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Direct questions or comments to me sweetremiks@tumblr

Special thanks go to Jordon (pseudosuicide@tumblr) for editing at the speed of light☆


KAMIGAMI NO ASOBI – Takeru Chapter 1

TITLE: A Serious Match


After the sports festival, I distributed rooms to each club. Once the general distribution was done, I
saved the last room for Takeru just in case. But even so, Takeru wasn’t a member of any club, and I
had no idea when he might use it.

THOTH: Hey, you. So you were here. I presume your work is done now?

Thoth walked in front of me with a stern expression on his face.

YUI: Yes. I distributed the clubrooms without any problems, and the club members have started
their own preparations.

THOTH: I see. That’s good. I have business with you. Come.

Without waiting for my answer, Thoth began to walk away. Not wanting to be left behind, I
hurried after him. I wonder what he wants to tell me.


The library was wrapped in silence when I entered. I was made to sit down, and Thoth took a seat
facing me. I had a feeling that it was serious, and my nervousness grew.

THOTH: Zeus has released grade reports for all students. He told me to pass them on to you.

YUI: Grade… reports? Our grades are out already?

THOTH: Yes. Though they are only predictions at this moment. It appears that everyone can safely

THOTH: Besides the good-for-nothing.

I was relieved, but something Thoth said left me confused.

YUI: Uh, “good-for-nothing”…?

THOTH: Totsuka Takeru. That good-for-nothing is the only one who will not cross the passing line.
Thoth looked disgusted, as if he had already given up on Takeru. At this rate, Takeru might be the
only one who won’t be able to graduate.

THOTH: Well, that’s imaginable. He doesn’t show up to class enough. He’s basically a failure.

YUI: But…


>I don’t think that’s true

>He might actually be a failure
>He just doesn’t have any motivation

CHOOSE: I don’t think that’s true

YUI: I don’t think he’s a failure.

Maybe he just hadn’t opened up yet, and he was actually pretty serious. I sensed that from his
performance in the sports festival.

THOTH: If you honestly think that, then you’re also considerably stupid.

Thoth’s cold words shot through my chest.

CHOOSE: He might actually be a failure

YUI: Looking at just his actions, he could seem like a failure.

YUI: But we don’t really understand each other yet, and if we could, then that might be different.

Even Takeru must want to graduate. I believe he can work hard for that sake.

THOTH: Ah. Enthusiasm seems to be enough for you. I don’t know if you can set that good-for-
nothing straight, but try struggling with it.

I looked back at Thoth, who sounded amused, and I nodded deeply.

CHOOSE: He just doesn’t have any motivation

YUI: Maybe he just doesn’t have any motivation…

THOTH: Isn’t that what a failure is? Are you stupid?

YUI: That might be true, but there must be a reason for it.

Thoth ignored me as if he didn’t even hear what I said.

(choices converge here)

THOTH: That will be all. You will think of a way to raise that good-for-nothing’s grades.

YUI: Yes…
Following Thoth’s lead, I stood up. I need to think more seriously about Takeru’s situation. Let’s
start by at least getting him to join a club.


YUI: Huh?

I went out into the hallway and looked out the window, but what I saw made me feel uneasy. At
some point, the leaves on the trees outside had turned a deep red. They were a splendid crimson,
enough that one look could tell me it was autumn outside.

YUI: I thought it was spring…?

THOTH: Spring just changed to autumn. You can see that, right?

Thoth’s curt reply left me confused.

YUI: Um… Isn’t summer after spring?

THOTH: Zeus rolls a die to decide the season. There are no natural rules.

A die… Maybe that was actually fitting for a god.


After parting with Thoth, I headed for the field to look for Takeru. When I was walking along the
hallway, I saw Takeru come out into the field. Now that it was autumn, the air was chilly. But even
in this weather, Takeru was working out the same way he did before.

I wonder if he’s always liked to exercise. I knew from the way he carried himself during the sports
festival that he was good at sports. If I could capture that interest, maybe he would be more
excited about club activities.

YUI: Takeru-san.


Takeru stopped in the middle of doing sit-ups. I was a little relieved he responded to me. Just a
little while ago, he might have completely ignored me.

