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INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer in each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer on each item by a putting a circle corresponding to the letter of your choice

1. It is defined as the procedure for collecting, recording, organizing and preserving all various
information gathered in an investigation.
A. investigation B. trial preparation C. case screening D. case management
2. In administrative case designation as considerations in case management, it means that the case
is assigned to an officer and investigative efforts are presently active and on-going.
A. open investigation B. continuing investigation C. all of these
D. preliminary investigation
3. In administrative case designations as considerations in case management, it means that all
available leads have been exhausted but the case has not been brought to a conclusion and
investigative efforts may resume.
A. follow-up investigation B. suspended investigation C. initial investigation
D. none of these
4. In administrative case designation as considerations in case management, it means that the case
has been concluded, it includes exception, arrest, and unfounded cases.
A. open investigation B. suspended investigation
C. closed investigation D. follow-up investigation
5. The objective of case screening is to apply available manpower to those investigations that have
the best chance of being successful; the written criteria should specify how such is to be
conducted, by whom, and what criteria should be used.
A. solvability factor B. initial investigation C. modus operandi
D. physical evidence
6. It can be defined as a pre-trial procedure whereby the opposing litigants supply information to
each other that is necessary to their positions at trial.
A. plea bargaining B. discovery C. investigation D.
pre-trial conference
7. This refers to the inter-exchange of information, and which typically occurs prior to trial, but as
evidences surfaces, may extend well into a given trial period.
A. investigation period B. trial period C. discovery period D.
prosecution period
8. It is an enormous electronic filing cabinet that can store information and retrieve it in any
desired format.
A. artificial data B. computerized data C. collected data
D. automated database
9. It is a term used to describe the confiscation of assets, by the state, which are either, i.e., the
proceeds of crime or the instrumentalities of crime, and more recently, terrorism.
A. sequestration B. escheating C. asset forfeiture D. all of these
10. These are properties used to facilitate crimes, to commit a crime or intended to be used of
committing crimes, or any properties or materials used in committing crimes.
A. equipment B. instrumentalities C. instrument
D. properties

11. This doctrine allows courts to strip a person of property if the property was involved in a certain

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A. doctrine of guilty property B. doctrine of silver platter C. doctrine of plain view
D. doctrine of parens patriae
12. These are properties for which ownership itself is a crime, e.g., illegal drugs, smuggled goods,
and any other properties subject of the offense.
A. contraband B. prohibited articles C. illegal items
D. assets & net worth
13. Properties that results from, or can be traced back to illegal activity of those properties stolen of
A. property stolen or embezzled B. proceeds of illegal activity C. property subject of the offense
D. property used in committing crime

14. This involves the ability to trace a connection between money and illegal activities, and it
cannot always be certain that there is a connection between them, but often it is not difficult to
come up with one that sounds reasonable.
A. administrative case B. criminal cases C. forfeiture cases
D. civil cases
15. It is a sentencing option if the statute used to convict the offender also provide for forfeiture,
and in some accounts, less common mainly because of the burden of proof in criminal cases,
namely proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
A. asset forfeiture B. freezing of asset C. sequestration D. criminal forfeiture
16. What the government needs to prove is the preponderance f the evidence that the property in
question was used or obtained illegally, thus making it subject to forfeiture.
A. forfeiture B. asset forfeiture C. confiscation
D. civil forfeiture
17. Generally, it is the first step in the forfeiture process, and this can occur in several ways,
including warrants or restraining orders.
A. forfeiture of assets B. searches of assets C. seizure of assets
D. freezing of assets
18. It is illegal to possess and, as such, is subject to forfeiture, and no one can assert a legal interest
in contraband property, so any property interest in it cannot exist.
A. illegal article B. contraband property C. forbidden property
D. prohibited article
19. It is sometimes called instrumentality forfeiture, meaning the property targeted for forfeiture
was instrumental to the commission of the crime or in the fulfillment of a crime.
A. facilitation procedure B. forfeiture proceedings C. confiscation procedure
D. standard procedure
20. Asset forfeiture is beneficial for at least three reasons, as follows, EXCEPT:
A. crime reduction B. increased arrest rate C. budget boost
D. seizure of property
21. It is not an easy, natural thing; it is important that the investigator has to look at it as naturally as
possible; and show your interest, and pay your attention to what people are saying.
A. investigating B. witnessing
C. testifying D. all of these
22. It is the initial questioning of a witness or defendant by the prosecution who is using the
person’s testimony to further the case.
A. re-cross examination B. re-direct examination
C. witness examination D. direct examination
23. It is the questioning by the defense lawyer for the purpose of assessing the validity of the
testimony made by the investigator in the witness stand.

