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AND Paillacho



Dayana: HI,Domenica how are you?

Domenica:hi, Dayana,I fine and you
Dayana: me too,I happy because my boyfriend is very considerate and
gentleman to me, Do you have a boyfriend?
Domenica: No, I actually don't have a boyfriend, because I broke up with him
the last week, I think in the end it wasn't love at first sight... ,
Dayana: Oh, I sorry i didn´t know, but What is love at first sight?
Do you believe in it?
Domenica: Yes, of course I believe in love at first sight, for example I met my
ex-boyfriend at university because we were together in English class, and
when we saw each other we felt something unique and wonderful, that's when
I knew I needed to talk to him, but we were too young for anything formal or
What is the best age to start dating?
Dayana : I think that there is no specific age to have a relationship, since it is all those
situations that we live with other people that make us mature and there are young people
who are very mature and other old people who are immature, so I think it depends on each
person. so it is very nice to feel loved and How do you know that you are in love?
Domenica: yes, maturity does not depend on age... good question... usually when I'm in love
Ican't stop thinking about that person and all the things we can do together, travel, eat or
watch a movie, I also like to talk to that person about plans for the future like for example get
married. At what age do you want to get married? Why?
Dayana: Maybe it would be at thirty years old because I think that first I would like to feel
fulfilled with myself and we would have a lot of time to share with my partner and get an idea
of ​what our relationship would be like when we are married. You think Is getting married
giving up freedom?
Domenica: no, I don't think that getting married is giving up freedom... because the objective
of having a partner for life is to help each other to achieve the goals and dreams of each
one, that is why communication in the relationships is very important. and meet the feelings
of the other person yourself well before taking that step. Or for you What is the most
important -appearance or character?
Dayana:I think that character is the way we react to situations correctly or incorrectly, and it
is important to work on it since we will always come across a character that is different from
our own. Have you ever been on a blind date?
Domenica: We are generally attracted to opposite poles!!... Yes, I have been only one blind
date in my entire life and I didn't like it... because I met a boy who was nothing like what I
had in mind, from that day on I decided never to do it again, the best dates are the ones that
are they plan between two people who have already seen each other. changing the subject
what is the wedding ceremony like in your country?
Dayana:In Ecuador the weddings are very beautiful, ecclesiastical weddings are generally
large, the bride wears a large white dress and the groom a black suit, while the ladies are
accompanied by their gentlemen. You think Can a single person be as happy as a married
Domenica: yes, of course I think that a single person can be as happy as a married person, not
all of us have the same dreams, some people are happy when they are alone and do not have
a partner while others are very happy having someone who loves them by their side. It all
depends on each person's personality and we must respect everyone's decisions.The last
question!!what is you idea of ​a perfect date, describe it?
Dayana:A perfect date for me would be at an amusement park or an excursion, where all the
conversation is informal and we can talk without fear, we can laugh, talk about what we like
and makes us feel happy,so we would have more trust with each other.
Domenica: I agree with you, the best dates are in places where you can enjoy with the other
person. See you tomorrow Dayana
Dayana: Bay!! please ,take care of yourself.

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