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An Unforgettable

It was long time ago, exactly in 2018 when I was 12 years actually, my friends had
been preparing a big party since we knew that year could be our last day together. I
didn´t use to like to go parties but in that day was different because I wasn´t going to
see them again.
The expected day arrived,
arrived, I have never seen a big party like that, my friend´s effort was
really great, that day was so special for me because I never dreamed that on that day I
gave my first kiss. First I was talking with a group of friends but in special with the most
beautiful girl I have ever seen,
seen, she used to be one of my best friends in primary, but
she had changed the school, I lost the touch with her for years but I never imagined
that she will be the girl who I had my first kiss. In those years she became more
beautiful than when I had first seen her. In the party our chemistry had been growing
minute by minute, I have seen beautiful girls in my life but she was the most special.
The hours we shared were passing so in one moment in the party the electronic music
changed in a romantic music, we had been dancing together for minutes and I saw that
her was very close to me, so we kissed in front of all my friends, it was a little bit
embarrassing because all was looking us.
I had been chatting with her all the days and I expected that we will stand together for
ever, but for a lot circumstances for example I had gone to other district, we lost the
touch again, so we broke up because the virtual relationship didn´t work out, so the
experience I had is that the life can give us an amazing day that we didn´t expect,
expect, but it
is for a moment, we have to enjoy all the days we have and we have to enjoy the
persons with whom we have contact.

[] simple past
[] past perfect continuous
[] used to

[] future in the past Jairo Fabian Mendoza

[] present perfect
[] past continuous
[] past perfect

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