YUI: I’ve been looking around for you. I want to renew our conversation about club activities.

I need to pull myself together… but even as I thought that, my hands were trembling in
nervousness. The atmosphere completely changed when I was alone with him, like the air
suddenly became heavy.


Takeru wordlessly stood up, turned away as if he didn’t hear me, and began to walk away. I knew I
shouldn’t start thinking he was too hard to deal with, but I didn’t know if should call out to him or
not. Remembering that exchange with Loki, I knew that, as a human, I had no way of opposing
him. Takeru passed right by me and headed for the exit. I need to do something…


>Pull him back

>Chase after him
>Persuade him

CHOOSE: Pull him back

YUI: Takeru-san, please wait!

I instinctively grabbed his arm.


Maybe my action had surprised him, but Takeru responded with a slight twitch.

YUI: I came here to talk with you, Takeru-san. So please wait. I want you to listen to what I have to


Takeru opened his mouth as if to say something. But after hesitating for a moment, he closed his
mouth again and wrested his arm out of my grasp.

CHOOSE: Chase after him

YUI: Takeru-san! Don’t just leave it like that.


Takeru didn’t stop for me. He didn’t even turn around.

CHOOSE: Persuade him

YUI: Um, please listen to what I have to say! I’m begging you! Please enter a club, Takeru-san!


Takeru turned his head slightly and glared at me, a scary look in his eyes.

(choices converge here)

YUI: Ah…

In the end, he left without hearing what I had to say.

YUI: I’m so scared, what should I do?

I asked myself that. I knew I needed to do something, but I just couldn’t shorten the distance
between us. As if sensing my fear, Takeru didn’t seem to want to approach me either. At this rate,
he won’t be able to graduate. That means I won’t be able to return to my world.


All I could think about was how I could get closer to Takeru. After the incident with Loki, I got the
sense that Takeru was intentionally avoiding everyone around him. But, he was so enthusiastic
during the sports festival, and he even responded to me when I talked to him. It seemed like he
felt close to Hades and his brother Tsukito… But he was even interacting normally with Loki after
the festival. He wasn’t completely isolating himself. But still, what should I do…

MELISSA: You look down, Kutanagi. Are you worrying about something?

YUI: I guess you could say that…

I hesitated, unsure how to answer.

MELISSA: Hm? What, is it about love? Are you having trouble in the romance department? You can
talk to me about it.

In this situation, who exactly was in love with who? I didn’t think he’d answer like that, so I was a
little taken aback.

YUI: No, that’s not it. I was worrying about… Takeru-san.

Maybe I’d feel better if I talked about it with someone instead of worrying by myself. Thinking
that, I discussed it with Melissa-san.

MELISSA: So you were worrying about a boy! So you like Takeru, huh…

YUI: Like I said, that’s not it.

No matter what, it seemed like Melissa wanted to talk about love.

YUI: I don’t know anything about that.

MELISSA: You’re really losing out. Isn’t falling in love what young maidens do?

YUI: Haa… But that kind of thing doesn’t just happen.

MELISSA: Mm… well, whatever. You’ll know when the time comes.

MELISSA: For this kind of thing, even if you decide you want it, you might not be able to do
anything. If it gets to that point, come talk with me!

Melissa thumped his chest with his little cloth hand. He was so small, but his reliability was really

YUI: Yes, thank you very much.

MELISSA: So, what’s causing you distress? If you can talk about it, try me.

YUI: I’m worried about Takeru-san’s grades.

YUI: It would be hard for him to graduate like this, so I want to get him more interested in the

YUI: He seems to like exercising, so I wanted him to join a club, but it’s not going well…

MELISSA: I see. But if you already know that much, all that’s left is your attack.

YUI: But if I’m too persistent, wouldn’t he start to hate me?

Even today, he ignored me.

MELISSA: But you can still talk to him, right? As long as you can see him, there’s hope.

YUI: Eh, I guess. When he’s not in the classroom, it seems like he’s usually on the roof.

MELISSA: Right, that’s it. If he was really avoiding you, he’d change where he hangs out.

YUI: That’s true…

MELISSA: So if he doesn’t move, then… don’t you think that somewhere in his mind, he wants to
be found?