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A. re-cross examination B. cross examination
C. officer’s testimony D. witness presentation

24. The investigators appearance in court is extremely important. How the court will perceive the
investigator’s credibility will in part determine by the following, EXCEPT:
A. appearance B. demeanor
C. professionalism D. intelligence
25. They are often called into court to present testimony, and the courts are often influenced by their
appearance and demeanor on the witness stand.
A. police officers B. witnesses C. all of these D. investigators
26. This is an “Act Defining and Penalizing the Crime of Plunder.”
A. R.A. No. 7080 B. R.A. No. 7008 C. R.A. No. 8770 D.
R.A. No. 7800
27. This is an “Act Defining the Crime of Money Laundering, Providing Penalties and for Other
A. R.A. No. 9610 B. R.A. No. 9160 C. R.A. No. 9106 D.
R.A. No. 9061
28. These are the various forms of discovery in connection with case management, and which is
having importance with organized crime investigations, to wit, EXCEPT:
A. more common forms is a deposition
B. discovery is interrogatory
C. involves the production of physical evidence
D. formalized case management procedures
29. These should contain a copy of preliminary investigative reports and all the originals should be
maintained in central records, records of statements, result of examinations of physical
evidence, case status reports, and other reports and records needed for investigative purposes.
A. case management B. case folders
C. case files D. filing cabinets
30. Case management includes the following activities, as follows, EXCEPT:
A. taking notes on the facts observed B. preparing official reports
C. maintaining a separate case folder
D. allow the presentation of information
31. It involves gathering, collecting, and preparing the raw material for a court or hearing, and can
include evidence gathering, forensic investigation, private investigations, evidence analysis, and
preparing witness testimony.
A. case management B. court preparation C. trial preparation
D. case preparation
32. It tends to be a gold mine, a synthesis of not only the information collected by the plaintiff's
attorney, but also the strategy and thinking of all of the other parties involved in criminal
A. depositions B. testimony
C. affidavits D. statements
33. They are creatures of habit and emotion, and they have a certain set of written and unwritten
rules they follow in their courtrooms.
A. lawyers B. prosecutors
C. judges D. witnesses

34. They are intensely stressful, regardless of how many cases one has tried, and when the stakes
are big, the stress skyrockets.

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A. prosecutions B. trials C. hearings D.
35. These are having an undeniable impact that no amount of verbal description can capture, and it
should clarify and solidify the message of the investigator in presenting evidence.
A. audio visuals B. LCD presentation
C. overhead projector D. visual aids
36. This encouraged citizens to report crimes; then the agency then responds; and this type of law
enforcement is used in dealing with conventional crimes.
A. reactive law enforcement B. crime prevention & control
C. eliminating opportunity D. none of these
37. This requires the police officers and agents to seek out indications of criminal behavior, a
necessity when the nature of violation includes victim participation.
A. criminal investigation B. proactive law enforcement
C. all of these D. special crime investigation
38. These crimes are often referred to as “__________,” because victims are unlikely to report the
crime to the police or law enforcement agencies.
A. violation of penal code B. violation of special laws
C. crimes against person D. victimless crimes
39. This is the basic starting point of organized crime investigation, by which the investigators
thoroughly mine to learn the structure of the organization, the identity of its leaders and
A. publicly available information
B. privately available information
C. need to know and compartmentation
D. police intelligence operations security
40. It is unlike the investigation of other types of crime in that it is proactive instead of reactive; and
the law enforcement does not anymore simply respond to the scene after the crime has been
A. special crime investigation
B. investigation of organized crime
C. miscellaneous field investigation
D. crimes against person investigation
41. The investigation of the criminal activity associated with organized crime involves __________
than that of the more traditional forms of crimes.
A. inter-agency liaisons activities
B. news clipping and de-briefing
C. greater cooperation and coordination
D. rapport from other pillars of the CJS
42. It is not necessarily an international activity; most organized criminal activity of interest in a
particular country will occur within its borders.
A. transnational crimes B. enterprise crimes
C. drug trafficking D. organized crime
43. It range from minor bribery of law enforcement agents to “look the other way,” to paying off
judges and high-ranking officials.
A. threat and violence B. sphere of influence
C. corruption practices D. monopoly of goods
44. They are likely to be very sophisticated, and generally, they would not have attained this level of
criminal activity without some knowledge of how to avoid detection and prosecution.
A. syndicated crimes B. enterprise criminals

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C. transnational crimes D. organized crimes
45. It is the single most important tool in countering organized crime, which is supported by files
detailing over time the collection and analysis of information and intelligence.
A. good intelligence unit B. good operations units
C. good police organization D. good community relations
46. It can be defined as government seizure of property derived from or used in criminal activity,
and it is designed to strip criminals of their financial rewards and is widely used because the
threat of imprisonment and fines has been inadequate to deter crimes netting huge profits.
A. confiscation B. escheating
C. revocation D. forfeiture
47. It has proved to be one of the most useful types of law in combating organized crime, and its use
can have many benefits for the criminal investigator.
A. secrecy law B. bank deposits law
C. conspiracy law D. complex crime law
48. It is helpful in providing a computerized investigative data base and some products of
investigative analysis, such as toll call analysis and link charting, as well as technical assistance
and referrals for law enforcement agencies needing technical assistance.
A. information sharing B. information sharking
C. information giving D. information lending
49. It is the key to success in virtually all counter-measures against criminal enterprises due to the
fact that criminal syndicates are multi-territorial and trans-national.
A. inter-agency cooperation B. lateral coordination
C. rapport and coordination D. international cooperation
50. The purpose of this inquiry is to determine the extent to which a person, group, of organization
receives and benefits from money obtained from other than legitimate sources.
A. income analysis B. cash analysis
C. source analysis D. net worth analysis

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