to
know if he has put the bag somewhere else and she decided to ask the palace’s management if they
knew something. Of course anybody knew nothing. Edwina decided to hire an hacker for recover the
videos of surveillance cameras and investigate for understand how the bag has disappeared. She
didn’t want to prevent the family to not ruin the fairy week.

The hacker succeeded to discover a picture of the thief of the hand-bag. Fortunately, the bag
contained only objects of no great utility or value except a brush, identity papers and credit card.
Edwina had blocked her bank accounts. For the papers, it was necessary that she remade them when
she return to her home. And for the brush, no matter. In the evening, she received an anonymous
message who demand to give a big amount of money if she doesn’t wanted to have broken hearts in
her family as well as other infortunates.

Edwina started to stress seeing articles on the web because she tried to get ahead of the stalker. She
paid to avoid the publication of the information. All the hours, she needed to pay more and more,
again and again. On Friday morning, the husband of Edwina, John, wanted to pay the hairdresser
hired for the wedding, but the payment was refused. Boris was gone in his bank application and he
realized that there was a problem with Edwina. He waited an other moment for talk to her about it.
At the time of the ceremony, the priest delivered a letter to the groom just before he signed. The
letter said that after DNA testing on a hairbrush and a doorknob they touched, they were twins. The
ceremony turned into a meeting. Edwina confessed everything. Boris and Camila felt bad about it.
They felt silly for not thinking they were twins, but it seemed impossible. What if that DNA test was

A police investigation had been opened. The man who took the DNA test will be imprisoned and
fined and had to reimburse Edwina. Boris and Camila later married and Boris' sister had many

In volume two: following the revelation of the police investigation, Boris and Camila will pay
detectives to find out more about this story. What will detectives reveal? How will the wedding go?
To be read in this future volume.

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