I didn’t know if it was good to interpret it that way, but he should be able to leave the school
grounds if he wanted. So, since he hasn’t, he might still be interested in school.

MELISSA: It’s hard to change something right away. And besides, you still don’t know much about

MELISSA: It’s important not to rush things. The rest is just a question of whether or not you can
believe that guy will change.

If I gave up, everything would end there. To avoid that, it was important to believe in him.

YUI: Got it. Right now, the only thing I can do is try, right?

MELISSA: Yeah! Don’t get discouraged! He’ll come around someday.

I sensed an ulterior motive in Melissa’s words, but I felt that I was going in the right direction. Until
Takeru opens up to me, I won’t give up. I decided that I wouldn’t be discouraged, no matter how
many times he ignored me.


The next morning, I stepped out into the hallway and immediately saw Takeru there.

YUI: Ah, Takeru-san!


YUI: Um…

Takeru glanced briefly at me before turning and walking away. He ignored me again.

YUI: Please wait, Takeru-san. Let’s go together!

We were headed toward the same place, so I frantically chased after him. Takeru went right into
the classroom instead of skipping.

YUI: Good morning, Takeru-san.


I tried to greet him again, but he didn’t reply. It seemed like he had no intention of talking to me.
Since he was attending class, I decided to leave him alone for now. After bowing to Takeru, I went
over to my seat.

Morning classes ended, and lunch break began. I saw Takeru leaving the classroom, so I stood up
too. Was he going to the roof again?


I bought a bento at the student store and went up to the roof.

TAKERU: …Haa… Haa…

Takeru wasn’t eating. Instead, he was doing some muscle training. It didn’t look like he’d even
started to eat. Was he planning to spend his whole lunch break doing this?

YUI: Um… Takeru-san, are you going to eat lunch?

TAKERU: …Haa… Haa… Hah… Hff…

…Once again, he ignored me. He was treating me like I was invisible. Of course I was shocked, but I
remembered Melissa’s words from yesterday.

YUI: Takeru-san, if it’s alright, could we eat together?

Gathering up my courage, I talked to him again.

YUI: The inari bento at the store is really popular. It’s Japanese food, so I think you would like it,

I just thought he would like it because he was a Japanese god. I took out the inari sushi and placed
it in the lid of the bento box.

YUI: Here, go ahead. Please have some.

I held out the sushi to Takeru, but he wouldn’t even look my way.

TAKERU: …I don’t need it.

YUI: But meals are just as important as exercise.

TAKERU: Mind your own business. Don’t worry about me.

I thought my heart would break at his cold words, but I endured it and continued on.

YUI: But it seems like you don’t eat when you’re alone, Takeru-san.


YUI: How about just one bite? You won’t grow stronger if you don’t…

TAKERU: I said I don’t need it!

YUI: Ah.

Takeru slapped my hand away, and in that instant, the bento fell to the ground.

YUI: The bento…

The inari sushi was cruelly scattered everywhere. It wasn’t edible anymore.


A panicked expression arose on his face for an instant, but he soon made a sour face and turned
his head to the side. He looked upset somehow. When I saw his expression, I felt that the incident
just now wasn’t entirely on purpose.

TAKERU: Don’t worry about me. …Go over there.

It was awfully painful to see him stubbornly push me away.

What… should I do…?


>Check how he’s feeling

>Keep talking
>Obediently step down

CHOOSE: Check how he’s feeling

I couldn’t just leave him, so I peeked over at him.

YUI: …

Takeru didn’t look at me. It was like a test of endurance between us.

CHOOSE: Keep talking

YUI: I won’t move until you understand, Takeru-san.

Though he told me not to concern myself with him, I just couldn’t give up. If I backed down here, I
wouldn’t be able to move forward.

TAKERU: …You’re pretty stubborn for a weed.

Takeru let out a vacant whisper.

YUI: I’ll be a weed even you can acknowledge, Takeru-san.

I was happy that he responded to me, and my chest felt lighter.

TAKERU: …Just go already. Leave me alone.

CHOOSE: Obediently step down

YUI: …Fine.

Realizing that pushing him further was useless, I stepped down.

(choices converge here)

YUI: Um… I’m sorry for pushing the bento on you.

