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Study Hall

When I became the new long-term sub, it also came with some other duties as well.
One of those was running middle school study hall. This school has a four day week
(Tuesday-Friday), and we have study hall 2 days of that week. If middle school students were
on the low and failing list and did not have a pass from their teacher, then instead of P.E., they
will come to study hall to get help bringing up their grades. This was a challenge for me as well
because I only know English! Having to help students who were working on science and math
was challenging, and still is. However, it is a great opportunity to get to know some of the
students and their learning habits, which allows me to better understand and support them in

Response to Intervention (RTI)

My mentor teacher is a part of the RTI (Response to Intervention) committee, which

provided me the opportunity to attend as well. Before I started student teaching, I did not even
know what RTI was. Now I see how important it is and the impact that it has. It makes me
appreciate my own high school experience more because, this being the school that I was once
a student at myself, I am now able to see the hard work that staff put into not only the academic
success of their students, but emotional wellbeing.

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