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Level V

Professor: David Bonilla

Student: Sandra Felicelli

Writing: Good advice

Read a problem on a website. Write an answer giving advice
Post your problems here and you’ll get advice from all over world.

My best friend Anna has gone away on holiday for two weeks and I’m looking after her cat. Yesterday I
couldn’t find the cat anywhere. My friend is coming home in three days. I’m desperate. Should I phone her how
and tell her? What should I do?

 I think you should keep calm. Although it is a very stressful situation for you, the truth is that there are
some cats that often run away from the house. You shouldn't feel guilty. Think that the cat is simply
following its instincts. But being an animal used to living at home, it is most likely that it will come back
when it is hungry or sleepy. So, I think you shouldn't despair, you should try to stay calm. I don’t think
you should call your friend yet. You have three days to implement various actions that could help you
find the animal or make it return to the house before worrying your friend who is on holiday.
 The first thing you should do is look for it very well around the house. It would not be the first time
that someone believes that the animal has escaped and, in fact, is sleeping peacefully inside a closet.
So, look for it around the house to make sure it is not hidden in some corner.
 If you are already sure that it is not in the house, you should start looking for it outside. You can go out
with the can that he always eats. While you are on the street, you should look up (trees, streetlights,
windows, etc.) but also down (under cars, between bushes, etc.) because the cat can be hidden and if
you call it by its name and with its favorite food, it will be easier for him to leave where he is and come
to you.
 Why don’t you make posters with the cat’s photo, its name, and your phone number to distribute on
the street? You can also use the Internet and social networks. Also don't forget to call the nearby
animal shelters, maybe someone has taken him there. Neighbors are also very helpful; you should ask
them if they have seen it. It is highly recommended that everyone knows so that you can find it as soon
as possible.
 If after all this the cat is still missing, I think you should call your friend and explain what is happening.
She will understand you and will give you suggestions about where her cat can be since it is surely not
the first time she has disappeared from the house.
 If your friend also doesn’t know where her cat might be and says that he has never done this before,
then I think you are in trouble. 

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