I bowed my head to Takeru and cleaned up the inari sushi that had fallen to the ground.

YUI: Excuse me.

Takeru never turned around. I faced my back to him and began to walk.



The day’s classes ended and extracurricular hours began. The students all headed for their
respective clubs. I stood up from my seat, determined to persuade Takeru. I still felt a little
depressed after the incident during lunch break. I went to search for Takeru, who had already left
the classroom.

I headed for the roof, as always. He actually wants someone to find him… I reflected on Melissa’s
words. Praying that he was right, I hurried down the hallway.


When I opened the door to the roof, I saw Takeru there. He wasn’t doing muscle training this time.
Instead, he was practicing swinging a long, narrow stick, as if it was a sword.
TAKERU: 550… 551… 552…

How many times was he planning to do this…? I was taken aback, but at the same time, I really
admired him. If he could do something like this, then he should be able to put that enthusiasm
into a club. Is there some kind of club Takeru would be interested in?

TAKERU: ...553… 554… 555… 556…

He stood up straight and dignified, swinging with intense concentration. I was captivated. Sword…
Swinging… That’s it. There’s an activity that would suit Takeru perfectly.

YUI: Takeru-san, please listen!

Maybe because I’d suddenly let out a loud voice, Takeru’s movements halted.

TAKERU: Calm down. I know you’re there without you yelling.

I was surprised that he actually answered me. Though he still had his usual sour expression.

YUI: If you’re putting so much effort into building up strength now, why don’t you do that for a
club activity?

TAKERU: That again? You’re so stubborn… Give it up already.

TAKERU: I hate it when I’m forced to do something.

YUI: But you need to understand humans if you’re going to graduate.

TAKERU: Tch… And what about it?

TAKERU: Isn’t that just you? You’re just thinking about your own gains.

YUI: Of course I want to go back to my world, but at this rate, you won’t be able to return either,
you know?

TAKERU: I don’t really care. There isn’t a place I belong anywhere.

I was surprised at his words. There was a reason he pushed people away, and it was a pretty
deeply ingrained issue, too. He might need his own reason to start doing club activities.

YUI: There’s always a place you belong. You just have to make one.


YUI: It seems like you enjoy exercising, so an athletic club would be a good choice.

YUI: I saw your practice swings earlier. I think a kendo club would be perfect for you.
I didn’t know a lot about kendo1, but the movements and posture of swinging a sword were
familiar to me.

TAKERU: Kendo club…? What’s that?

YUI: Kendo is a modern martial art from Japan. It’s a sport where people fight with bamboo

TAKERU: …Hmm? They have something like that?

It seemed like I’d somehow captured his interest. But he probably wouldn’t enter the club that
easily. I searched my mind for a way to make a reason for him to join.

YUI: Takeru-san, please have a match with me.

TAKERU: …A match?

YUI: Yes. If I win, you’ll join the kendo club.

It was a little reckless, but when I saw Takeru at the sports festival… I thought he might go along
with me if I did this. Besides, if I didn’t get him now, he might run away from me again.

TAKERU: …So you can use a sword? Even though you’re a weed?

With an expression of disbelief, Takeru snorted.

YUI: I’ve been doing iai since I was young. I’m familiar with swords.

It wasn’t a competitive activity like kendo, but it was good spiritual training.

YUI: Take a look at this.

I touched Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, which was hanging around my neck as a pendant. Its

form changed instantly, and I grasped the profoundly heavy sword in my hand. Actions would
convey more to Takeru than words. I took position and steadied my breathing.

TAKERU: Hmph… that’s cool. Alright, I’ll have a match with you.

Takeru held his breath in surprise as he watched me. Then, his mouth turned up, and he smiled. I
felt something similar to murderous intent coming from him. I’d somehow captured his interest,
but the real match started now.


We moved from the room to the auditorium and looked for the equipment storage. Inside was a
full array of different kinds of sports equipment. I found a bamboo sword and handed it to Takeru.

Dictionary entry: KENDO (common definition) A one-on-one competitive sport using bamboo swords. Long
ago, it was done with the intention of killing the opponent, but in modern times, it is enjoyed by people of
all ages.
YUI: This is the kind of sword used in kendo.

