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Licenciatura en Administración de

Empresas Publicas

Modalidad Virtual

Actividad 3

Nombre: Carlos Ivan Fernandez Elvira

Catedrático: Stephany Sophia González Dominguez

Materia: Ingles II 3er


Guadalajara, Jalisco

Modalidad Virtual

Actividad 3

Nombre: Carlos Ivan Fernandez Elvira

Catedrático: Stephany Sophia González Dominguez

Materia: Ingles II 2er


Guadalajara, Jalisco

Actividad 1

1. She is going to have her hair cut at the new hairdresser’s.

2. I need to get someone to fix the leak in the kitchen.
3. The school should have someone to replace the broken window.
4. I had my car serviced after the accident.
5. She got her purse stolen on the bus yesterday.
6. He’s 35 but he still gets his family to pay this bills
7. I need to have my eyes checked.
8. He burgled his flat while he was abroad.
9. It took me a long time to get somebody to answer my question.
10. I didn’t have any money, so I painted my flat myself.

Actividad 2

a) I live in a house; The house has big windows.

I live in a house that has big windows.

b) I forgot something, He told me something.

He told me something that I forgot.

c) I can’t recognize someone. Someone is calling.

Someone who I can’t recognize is calling.

d) There was a baby in the park. The baby was very cute.

There was a baby in the park that was very cute.

e) We watched a movie. The movie is the best I’ve seen this year.

We watched a movie that is the best I’ve seen this year.

Actividad 3

1. We can’t leave it like this, we need to get rid of the body.

2. This was my uncle’s house. He just passed away.

3. I just sing up for a spinning class with my friends!

4. The movie was about a guy who turns into a giant monster because of a curse.

5. There are some things we need to discuss first. We should call off the meeting.

Actividad 4

1. There is a new shop in the Shopping center.

2. It was very sunny yesterday but today it’s raining.

3. Let’s go. It’s so late!

4. I thought my mum would be at home, but there wasn’t anybody.

5. I don’t like american coffee. It´s so strong for me.

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