TAKERU: This is a weird sword. Instead of cutting, you fight by hitting the opponent?

Takeru looked closely at the sword, checking its weight and feel.

YUI: You slash, and thrust… things like that.

To be honest, I didn’t know a whole lot about kendo. It was a separate thing from iai. It was also a
little different from the fencing Takeru was doing, so the both of us would be fighting as beginners.

YUI: You can only legally hit three places: the head, the wrist, and the torso.

YUI: There might be others, but let’s leave it at that for now.

I explained, drawing from the sparse knowledge I had. I think, in kendo, it’s best out of three…

YUI: Uh… let’s have three bouts, and the first person who wins two will win the whole match.

TAKERU: Three bouts? Don’t be stupid.

TAKERU: Just one. That’ll decide everything.

It wasn’t a basic kendo posture, but having the tip of the sword pointed at me sent a shiver up my
spine. What vitality... Takeru wasn’t planning to hold back. This was a serious match.

YUI: Just… one?

TAKERU: A real fight is kill or be killed. You don’t need three bouts.

In other words, victory would be decided with one single hit. What should I do…?


>Are you serious?

>I’ll fight with all my strength
>Got it

CHOOSE: Are you serious?

YUI: Are you serious?

TAKERU: Do you think I’d joke about this? Don’t underestimate me…

I think I might have just added fuel to the fire.

CHOOSE: I’ll fight with all my strength

YUI: I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’ll fight will all my strength.

TAKERU: Hmph, bring it on. The winner will be me. Try not to regret what you said.
Takeru looked like he was enjoying himself. I need to prepare myself for the challenge too…

CHOOSE: Got it

YUI: Got it. I don’t mind, if that’s fine with you, Takeru-san.

TAKERU: Then it’s decided. I’ll end this quickly.

(choices converge here)

We stood a certain distance apart and faced each other, taking a stance with the sword.

TAKERU: It’s not fair to have a normal match with a weed. You’re a girl, too.

TAKERU: It has nothing to do with the rules, but if you can touch me anywhere at all, even a little,
it’s your win.

Takeru offered me a handicap. I would win if my sword touched him anywhere. It was a bold

YUI: Are you alright with that? If so, I’ll gladly take it.

My pride had nothing to do with this. It was more important to get him to participate in activities. I
took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

YUI: Begin!

At my signal, the match began. Takeru immediately swung downward, his sword making an air-
splitting sound.

YUI: …!

He’s so fast… And his attack was very strong. When I received it, a dull shock coursed through both
of my arms.

TAKERU: And I thought it’d be over with just one attack. Even though you’re a weed, you can stop
one of my attacks. You’re pretty good.

In a flash, the next attack was flying toward me.

YUI: …Ngh… Agh…

I just barely managed to stop it, but I couldn’t withstand the sheer weight of the attack, and I was
forced to step backwards. If I had taken that attack straight on, my arms would have broken. It was
too naïve to think that I could pull something together with my iai experience.

TAKERU: You sure like to run away. You’ll never win against me like that.

I had my hands full just stopping and avoiding Takeru’s string of attacks. There was no opportunity
for me to attack. But Takeru was still testing out his strength, and he could already see openings.
If this was a serious fight, I probably would have lost immediately. He was so strong… Takeru’s skill
stretched far beyond my imagination.


I escaped within an inch of Takeru’s bamboo sword. He swung so hard, the end of his sword struck
the ground.

YUI: Wha…

The ground sunk under the air pressure from his swing and the force of the attack itself. He had
some crazy destructive power…

TAKERU: What’s wrong…? Still avoiding me? Just a little more and I could bring you down. Get up
and fight like a man.

I didn’t know if he was provoking me or if those were his true feelings, but he looked incredibly
intense. Judging from our actual level of ability, it wasn’t necessarily a joke.

YUI: I… won’t lose! I will definitely win!

I felt like shrinking away from him, but I stood my ground.

YUI: I want to learn things together with you, Takeru-san!


YUI: So… So… I don’t want to give up!

At first, I had only been thinking about graduation, but right now, it was different. I wanted to
know more about Takeru. I wanted to get closer to him. I even thought it was strange, considering
how coldly he treated me, but I was interested in Takeru himself.

TAKERU: Then, how about this? Hah!

I stopped his next attack right in front of me.

YUI: Gh…

I withstood the attack, tensing my legs, though it felt like I would be crushed under its weight. But I
was exhausted from the endless defensive battle, and I staggered.

YUI: Ah…!

My feet slipped, and I lost my balance. Oh no…! There was no way Takeru would miss this opening
I gave him. I prepared myself to be hit by the next attack, but Takeru stood there, unmoving, with
his sword ready.

Was he actually not prepared for that? If that was the case… then now might be my chance.
Before this moment for victory could slip away, I swung my sword in a large arc. This is it…!

YUI: Ah!

But, the attack I threw with all my might was nimbly evaded…

TAKERU: …Too soft!

YUI: !!!

I turned, and the very tip of his bamboo sword was pointed right at my nose.

TAKERU: Not aiming for an opening is a technique. A mistimed attack actually creates a huge
opening for yourself.

He didn’t attack me directly, but I could feel the overwhelming difference in our skill after his
elegant counterattack. I lowered my sword in defeat.

YUI: It’s… my loss…

It wasn’t that he was unprepared. I had actually invited his attack… Takeru was leagues ahead of
me in skill. My last option for getting Takeru to join a kendo club was gone. What do I do from now
on? I sighed, and my shoulders slumped.

TAKERU: It’s too soon to give up…

YUI: Huh…?

I didn’t really understand what he meant. What was he talking about?

TAKERU: You’re pretty good for girl, to be able to wound me.

YUI: Wound?

I… wounded Takeru somewhere? He showed me a place on his cheek, right next to his ear. There
was a tiny scratch.

TAKERU: I still need training, if I can’t evade an attack from someone like you.

Takeru slouched and sighed.

YUI: Could it be that my attack… hit you, Takeru-san?

I probably got him as he was avoiding that last attack. It just didn’t feel like I got him at all.

TAKERU: It didn’t hit me. Don’t get so carried away. You seriously just grazed me.

YUI: Grazed… Are you serious?!

TAKERU: How many times do I have to say it? I just said that’s what happened.
YUI: So…

Because he gave me that handicap, it was my victory. But, looking at the actual results, it was
almost a complete loss. Taking in that reality, I…

YUI: Please teach me. I want you to teach me how to use a sword, Takeru-san.


YUI: I was moved by your strength. I genuinely want you to teach me.

TAKERU: T-Teach… You mean me?

YUI: Yes. Please!

I bowed my head deeply. If he hadn’t told me about the scratch on his cheek, I wouldn’t have
known. If he really didn’t want this, he could have just kept silent, but he decided to tell me. I felt
happy. It was like I caught a very short glimpse of his true self.

TAKERU: Tch… raise your head! I got it already.

TAKERU: Tomorrow, 6 AM, at the field. I have no choice, so I’ll help you out.

YUI: What?! Is it really okay?

TAKERU: If I refused, you’d just keep nagging me. Might as well while I’m at it. I’m not doing this
for you.

YUI: While you’re at it… you always do this?

TAKERU: Yeah, otherwise I’ll get weaker. Besides, it’s easier with a partner.

It was definitely easier to practice swords with a partner. I thought he was a slacker, so I couldn’t
hide my surprise at this unexpected side of him. Almost no one at this school would get up that
early to exercise. His enthusiasm toward his favorite things might be even stronger than normal

TAKERU: See you. Don’t be late.

TAKERU: Oh, and… be careful. If you go any further, you’ll run into those.

Takeru glanced behind me and said this. Be careful…? I followed his gaze and turned around. All
the equipment for the other athletics clubs was strewn around chaotically. Absorbed in our fight, I
didn’t notice that they’d moved around a lot.

Ah… Could this be…? Could this be why Takeru didn’t attack me back there? If he’d attacked me
then, I would have fallen into all this stuff. Among the various items that had been taken out of the
storage… There were a lot of things that looked like they would hurt if you fell on them. So Takeru
didn’t attack me…
YUI: Takeru-san, thank… Ah…

His unexpected kindness went straight to my heart. But when I turned around to thank him, he
was already gone. When I looked around, I just barely caught a glimpse of his back as he left the
auditorium. I stood there for a while, seeing him off. It might have been only a little, but I was
happy that I closed some of the distance between Takeru and me.


The next morning, I hurriedly got ready and headed for the field, shivering in the chilly morning air.
I had planned to arrive a little earlier, but Takeru was already there.

TAKERU: Looks like you’re not late.

YUI: Good morning. I’m sorry. I’ll come earlier next time.

YUI: So what should we start with?

Takeru said he would teach me how to use a sword, but he wasn’t holding anything in his hands.

TAKERU: First is conditioning. You don’t have enough stamina. All stances and techniques start
with that.

YUI: Yes!

Following Takeru’s direction, I stretched and then started running some laps. It was just
straightforward, repetitive work, but the basics are important in sports. I spent my time with him
like this, still surprised at his serious coaching.

TAKERU: Okay… Haa… Haa… Let’s take a break.

He sat down on the ground to catch his breath.

YUI: …Haa… Y-Yes. Haa… Haa…

I sat next to him and took a deep breath. A comfortable fatigue fell over my body, and I felt an
indescribable refreshing feeling. What is this sensation? It was like we became one as we did the
same thing together. With a strange sense of unity, I continued to think it over.

YUI: …Ah!

TAKERU: What’s up?

YUI: Sorry, it’s nothing.

Getting up early to practice and improve our skills… Isn’t this already like a club activity? That’s
what I thought, but I gave up actually saying it. I didn’t want to push Takeru away after he finally
started making an effort to move forward. I’ll just let everything flow naturally.

TAKERU: You’re so weird.

He snorted, looking amazed. But the harshness from before was now gone from his voice.

TAKERU: Hey... It’d be okay to do that kendo thing. Seems like it’d be useful to build up some
technique, too.

YUI: Really?!

TAKERU: Yeah, I’ll be teaching you the art of the sword. In exchange, you can teach me kendo.

YUI: Got it! I don’t know much about it, so I’ll go do some research.

TAKERU: Yeah, thanks. It was nice to have a good fight after so long.

TAKERU: I guess I really do like sword fighting.

When I looked at his profile, he seemed livelier than I’d ever seen him. I felt happy knowing that
I’d gotten to know Takeru a little better. I grinned widely.

YUI: …So, Takeru-san, that means you’ll join the kendo club?

I confirmed with him, just in case.

TAKERU: Huh? Why that? I’m not talking about that.

YUI: But… Looking at the situation, it’s really not all that different from regular club activities... I

TAKERU: Uh… Is… Is that so?

YUI: Yes. It involves pushing each other to improve while working toward a single goal.

YUI: I think this could be recognized as a club activity.

TAKERU: I-I don’t know anything about humans, okay? If you wanna think that, then go ahead.

He mumbled, a sour expression on his face. I guess this was his way of saying he was okay with it.



>Get fired up
>I’m relying on you
>Express gratitude

CHOOSE: Get fired up

YUI: Yes!! Takeru-san, let’s work hard together from now on!

TAKERU: You’re exaggerating. …If you have the time to celebrate, you can do special training
He averted his eyes, looking a little embarrassed.

CHOOSE: I’m relying on you

YUI: I feel like I can rely on you, Takeru-san. And I want to be helpful to you too.

TAKERU: I’ll be expecting as much. We’ll be teaching each other, after all.

CHOOSE: Express gratitude

YUI: Takeru-san, thank you very much! I’m really looking forward to it, too!

TAKERU: …I’m not really doing anything that needs thanks.

(choices converge here)

Takeru stood up smoothly and brushed the dirt off his clothing.

TAKERU: Okay, break is over! Don’t just sit there. We’re moving on, Kusanagi.

When I heard his voice, my eyes opened wide. Did he just… call me “Kusanagi”? Not “you” or
“weed”… this is the first time he’s called me by my name. My chest felt warm with joy just hearing

YUI: Yes…! I’m coming!

I jumped off the ground and started to run. I ran alongside Takeru on the morning field, breathing
heavily. I finally felt that I’d taken a step forward. I had a feeling that Takeru would seriously
devote himself to kendo activities. Takeru’s school life had begun at last.

NEW CHAPTER: Takeru Chapter 2 – “Transient Waters”

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